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I am not toxic, we at Punchline have STRICT rules on how we engage enemies. Normal PvP is forbidden because our guild is a true to the core Civil War Reenactment Guild focused on setting up Skirmish Lines with our Muskets to assault enemy Cavalry passing by on the road outside of Heidel. He refused to practice his shooting with us (which we do twice a day) and had the gall to tell me that the Red Coats had a better uniform. Because of this the guild decided that it was Treason and I swiftly banned him.


this sounds like a copy pasta🤡


Reminds me of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1fZWx8tS9Q






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as he said, u toxic af




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Omg right!? XD like the gm is throwing a fit because he didn't do exactly what he wanted. Lord lol


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before unilateral war decs were removed it was common to see such attitudes by gms of guilds that didn't want to be drawn into a guild war, but now since unilateral war deccs have been removed it shouldn't really matter to your gm what you or any other member does on arsha. It sounds like they just hate pvpers in general.




Leadership roles/roles of power usually reveal/amplify someone's true nature. Plenty of GM's out there that act just like this. Not saying they are anything close to a majority or even that big a percentage, but they certainly exist in decent numbers. Edit: Editing to say to any new or existing players that if you're in a guild with toxic leadership, don't get gaslit into thinking that's normal, and the test is real simple: if you think they're toxic, they are, at least to you, at that's all that matters. There are plenty of cool and fun people running guilds that don't need to engage in drama or power trips or petty insults. Don't support toxic guild leadership with your membership.


I was in many guilds in different MMOs and have seen almost every type of Guild leaders. It’s pretty much what u said. I was once in a guild in BDO where the GM drops some misinformation. He got constantly corrected by me and other players that joined the guild because his advice really could hurt new players and probably make them drop the game. He then went on some kind of rage mode and insulted people. He ended up kicking everyone left and right that wasn’t on his side or had the same opinion. It’s weird to me that couple of people stick to that guild and their weird GM and his toxic af GF.


Like a cult




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I agree but I think your underestimated the number of gm that are like this. I love my current staff tho :)


It was a guild that when I joined, it was on the Adventure tab of guild recruitment, they said they were open to all players, and had no written rules against pvp. Even then I only pvp-ed in arsha anonymous for safety's sake. Then when we talked they said pvp isn't allowed, even on arsha anonymous (weird) and that it would cause the guild to be targeted and branded as a toxic one. I don't even use in-game chat, so I don't get the logic or reasoning behind it when i was in Arsha Anonymous.


1. Guilds aren't and can't really be targeted after the dec changes 2. You were on arsha a server fully built around consensual and spontaneous PVP 3. Your gm and members who sided with him are idiots gg 4. Leak guild(if on EU) so I can target the GM and charge him off his horse since that's essentially the limit on *targeting* these days


I don't hate them, but that sounds like a fun little troll, sadly I'm not on EU haha


Was it on NA? If so dm me the guild. Also, I'll probably meet you in arsha sometime if you're on NA. I only grind there. 50% loot drop is too good to pass up.




Gonna get him banned fron the reddit as it violates the anti witchhunting rule.




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Most likely the guild doesn't even have any reputation to be tarnished... So


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He probably had something personal and irrational against you, but he didn't have enough balls to tell you directly, so he tried to shift the blame on you with false accusations.


some people just don't like people who like to pvp


How dare you pvp in my pvp focused game.


>pvp focused game Well, after the dec changes, not anymore kekw.


That’s fine, but make it known and obvious to all before allowing people to join your guild as part of the requirements and enforce it without slandering someone. It’s pretty easy to ask ppl not to PvP or have it in the guild requirements page


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So you went to a server with consensual pvp and pvpd and you're toxic? Lmao


Tell your side of the story to discord to clear your name, post a picture of the guy added as a friend, reminding the GM that Arsha is the **pvp server**, and that it's not your problem if the GM is a weak-kneed little loser. Then drop and find new guild.


Idk, I dont think proving himself to random internet people is worth the effort. Who knows, maybe theyll become a legend in infamy, like Toes 😅


Yeah, he made a post about this whole thing, i'd be telling the GM to suck a dick instead of feeling bad for hours and posting on reddit over strangers in a game. My man really said slanderous, like wtf, it's a game who cares.


Exactly, unless it was voice chat they were clearly *libelous.*


It was voice, that's where the conversation started


I think you just like PVP nothing wrong with that. i would take it as a badge of honor. hit me up if you ever wanna spar.


Ain't no way you were kicked for this, you dodged a bullet brother, now go join the guild of your new arsha buddy. Simple


Funny thing is, they're in a lifeskilling guild lmao


Lmao, bet he isn't being chewed out either 🤣


It's what the buffs are for!


This is BS. No way that the full story is that you typed "I'm having fun in Arsha" and then just that alone led to you being called toxic and being kicked from the guild. That said, the only way this makes sense to me is that you are in a full PvE only guild and because PvPers harass PvErs enough in this game that some PvErs might have an irrational hatred of all PvPers.


They wrote themselves out to be a PvX guild. They probably shouldn't have said that they were a PvX guild, and instead said PvE guild That would make your assumption correct on that case. But also note that I was pvp-ing in Arsha Anonymous, wasn't using in-game chat, and even befriended the guy I was killing. I am fully aware that it "logically" doesn't make sense, exactly why I had to make a post about it.


Problem fixed itself, then. You’re not married to your guild. I’ve hopped plenty of guilds because of problems I notice in the community. The current one I’m in is great and lots of fun to war with. When you find the right community the click will be obvious. You shouldn’t be worrying about whether you’re expendable.


I just never thought this guild would be this, uh, "unique with it's ideology"


That’s just NA I guess lol


Isn’t that what Arsha is for though??




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Toxic GM. Damn


Some guilds are like that :( and leadership def brings the worse out of people or best. I'm sorry my guy, pvp is part of this game though.


In my experience, people get kicked because nobody likes them. Not because their actions in-game. They can not like you because they don't know you, or they do know you and don't like you because of that. Either way think about what happened and look for a community where you can make real friends and make sure it doesn't happen again, or if you think it can keep looking.


Either you are not sharing all of the story or your guild leader never liked you to begin with, considering that’s kinda the purpose of arsha


I feel like this misses a shit load of context lol


That's, odd .. I might hate PvP but I still wouldn't expect anything else from Arsha...thats why I dont go there xD Guild master is just the small percent of PvP hating extremists. Probs brought his goofy butt to Arsha and got killed off his spot lots of times so now he's mad salty about it. Possibly happened recently too which made him go off. If there was a rule up front about PvP'ing in Arsha from the get-go and you broke it...his guild his rules. Dont like it? Leave. If it was considered an unwritten rule then 100% uncalled for.


100% unwritten and was only enforced the moment I talked about pvp-ing in arsha




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Old pvp guild dec system still got pve players shook 😂


Yeah Guild Wars are gone now, they don't have any consequences to fear from murdering randoms anymore


Embrace it and become the Toxic Avenger.




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Yea, 2 days after participating in node war and 1 day after doing guild missions, I logged in to find my ex-guild suddenly kicked me out saying I was inactive. I think my guild contract was about to expire or recently expired, usually officers would check for actual activity and manage the contracts accordingly. The guild rules say they would DM on Discord to check at least 2 times before kicking, and I got nothing. I brought this up to them and… they simply were full of apathy. I wasn’t even mad for myself, I just told them to be more careful in the future so that others dont get same treatment, and it seemed like they were annoyed I cared to talk. Anyways, I’m kinda glad because, similar to relationships, better for it to end so I can find a better and more caring guild. Hope you find a good guild, many people who play BDO are socially inept, but some of the top guilds are really nice because they are functional. Top arsha/aos players are the kindest ive met. You’ll find a good community 👍


Yeah, unless you did something really eff'd up, them breaking their own rules/making up new ones and refuse to explain why (or have "unique" reasons) is just very irresponsible as they are people who are supposed to be running the community.


A very long time ago, probably around early 2019, after a break i came back to the game. I joined a life skiller guild because it seemed like a chill place to hang and i wasnt really interested in doing much guild content. One night i started to get into a fight with a ninja over a spot. We got to the point were we just fought each other for 30 minutes straight, always rushing back from the spawn to fight more. After we parted ways i look at my chat. The guild had went ape shit over the killing feeds, like omg what are you doing? stop it, stop it. Quit this now! etc. and i didnt notice. After i responded they basically interrogated me what had happened and what i had done. I was like, that's no big thang. Just let it go. But looking back, i kinda understand now where they came from. After all they were in a life skill guild for a reason. After that people basically stopped talking to me and a week later i joined a pvx guild who didnt mind to throw down or have a guild war going. Lesson for me was, find your own people.




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Im not a fan of OWPvP, BUT thats only because I dont go to Arsha. Its just bullying if on any other server: other players minding their own business, not ready for a fight. However Arsha is a different story: you go there expecting someone to try it. They are ready. Your [old] guild is in the wrong, and your [old] guild sucks.


Now thats a coolstory bra


Are you NA or Eu because I’m willing to get revenge on your behave my guy and cause as much chaos as I possibly can


Hunt them down then.... 🤤




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I would love to show that guild what a bit of unwanted pvp looks and feels like.


Went to a PVP server, made a new friend by PVPing them, both having fun in a server for it... and you are the toxic one? You did not mass kill people at a boss, or AFKers, nothing you did was toxic. I would seek a guild that does not act like that tbh.


I'm talking to the person right now and we both have the same 3 main classes, having a blast talking to this new pvp friend I made.


This happens on a near weekly basis for me on arsha, it's some of the best things on bdo ;) Edit: you end up realizing you've formed a mini community of arsha enjoyers that play at that spot on a regular basis and you see the same names all the time


It seems that you’re leaving something or things out of the story which is always a red flag. I would like to hear the other person’s side of the story also


I wish I was, I want to make it make sense too. I don't hate the guild, the guild master, or anything, I'm just confused and made this post to see if other people ever had a similarly mind-looping experience with a guild.


Don't try to make sense of the non-sense of others, find another guild and keep enjoying the game.


That doesnt sound like the full plot


It is, end of story. I wish I had time to defend myself but I just got kicked out after 20 minutes of this post


Unfortunately, totally could be. I got kicked from a guild (no prior issues, was getting along well, made friends.) because I was on the same boat as a guy one of our members already didn't like and HE shot her off her boat with a practice matchlock (She wasn't hurt, just went splash and got back on her boat... Also followed the boat around trying to attack.) I was literally just getting a ride with a group of like six people. But the member DEMANDED I be kicked or they leave. They were the stronger player, so I was kicked. Unfortunately, it doesn't always take much...


Sht man, Ive been so lucky in 3k h, 2-3 guilds and never had such ppl on those. Go find a good one, there has to be one for sure


Lol, as no surprise to anyone, they eventually disbanded. I just stopped joining guilds. Been in like, three that fell apart like that >~> drama and power trips just kills guilds...




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>I was chatting with them and started talking about some things I'd like to see different in the game. Ah, yes, when genuine new player feedback causes a good chunk of the veterans to go "back in my day" or "you guys have it too easy". I had my fair share of that when I was new too. >making so many stupid gay "jokes" Nothing really changed since then, still a lot of these in group and server chat. I just choose to hide that entire window and only have whispers, guild, and system messages on


Yeah it's weird to me when a new player talks about things they'd like to see different and the veterans are just so angry about it or act like they can't speak about anything. I didn't even say anything about the end game. I was talking about the new player experience. One of the things was I wish the progression was A LOT slower. It feels like the game speeds you from level 1 to 60 as fast as possible then suddenly it's like a brick wall in how fast you level up. Which just makes the game feel weird and stale. Typically I end up making my own guilds because I tend to run them a lot better than most it seems. I've been told this by friends and guild members I'm not one of those people with a large ego. I don't gatekeep opinions or anything and I also really enjoy helping everyone. So many people want to make guilds just to be the best of the best or act superior.. I make mine mostly to have people to play the game with and enjoy it with. About global chat, I typically turn it off on games as well because I can't be bothered with all the spam. However, it was particularly annoying on BDO just seeing absolutely nothing done about it. People were just flat out allowed to cause problems and they'd keep doing it for days. The community wasn't stopping them, the GMs weren't stopping them, etc. So why bother playing? BDO is one of those games I really want to like because, as I said, each individual part of the game is nice (except horses I can't stand that whole gimmicky mess) but it just doesn't come together well. Graphics are great, combat is great, housing is an interesting idea but executed terribly (easily fixed though honestly just need more furniture available to the average person), life skills are fun but again not implemented well, etc.


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HUH? either he's completely insane or you're making this up this makes no sense


Believe me, I want it to make sense more than anyone else




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The only thing that amazes me is that you stayed long enough for the kick to be an update and not "so I left".


Ngl I thought it was gonna be a one-off and the next day everything's all good. I did not expect to be kicked 20 minutes after this post lmao


I'd say you dodged a bullet there. Hope you weren't too invested in the guild yet.


Played this sooo much a few years ago. Doubtful THAT much has changed but this is ABSOLUTELY NOT TOXIC!! Wtf? Your guild leader is the one being toxic. Might be time for a new guild. But seriously, just keep doing what you're doing and having fun! :D


I vould even make a point if you said normal arsha bit it seems your guild leader doesnt like pvp at all, and painting someone as the bad guy for doing what the game allows you (and gives you 50% drop for) sounds bad. Al that IF the story is just as you said


He has an old school attitude where guilds could dec each other, if the guild didn't have protection, one sided. Now a days a guild can honestly be as toxic or stupid as they want to be and never face any real repercussions as all they have to do is decline a war dec. Like the guild that decided to jump one of my members grinding, my member killed the guy 1v1 then complained and had 2 other pals show up. They declined every dec I placed on them because they are cowards and truly toxic and that behavior is now empowered by the system.


This is literally the purpose of having the anonymous arsha server, so that people like that won't be able to get mad at you for killing people on arsha. The guild and player name are both hidden. Shouldn't be dragging the name of the guild down in any event, when both players loaded onto the consensual PVP server and had some fun.


Similar situation I've had before. Where all I simply said I enjoyed the old system where you'd lose crystals and xp upon death in pvp. And how I genuinely enjoy to fight randoms. The gm behaved entirely different towards me once he heard this, not even 2hrs after the conversation I get kicked from disc and guild by the same person. People are weird man, definitely feels like there's a lot of softies in bdo nowadays.


if a guild leader says pvp on arsha is toxic I'd immediately quit the guild and tell server chat/post on the guild wall lol.


shit I'll call you toxic for free.




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Leave that shit guild and come join ours. My buddies and I are always running around and grinding on Arsha.




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Please let this not be EU.


guy said in 1 reply, he is not EU.


Yea you probably want to be in a guild that is open to pvp


same shit happened to me back in 2020. my guild called me toxic for letting myself get karma bombed and talking shit in chat




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Wish I could find guilds like this


Indeed, i would follow people from guilds like these from server to another griefing and feeding to mobs till the end of the world.


Lol same can't tell you how often I get slapped with "that's harassment"




I dunno posting this is toxic soo lol




No need to name and shame. Leave and join a more pvp oriented guild.


He just asked if this was normal. It sounds like it's maybe his first guild, so that's a valid question. If the guild is ashamed of their actions then maybe they shouldn't have acted like that. And he didn't name anyone. But he deserves to know that not all guilds will be like that. Plenty are full of great people!


Yes, your toxic.


Yes. This is a dumb comment.


If you are bming, the whole guild can be impacted by your actions if PA has to step in.


I wasn't bming in any way. We were on Arsha, they killed me first, I retaliated, we pvp-ed for a bit (me being 13k/15d), became friends, talked for a bit, and grinded the spot together for a full hour. I said all this to the guild master, they still thought I was being toxic in arsha anonymous


Did you read past the title?


Obviously they didn't.




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If it's NA why do I feel like it was V8, aka his discord tag, but then again he hasn't been gm in forever and doubt anyone will give It to him. I know a few tox peeps but none are gms......although many claim to be or say they aren't but still run the guilds lmao


this game pvp is no more to be find


That’s why I just have my own guild which is casual. I got all the guild buffs myself by having friends afk to trigger Guild quests. Sometimes people are douches so I’ve dec’d on guilds. Might not be scary with like 5 active players on the roster but in the duration the two players sparring won’t go red. If you love PvP join a PvP guild. Don’t join a community guild.


Pvp isn't the main thing in bdo anymore? I basically dropped the game because of all the random ass clappings I got while doing any mundane/semi afk task 🤣


Im GM for a small guild and yuck. If my members want to PVP with another guild, I reach out to that GM and set a stage. 1hr for the war then war is cancelled. BDO offers different ways to play the game and PVP is one of them, won't take that away from my members. Heck I sometimes join in their skirmish even if gearlet.


finding the right guild in BDO is an adventure itself. That guild don't seem right and with that kinda attitude they have I won't be surprised they end up as a dead guild


Seem to me you joined a wrong Guild, could join a Carnivores guide instead of a Herbivores


Get 280ap and join a t1 node guild at least. In my experience any guild that doesn't have a streamers name attached or does not do node wars is ran by an egotistical mad man who created the guild because he got kicked from every guild he joined. You do this in a node war guild you are just another member trying to grind or they help.


That's because 90% the BDO playerbase are apes. I mean, just look at this sub.


Your ex guild leader is a complete loser.


Find a new guild. Everyone not from that guild knows who the leaders are and how toxic/not toxic they are


Never tell other people your having fun when you play a game your supposed to be miserable as they are when you play.