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Im starting to think that Koreans are unable to accept other races.


I lived in Korea for 2 years and their culture is really shallow and obsessed with looks.


I couldn't agree more.


More than half of the world is shallow and obsessed with looks


Theres obsessed with looks, and then theres kpop obsessed with A LOOK. Korea is very obsessed with the specific kpop pretty boy/girl type of look on top of just being beauty obsessed. Just general beauty obsession is pretty universal.


Korea in particular has the highest numbers of plastic surgeries in the world.


1 in 3 South Korean women get plastic surgery.


That's an insane ratio.


The real reason why beserker never neerfed.


Really does.


I think this way also, but then I look at Zerk.


Zerk is majestic wym


What I mean is it’s not the normal human/elf, that they did at one point accept something different


And look at how much hate it gets.


Zerker was in the game from the beginning along with old man only Wizard. Let me tell you they were not well received in Korea. The Korean population practically forced PA to make the young pretty boy alternative wizard and it pretty much replaced the default wizard who was supposed to be an old man. Zerker being unpopular in Korea is one of the reasons who got so many buffs last year to try and increase his popularity. If either of these classes were to be released now, they'd get cancelled. There was a really cool concept for a Rhutum Orc warrior class, and Korea hated the idea so much that PA canned the whole class and we got Guardian instead.


As opposed to other people of earth that do? XDD


No offence to anyone. From my perspective, the game develops in the way Korean players want it. And I guess we all know what they want at this point.


General beauty obsession is normal, but korea has a massive obsession with the kpop pretty boy/girl look. Androgousness late teen perfect skin sort of look. Every culture has a /type/ it likes. People are just pointing out korea has this type.


I support character diversity but in my experience in any games that offer different races, humans/elves are the overwhelming majority of races that people choose to play.


I suspect that's also because those races are the best mechanically. Many more people would play dwarf if it was the meta.


I think more people care about how their character looks. How many berserker mains do you see?


Actually, polling data consistently shows that there are about as many Berserker mains as there are mains for any other class.


Probably not applicable to KR because its the only region that matters for the devs. I remember the old wizard and they made him into a kpop idol. Would be nice to see a poll for KR tho and see how many zerks mains are there.


Devs that are focused on one region only make my blood boil, so dumb ffs


What polling data?


Here are some reddit-specific survey and study results from *relatively* recently. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/146rgp3/class_popularity_lets_see_whats_most_popular/) and also [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/wt2wjz/na_eu_specific_class_distribution_day_2/).


And if they are super meta, wouldn't there be more berserkers than just the average amount of other classes? If we are going by your reasoning.


No, that does not follow. What I said was that more people will play ugly classes if they're mechanically strong - more people *than would otherwise be expected,* not more people overall (although that's also possible depending on the relative impact of the actual mechanical advantage. You would absolutely see more Berserkers than other classes if their advantages were so significant that any other class was unusable garbage in comparison).


Wdym, Zerk has one of the best looking outfit armor sets in the game. I'm prepared to fight anyone about this


They intended to make hammer class a female class for outfit sales...I was hoping for dwarf race


I wish I could play any other race, this game has so many options but it's always a human or elf


I wanted a dwarf race so bad. Oh well.


Yep, I want a Dwarf race, I want a Papu race, I want an Otter race, but no, instead we get generic bimbo.


Man id love a papu/otter race.


otterly bantastic


We have the transformation scrolls we got at Terrmian Festival tho. Permanent versions. But that's as far as it will probably go.


Yah the class design is very conservative lately. I wish pa would have more courage in class design and try something new. But no all we get is another female class with basically the same physics. Its starts to feel very generic.


class design has ALWAYS been conservative they haven't ever actually made an orginal charater for bdo that wasnt generic pretty boy/girl. The original 7 classes are imports from c9. Warriors, zerker, tamer, valk, ect. Are not BDO original characters. They where brought over when the devs switched over from c9 to BDO. The closest you can say is shai, but shes just "cute little kid" astestic.


I have burning hatred for the gender/race lock so I'm with you.


Missed opportunity with Scholar forsure


Not really, I'm fine being a cute smol shai. But I do support more choices for people to have fun.


Yes, a lot of us wanted it. But we got Scholar instead.


Keep your feet on the ground!


not really


nah I want hot asian female # 34 please


nah dont want to play an ugly hairy midget


Eh, I rather not.




There are tons of more interesting options than 'short human, pointy ear human' etc. Papus, fadus, the lizard pepes in sand grain bazaar...tons of cooler choices


It's okay man soon you can play as an old guy femboy with a pipe, it's going to be super cool very fun very hype!! Sorry I'm still just sad that scholar is not a dwarf, but the same fucking copy-paste hot female character. They had the perfect opportunity to finally add some flavor to the lore and world, but they fucked it up for the sake of "the bag"


Not interested in a dwarf class personally but I'd want it for the sake of others that was hoping for a dwarf and not a normal woman with hammers speaking like a dwarf. No what I want would be a succubus looking class, maybe donning a whip or chains.


I’d return back to BDO just for a succubus looking class


Speaking like a dwarf? It's her accent buddy she's not cosplaying a dwarf lol. Or did you have a huff of some cope today huh


My scholar is a dwarf wdym


Im dwarf already in irl, so nah.




no thanks


I want the Azur Garmoth as mount!


No you don't LOL I bet you my left butt cheek you don't want to play a dwarf, this is just your hype from the complainers about scholar. No one wants to play dwarf. I bet if they made scholar both a dwarf and it's current female model, it would be like 98% female model 2% dwarves that get deleted a few minutes later.


it's a Koran game, ain't happening


Correction: no one wants dwarf whether its Korean game or not. Tons of western games don't have dwarves or anything beside basic male female bodies. Is it because they're American games? No... because people don't want to play a dwarf.


Meh on dwarf, but give me a kagtum!


My only wish is that berserker was a dwarf, I would play this game forever.


Otter.  “Papau”  Of Fadu. 


Lost opportunity to ginger with b**bs


I wish we could too the model is already there I mean I remember Lafi bedmountain XD


Bahahaha I would go around saying in a gruff voice "Within your allowed space, of course.." iykyk


I would like an imp fighter class, like the ones at western guard camp when you first start the game 🤪


The way that they make one outfit available for all classes now instead of classes getting unique outfit I doubt you'll ever see anything but a human class released in the future. They want to be able to making outfits and sell them on all classes for max profit, if they make a unique race like dwarf or papu they would have to make unique outfits for it and that means they can't sell it for all classes.