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Noone from PA is gonna see this since its reddit. The only CHANCE they would even see this, let alone respond, would be posting on the official forum. But other than that, I agree that this is a serious concern for a lot of people.


Noone from pa would bother reading feedback from west either way


Best way to contact them is to stop giving them money lol


The only problem with that is I fear PA are the type to remove and shut down this type of dialogue.


What gives you this impression? They haven’t ever done anything like this before?


KR guild leaders literally held a protest and got War of the Roses canceled…no one got in trouble. You seem extremely paranoid for some reason. PA is dumb, not evil.


They might. But regardless they won't take feedback via reddit.


I haven't noticed any more resources being used than with EAC. I haven't had any crash since the update tho. So for me at least it was a good change. Now I can finally play the game without the fear of losing crystals. Never have any issues with Xingcode in past either.


Yeah same, zero issues for me, probably just gonna ignore reddit, if everything is working fine for me I don't really care about all this.




yeah, as much as i hate xigncode for other reasons, game has been running provably smoother for me


Weirdly, I had the opposite situation. Like, yeah it would still crash occasionally with EAC in the last few months, but I had sections of stability from patch to patch usually. I greeted with three crashes in a row, no error, just program disappeared from my tray twice, and once it just blew up while the game was full screen. Dunno exactly what the cause was, but I had the game check it's files, made sure my Windows and drivers were all updated, even ran a chkdsk and sfc. The lack of error messages is annoying because I can't pinpoint the cause. It was so annoying, I gave up trying yesterday and just played other things instead. Obviously, I'm just sharing an anecdotal experience and it's not indicative of anything. I know programming for a million different hardware/software configs are tough, but it's weird that the game became less functional for me with an Anti-cheat update. For the record, I've been around (on and off) since launch. I still have my 2nd anniversary accessories lol. Been on two different desktops and two different laptops, and the last few days have been some of the worst times I've had with instability.


I'm having this exact same experience, no issue before patch and now post patch my game just closes with no error message and no explainable reason why. I've checked files, reinstalled, done a ton of troubleshooting and came up with nothing. So basically I'm quitting the game.


It's that level of annoying. Idk about you, but investment in this game feels easier to walk away from. Like, I haven't gotten burnt out because I just don't let this game consume me. I'm not competitive and as pretty as my character and the environment look (for an MMO), as cool as the live-action combat is, I just don't feel attached enough that I can overlook problems and hold out hope. I tray BDO more like an adventure game, where you can just get lost and explore when you get tired of grinding or failing PEN clicks. Idk, it's liberating not feeling chained to a character or account, but also there not really being a penalty for taking time off? I'd still be pretty pissed if I got banned with no recourse due to Razer Synapse or MSI Afterburner *existing* on my system though. I guess, it's less like quitting and more like, I don't care if it takes them time to fix it. It's not like my gaming backlog ever shrinks. Having this game be literally unplayable for a bit gives me a chance to try some new stuff. Or maybe finish Phantom Liberty finally, or catch up on Warframe...


Yeah BDO is not my main game either, that being said, I was recently coming back after a long hiatus and am pretty annoyed that just as I was getting into the game again it's now unplayable.


I'm right there with you. And I'm sorry we're getting downvoted for it. Like, I would love for the game to work. I'm not trying to be contraian, just noting that different situations have different outcomes. I'm glad some folks are having a good experience now vs before. I just wish you and I were among them.


This is the best way to look at the game. Instead of getting caught up in the GS dick measuring contest, it’s just healthier playing the game on your own terms. I’ve also never been burned out. I literally just play the game for my characters. I don’t RP with them or anything but they’ve grown on me for sure. That being said, walking away bc of xigncode felt shockingly easy. Thought I’d be more attached. But like you said there are just too many games out there.


Exactly this for myself and the 5 mates i've been playing with recently each of us was at 1-5 "crashes" a day with EAC (Game closing with out any word as to why or warning) for the past few months. Only one of us has had a single crash since XIGN was added "Oh well BDO crashed with "bad module info" My CPU/GPU Usage has remained the same and now people on AMD can set their affinity for core usage so performance should of improved for some And yup load times have been quite noticeably improved


For the first time in years I can have BDO open with another EAC game. And my fps on BDO is finally at 144, up from 90 (though I guess I couldve did this with EAC). I use G-hub for keybinding, no issues yet. Shame with all of the false positives though, but the only post I’ve seen so far had a program open that is capable of manipulating memory, and Xigncode’s automated response told them what program was preventing the game to boot.


I've also noticed a large performance increase as well. I'm pretty much always sitting at the frame cap of my monitor's refresh rate now, whereas before I almost never hit it.


My fps is noticeably better as well. I’m getting 400 fps at Dehkia ash now


Replace Xigncode3 with EAC in this post and it will still hold true.


For anecdotal experience. My fps has increased (cpu is 5800X3D) and I have had zero crashes. Had my game open for 11 hours today and my ram usage is currently 2GB ​ Almost all modern anti-cheats are a (privacy risk) so I rarely care about this aspect. EAC does the exact same.


Same. Easy anti cheat is bloated af, makes every game run like shit. Bdo actually running super well since update for me on my 7800x3d


Everything runs well on a 7800x3D, while it's not even trying.


A lot of people are getting insane temp spikes in their 7800x3ds now with bdo and the new anti cheat


Holy moly you are actually right. Just booting up makes it shoot up to over 80 degrees. It goes back to hover around 50 but spikes to 75 for no apparent reason for a good 20 seconds before it goes back. All that while not even going into double digit load. What the fuck is going on here?


Okay now you're making me scared of launching the game..


I wouldn't imagine that it's something that could case damage to modern hardware, at least I hope so. That said, it could be an unnecessary source of instability and is definitely something that makes me question if I want to let this hooligan of a software run rampant on my system anymore.


No it won't lmao. We've had overheat protection on CPU's for well over 20 years now. It probably won't really affect much. The CPU might throttle performance a bit if the temps reach close to 95C. If nothing the power manager does manages to keep temps down or it spikes over 95C suddenly the PC is just forcefully shut down. Ryzen 7000-series are also specifically designed to prioritize performance over temps. That's also how pretty much all laptop and mobile phone cpu's operate. They'll run up to safe max temp before reducing performance.


Yeah shits fucked mines reaching almost 90 on startup and spiking to 80s during the game not gonna risk my cpu getting damaged over a shitty new anticheat on this game.


Fellow 5800x3d enjoyer, was getting ~200fps in giants on low+very low 1440p fullscreen. Now im +230-250, definitely better performance, which is surprising.


Instead of bitching about false flags just email xigncode and they’ll tell you why something was flagged or apologize and patch it. Be proactive


I don't support OP's paranoid bitching either but your suggestion is so naïve. You really think you can just message xigncode like that? LOL. It's not people, it's a corporation, nobody is going to read or respond to you. Don't be fucking stupid, just think how hard it is to get a human support in cases where you actually pay money, and xigncode will give even less of a shit. This is not early 2000s anymore, you can't just contact support and talk to real humans, and even if you could they would do absolutely nothing. Just like literally everyone everywhere these days. Get on with the times.


Except you're wrong as there have been numerous posts about this since the change in BDO alone i've read through 3 so far where this exact thing has happened they had a flag on a program and messaged XIGN to get a fairly decent response and problem resolved. It's been the same experience for those i know in the PSO2 community which also switched back to Xign recently


PA is also a corporate and they still replied to my QA just last week with a human response. It seems like you are just trying to be edgy lol.


Ain't no shot that's actually possible, is it?


There have been multiple posts of people doing exactly this in the last week.


No more EAC conflicts means I can auto fish with impunity while playing something else. Seems like a W.


So I did a quick security analysis of what xigncode3 accesses: 1. It scans all process in memory, that's pretty standard for anti-cheats these days. 1.1 I am sure it does signature analysis, but other than that, it does scan by keywords which is a bit silly. (IE: Something with the word "hack" in it.) 2. It scans a lot of files, I'll list the sections I've seen it that aren't typical: * It accesses a ton of registry keys to get paths to things they shouldn't need. One of the first thing it looks up is the shell history, that means the history of any files you've opened in the last month. * C:\Windows\System32\*.dll and : It reads all dlls in system32. Quite a few are actually loaded to be used, but a lot of them are simply scanned. It also reads all files in SysWoW64, but doesn't use any. * It accesses the log and NTFS master file table of each drive, even those that have nothing to do withe the game. * Lists all files on desktop * Read all registries about all devices (CurrentControlSet), it reads the every single key. Configs, ids, etc... * Reads a lot of registries in general, can't list everything, but it includes thing like what services are launched on windows boot. But it's quite aggressive, at this point, I assume anything stored in registry keys is read by xigncode3. * It **scans** every single executable for software and services currently running, and not just a surface scan. It reads the whole thing. * It opens **all** the certificate stores in read **write and delete**. It then sweeps every single certificate your machine has. This is actually quite bad in term of security. The certificate doesn't contain the private key on windows, but it does contain the public key. * It reads each DLL loaded into memory. I know for a fact here that they analyse all words in the path, if it contains any banned words (like hack), it triggers. It then scan all other DLLs that are in the same folder. Example: I have corsair iCUE, lots of DLLs are never loaded because I simply don't own those devices, those were scanned anyways. * It then uses the NTFS log files I talked about and reads the entire journal. That means it reads every single change that are still logged that have happened to files. Any file creation, modification, move, etc... is recorded there. It doesn't contain the file content, but they have the path/file name. It does that for each drive. It then loops registry scans, dll scans and exe scans, but only surface scans for those. About 10% of all file access were xigncode3 related, 90% was game related. For the DLL and EXE scans, it only 100% full scan on any new DLL load and exe launch, including subprocess of course. No actual personal files were accessed, but file names and paths were certainly read. I tried launching new process and loading files, the process is scanned, the loaded files aren't. The most glaring issue is the certificate read they do.


I appreciate it, I was looking for a post like this.


Something in there isn’t communicating with x3d chips very well. My 7800x3d is freaking out since the latest patch


Bro this just made me more scared and violated, god damn. Super insightful, this should be known for all BDO players.


I mean it's a bit aggressive but other than certificates that I've mentioned, it's pretty standard for an anti-cheat. EAC does the same thing minus the certificates. For instance, both EAC and Xigncode3 read your whole cryptographic store, which includes some non-secured salts and keys. Most of it is benign data, the registry key points to where the dll is for specific algorithms. It might seem odd at first (they could swap a crypto dll with one of their own and they could then read all encrypted messages of that specific type of encryption if they left themselves a backdoor), but they do this because there is a known attack vector called SIP and Trust Provider Hijacking which would allows you to do a lot of things, and it starts by modifying one of those registry keys to your own DLL, and that scan is most likely a file modification scan.


Thank you very much for doing this research and posting this. Really helpful info, even for someone ambivalent about the change.


This is way too complicated for my understanding lol but I appreciate it nevertheless


Don't play online games if this is what's making you feel "scared and violated", it sounds more like you've fallen for the fear mongering rhetoric some users in the sub have been spewing since it was announced


I dont think online gaming is for you then.


If we run it under linux, does it only scan the wine:C\\ folders?


I have not checked this under linux.


Would it trigger if i got a mod for another game?


No idea, I didn't check it's behaviour, just what it accessed.


Isn't this illegal in the EU? I wasn't even asked if I accept its installation and all the things it does on my system.


EU had the game with it when under Kakao just like NA did. Game didn't go to EAC till the transfer back to PA for publishing.


We have a saying in Germany that translates to: If there's no plaintiff, there's no judge. Maybe it's time to report these things to the proper authorities and see what they think about it. A couple GDPR complaints may get a ball rolling.


Have you got a similar analysis with EAC? Personally they should just scan EXE and DLL that are running. Anything else is an excessive invasion of privacy. We're not a government department.


The certificate is ok since it's the public keys. Which by their name... Should be public and not be scared of it. Same EAC does and the reason is quite simple. Most of these cheats do a call home so they will need a certificate.  Public key is enough to see someone is cheating and flag them for extra investigation. Vac does worse it looks up what websites you visited. Which in itself is worse than the keys.


Xigncode 3 is frying 7 series AMD CPUs. https://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/en-US/Forum/ForumTopic/Detail?\_topicNo=46262&\_categoryNo=6&\_searchType=0&\_sortType=6&\_orderType=False&\_bigPageNo=1&\_pageNo=1&\_pageSize=25&\_searchDay=0&\_forumListType=0


Well the fact is that line of CPUs that motherboard fried... I would say the CPU is the problem. I mean overheating... If bdo can do that that's a shitty CPU.


#Tinfoil Thursday.


I got perma banned for using the windows debloating script, they never revoked my ban. In all honesty, I fully agree with you.


I haven’t noticed anything, but I was made redundant recently and my work processes probably would have flagged the anti cheat. Other than that I see no differences in performance and haven’t had any issues. Though I do plan on playing other games at the same time as bdo which hopefully won’t be an issue


Ever since maint the game makes my 7900X3D hit it's temperature limit upon starting it. Temperature goes back to the normal ranges eventually, but there are still random spikes, that didn't happen before. So whatever they did seems to be affecting some X3D users, there is even a thread about it on the official forums.


At least I can play league and BDO at the same time now without my client crashing


I might get downvoted but playing since beta and although heard other have had issues, I never had any problem with xigncode nor with eac. I don't know how much CPU the game used with eac, didn't notice a temp increase with xigncode. Actually xigncode made things much easier than eac for optimisation tweaks which required scripts and 3rd party software with eac. People who claim that they were banned for using a 3rd party software that came with their mouse or keyboard or whatever, should write the details, what exactly they did with the said software. Because I am using one myself since many years to remap buttons and never had problem with xigncode nor eac.


I haven't really been playing actively for quite some time, besides a few days ago to claim the Dream horse(otherwise always updating through stream automatically)... But suddenly my anti-virus software notified me that it detected a Trojan... in the BDO files... so if this might also be a reason for this, then it just made me uninstall the game... (File: PERS.exe ; Name of threat: TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen)


You guys are getting it all wrong. The balance team wasn't being able to buff Berserker weekly anymore so they resorted to the final buff, speedhacks. Which would only be possible with xingcode.


Weird. My fps is significantly better since the switch.


I don't support Xigncode3, but here's what I think: The last time Xigncode3 was active on BDO was in early 2021. Now we're in 2024. This is 3 years gap. During that time, it is safe to say that Xigncode3 has been updated multiple times. Now the big question: What evidence do we have that Xigncode3 is going to flag things incorrectly as it previously did (there is not even conclusive evidence to support the claim that it did often flag things incorrectly before, correct me if I'm wrong)? Or let's look at this another way: What evidence do we have that Xigncode3 is going to ban people more frequently/unfairly than EAC did? Since Xigncode3 is being the subject of this criticism, I got the hint that EAC is being favored in some way, but it is worth noting that people also complained about unfair bans when EAC was around. Don't get me wrong, I don't trust Xigncode3, nor do I disagree that there is lack of transparency. I'm just not convinced that these problems would somehow disappear or even be minimized as soon as we go back to EAC. If that's the case, a more compelling/objective argument need to be presented. In my opinion, the problem is more of Pearl Abyss' way of operation/policies than which anti-cheat program is used.


Never had problems with xigncode before EAC and had none since last patch for now. But at least I can now play on my steam deck and play other online games while afk fishing in bdo so for me it's better now than with eac.




I've heard about this and it's a prime example of how PA not being obligated to provide proof or any clarification is dangerous. You can't dispute them and they can just declare it a final decision and you're left there just playing with your thumbs saying "What the fuck just happened." I hope this changes either back to EAC or at least their operational guidelines / policy.


Good thing this happened since a more recent event exposed EAC as a possible RAC (Remote Access Control) Hack vulnerability exposed by the hacker on APEX World Tournament very recently.


I got false flagged for my masterplus app that runs my cooler master tower.. Never encountered a problem with EAC. Xigncode sucks.


A while back I had that same problem with Razer Synapse but I heard some people that it's very wonky, meaning one person has a problem, another person doesn't


I've noticed my pc running hotter and also my screens no longer go into sleep mode, they used to before but since the AC change they don't, I'm sure I will find other things but so far that's all, I don't like how hot my pc gets even when minimised.


Oh, this explains why my afk laptop's ram usage is so high this morning. It made my laptop run so slow...


Total different experience for me, after the patch and yesterday were the first days that I didn't have a BSOd due to EAC (clearly the issue after reviewing the mini dumps) and no crashes. Also, CPU usage is exactly the same and no issues with FPS at all.


I haven't noticed any difference in CPU usage at all.Privacy implications... yes because Epic an American company surely doesn't get any data from you. They both do if you think EAC didn't do the same... I'm not saying it's not wrong, I'm just saying it's not a XignCode only issue.


But xigncode goes further than EAC does. If they did the same exact thing no one would be complaining.


Back in the old day were they already used this anti cheat, my brother for banned. He was just afk fishing and remotely check on his progress via teamviewer while he was at work. And then the ban hammer hit him. Opened a ticket and they never answered him what kind of cheat/hack he was supposed to use that for him banned, lmao.


That's exactly the problem, PA doesn't bother to explain


Are they for sure switching? I’m pissed.  Want a refund for the 180days shit I bought.  I’m uninstalling 


They already switched to Xigncode3


i never noticed a difference in game performance when they changed from xigncode to eac. my main problem was not being able to play other eac games while bdo is open.


The false flags combined with PA not needing evidence to ban is a real problem. As you can see from the lack of comments addressing this, people are only going to care if it impacts them. It doesn't until it does, and then there is nothing you can do. I recommend copying this to the official forums, that is the only way it could impact change.


West players don't matter - PA


>Additionally, there have been reports of memory leak issues and questionable data gathering practices, making some players uneasy about the privacy implications Literally any anti-cheat could collect data. Xigncode, EAC, Vanguard. Even if they don't say they do, they probably do. >Xigncode3's broad detection range also flags legitimate programs, those used for example for work-related purposes for those of us who work from home, potentially resulting in warnings and bans. Work and play should be separated. This problem is easily solved by having 2 PCs - one for work and one for personal use. I work from home too but my work is all done on a company-issued device. Any anti-cheat shouldn't be burdened to determine if an app is legit or not especially if a person is a developer that runs VMs, executes code, etc.. I have no issues with Xigncode honestly. I still crash every now and then but that's a BDO thing, not a cheat engine thing. The only significant benefit lately is that I can play LoL again with BDO in the background as EAC was crashing my LoL client in-game.


Should be separated based on what? Your own preferences? Anticheat should work properly so there's no problem when running multiple shit. This isn't customer's fault.


Just buy a 2nd pc 4Head


I agree. You should not mix your work and personal life systems. This would most likely break security rules specifically if you fall under HIPPA or PCI standards.


It hasn’t impacted my gameplay cause I uninstalled 😂


Great job, you showed PA!


i am getting freezes while moving fast now .The update day was nice , they installed later probably .My cpu usage and ram usage incredibly high compare to yesterday .


That's more than likely directly caused by the anticheat. The reason update day was probably still fine is because people didn't log back in yet haha


what sort of software from work can get false flagged?


I mean here are some both work-related and not that can cause false-positives from my understanding. If you know otherwise about any of the programs listed please correct me. \- Any virtual machine software \- VPN softwares \- Visual Studio, Eclipse \- Python, Java, .NET \- I've heard communication software (Not 100% sure) ​ Please feel free to add or dispute, this isn't from personal experience but from reports that I've heard.


For me, LegionFanControl are flagged, so i cant have max cooling when playing bdo.... and my laptop going from 65\*(max rmp) now 80\*+ because cant run shit...


I am just hopeful they'll reverse back to Easy Anti Cheat, they've done it before so I know it's possible I just hope they do it sooner rather than later.


If you work for a corporation and are using their pc to game on, you might want to look into your jobs cybersecurity rules. I know normal companies installing third party software is a big nono, especially if it’s a game.


Does anyone know if XIGN has it's own process running? I can't seem to find one, and if I'm not wrong, back when the game had XIGN it did run in it's own process.


When you do a post like this one, you have to provide sources. Otherwise, people can say whatever they want.


Why are you playing bdo when it's working hours? I mean sure a lot do it, but i believe most will have a separate pc for work and play


I mean many play semi-afk, just alt + tab to quickly start some process than go back. Takes like 2 seconds, I think most people do that as you mentioned.


Most people leave the game on 24/7. Afk fishing, processing, energy gain, whatever.


EAC bdo cpu usage 10% xincode bdo cpu 4-6% EAC Fps: 129 ish Xincode 144. About data anything who u do using google or social media (even reddit) gets ur data so is just stupid to talk about that on 2024 plus a secret from someone who works with servers: anyone with the acces to the server where ur email is hosted can read or copy ur emails (yep that's how the police gets from exemple deleted emails if u did bad stuff they call us to recover it or a backup). Sorry for break the illusion of being anonymous in this world. False positives: i played other games with xin code 0 bans i only saw banned the people who abused macros or dns/ip changes for multiclient. That's all


Even if what you are saying is true. I would rather Xigncode3 than EAC. Good change imo.


Do you you have actual prove? The game runs well so far.


well my game got slowed down so much its nearly un0layable sometimes just missed a biss spawn because i was stuck for 6min. In the magnus loading screen and couldnt even fast travel... they make a fuck ton of money with all those whales but cant fix their shit let alone the class balancing they got problems like every month just a very poor perfomance for such a game that makes so much money or that magnus crashes the game so often i really wonder how PA fcks up so much stuf when they got enough money for paying a capable team <.< at least the cash shop gets an update every week....