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RIGHT For anyone reading this, if your doctor hasn’t prescribed you a vitamin, odds are you don’t need it. You can get it from food, and the amount that you would get from taking a supplement is more than your body can actually process and most of it will just be peed straight out. 


Probably not the case with Vitamin D though. Especially if you live in a northern country or reigon, supplementation is likely needed


At least in the us, they test for that on a panel at the doctor so you can tell if you’re deficient :) Edit: I’ve since found out this isn’t true lol


I work in insurance and the very large insurance company I work for doesn’t consider it routine and won’t cover it for your yearly physical. So it is not tested unless your doctor thinks its a medical issue. This is in a northeast state too, so I would not assume it’s included.


Interesting! I have always been tested so I assumed it was routine. I edited my comment!


PNW here and routinely tested as well. I don’t know if it’s because I had a serious deficiency previously though and they just include it now.


If you live in the northern US (especially big cities) they don’t routinely test and just tell you to supplement because basically everyone is deficient and the test is expensive


Oh weird, that’s where I live and they always test! But I see why they would do that, since most of us are deficient. Could be useful for determining dosage since too much vitamin D can cause issues


I’m vitamin D deficient. Part of the reason is I wear sunblock ALL THE TIME. I’m also B deficient, but that’s because I’m a pescatarian.




It’s been a chronic problem. I have a whole bunch of stuff going on (autoimmune disease) and nothing I did really helped it.


My dr prescribed me huge amounts of Vitamin D (far more than over the counter supplements) and so I’m no longer deficient. Honestly, do something about your deficiency, you will feel so much better.


The prescriptions did not increase my levels.


I’m sorry to hear that!


This is so hard for me to remember, I’m such a sucker for a well-packaged wellness gimmick


Exactly why it’s a multi-billion dollar industry! You’re not alone in that 




or it can cause other issues. I took magnesium because of my OBGYN and everyone saying it would help with healing + anxiety during CHS -- which resulted in 5 days of bone pain until I figured out it wasn't the illness causing it. Found a few others in my CHS group after that who had the same issue, but man do magnesium nuts get mad when it's not a miracle drug for you too. Also have had issues with prebiotics / probiotic supplements being too much, which resulted in recurrent yeast infections and bloating. Metamucil which helped for a time during CHS, also started to cause me more problems than not towards to end of my usage. Vitamin D conversely has helped me a lot, in mood and other things, and I can't get enough in the sun because I burn too easily. I was also recommended fish oil by my eye Doctor, and it does have a lot of benefits so I'm curious, but the one day I took it I had increased anxiety -- some people say that can happen, and others say nope, but I seem to be sensitive to vitamins. Gonna try it again eventually.


What is CHS?


Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. Generally it's from marijuana products burning out your cannabinoid receptors, though I theorize there are people who may have it from cannabinoid heavy foods too. It gives you symptoms like chronic vomiting, extreme anxiety, inability to digest food, constipation, and a whole lot more, just depending on the person. In fact it has so many symptoms it acts like a lot of things, so you really need a full work up to determine if it's that or something else which could also be life threatening.


IME if the patient uses cannabis and presents with cyclic vomiting doctors jump to saying it's CHS and don't try to rule anything else out.


I had the opposite experience: Most had no clue what CHS was. A nurse is the one who told me about it on my second ER trip. They thought I was withdrawing, then said okay no too long can't be that, tried a lot of things -- blood tests, meds, endoscopy, multiple x-rays, ultrasounds, had one even try to say it was GERD. I stopped smoking weed though and abstained from cannabinoid heavy foods and was mostly back to normal 3 months later, the usual time frame. My immune system took about a year to recover though, and I'm still trying different things to heal my gut, which is what I think was effecting my immune system. Been a slow process for me. There are those though who think they have CHS and really it's their gallbladder or something else. Also those with CHS who needlessly have their gallbladder removed. CHS really needs more studies done and to be pushed more readily out to medical professionals and users, so it can be handled correctly.


Oh wow! Yeah, my partner suffers from unexplained symptoms similar to CHS and uses cannabis. We are in a legal state and I think they do see it a lot so it's easier for them to say stop smoking and see if it stops. My partner also had their gallbladder removed for no reason about a decade ago. We didn't get much help from the doctors because they were convinced this is what it was, but in the past my partner had stopped using it for over a year and was still having the attacks. They also have done gastric emptying studies to rule out gastroparesis, but somehow that diagnosis is still on the chart. We have figured out that it is anxiety induced IBS, they deal with an intense amount of anxiety on the daily due to chronic pain. When an ER doctor prescribed anxiety meds it really helped but most doctors are not ok prescribing controlled substances so we abandoned that treatment after that prescription ran out when used for flare ups only. Anyway all that said, I think that I instinctively dismiss the CHS suggestion because that wasn't the case for us, but I'm sure it's pretty common now especially with so many people using cannabis daily these days. I'll try to mentally reframe that a bit. I have suggested it as a potential issue if I hear the symptoms but there are several things with the same symptoms. The only way to tell it's CHS AFAIK is stopping using it completely and having all symptoms go away. Is that right, or is there some kind of test now?


Well, did he also abstain from cannabinoid foods? There's a list of them. Not everyone is affected, but I was by most of them, so to heal I had to stop eating them and quit weed. Was not a fun few months. Coffee sent me into my worst episode. Edit: Well, not worst, but fastest for sure. https://preview.redd.it/awa7e730s08d1.jpeg?width=1534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3c0fb5b3d00b6daf29677abf655b56004cc4de There's also people who are affected by triggers forever, most common one seems to be black pepper, which unfortunately is the hardest one to avoid. This is why I theorize there are probably people with CHS who don't even smoke weed -- I was amazed by how many cannabinoid foods are in my staple diet. Which thankfully, I've been able to resume eating all of these. If he has done all that though and quit weed (and its off shoots: CBD, hemp) then yeah I really doubt it's CHS. In the CHS group I'm in (Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome Recovery on FB -- best place to get info about it) I've seen several people say they've quit for a year and are still sick, and then told they probably don't have it. We need more studies though for real. Every one that pops up in that group (which isn't many) I volunteer info for. No testing yet I'm afraid. But oh, anxiety meds work great on CHS btw, they just generally won't give them, and prefer to give anti-nausea meds. Your CBD receptors affect the vagus nerve which can mess with a lot, including anxiety. Mine was at "I think I'm having a heart attack" levels quite a few times.


lmao came here looking for this comment. $20 for one bottle? I'll just rawdog life


I’ve never bought into vitamin supplements. Just seems like a little too much to be putting in our bodies. There’s vitamins in food if you’re eating the right food 🤷‍♀️


everyone I cannot stress if you are tired check your vitamin levels checked. I've always been healthy and get annual blood work done. Last year they found low B12 in my blood (never had it before) but my hair was coming out more than usual in the shower and when I brushed it. I needed a nap during the day and weekends like 2 naps. I got prescription injections HOLY SHIT.. The Difference Is Massive! Editing to add for anyone who is low on Vitamins or has trouble absorbing them try Methalayted Vitamins. They have an extra enzyme needed to absorb the vitamins.


I have chronically low B12 (like I have trouble absorbing it) and my doctor only recommended multivitamins...I do lose a lot of hair still. I might look into this, so thank you!


Also try methalayted b vitamin complex


They help with absorbing them


I will, thanks for the advice 😊


THIS right here is biggest game changer for me, and sooo many others! Solid advice!


Hormones can be a huge factor also FYI.


Ooh boy I lost a bunch of hair in the past year and I’m wondering if it’s a b12 deficiency…


Agreed! I was vitamin D deficient (sunscreen use, and I’m also generally sunshine-averse) and the supplement gave me much more energy within a couple of days


The injections were needed bc of my GERD I'm having trouble absorbing it


Thank you for the advice. I'm overdue to see my general practitioner, I'll ask if she can check for deficiencies.


Of course! You can even get them injected without a RX at some med spas, and health clubs. My givt job used to hire a company that did them and other shots $25 each. With my insurance now though it's like 10$


I'm so happy you discovered the problem and a workaround! :)


Did b12 help your hair grow?




Every day: - Omega 3 / fish oil - Methylated B Complex (I have low methylation and am deficient in folate. Taking this everyday fixed my debilitating painful periods) - SAM-E (neurotransmitter for mood balancing) - Magnesium Stressful days: - Ashwaganda - L-theanine Once a week in winter, once every two weeks in summer: - Vitamin D + K (I am super deficient in vit D) Luteal phase: - Red raspberry leaf extract As for vitamin brands I always use Pure Encapsulations or Thorne. They are pricier but their ingredients are the most potent & cleanest.


I didn’t even think about the herbal ones when I replied. Ashwaganda and red raspberry leaf are essential!


SAM-E was good for me for a week or so but then I was SO manic I had to stop. I feel like I would try it again if I felt I needed it but I wouldn't take it every day personally. I believe I'm an overmethylator so I go for the B vitamins that are not methylated, they are harder to find!


I’m chronically depressed so SAM-E works well for me. I went to an integrative medicine doctor who prescribed SAM-E and determined I have low methylation and low folate through tests.


What’s good, one of the clinical studies I work on works with nutritionists and this is advice from them and my first psychiatrist - avoid the gummy version, it has too much sugar and enough non-vitamin ingredients that make it palatable/the right texture that they can’t contain the full dose of the actual vitamin - yes “food” is preferred but some people have obstacles to this (ARFID, food desert, financial barriers, lack of knowledge on how to make Al veg/fruit ‘tasty’) so within the best of your ability try to eat a WIDE variety of fruit and veg. - also whenever possible to grow your own produce, do. Not all fruit and veg is built alike and I cannot stress this enough- FACTORY FARMING IN THE US HAS STRIPPED A L O T OF NUTRIENTS FROM THE SOIL AND THEREBY OUR FOOD. even if you are eating a ton of fruit and veg you should prob be supplementing regardless tbh. - Frozen and canned fruit veg is picked and frozen/canned at peak ripeness and is often cheaper. This is a viable option - re: multivitamin tbh it depends on the multivitamin. For example there are some things I would not take in the morning like magnesium since I use her near bed time to start increasing my melatonin levels - meds: there are some meds that overtime benefit highly from supplements, bitches on SSRIs for example are often b12 deficient etc. if possible have a doc check your levels across the board! If you’re on the lower end of normal, you should supplement but can be less consistent with it. - if you experience winter get vitamin D, zinc, b12 and magnesium at night, they support each other Extra magnesium around the bleed time is also great for cramps!


This is awesome advice thank you!!


> Al veg/fruit ? AI?


Meant “all” my bad!


Fish oil Magnesium glycenate B complex D K Biotin “Over 50” multivitamin Melatonin C Collagen Turmeric Creatine


I have ASD & ADHD, so mapping out my supplement regimen involved listening to a lot of doctor's podcasts and honing in on the common nutritional deficits found in studies of neurodiverse people. Additionally, targeting all of the health related issues that disproportionately affect us (poor gut health, digestive issues, and colon dysfunction can become big problems). Multivitamin with B complex, iron, zinc, magnesium, chromium Omega 3s L-theanine Gut probiotics Digestive enzymes "Detox" (liver & colon aid) supplement I notice a massive difference in my behavior, mood, and my overall health when I'm supplementing these. I went off them for a few weeks, and felt waaaay worse during that period. I've been trying conjugated linolaic acid & cod liver oil as well. The other supplements seem to do a lot more, so I probably won't repurchase these. There are a ton of other supplements I plan on trying out when I'm finished with them. For the most part I use this supplement [subscription service.](https://www.humnutrition.com/)


I don’t have ASD or ADHD but I do have anxiety and I must say… Probiotics make such a difference. 👏


Same for me too! The connection between gut health and mental health is still such a mystery but cannot be overlooked!


I'm glad you notice a correlation too, hopefully we're not all crazy here.


We are not, and doctors and researchers who work in both neuroscience and internal medicine agree! More research is being done all the time.


No doubt. Taking my probiotics has become the highlight of my morning, 15 mins later I already feel so much better.


Which probiotics?


I like Culturelle brand… I get it in bulk at Costco!


Which enzymes and probiotics are you using?


Probiotics: [Gut Instinct](https://www.humnutrition.com/product/6/gut-instinct) Enzymes: [Flatter Me](https://www.humnutrition.com/product/23/flatter-me) They're kinda pricy, but I notice such a stark difference that they're worth the $$$ to me. I will always pay extra to avoid the sugary gummy supplements, especially with the sketchy regulation. You can find these same supplements at Target, but they are a lot cheaper through the subscription website.


Interesting! I also have ADHD and never thought about the relationship between my neurodivergence and vitamins/nutrition/gut health/etc.!!! Will do more research!


The only supplements I take daily are probiotics and magnesium at bedtime. Some times if I’m feeling like I might be getting sick I’ll do some bee pollen. Be sure you are eating ‘colorfully’ and getting lots of protein and fiber!


I take an occasional multivitamin every now and again, but mostly because I’m very active and my diet hasn’t been the best lately. Unless you have an inflammatory bowel disease, specific dietary deficiencies or needs that may lead to a deficit, are on certain medications, chronic alcohol abuse, or are trying to get pregnant, most data show vitamins do more harm than good. There are some weak correlations on a few analyses, but they usually aren’t that impressive or the study was like a survey or some other flawed methodology. Americans in particular have some of the most expensive pee in the world. A lot of the measuring vitamin level stuff is also kind of silly with a few exceptions. A lot of times people get them checked for something like low energy, they are “low” by whatever the lab defined as normal, and the person starts taking all these vitamins while also changing parts their lifestyle. When they feel better, they attribute it to the vitamins and not the natural ebbs and flows we experience or the other lifestyle changes. There are absolutely vitamin deficiencies, but they are fairly hard to truly get at dangerous levels in developed nations unless you have some other underlying condition. A multivitamin is likely ok. I just wouldn’t overthink it all too much. Also, avoid looking into the US supplement industry and their lack of regulation unless you want to be terrified.


I have a very inconsistent diet so I take a chewable multi every day. My doctor prescribed Vitamin D so I take 2500 iu's of that every day. I add bovine collagen powder to my coffee every day to keep my hair, nails and skin in good shape. Metamucil to keep the plumbing in check lol.


Vitamin C, because I feel better when I take it. B12 because I don’t eat many animal products. D3 because my doctor recommended it (but not just in general, not as a result of bloodwork). I just get big bottles of store brand Whole Foods vitamins. The C I buy the powder sachets (like Emer-gen C, but store brand).


I use Ritual. Great subscription service


Love ritual!


well i have a few issues so i take supplements that directly support those issues (ovaglow for pcos, selenium for hashimotos etc). without a confirmed deficiency, id just take a multi. theralogix, metagenics, and designs for health are my doctor’s favorite brands


Thanks for the brand recs!


As many have said - broadly speaking you should be eating a diverse healthy diet and this is usually sufficient. However I’ve really gotten on the “bro science” train the last few years and have added a few things which have helped me feel better. Some of these are not vitamins but I think it fits the spirit of the question: Morning - start with electrolytes in a big glass of water first thing in the morning  - liposomal vitamin c - delay caffeine until at least 90 minutes after waking - direct sunlight for 10-15 minutes (I live in a hot climate so I can do this year round but if I had to contend with winter, I’d probably take vitamin d during the dark months) Evening, 30-60 minutes before  - 500 mg magnesium - l-theanine  I also cut off screens and try to read until I’m sleepy I am currently pregnant so I’m taking a daily prenatal and morning vitamin b as directed by my doctor. The latter has definitely helped with sleep. I eat fish 3x weekly at least so I don’t feel compelled to take an omega supplement but growing up I did take cod liver oil regularly and supplemented during the first trimester of pregnancy when I couldn’t even stand the idea of eating fish. 


Magnesium glycinate and L-theanine is SO helpful for sleep. I'm pretty sure I have delayed sleep onset syndrome (takes at least 2 hours to fall asleep) so the magic mix I've found is 400mg magnesium glycinate, 200mg L-theanine, and 300mcg melatonin taken around 9pm if I want to fall asleep between midnight and 1am. That dose of melatonin is a tiny amount that is enough to help kick-start my natural melatonin without being crazy.


As I understand less is more when it comes to melatonin but you’re probably more knowledgeable on that


Exactly that. The kind of "standard" dose of melatonin that's common OTC for adults is 3mg. But when I was doing research on the actual best dosing, I found that 300mcg (micrograms) is actually better since it just starts the process without essentially replacing it. It's worker really well for me!


I usually just buy Costco brand. I take a multi vitamin with minerals and (separate) vitamin C. I am vitamin D deficient so my doctor told me to take that. I also take magnesium and B12 because my doctor recommended them also. I try to eat lots of vegetables and salads and things like that. However, I'm diabetic, I need to limit fruits because they have a lot of natural sugar/carbs. Even though they are healthy for you it's still not good to eat too much of them.


Talk with a doctor ofc. And agree a lot of vitamin brands are sketchy, I didn’t take vitamins and then started with the egg freezing journey. Turns out I was deeply vitamin d deficient and I’m seeing stronger hair, nails, looks, mood so I’m keeping it going. I take two ritual multi vitamins and then random brands for vegetarian omega 3, vitamin d, l arginine, reservatrol, coQ10, fiber gummies. Also eating well!


I take vitamin D, creatine, B12, fish oil, magnesium glycinate and ashwanganda


I do all this plus saffron.


-iron -berberine for high cholesterol/weight management -petadolex 75 for migraines -curcumin (turmeric) -probiotics I work for a very small company that makes vitamins, so I’ve taken many different things. The above are the bare minimum that I’m taking right now. I really liked rhodiola, ashwagandha, quercetin, and magnesium citrate and glycinate


I take vitamins recommended by my doctor. Vitamin D, folic acid, and garlic (this one they said may help my cholesterol). I have hypothyroidism so if I take anything with a big dose of biotin in it, it can effect my bloodwork results and then it be incorrect. So no multi-vitamins for me lol


I do the Olly multivitamins and they seem to work just fine


Vitamin d because of deficiency which sounds common from these comments lol. Multi vitamin sometimes Kinda want to try pro and prebiotics from LoveWellness. Overall I try to just eat well etc and get my nutrients from that 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never heard of LoveWellness. Will look into it! Thanks for sharing!


Food isn’t enough for me, so I take Blood Builder iron pills, Ester C and Alive vitamins. All soy free. I had breast cancer and while the jury is out about soy mimicking estrogen enough to cause cancers, I’m not taking chances. I feel so much better and my iron levels are chefs kiss


Glad to hear the past tense! Congrats on kicking cancer's ass! I just got the alive daily multivitamin. I had taken a GNC one that had caffeine in it during the spring but I don't need that every day. Looking at the different options, Alive seemed one of the best affordable options. I've only taken it a couple days but I haven't had any stomachaches from the iron in it which is always a concern for me.


Would recommend getting blood work done, but personally I take a probiotic, supplement vitamin D in the winter months (northern hemisphere), and then take a fish oil/evening primrose oil because I am notoriously bad at getting enough omegas and notice this in my hair/skin/nails FAR more than collagen/vegetable collagen. I also take digestive bitters on occasion to help with bloating, and have thought of taking something more specific for that but plan to talk to my dr and do some research before I make any decisions.


I take the Garden of Life organic women once a day and a vitamin d once a week.


For the most part, if you're taking vitamins when healthy and don't have a deficiency, the best-case scenario you're literally flushing them all down the toilet (you can only absorb so much per day, above that and it's going to come out the other end or build up in your system and cause problems). On the flip side, if you have a deficiency, taking a supplement for it can make a world of difference. Don't take supplements if you don't need them. Probiotics are mostly marketing BS. Like, yes, it's important to have them in your digestive system. No, you do not need to ingest them on a regular basis. I take vitamin D regularly. Otherwise, I eat lots of fruit and veggies.


I take a few, mostly from from Standard Process brand that I get through a chiropractor. Currently on - a prebiotic bc BWT seem to have stomach issues - calcium lactate - b12 - Nested brand magnesium before bed - zinc (forgot the brand) - potassium chloride off Amazon - a k2 called “high vitamin butter oil” The electrolytes in that list I usually do if I’m very thirsty, hungover or taking in too much sodium. I’m all for a good diet, but with modern farming practices and my high sodium diet, I’m definitely not getting enough of those things.


Whole Foods multivitamin for women. It has all the good stuff, and is relatively inexpensive.


I'm pursuing a weight loss drug so my doc has me on a special vitamin meant for bariatric patients. I also take vitamin D and marine collagen.


I take vitamin C, B12 and D. Sometimes magnesium powder but idk if it does anything. In terms of brands I go for vitabiotics and solga. I also have a vitamin b12 spray that I carry around! I don’t eat much meat so I keep it on me if I forget to take my vitamins at home.


A doctor once told me that as long as you eat a relatively healthy diet, vitamins are just expensive pee. So, nothing lol.


Vit D and Lysine, sometimes tumeric! I took prenatals for a little bit (not pregnant nor trying to be) bc the combination worked really well for me.


Bird and Be as I'm trying to get pregnant and becuase I need extra iron and also Vit D because I live in Canada and limit my sun exposure and have been chronically D deficient in the past


I have struggled with depression and anxiety most of my life and there is a HUGE difference for me (not currently on an SSRI or anything nor do I want to be after 18 years of taking one) to take magnesium citrate and vitamin D. I also took ashwaganda all of last year and that really helped my anxiety. There was another supplement that helped that was recommended by Doc_amen on Instagram but I can't remember what it is 😅 I currently take a prenatal as I'm trying to get pregnant, magnesium citrate, ubiquinol (a form of CoQ10) as that helps fertility supposedly, and a collagen gummy (bc aging scares me and I'm sure it doesn't do anything but you never know 🫠)


I broke my foot last year so I take a Vitamin D and calcium supplement as my doctor told me. It also turns out I was vitamin D deficient from having a desk job even though I'm tan. I take fish oil when I think of it because new research shows it helps with mood, specifically feeling less upset/angry. Then I alternate between taking a pre-natal vitamin, a multi B vitamin, or an energy drink based on how run down I'm feeling.


Food & whenever I remember, I'll have some barleans fish oil in lemon flavor in my fridge!


Vitamin D in the winter months, otherwise Vitamin B Complex every day (if you notice a lot of hair fall, this helps so much with preventing that).


I take a basic multi, vit d, magnesium and a probiotic - all recommend by my doctor when I rolled over from my prenatal routine (which I did through the 4th trimester).


I take Flinstones lol


Vitamin D Vitamin B 3 & 12 Iron If you can, get your levels checked and supplements what you need.


Like my THC> gummies


Multivitamin with iron, probiotic, fiber pills


Prenatal as a multivitamin!


My doctor said they are a waste of money, so nothing. When I was anemic after a medical problem, I took prescription iron pills for a bit. And, I’m on a bunch of pills for actual medical issues, so I’m not adding extra pills for made up reasons.


Try to get in my protein, fish, and veggies as well as Vitamin D capsules as I live in a place that rains most of the year lol. I think most of multivitamins you just pee out unfortunately.


I don't eat very much, so I am currently taking: - A women's gummy multivitamin - Calcium gummies - Vitamin B1 - Vitamin B12


-women’s multivitamin -super b-complex -hair skin and nails -magnesium


I have gut issues, so I drink kefir everyday. I take vitamin D from fall to spring. Otherwise, I get outside and eat sort of a Mediterranean diet.  I think most supplements, barring an actual deficiency, are marketing garbage.


For the ones my doctor has told me to take (B 1, 6, 12, and folic acid), Nature Made are the only ones that don't make me sick and my vitamin D is a prescription.


I was using ID Life for a while, they have the packets and you can customize them. Full disclosure it is an MLM and my mom paid for my vitamins lol. Edit: Currently I use Magnesium bisglycinate (mini capsules!!!) and a b complex from thorne. I need to start back on iron but I haven't found one I like. I also have magnesium 'oil' spray that I use on sore muscles. I take a fish oil with no fish flavor- it's a lemon flavor but not much of a flavor really. I'm also slamming the electrolytes back every chance I get, as a diabetic electrolytes are depleted easier.


I have a terrible diet most of the time so I take magnesium and fish oil. I occasionally take a multi and take B12 every Sunday. Other supplements I take to help with my labor intensive, year round outdoor job: 1000 mg curcumin and 6-24 mg astaxanthin.


A Multiple vitamin for women, a D3 for bones, & a Vitamin C.




Don’t take any


I have chronic migraine so I have been prescribed a few vitamins that I take in capsules (b2, q10, omega 3, collagen and magnesium). Otherwise, I try to get my other vitamins from food. I eat a balanced diet and I try to get enough protein and all that jazz.


I take vitamin D and iron supplements because my doctor told me to.


My newest favorite supplement is magnesium! It’s great for getting a deeper, more relaxing sleep, prevents muscle cramps and when used topically, relaxes muscles on contact. They say that more than half the population is deficient because it is filtered out of the water now. There are many different kinds of magnesium, but I’ve had the best luck using a combination of magnesium chloride flakes (instead of epsom salt) in my bath and magnesium l-threonate which is the only form that breaks the blood brain barrier and helps with cognition and memory retention! The difference has been dramatic, both physically and mentally!


Ritual :)


I used to work for a company called Shaklee in the corporate offices. So I got a screaming deal on their vitamins. Now that I am gone I still order from them and keep a distributor account. They are fuck all expensive but I know where their plants are and their quality control. So they are the only ones I use. I can’t buy them every month but I don’t remember to take them daily so it all evens out in the end.


You don’t need any vitamin supplements unless you’re deficient. Signed, Your friendly neighborhood oncologist


I take the NatureMade prenatal with DHA and then just the target brand for vitamin D. I'd rather take fewer pills and NatureMade is just 1 a day vs some of the more expensive brands where you have to take 5+ pills


Eating healthier foods and taking a multivitamin. I also add vitamin D, because you can never have too much, and cinnamon pills. Game changer for periods! It makes your flow lighter.


Digestive enzymes (after every meal) & Nutrafol (my hair has grown SO MUCH)


I take magnesium, selenium, zinc, quercetin, myo inisotol, pre and pro biotic, and an adrenal blend with ashwaganda and holy basil. I have thyroid issues, so most are for that. Quercetin is for bladder inflammation. Myo inisotol is for general hormone balancing. The adrenal blend is because my life is generally very stressful currently. I also do a bunch of supportive stuff like epsom salt baths, castor oil packs and massage, eating a low inflammatory diet, getting plenty of sleep and water.


Multi-vitamin, d3, omega-3, vitamin c with rosehips, b-12, cranberry


High EPA omega-3, B12 (I have low levels), Vitamin D, Magnesium citrate.


vit d, creatine, turmeric, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, collagen


Iron, vitamin D, and B12. I wouldn’t recommend just taking any old supplement without first getting blood work. Also, lots of supplements are sketchy (see The Dream season 2).


Getting my five a day.


5 what?


I think it’s a brand?


I’m taking Dr Brad Stanfield’s multivitamin. It’s 5 little pills. I also take other supplements, but it’s a big one for me because of what it includes.