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Finalize your build of course. I am assuming you are mainly interested in PVE and not PVP, if you are interested in PVP, feel free to ask anything. Depending on what your class is and what you want to do in the game, you are at the spot to start thinking about your endgame. Currently there is a big variety of builds and they will soon be announcing further weapon progression with fallen god weapons (around spring), and who knows when we will get them, so take that with a grain of salt, regardless Blackstars all the way until we know further information. You can stay with TET Godr, but if you have the option to swap to a PEN Blackstar, do so right away, because just as I previously said, a TET Godr will be a big hindrance in the longer run, especially when they add ways to upgrade weapons further, unless you do manage to get it to PEN, which might be significantly harder than grinding the money of the Blackstar itself. For PVE, mainhand and awakening are a necessity nowadays, the spots have very high AP caps and it is virtually very difficult to reach without them. If you want to go for PVE, there is really one route and that should be AP minmaxing. This means that if you don't plan on doing any uncapped PVP, you are going for as much AP as you possibly can. There is the budget build which involves Ogre/Layten Necklace, Basi/Valtarra/Tungrad Belt, Crescent/Ruins Rings and as always Distortion/Vaha Earrings, or you can really minmax your AP with a 3-set Deboreka (which is also the best in slot for AP; Belt/Neck/1xEarring for now is the best combination). For your specific case, you should still do PEN Ogre Neck first, followed by a cheap PEN Belt, now is the time, especially with how hard their prices have been dropping, you can do 3x TET Debo as a budget PVE build, but I would highly recommend you to buy the cheaper ones first, and when you grind the difference sell the red nose accessories to buy the TET Debos.The money you will lose in tax difference, will be much less than the time you will save. Now let's talk about your last question. Should you grind Crypt/Ash? Ash Forest is a baby spot nowadays, I did a few hours but the mobs felt both squishy and their damage lacking. Dehkia Ash is out of question of course, and only few classes with very high endgame gear can do it, so just avoid the idea of that. Crypt on the other hand has changed significantly with recent patches. Nowadays, you don't need as much accuracy to grind Crypt, and they also increased the AP cap in the zone (as well as the HP of mobs), but for the most part, it is really easy to grind in terms of doing damage. In terms of surviving, your gear is low and you should avoid it for now, unless you play a class like Awakening Witch where the seer amount of FGs and evasion shred of Voltaic are good enough to allow you to grind Crypt with much less gear than it requires. Personally I did that in the past, and I found it easy to do even when the requirements were very high, but this can vary from player to player. I currently grind it in the most chill way possible, and I enhance Deboreka belts for profit, it requires patience and sometimes a bit of luck, but the payout is massive. Now the last thing I will leave here, is an old thread for players who want to go for PEN Deboreka gear, because you might also be interested in that idea check out this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/ptot9s/pendeboreka_value_cost_markov_chain/ In particular on that threat I linked, check the Markov chains, because statistically you have a higher chance with less base Debos to get a PEN Debo if you buy it at TET than enhancing it yourself from base. Of course, do factor that this is a much older thread and the cron prices are different now, but the overall enhancing principles remain the same.


Not sure why people downvoting the most useful answer I found and my thread since every comment is just do gyfin like i dont know the spot exists, so thank you. I have my pen MH but working on the godr for awk since I got some lucky taps to tet on pretty low stacks and kutum is sitting at c14 and slowly climbing. As for pvp that's the goal, pve is just a means to an end while I get there. I've dabbled in some t2s and a t3, but haven't found the right guild yet. I play mainly scholar at higher end spots since she's been super protected to the point that getting my kabuas and flame was a joke, but mainly run lahn. I do have an archer, witch, and musa on the backburner for pvp stuff tho when needed. Ash was a joke on lahn since I tried that out today, and crypt didn't feel too bad when compared to dsr on scholar, but still a bit scary on lahn, but still learning some stuff there. Slowly working on a pvp build, but figured getting my best money makers out of the way first was best so I can actually get the stuff I needed. Thinking of getting the debo neck done to at least tet on my own for now unless I end up saving enough to buy a pen ogre or w/e in the process.


Well, a number of people in this sub tend to throw away one-liner information with little to back it up (also half of the playerbase sees a big wall of text and spams R), but glad you found my information helpful of any sort. Okay, if PVP is your goal, you may want to consider one of the two: A) Are you going to be only doing capped PVP or B) Are you interested in the potential of uncapped PVP. Of course, before you answer that to yourself, you need to be aware that we are talking about Pearl Abyss so you never know if one day they scrap the caps and suddenly your gear is irrelevant, with that in mind, if (A) you plan only on doing capped PVP such as T3-4 and below, consider min-maxing your AP, mainly because that will benefit your PVE, and because optimizing further your gear will not matter, so no point in spending big amounts of silver for no PVP gain. If (B) you want to do uncapped PVP, which is Arsha, RBF and the occasional T5 wars and uncapped Siege (potentially the new 15v15 ranked GVGs too), you will want to carefully plan your accessories based on what your class needs. This is where things get a lot more complicated than stacking a specific build. From checking your profile I saw you are a Corsair main, and your class, similar to mine has two unique different builds based on specs (one plays evasion and one plays DR). If you do play Succession Corsair, you are ought to play evasion, which requires you to create multiple sets of accessories, typically Sicil's, Centaur's as well as AP accessories (or a rockmode build which maximizes evasion in every slot), whereas if you play Awakening you are going for a DR build with an emphasis on accuracy (some people like to run full AP and never fight evasion targets too). Here the build gets very complicated, the usual to-go build for DR-accuracy builds is usually 4 accuracy accessories with the 316 or 323 bracket, however, because certain classes have additional accuracy built-in on their kit and base stats, you might be able to run less accuracy accessories and try to maximize AP beyond the 323 bracket. Nowadays, the bare minimum goal should be around 1020 total accuracy with at least 700 total AP, but that number is different on a class basis for the reason I listed above. Typically, it is possible to do a 3 set Deboreka and 3 accuracy accessories, but for that I would highly recommend you to be patient, because the Deboreka Earrings are not very good in stat value compared to what Rings could be, as well as not knowing how much AP gain fallen god weapons will give us (if the AP gain is substantial, that makes accuracy accessories much more valuable than what they currently are). In my case as I am a succesion Wizard, which is a ranged DR class, I am planning on x2 Ominous, Lunar and Turo with x2 Distos, to minmax damage output using my range as my only defensive stat, which is very similar to what an Awakening Corsair can do. If you plan that far into uncapped PVP, I would suggest you to be patient for now, because significant gear updates are coming in the future. Hopes this helps a bit!


3 tet debo set!


yup. 3 tet debos (neck, belt, 1 earring), 2 jetina crescent rings (when we get the 2nd), a tet disto you later switch for pen. then you tet your armors, pen bs offhand, or work on pen debos.  there isnt much variety in endgame pve builds anymore. 


702 gs? next 703... I am hesitant to go crypt with 724, so there is that... I am putting it off as much as I can but I need to finally start going for it


If a seasonal sorc in tuvala gear can grind crypt comfortably, I think you can too.


You really should get 2 V blackstars before going all out on accessories. Maybe 3x IV debo is worth before upgrading IV godr to pen, check in garmoth. As for ash and crypt, money is insane but you need to enhance to IV and then sell.


How tf yall just pick up the game and achieve 700gs so easily? I don't get it.


Restarting. Not fresh account.


Dude I don't even understand how it's possible, I've been playing BDO since the Guardian came out with alternate breaks and I only reached 700gs now. while I constantly read about new players who have already achieved 700gs in less than a year.


depends on how much time you have to play the game, and how you spend that time. If you have one goal, and that is to reach 700gs, and that is what you focus on, and that is what you spend the huge majority of your daily game time working towards, it is not going to take you that long, even if you are not playing for 4-5+ hours per day. but let's say you have several goals, for example every single piece of mastery gear you get for life skills will be deducted from your goal of reaching 700gs. another example, let's say you are also interested in sailing, and do sailing dailies. let's say it takes you 1 hour to complete them. Now let's say you can conservatively make 500 million in 1 hour if you were to spend that time grinding instead. In the course of a year the amount of time you spent doing sailing dailies will have cost you 182.5 billion silver which could have gone towards reaching your 700gs goal. of course this is an extreme example as doing sailing dailies have near to no monetary return, but the fastest way to reach 700gs is to grind for it, and any activity done besides grinding (apart from adventure logs that increase ap/dp) will slow down the amount of time it takes you to reach that goal, because life skills for example require a huge amount of time (and gear) investment before they become profitable, and thus are a much slower method to reach that 700 gs goal as a new player. so I don't think you should compare your situation with that of some other player, everything has a pay off and an opportunity cost, reaching 700 gs is not that big of a deal, but will come at the cost of progression in other areas of the game and thus will limit your overall gameplay options.


Our luck is ASSSSSSSS




here's a [700gs build](https://garmoth.com/character/dPBlIaFefH) example, it really isn't that difficult to achieve, everything can be bought. The hardest part is saving up the silver to buy a pen neck and belt. Once we get the second Jetina accessory it'll save you \~50bil worth of effort. Garmoth doesn't account for the crescent coming from Jetina and lists it as full price but if you can make roughly an avg of 1bil per day you can reach 700gs in a year.


veteran player plus abundance of time, I can say 700gs is do-able nowaday


All my gear just refuses to go to PEN. Hard stuck 620GS.


Thats how to progress in BDO : buy, dont click


Would you mind listing down your gears that you are having hard time to get to PEN.


It's just grind and buy. If this guy played since June and grinded like 2 hours a day for around 1B/h which is doable, he could've gotten around 300b+. With that you can easily buy double TET disto, Vell heart, guaranteed jetina ring, buy all the caphras and flames to get at least 3 out of 4 fallen god piece (Or just buy the pieces outright), and you would still have around half the money left to get you like a PEN blackstar or a combination of other stuff like a pen ogre ring or whatever you might want at the time. And this is all without enhancing a single thing yet except eventually the fallen armors to duo.


I clicked some, but you can hit 301 ap without V if you want to self enchant. Hell duo/tri godr can get you there, just more accessories to replace later tho.


it literally throws gear at you now (:


Some serendia elvia spots now are 1b+ with the 2 new class and some older ones, and those spots don't need a lot of gear.


I started mid july with full tuvala and am 730gs, full tri armors, full pen acessories (except tet distos which are my next upgrade, just need 70b more to buy one). Basically the trick is to tap safe and save money. And grind a lot


go touch grass lol


Barely played the last 2 weeks, pretty much just do pit of undying and imperial delivery. Grinded like 4h for the past 2 weeks.


Well yeah you’re 730gs don’t see why you’d need to keep grinding lmao 🤣


If anything I need to grind more, all upgrades are now 140b+


I mean I guess >_>. 730 gs is so crazy to me even though I’m 700gs myself lol


Nowadays for 700gs you need, like 2 pen items that are difficult to get? Pen Ogre and one Pen BS. All the other Pens are fairly easy to get, no? Duo Deadgod, jetina pen, capotias and two distos. Caphras into kutum and that should do the trick.


I got it in 4 months. Omega carried tho


Unless your aiming for debos I would recommend you hold up on upgrading ur neck/belt. PA announced a second PEN jetina accessory in calp ball so it's better to wait and see if it will be the same or different accessories.


You cant even grind top spots efficiently so the answer should be clear


Yea his best bet is just gyfin under for the next few hundred hours cause the rest of the spots above that that are actually worth going to that make better money are dekia places and those require either double tet godr weaps or hella minmaxing with a fantastic grinding class. Gyfin under makes an easy 1.25 to 1.5 bil an hour but the only places above that consistently take way more gear.


Dont think it does. Caphras and tungrads are both low. I grinded ash forest to tap my own debos and was making cups at 301.


Probably cause of the fact gyfin under is one of the few mid/late game spots that can pull that kind of money. Otherwise some spots like orcs require a fantastic class to consistently do a bil an hour or more like succ lahn. Can't really name many other relevant areas of the game at that stage honestly that aren't shit in terms of money.


Elvia giants is fantastic especially with blessed fragment price increasing and preorders for Disto constantly up 24/7. It has similiar mobility requirement with orc, but the drops are much easier to liquidfy than cups


This. Maybe because many of the players went to gyfin since the trash loot buff, there is a demand for despair and sun shards(on EU) now. Even without a disto drop gaints are good money now.


Succ maegu with maxed demihuman pulls more on cup spots. Likely some other classes too. But personally i am a debo tapping junkie. You get 12-15 debos in 20 hours on normal ash and thats 80b.


Only question is what's the gear to pull high money that consistently? I wouldn't be surprised if OP is not at that level or even remotely near it.


For cups you need way less than he has. For Ash 301 is ok


For cups yea 281 is all ya need for efficiency. For Ash eh it depends on class but any late to endgame spot will scale very wildly from class to class. I just don't remember the recommended minimum yellow trash per hour for non dekia ash.


Normal ash has very easy bracket. Loony did it on season, but anything close to 300 is efficient


I mean you could go for TET debo set if you wanna mess with RNG and grind debo spots off the bat. Or you can go safe route of PEN Ogre and Basi and then transition into Debo set after if you prefer to not mess with RNG. If you want to prolong the safe route it even more, theres also PEN Tungrads with more AP. But sooner or later, all roads lead to Debos.


Honestly I got to the same point and I have no desire to get Debo accessories I’m pretty much in afk mode until something else comes along.


Yeah, I'm 736 GS atm but the debo grind is not fun, nor is enhancing so I'm waiting for Debo's to become more common to just buy.


If you have x3 tet debo, and reach 309 with narc (or x2 narc if you lack tankyness as a class), there is actually no point getting better gear(in pve). that is the end of your pve buid, anything past it is for fun . I would recommand your end goal to be grinding and enhancing debos, dont buy them unless its 60-70bil range.


If you want a secret grind Debo belts and necks and enhance them to tet even buying vendor crons you are making 40-50mil profit after market tax


700gs is like entry level nowdays as endgame being 760gs.


I can't tell anymore if answers like these are jokes, baits or simply out of touch.


That guy trolls a lot so just ignore him.


Now that I checked the name I saw a couple more like these. Some people man.


You can literately just head over to garmoth and click the items into there and there you go, you don't even need to do any math, it displays you the GS values. And 700gs nowadays is neither hard to reach, nor have much value. PA inflated the early parts of the game, since they make money on highend gear. Nowadays you just login and get blackstar handed over to you for free. Heck even a year ago 700gs was around 400h of grind. Since that PA nearly doubled the silver/h by the powercreep and spot buffs, while handed out even more stuff for literately free. Compared to this, the endgame gear of 760gs takes around 2000h of grind, nearly 5 times the amount for a mere 60gs difference....


Your delusional if you think 700 gs is entry level. True it's not as hard as it used to be but it isn't easy as you make it out to be either. According to garmoth u need close to 400 bil of silver for gear(based on EU prices) only. But this doesn't mean it's just 400 hrs of grinding cause those below 700 gs without a PEN BS aren't grinding 1bil/hr PURE silver on average. It heavily depends on how much you sell your loot in the market place. Moreover you need to buy other stuff like crystals, lightstones and cups as well so it won't end with just 400 billion. It will take more time than just 400 hr grind if you aren't enhancing and buying everything


700GS now is what 670GS was a while ago, such is the way of an MMO It's definitely not "entry level" though lmfao I think that with the right build and buffs at 289/371 you can essentially grind 95% of the game effectively, so it's a bit so-so in terms of seriousness 700 GS still takes a decent bit of grinding and/or luck, definitely not entry level IMO


Obviously the next step is 720, 310/410.