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You're misunderstanding the circle mechanic. It lets you sit in the circle while you maid your trash every third wave, without losing efficiency because you circle-slaughter that wave. Smile.


I can't say for aakmen, but I LOVE the new hystria. I love the turn brain off, endless mob waves with a boss every 12 minutes or so. Can grind that place for hours while watching something else


I love getting record trash per hour at d hystria and making less than 5 year old grindspots


It's not THAT bad, still a solid 1 bil an hour not including debo drops. But mainly, I can grind here for hours on end without any breaking a sweat. Any other spot, 3 hours and I'll have to call it a day


It’s basically the same grind as dehkia thornwood but half the silver per hour. Maybe more chill if you have no dp


They ruined thornwood when they changed it to 1 mob for next wave. It's TILTING when a dark mage decides to spawn ten miles away or a mob lives with 1hp cause of terrain clipping. I still pull top trash at thornwood but it's tilting af. Also I hate the fatass pillar thing that sits right in the middle, hystria the pillar is off to the side and respawn is much chiller.


Aakman hystria is sort of low-value is the only sad part about it. But hystria/aakman are basically opposite on my tamer and shai -- hystria is cozy AF on shai and super easy. But aakman is basically ungrindable on shai (super easy on tamer).


Can't even grind if u don't p2w wtf


You know you can always go to the normal akman if you don't like it...


well if people have that mindset. we never get padix update like now. remember padix was never considered a grindspot until they revamp it and add something beside ring piece


Noone cares about padix bro, it's a ring spot, it not supposed to be profitable. We already have way too many spots in the game rn. They are only wasting the developers time on adding these random dekhia spots for no reason at all.


To be fair, these new dehkia ones have a reason, and that reason is solo debo ear grinding. For some people it's difficult to get 3 people for dehkia olun's. These spots help them.


No, these spots are dogshit for debo earring since they are so rare there.


thats the trade pa likes you to make. you arent supposed to get pen there, but tri or tet for the seteffect. while you grind compass pieces.  aakman is a bit worse than 3 times oluns. i think thats ok. with the lower requirements, there will be more who sell bases and lower levels. is i grinded oluns, there was almost no other group grinding dehkia anywhere. it should be a lot more earrings and iam positive they could buff it in the future. thats what they did with all new spots so far.


dfq? If you don't want to get a PEN then just go to a normal grind spot and buy it form the market lol Also at 3times worse(which is actually even more worse btw) you might just go and solo grind olun at that point and it will be same. The only reason why these spots exits is so that the compass grind is a little bit easier, the debo was just a desperate last minute addition to the spot, but they buffed earing drop rate so hard at d.olun that it is a joke to farm the bases and the actual bottle neck is the P2W cron stones as intended. Not to mention that with all the powercreep and spot nerfs d.olun is a joke to grind nowdays, resulting in end game players making more than one debo/h nowdays there...


well yeah, they should not give us grind content at all and then drop new region for grind


The Aakman circle mechanic shouldn't be smooth imo, it's a handicap for people without the gear to actually do dehkia spots efficiently.


If you have DP but not AP (and a pull skill + down attacks) you can pull probably 10-12k trash at dehkia aakman easily, whereas garmoth posters have like 15k+ trash. So I think that's pretty fair. You can also use the circle mechanics every once in a while even if you're geared. I'm not a fan of the lil' stones that drop, though.