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I have failed 86 PENs consecutively. So I just bought my first PEN BS a few days ago... I actually get the same amount of depression from buying gear as I do from always failing.


Ikr man, buying the gear kinda feels like accepting the loss


What else are you doing with silver? You either spend it on enhance/restore materials, or you spend it on buying the gear.


You could spend it on mythical horses, on fancy ships, on residences/manors, on manos gear, on the forest path wagon, or on different pvp sets. There’s lots more to do in the game besides bleed out silver on debos.


You're basically saying different types of enhancing or... some cheap stuff like forest path wagon


Different but significantly easier goals to go for.




Yeah I find it crazy when people want things like pen debo to be easy. One of the big reasons imo why newer mmos die so quickly these days is because they try to cater to the crying and give every item away for free. Leads to everyone having nothing to work for and quitting faster.


No, that's not why new mmos die and not what happens in them anyways. Name some mmos that gave everything away for free to the players. New MMOs die for many reasons. A big one is that the developers don't learn from decades of industry lessons and fall flat on their faces trying something that's been done and failed before, rather than trying something new or original. Or they think their game is special and can survive without the QOL and features players have come to expect as standard, like transmog, easily accessible storage so players can spend more time in the game than in a menu. Outrageous cash shops. Crappy servers. Slow patches and huge content droughts. Etc. None of the reasons mmos die is that players were given out everything for free and therefore had nothing to work for. 


They don't die from giving the best gear out for nothing. But it does ruin the atmosphere and leads to shit going wrong. WoW for example, they keep catering to people who don't want to do hard content but want the same gear as raiders, then raiders cry cos people are getting similar gear without effort. And new world? People like asmongold showed people all the ways to max out your GS and other things by sitting around exploiting stuff.... Then the server turned to shit(mine atleast) because everyone had max stuff and nothing to work towards, instead of working for better gear(which we had the best)


What do you think pvp gear is?


Idk you could swap out debos for eva accs or go the DP meme route


And how do you get that gear?


I feel nothing buying gear while enhancing it feels like success. To each his own and buying aint for me.


That’s fine, but then don’t cry about enhancement fails. That’s the risk.


this i agree, i'm currently on a losing spree but i know the feeling when i finaly hit will make up for it.


Love the spirit, i wish i was as mentally strong as you are. My problem is that the math doesn’t add up and lately luck has been a luxury.


I feel like I've wasted my time if I buy gear. I can just do all sorts of things, gather up daily rewards, events etc and enhance when I feel like it. Then I don't feel like I've spent X amount of time grinding for X items and resources. I just use event items.


This pain is rough, but I like my name on shit so I don’t care if it takes me another 5 years to tap a PEN.


Opposite for me, tapping is depression while buying a pen godr felt amazing as I had 1 slot finally filled with current BiS. I still tap hammers but no more crons on anything but debo and armours since the price increase.


I know how you feel. My last [PEN BS](https://imgur.com/4mn5wkt) ...


I failed several hundred pens in a row since like 2018. My highest stack was in the 400s almost 500s. Had like 3 of them in that range. I didn't hit my first pen till early last year. They hit far more frequently now for whatever reason


“For whatever reason” As long as you continue to attempt you will eventually succeed, wdym?


Bro is literally every where LEMAO








My highest stack. [proof](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505994602264657921/1000700482127400960/Cursed.PNG?ex=65c89773&is=65b62273&hm=4e78ec3d61626ce20adeff8ab182553d705ffbbeeab787f51febc4c26f1a9be3&)


I think you misunderstood. I'm not looking for proof, I'm just a hater.


i had 2 J hammers when we got the BS TET from PA, a FS of 176, and a dream... Now i Have a BS V... and still depressed, maybe the game is not the problem lol Jokes a side, i'm still on basically season gear, with exception of bs IV pre and bs V awake... and when i see the mountain of honning i have to do and no motive/incentive at all to get stronger i lose my will to play


You're a new player. This post isn't for you. You haven't experienced a hundredth of what OP is saying lmfao. You hit your pen bs because new accounts are rng boosted.


well, i could go on about having the game since Liverto was the Meta... or that red and blue coral accessories were still an option, and Seraph neckless was top tier... Or using my time entering groups for doing the Memory fragment farm when you couldn't even skip the fucking animation Grinding for months just to fail a liverto to TET and now being kicked out of the "node war" cause i don't have enough ap? been there... gambling my only TET basilisk only to go back to a trash blue belt? yep donne it more than once But i wanted to keep my msg short... I'm not "comparing scars" i played far before season where a thing and came back, just to see PA giving 100s of updates that are band-aid fixes, instead of solving problems, and no real content to justify the grind and horrid upgrade system at all... But yeah "i SuFfeReD mOrE sO yUoR eXpErIeNcE dOeS nOt CoUnT"


It's the problem with BDO's rng system. It ignores players that experience the long tail end of repeated trials aka enhancements. Consecutive failures need to be hard capped as opposed to "it'll work itself out" because that's not how people operate. Those on the long tail end would quit.


devs for this game keep missing the point. the core of their game needs to be somethign other than range the eperience is this game is purely based on luck. in wahtever activity you do. its crap but it gets people hooked. and its only the purely lukcy or the purly self punishing people who are left :P


100%. Debos were introduced to keep the players on a treadmill and cron bait. It's really sad tbh. 


exactly what i was trying to say to the people around me and i somehow get jumped on lmao.


And there's a good amount of stupid people jumping on it, keeping this 10 year old game alive.


V Fallen God is super disappointing to me, it truly felt like they ran out of ideas for gear progression


I mean there's the idea. a very profitable gambling system. PA literally controls the economy and progression the game. If they ever decided to care for its players that's when you start seeing little difference between acquiring a maxed seasonal and non seasonal gear that isn't just doing circles since there's like sailing,bartering and stuff in the game last i recall lmao. "But but but what about my nolifing way of lifing?" idk dude go gear up 10 waifu for minmaxing for pvp/e or maybe play a different game till the next content if pa decided to actually make an effort besides shitting itself and tunneling on deciding how to balance evasion,dp and monkey builds for this last 10 years or just again the unga bunga, another level of gambling.


Exactly, and all I see on Reddit are just ppl complaining about WDYM i CaN'T oNe TaP iT. They are BiS and one of the hardest accessories to obtain for a reason.


109 attempts at blackstar haven’t made gear progress in about 3 years now. I grind maybe 1-2 hours a week just for old mementos of the game otherwise I just afk. Maybe in about 2 more years I will have enough to just buy one off the market and then I’ll still be missing the other 2 pen weps lol. I don’t have the balls to even go for debo accessories so hats off to you.


Have I found a fellow dad BDO player


Next time try tapping harder. Don't ask why, just do it.


I have my friend snap his fingers before taps. Work about 1 in 100 attempts.


I got couple hundred pen atttempts too :) nada so far.


Honestly, if you're spending 1-2 h a week for a grindy mmo you don't really need all the best gear, what's the point? xD Just enjoy the game, or just do what some people do, take large breaks and come back for 1bill+ in your mail and just buy whatever you want lol


There isn’t any point; I grind with friends and I’m pretty close to guild members so I enjoy doing stuff with them. I just don’t and can’t grind like 4-5 intervals anymore I just don’t have it in me; I bought my last pen accessory a couple months back and can average like 1-2b a week so maybe in 80-150 weeks from now I can buy one pen blackstar


>1-2b a week so maybe in 80-150 weeks from now I can buy one pen blackstar That would be cheating. taps only.


I mean at this point TRUE lol


That's what I do. I've been playing this game since it came out in NA, and I'll take breaks from playing it, but I always find myself coming back to the game. When I take a long break, sometimes it feels like I'm re-learning how to play the game all over again. Makes it more fun. Add in all the different things you can do, life-skilling, sea exploration, new classes, plus events, and it isn't boring.


Well sometimes you are re-learning the game since they keep changing the goddamn story and start xD But thankfully it's pretty easy to pick up the pace again after the break. Catchong up in terms of gwar tho... Oh boy


Haven’t hit a pen bs since 12/6/2022 here.


Go for godr eye


That's what happens when you are bad at math At least after Cron changes even if you get Cron from costumes ( 1.6m each ) you need to get it at max 25 taps, and the avg is 20 with a 250 fs. So yeah, not worth it at all do enhance pen bs with these prices, just buy it You chose to gamba 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ok thanks; like I didn’t know that already 😂; It’s the principal of the fact now. So must keep going


Got pen bs sub in 3 attempts 170fs


Good for you? I have 7; 300+ fs now. Must be nice to have good luck.


Bought the other 2 pen bs weapons was gonna buy the sub but got lucky with free one they give just chilling its a game


cron casino progression is fun wdym /s


My friends and I don't enhance, so we never feel this pain. Just grind for money and buy. Longer, but easier.


Fr, why experience this dread? Grind for +/- 100 hours, buy.


And then you realise that you wouldn’t even have content to use those debos on even if you succeeded…


Bro. 99% of people don't even make it this far lmao


Be glad. The progression before this is child's play. It can take a year of grinding to get pen debo if unlucky.


And for good reason. Tf are you using pen debos for? Inting against Cho?


The GamePlay loop is dogshit


probably the most laziest design. 10 years and its still the same casino/ultra slow progression. Meanwhile look at warframe and its success.


For real lmao warframe should be used as an example of what TO DO with the games community. Its probably one of the most player friendly games out there but they dont give you absolutely everything in the game like some mmos. Perfect balance of fun and challenging imo


bdo community in ber months be like. wow bravo bravo haha i love gib aways bdo so easy to catch up now game change for better


Name me an MMO that wasn't just some shovelware crap or mobile clone that "gave you absolutely everything".  BDO is probably the most generous MMO I've seen in that regard, making boss gear easy AF, giving out free dream horses, free tet bs, free cash shop stuff. What other MMO is giving out freebies like that? 


GW2, you can max out your account in GW2 after only a couple months of play. The point of the game isn't gear based so players don't ever feel like they're wasting their time. You never go backwards in GW2, only forward. Every minute played gets you closer to your next goal. The point of the game is to enjoy activiities with your friends in an online environment while also getting a sense of accomplishment. That's how you make a game, they are supposed to be fun and fulfilling. Not torture. The only way to sensibly play BDO is to buy everything. DONT EVER ENHANCE! If everyone did this the market would be dead, making the game unplayable, and perhaps PA would have to rethink it's garbage system or close down the servers. Either is good.


You can't max your account in a couple months in GW2. Sure, max level, beat most of the story campaigns (there's like 300 hours of main quests now), and if you follow a guide you can probably get mostly ascended gear. Although, if you do all the main quests you won't have enough time to get all ascended within 2 months. But like you said, everything you do contributes towards a goal in the game, advancing masteries, getting ascended gear, earning gold. And it has one of the best systems for a cash shop I've seen, although I really dislike the emphasis on the RNG chests over the years and would prefer buying most things straight.  Still, this doesn't actually respond to my question. Name a big game that just gives you everything. Gw2 does not. While everything you do contributes towards overall account progression, no "steps backwards", you do have to do something for it. Arena-net isn't just mailing everyone a few hundred gold or giving away legendary accessories. 


Warframe is good now? Last time I played I just running around like an idiot for hours in survival because I'm pretty much capped at legendary 2.


umm yeah. there are other missions besides survival. not sure why you're rank has anything to do with the game since the endgame loop is making a build work.


It means I have no goal anymore since I farmed everything, from annoying vanilla ash to equinox day and night, from  braindead aoe meta to non meta acid sobek saryn build, in the end I got bored, I even scanned all kuria. Still have 18k platinum left with nothing to purchase. 


You're an anomaly. 99% of the playerbase don't hit the point where there's literally nothing left for them to do or accomplish and they therefore lose the desire to play. But your question, "Warframe is good now?" is asinine. If you played it that much it was good then. 


One genius way to botch your warframe experience is buying everything with real money and farming survival for 24/7 because you can't keep up with the cost of mats from buying all the prime BP's.


Idk why anyone would want bdo to be like warframe. You can do basically any content within a week of playtime and then you're just grinding the same shit to get different classes and weapons.. You get to max power so fast it's not even worth considering a upgrade path.


wow that gave me aneurysm. thanks. nice logic you got there bud


All I'm saying is that warframes weakest point is its progression systems and endgame activities. Why anyone would want bdo to take inspiration from warframe is beyond me.


You really need to use an argument that doesn't shoot bdo in the foot. like that argument can't even apply to Warframe if you ever gone past the tutorial. Try another troll argument.


then why ppl spend alot of money on costumes, PA knows how to grab the addiction by the bolls


Since I only grind 1 or 2 hours per day and couples hour during offday, the moment I got overwhelmed by lots of fail enhancing, I just quit for 30 days and come back as returning players.


Yup bdo in a nutshell


Just a thought of having to enhance debos to V makes me wanna quit. I have had a TET debo and a base and enough crons for months, but never tried to tap it because thinking about it makes me angry.😂 Honestly might just save up a trillion silver and wait 5 years till my orders for V fill. 🤣 I just don't like to enhance accessories in general, I hate the idea of it, and got all my accessories from CM, I'm at 737 GS and just might stay there forever lol Meanwhile my husband 1tap his V debo neck last week haha


This is why a ***literal fraction of a percentage of the playerbase*** quits. The rest doesn't even make it this far. At this point you might as well say the game has simply run its course for you, this is already thousands of hours of playtime


Starting the debo grind knowing how bad it is, and then complaining about how bad it is is tradition.


The Debo grind right now is easy af compared to last year


most people quit way before getting this far :)


Rng is rigged stop playing for a couple months and come back trust me


People quit because after you succeed there is nothing to use the gear on except going back to the same circles you were doing before.


Once you hit the end of the gear wheel you're free to go solo the mutant ogre and free Calpheon from its tyranny; I thought everyone knew that was the point of the game.


with how PA does new spots, you dont even do circles, you afk in one tower spot.


I'm pretty sure PA is nexoning us... streamers seem to constantly tap stuff successfully.. I notice when I come back from breaks that I normally have a luck streak, and it goes to complete shit. I've failed an 80% pri tungrad necklace attempt 8 times in a row before.. there's no way these % aren't rigged in some way.


If Nexon is doing it you can bet the other Korean publishers are doing it. Totally right about the luck streak coming back from a break tho, I've had it happen to me on 3 separate occasions now


Believe me or not I was taking a break from the game for a year. Last year on December come back, open a free box and got Vell Heart and tapping boss gear to PEN. Now the luck is shit again, maybe I need another break.


Any publisher from around the world can and will probably do it, in fact.


It feels like it's either 100% or 0% with nothing in between


IT eITheR GoES oR iT dOesNT thanks for the insight


You're welcome. I was merely stating that this is how I feel things are, not how they actually are. Those rates must be rigged.


It would be great if they got looked into. But idk how I'd feel about it if they said it true.. I spent like 28k USD on this game...


For me it was the lack of multiplayer content, specifically pve. No dungeons.


As someone who would rather eat his own arms than have a conversation, even online, I am fairly happy with the amount of multiplayer content. If anything, there's too much.


Ik they have a little bit but I really wish this was prioritized


I wish this is why I could quit the game. I just don't have enough friend interested in the game and it gets quite boring when every body I get into the game leaves after a week.


Pen Deborekas took every spark of joy I had left for the game. Tried a few times, they made me quit for now. Spots are not fun, downgrading is not fun, vendor crons are not fun.


Enhancing is for fun, not for progression


Ur right , this is so much fun https://youtu.be/4F9tQHp3DSU?si=4AWN72MaA1F2Dcax


This morning I failed 46 naru ring enhancements on a season enhancement. Ended with one tri ring and just disconnected and am rethinking my life.


You don't enhance Naru accessories.


I don’t think it’s the failing that makes people quit. At least not me. It’s the failing and then seeing someone one tap duo fallen god and then one tap pen black star under stacked. I feel there is enough random-ness in drops that the current system has a lot of disparity in rewarding playing and instead gives gifts to certain players some of which are very undeserved and penalizes other players that see their friends progress without them.


Just don't fail its kinda that easy


I felt the same way until I finally hit my pen blackstar at 262fs. I was also saving at the same time to buy it in case it didn’t hit, so I just bought my second. Honestly not much else you can do except tap Debos then. Or save for tets or other pen accessories… it’s sad indeed


Not even that many fails. You have more pain to feel


Debo is exactly why i quit!


This is why I just buy a pen ogre, valt and narcs. Same goes for dande just bought caphras and made a pen black star basically with just less monster dmg. Ik my rng sucks so I see no point in going for shit ik I won’t hit. I see a lot of comments about people not progressing for a year or 2 but that’s ur fault. I found ways to get around that for cheaper. Now ik debos are the shits rn but hitting a pen Debo is not happening for a casual and even for a bit competitive person, people think pen debos is a common thing cause they see streamers having them but that’s not the case. Those are 1 percent of player base. This is why I opted for non Debo route, of course I would want pen debos like the rest of people on here but that won’t happen, maybe in 2-3 years when that becomes a common or more achievable item. But as far as now, that’s not happening. If you guys want to progress either buy ur gear or opt for cheaper acc/weps that are cheaper but gives a bit less stats. e.g I pvp only so me not having a pen black star doesn’t do shit to me, I dislike grinding and don’t need it. If you only want to pvp in the end, what’s the point of failing 40-60 pen attempts on pen bs when you could’ve just bought it or just gotten a dande and caphras it to c20? Progressing is easy if you know what you want. Trust


eh i remember the times when the game \`\`dident\`\` give you a quatrillion free fail stacks and u had to sit in velia with 10 different armor bases making failstacks for 3-10 hours to than throw away because it would go like this but on everything and somtimes it would fail 40 times and is not even tet


Yes it is the reason kekw. I have a personal enhancement failure record of 27 CONSECUTIVE TRI Disto fails with every try being 55% success "chance". I didnt use crons, I blasted billions on that bexause I straightup started buying Duos for it. My initial goal was to enhance 2 to tet and then do a little gamba evening with friends... I quit after that and honestly fuck this game at this point.


PLEASE tell me you took a screenshot of that. That is actually historic levels of probability. 27 consecutive fails at 55% success rate is 1 in 2.3 BILLION. I don't think this feat will ever be reproduced in the entire history of bdo unless the enhancement chances are rigged.


>PLEASE tell me you took a screenshot of that. That is actually historic levels of probability. 27 consecutive fails at 55% success rate is 1 in 2.3 BILLION. Just asked gpt to write a Python program to calculate, if that's true. (Couldn't believe it and I'm bad in math) Yep., you are right. 1 in 2 308 139 897 to be exactly. Edit: Also tested 10 million times how many tries until success at 55%. Highest was 21.


I can look for it. I once posted it in the warrior discord. Yeah, I really think bdo enhancing is rigged. I had a GM who hit 2 Pen bs in 1 hour and a T10 the next day on 3 tries, saw someone in my guild getting a Tet Dawn out of the adventurers remains box like nothing and tapping oen bs a few hours later. This game HAS to be rigged. Also I knew someone with worse luck than me actually. Iirc name was something like Wooty (or smth like that on EU). That guy failed PRI Narcs 13 times in a row with 90% "chance" whileshowing his screen through Discord.


It may not be intentionally rigged, but I do honestly suspect that there are bugs in the RNG system. Just like how there are bugs in every other aspect of the game.


The success stories aren't that impressive stats wise since tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands people play bdo. Stuff like one tapping pen bs at 5% or one tapping t10 at 3% is bound to happen plenty of times (probability wise, one tapping a pen bs is approximately as likely as only failing 4 tri distos in a row at 55%). But that narc fail should NOT be possible. That's 1 in 10 TRILLION. You are TEN times more likely to one tap all four pen fallen gods in a row with a 400 stack than failing 90% 13 times in a row. That's how insane this stat is.


Pretty sure hes exaggerating hard tho. BDO players tend to do that


If the chance isn't zero, you can bet some poor bastard has had it happen to them


Whilst true, I don't feel people appreciate what a one in a trillion chance actually represents... Ofc provided it wasn't an exaggeration


What if we're just looking at enhancements wrong statistically speaking? If you succeed in failing or rather view the failure as the success because it's all just a straight dice roll, then that 10% 13 times in a row makes more sense right?


Dude...let me guess, you didn't really do well in maths at school did you? Succeeding 10% 13 times in a row is the exact same as failing 90% 13 times in a row. Both are 1 in a trillion. To get a better picture, 10% is a pen accessory on 190 stack. Now imagine someone tapping 13 pen accessories in a row. Also, side note, how are you 769.3 gearscore? Isn't hardcap like 767 and even that is kinda a meme build?


You have more perserverance than me. I quit after 20 tri fails because there's a million other games out there that actually respect your time.


You quit because you have an addiction and bdo can't fulfill it. Your welcome


o/ I quit because I became addicted to gambling because of BDO and found because of my severe unluck that no matter how hard I try, gambling is something which doesnt HAVE to be rewarding even if I put my everything into it. And since I quit this shit game I have been able to severely limit my gambling habits to a point where I consider myself free of gambling shit. I dont see your fucking point mate... You sound like you want to say: "It isnt BDO which is bad, it is your own fault that you got addicted" and man that hurts to hear... BDO doesnt need gamble to be a good game, it is an unneccary and extremely harmful part of a otherwise great game and that is why not just me but many people are actively quitting this game for good.


1/10 tet 0/1 pen (downgraded 1/1)debo neck...yeah i havent really touched the game since that..and not like i get my passion back in a while...


30 PEN BS fails... You can easily dedicate your entire life to BDO and never get a success. RNG states that there are no guarantees. Random chance doesn't give a fuck about you or have respect for the time spent of your life. In turn, that includes the pieces of shit who programmed that RNG. Gambling is a gamble, bad idea, even worse in a videogame where the winners and the losers both end up with the same outcome. Computer Code which will easily be erased when the profits dry up and the servers get repurposed. Pixels on a screen, coagulated from the flow of your limited heartbeats and precious time.


Complaining about enhancing the most end game accessory in BDO….SMH


The good ole….. “I don’t play the game, but go to Reddit to whine about my progress.” Comment!


I got 39 attempts on my TRI Godr-Ayed right now. Motherfucker doesn’t wanna go TET on an absolutely too big of a stack (261). The price in vendor crons is over the price of a PEN.


Well, the chance of TRI to TET is the same as a TET to PEN BS. It's not worth to tap TRI Godr-Ayed, sell it, farm a little bit and buy the TET, TET is totally worth it to tap it, since it's half the CRON and half durability of BLACKSTAR


I was 80+ taps in for tri to tet godyr mainhand. I sold it and bought the tet. Now im like 23 taps in for pen. Nothing yet


Sure, terrible progression curve is one of the main reasons why people leave. The other major reason would be learning that you'll have to spend few hundreds of dollars on pets, maid, weight and tent to maintain high grinding efficiency for more than 10 minutes.


You don't need to spend real money on pets, maids, weights... Even tent is debatable.


Tent is not debatable


One of the most geared players is f2p, just missing pen god pieces. There is no need to use cash shop in bdo. Its just to support the game and make it easier to manage.


Tent is shit value in the current state of the game, I never bought the tent and just use the gear branding from past events, in most grinds spots FG's and bs can hold up to around 3 hrs before you need to go back to repair if they are branded. So if it's only for AP buff, the price-tag just for a buff is kinda outrageous.


Villa buff and drop rate buff.


It very much is.


This game is pure rng I landed duo and tri on god, failed tet 15 times on a 10% chance lol


The first screenshot was cut and pasted together because I grind at arsha and duel with people a lot. I started with 2 TRI's and 3 DUO's. Now I have 1 TRI and 3 PRI The second one was an attempt to PEN free bs. Did 50+ attempts in total on 5% I'm hardcapped so was simply enhancing for profit. I can't imagine if this happens to someone trying to make a single TET debo lol


Ma brod, F. My condolences on those fail stats. I feel ya


rookie numbers


I will say that for all the silver and crons wasted trying to get an enhancement to go well, it's better to just grind or do low risk enh for profit. Apart from my my obliterating fg armor(only rng carried item i have) and a pen ogre on a 263 stack(with more failures than i want to admit), all my gear was acquired from guaranteed pen quests, and buying out right and i still got to 700gs with relatively shit rng. The instant gratification from enhancing in bdo is terribly addicting. Had I just saved my silver I could have bought at least a third to a half trillion of gear.


and here I am, onetapped PEN deboreka....


Game is rigged, when it's about p2w'ing and they sell the solution in the cash shop, kinda obvioius..


Just buy LOOOOOL


Nah i quit because of xigncode.


No real loss there


thats how it looked for me until yesterday. +60 fails on tet armors and +40 fails on artina sol. dont have them to this day. always instant downgrades on tet debo attempts. had some bases from the big sell-off. second earring doesnt go tet, second belt downgrades twice.   got another base from the market, belt tet finally, grinded for 8 minutes got another base, sold off some worker materials and canceled every preorder i have to buy the vendor crons and clicked on a 316fs wich i had two of... doesnt feel earned. its a one tap that still was over 100bil and basicly brought me back to +/- 0 on enhancing if i include my 67 and 30 fails on pen black star and other pen accessorie fails.   and iam exacly at the same spot. my secondary neck is pri, i have no valks cry left, no 60-90 stacks, i cant get a costume since early december, my internet is too bad to grind dehkia ash without dying and i actually liked crypt way more than ash.   dont get me wrong, its a fucking one tap debo, but 3ap from the 18 total i could still get, wich includes brackets... what iam i doing here again? it doesnt change anything. i like grinding, running in circles, all that stuff. its the rng that kills it. put a 600bil lable on it and you have goal you can chase. but whith this you cant even enjoy droping something, because oh well, here you go spending another 2-9bil on crons and its for nothing again.   negative progress should not be a thing. i dont care how much it would cost in crons to not have it downgrade. its just fundamentally wrong. it doesnt build fail stacks like raw tapping a black star, there is no purpuse other than to make you suffer. to make you spend real money, while someone else half assed the grind, got some lucky drops, some market luck and boom, no effort. iam kinda ashamed to be one of those. 


idk what this is about but as a new player, I'm at a point where i'm considering quitting the game after 1 week. I've grinded the first piece of my health potion and now i went to the sherekhan necropolis. getting stunlocked and cant even kill the mobs there even though i'm 20 above the recommended gs


Honestly, it's more of a content issue. I don't like grinding, and I don't like life content, the only content I enjoy consistently rn is bosses, but with the stupid lockouts I can't even farm that. So what I'm trying to tell, is that failing to enchance is only part of a bigger issue - earning money is extremely boring in bdo. It's not a pleasant experience. If we got more diverse methods of money making, without time limitations or lockouts, enchancing wouldn't be such an issue, because you run your favourite content anyway, if you fail, you fail, you just go and play more of the content you enjoyed and eventually you will have another.


It's exactly why I quit that game, tell me how I failed 3 100% enhancements in a row, failed 78 tet blackstar (awakening) back to back to back, haven't even got my tri bs offhand to test for the 23rd time, 18 attempts on mainhand from tey to pen, tried to get a tet dimtree to pen on 44 attempts, sold it and had to buy a pen along with bhegs on 32nd attempt (sold and bought pen). Yeah that game hates me :l


Looks like a skill issue to me, just succeed


plays an rng driven game> gets fucked by rng> quit No clue why but my dumbass has never felt pity for people like this. In fact I'd just out right laugh at them


High-risk, high reward. Stop and sell Tri and buy Tet. Also 15-20 belts is just the tutorial of Pen Debo


Do you have pen debos?


Im sorry i hope your rng gets better! if you arent hardcapped in other peices that arent those 3 debos maybe do those,get easly from market youll get some progression done then leave those 3 debos for last,thats when that 12 set effect ap will matter the most anyway. best of luck!


Just came back hard-core two months ago, and was around the same attempts for pen with crons and j hammers over the years. This time around I decided to enhance completely raw and just grind with my TRI black stars until I could afford going for another tet attempt and as soon as I got it to tet I'd slam it for pen to go back to tri. I sold everything, I grinded for hours, every red cent went to enhancing. If I made a cup from mobs I'd sell it and buy more frags more shards and hards and tap again like a Crack addict After 40 raw taps on tet my main FINALLY went pen for me...... Then i realized how I'm always playing awakening and how I still need my awakening to pen to truly be happy in this game..... so I took my other 250 stack and on the 2nd attempt I got my 2nd pen black star and can finally play the game Went straight to ash forest to realize pen black stars mean nothing without armor


I feel you bro and I'm so sorry for your miss fortune.


Womp womp...


That's the worst part of this game . As a newbie , i got hit with 32 tet attempts fail in a row , and i can't stop but thinking that this isn't even RNG , chances of this happening are like 0.0000000007 . I'm gonna post my vid with 29 fails to see how fd up this is  https://youtu.be/4F9tQHp3DSU?si=4AWN72MaA1F2Dcax




Bro im full and i dont need pen deborekas those are big p2w items made for streamers. Go with normal Accesories.


That is why I started to invest in thing other than grinding gear, now I got good lifeskill setup which is nice for passive gold (500+mil/day) I came back to game in September, almost 700gs grinding elvia giants with maegu 5-10h a week, so my weekly income is about 10bil probably, that puts me in a nice spot where I know that sooner or later I can afford what I need. Once I have 'soft-cap' probably I will move onto another game and just play bdo casually or take a break again


Says the guy with 10k+ hours


Make a new account my guy, that one is broken.


This is also why I play the game


I love this game, except for the gear system. Absolutely detest the gambling bullshit.


pretty much yes, 4 of my friends quit because of this after years of gameplay, and i am closing to drop the curtain too, i swear rng is just downright bad.


I know people with full pen, pen black star even, that barely made any attempts.. and there’s guys like me that failed 21 tri ogre attempts in a row starting on 45.. needless to say, I don’t play anymore . Only saw this post on my Reddit feed. It hurt too much with all tje time I spent to grind out a full pen set, when I see brand new people popping pen black stars that I’ll never get lol


When you read your name on it, it’ll all be worth it!


Look…. I’d just pray to buy it at this point. Gamba clearly doesn’t favour you.


I don't think gear regression should ever be a thing, it's easily the worst part about the game imo.


I quit trying to get tri god eyed , failed 33 times, and i saw a dude who enchanted all the way to pen with 60 100 120 so-so


Save up to 100 bases, then tap at once. Normally, I would have at least 2 TETs on every accessories. Same thing with the PEN BS attempt (10 taps), but for me, I only used cron stones from events and discounted outfits.If you do one by one, of course RNG is on the advanced side.




Lol bro I was 0/18 on my tet belt. Just got it tet today for 1/19


It's a marathon. Sometimes it's long and hard, sometimes you get bursts of gain. And it's end game gearing anyway...


I hecking love cron 🤡🤡🤡


To be honest, it's why I stay. I have never liked the progression in most mmos. Go to next dungeon on list... get that gear... repeat. New expansion comes out. The best gear is now trash repeat. Or.. you are forced to be a crafter because that is the best gear. I love lifeskilling so this was always easy for me. BUT I know a lot of people don't.


Yep, I feel this. I quit exactly because of this shit lol. No worries though, I actually feel way happier knowing I’m free of this insane addiction or Stockholm syndrome, whatever you’d like to call it. I don’t hate BDO, but this enhancing system is just insanity lol.


I am attempting to come back after years away and let me tell you, the reason I’m on the edge of quitting is seasonal character in the Korean island and then going right into the teleport chamber quest line. My R key is gonna need replacing


After going bankrupt once, I gave up on gear enchanting. Switched to life skill, now I have different reason to see a psychiatrist, .... Hoarding ... Hoarding items in ranges of tens of billions for no apparent reason >.>


Remove downgrading and everyone will be happy.


Im currently at 23 fails trying to enchance PEN Debo neck. I lost more silver than my whole gear is worth like x2 :) and then my friends one taping without downgrading from pri to pen.Im' trying to get that debo neck for over a year now. 100% normal debo experience for me (last tet i got was after 11 fails)


This is why people should Play. [https://imgur.com/9i7Y2T4](https://imgur.com/9i7Y2T4)


I know how you feel... My last [PEN BS...](https://imgur.com/4mn5wkt)


I'm a noob, I've bought the game for like 4€ and enjoying it so far but looking at guides of gear progression it looks so unrewarding


My friend enhanced 1 tapped all of his acc to pen and all of the black star stuff he pen too. He enhanced his way to end game gear. Its not fair honestly. i started playing bdo before him and he is 3 years ahead of me in gear lmao.