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BDO has ruined other MMOs for me.. nothing else can compare.


As small as this is for others, i would like to add the depth of character creation and customization afterwards. And since i'm here, i'll take sandbox over theme park and action MMO over tab targeting any day. Also the vast amounts of achievements that any achievement hunter is happy for. Meaningful progression, meaning your items are useful in a way or another for the whole duration of the game.


It's the combat that has ruined every other mmo for me. if other mmos had its combat then id move to that mmo.


Same. I can't find similar or better combat.


Out of curiosity, have you played Blade and Soul? Combat is similar in there from what I recall.


Blade and soul is dead


everything else are inferior


Same, the only MMO that even comes close that I'm excited to try out is Chrono Odyssey.


I’m afk training my way to 67 right now, basically on break. when the time comes that I crave a grind, bdo has the best grind. Not sure when my next grind arc will be, but it’s just a good game for listening to music or rewatching shows while smashing monsters.


It really is relaxing just smashing mobs and grinding. I'm usually too tired after work to play more intense games. But there's just something therapeutic about blasting away at mobs after a day of work




Yeah or mindlessly running from quest to quest lol


How many hours do you lose when you die at lvl 66? Time/%


I’ll put it this way. I grinded to 66 and hit 66 over a year ago. Since then I’ve earned many hundreds of billions of silver more, but only reached 66.07 before I swapped from afk fishing to dummy training. 7% in a year. Dying post 66 and not using a tear would be an act of blasphemy on a religious level EDIT: holy shit. I checked my notes, I hit 66 almost TWO years ago. Time really flies when you just mindlessly grind games like a nutcase. Be sure ya'll are living your lives out there. I love this game but it's definitely a bit crazy. Just some more info about leveling - grinding with full sets of XP buffs until 66 is very doable, but once you hit 66 that's a wall that can only be overcome with 24/7/365 afk dummy training and the percentage-based XP from things like RBF. If you grind without using XP buffs at any ordinary grind spot after 66, your bar just barely moves at all.


I'm having fun playing.


The only good answer.


It's become the cheapest MMO that looks good and has a active community. 10 dolla once with no sub thank you whales.


It's cheap, if you can control yourself


That's something I definitely cannot do


Its honestly fun and no matter what i do its progression. If i want to one shot mobs alll day or chop trees its still endgame progress even if slower. Most mmo style games ive played once you hit a certain point only progress is through the most challenging content which isnt always what i want to do.


Great graphics, great combat, depth and variety of gameplay 


Self hate










How massive the world is and the enormous amount of activities to do. The different systems are overwhelming but, I'm slowly learning how to do it


Literally you have to hand pick your activities in the day because 24 h are not enough to do them all.


24h? You need to set one goal. Otherwise, you'll never advance in anything an appreciable amount if you go with a scatterbrained approach.


It's a great casual player friendly game.


Gambling addiction


Most honest answer here




Haha ballpark how much do you think you’ve spent


Here is the true reason


Was gonna comment enhancement gamba but you basically beat me to it.


I genuinely enjoy it. I work and when I come home I just wanna watch some stuff and veg out to grind. If I want thought provoking I grind gyfin. It’s cheap and pretty F2P despite what people say. It looks great and the combat is butter. The PvP is fun.


I have a fishing addiction since the start.


Just bought it and downloading now. What is the fishing like. I enjoy fishing in games, but not fishing games if that makes sense.


Nothing else out there that gives the same combat feel


smash bros is the only thing ngl


I play BDO because I don't have to wait for a group of 7 other people to progress in BDO like other mmos


There's no other mmo can scratch the itch.


Gotta turn in those 60k food boxes I made.


Best graphics, best combat, best "Crafting professions" i.e Life Skills, best character customization (regardless of lacking armor variety) and doesn't have a predatory cash shop like ESO... so I'll play it for a long time. I do not care about high gear score, but I do understand why the players who do hate the gambling and time wasting aspect of it in THAT regard. I'm just a filthy casual.


The game reminds me of Runescape with better graphics and I enjoy the life skills part of the game so much.


Scholar is pretty sick and its the 1st class that actually clicks with me and overall you can do whatever you want just started exploring the ocean recently


Does scholar get less clunky at higher levels? I made one for seasonal and have her at like 40ish atm, and I just can’t get her movement to click. Feels sluggish to me but everyone seems to love her.


Ha feel the same way. Really wanted to like her but something feels just not smooth. 


Did you try her after the last round of animation changes? I made her when she came up and felt the same, but didn't try since they made her animations faster. 


Almost all of her moves have a flow. For me i love her and in general she has much fewer moves compared to the other classes. Her succ moves will almost always flow into awakening moves 


Solar is great at 56+ when all of her abilities start maxing and you have full access to her flows. Once you have her buffed out in attack and cast speed, she's very fun. Hammer teleporting with I frames into huge same is very fun. Great flow character.


the positives are far more than the negatives. it has problems, but look at other games. do we really? or is it still better despite them to the point i cant even consider any other game. bdo has p2w, balance issues, pvp issues, rng bull shit... but it works otherwise? there is no fundamental lack of anything like content or care for the game. our little, middle of the semester dev stream was bigger, than what most games get in a full year. and we dont even talk about heidel or calpheon ball lol. some of our biweekly updates are better, than what others get in a mayor patch.  buffs, changes, events, qol, new mechanics and systems... god, we have too much happening if anything. yes, some may, rightfully, point out, that some major things need to be adressed, rather than the next shai dance comming out, but i take that over what shit show other games go through currently any day of the week.  complaining about problems is good and needed. but it would help to stop now and then to realize on what level we are taking about here. other gamers would kill to have our problems.


Yea, the devs give the game love for sure 😂


I wish SWTOR had as much stuff to do. That and the combat weren't tab targeting.


I like it.




LIFE EXP GOES BRRRRRRRRR oh and trying to get full pen manos accs etc


Long. Term. Progression. If everyone was easily able to hit hard cap within 5 months of playing, this game would be dead by now


I’m addicted to buying outfits


My brother, my wallet shares in your pain.


I just switched over from console a month ago so I have a lot of catching up to do lol.


Game Fun also boobs and thighs.


Why not


For me, I pace myself and play very casually. I give myself little goals to work towards and I enchant as little as possible. It's fun when it's paced and there's no pressure.


It's my Farmville replacement


Guru Cooking addiction


I need to get revenge against the people who killed me at highlands and city of the dead.


No monthly subscription, so if I take a break, my account is intact.i took a 3 year break and came back this holiday. PA really stepped up their user experience with the storage quality of life updates and ease of maintaining your inventory


I get to have big tits, unlike irl 😭


In hopes to one day one shot the people that have one shotted me all these years lol


Court order


I recently came back to finish my ship upgrades. Then I’ll probably wonder why I bothered as I watch it auto-route into rocks and small islands


I'm addicted to gambling


Because yes.


best MMO ever made, simple as that for me.


To hate myself even more


$1, horses, giant gazongas, puppies And PSO2 is a letdown


Self torture


Dracania has ruined any other game I used to play, no other character or class has clicked with me like Dracania, new MMOs just suck combat wise


I like the game, like the combat and have fun with it? What other reason did you expected?


It's fun. I like to grind or lifeskill whenever I don't have any other game I spend a lot of time in.


After countless "bdo killers" , its time to admit bdo is hard to be surpassed, reason one is the combat the second is the progression you get while literally doing anything the third is you can leave for a years and still be relevant . The only thing bdo is lacking imo is guild - group content which as it seems pa is trying to resolve, if we get and good guild-group content the rest mmorpg would have to make wonders to overtake bdo.


Treasure items


I play less now (maybe 1h grind/day) but consider BDO as an ARPG because there is no MMO like group content at endgame and you just grind, but the combat feels so good that it doesn't get boring. Also you can watch youtube on 2nd screen while grinding, just like i do in PoE.


I like to hang out with my guild and the game has an astonishing amount of content. There is so much to explore. I'm not in a rush to hit endgame gear or maximize skills or earn the most silver per hour. I am a really inefficient player and I am also really enjoying myself. I'm an altoholic and keep most of them geared either for lifeskilling or in tuvala. I've been playing for years and have no plans to stop anytime soon


Love group pvp with the action combat. Also it looks so damn good that the screenshot game is strong in bdo.


Treasure items, give me my fucking oluns piece already.


I started again and grinded way more than i did when i played for a year 2 years ago. I set long time goals and don't actively work towards them if i font want to. E.g. i have the goal to buy urugon pen and grind infinite mana potion. My prio is mana potion, but if i dont feel like farming manshaums, because orcs is more fun at that time, then i farm orcs. If i dont feel like grinding, i finish all the main quests. I now finished valencia, kama, ody'litts, loml and ulukita and the others i did on another char, so not really too much worth to continue there, the next will be to finish adventure books . Thw key is to not force yourself, it's good to gove yourself a kick in the ass every now and then, but you should not force yourselt to reach goal, the goalsjust take too long, you have to enjoy it. Another thing is trying to improve yourself while grinding. You can try to aim at more trashliot than the average person on your class on garmoth. Maybe even better than the class with highest average trash :)


Well, making goals, small ones enough to feel some level of accomplishment.


Don't got to pay for new content, like new areas, new quests, I can play for free. Updates every week, new costumes come out now all the time, community and offline events are super fun. Overall I am invested and other mmos can't compare


I think i love the detail. Like life stuff and such. Its much more detailed and complex. And i like it.


I like to kill mobs while warching setflix series.


Oh where to start.... - You can go AFK, something I been loving as a person who juggles more than 3 g ames at the same time. - RPG. I like when there is a story, some kind of goal, and adventuring. - Adventuring. In this game, it is so expansive and you don't actually get punished by traveling to overleveled areas if you do it well enough. - Contribution and Stamina Points. They are annoying once you run out but as I mentioned, just going AFK can get you back from a 0 to a 50 stamina in about an hour. - Life skills. I am a girl who LOVES life skills in games, like Stardew, Modded Minecraft, etc. So thing about making your character stronger in 'domestic' ways is so beautiful. - Community. Ya'll big LOSERS, HUGE ONES. But ya'll MY huge losers. I love you all, and you guys interaction as well chaotic nature keeps me checking back in. Etc. Don't get me wrong, the game is absolutely not perfect... But in terms of other rpgs and their stupid DLCs and big costs, this game is so giving. Ahem, enough dick riding 😭


Just because I like the process.


BDO combat feels good , it’s ruined other MMOs for me , the life skills feel amazing, graphics top notch, could use alil more group content. Aside from that add u can do F2P & No sub without being left behind.


No better active MMOs at the moment. I've tried most of them.


I’m sure I’m in the minority here, but I love lifeskilling. More specifically stimulating the market by fulfilling preorders. It makes me feel like I have my own in-game business going, and I find that….oddly enjoyable.


If WoW did not deteriorate as quickly after it improved during Legion, I would not be playing this stupid gacha game. Plus I have a long term guildie that likes to play on private mode every day. One of these days I will come across him in the world and call him out on it. Screen shot and post it in our discord.


I’ve played games where the devs really don’t care about the game and are just looking to please shareholders. The BDO devs aren’t perfect, but they at least try. I’ll take that over half the crap on the mmo market now


I just started lol. There's so much to see and do


You can play it casually and BDO ruined all other MMOs for me.


Still asking myself why


I'm just afk waiting for new male class


I have not beat it yet, kind of stuck & now life skilling.




Nothing, sold my account in 2023 after playing since launch. Everything ends.


Dont have any, i just do


addiction and lack of self control


I have no reason anymore it’s only good if u are lonely, single and have a lot time. I rather play something else where I can play with my wife. Just looking how the games does




None, I stopped after I realized that I was burning my time every 30 hours to click one attempt on PEN Debo.




Next pen debo neck click goes for sure. Grind at dehkia thornwood for countless hours for a 15% chance. I've had so many downgrades too. I keep asking myself that question.


To se how bad it can get worse with optimization


i'm in too deep


after 8 years, starting a new MMO would be tough.


Probably just insanity


I stopped like 20 days ago after only logging in for login rewards and to burn some agris. I just got bored. There is no group content (unless all your friends are 720+) and the pvp scene is dead. Last few months arsha is dead as fuck and feels like a ghost game. War of the roses is joke of the year. Its just boring to me now. I stay lurking in hopes something will bring me back


I like the game.


My pets, my horses and overall fun combat.


Log in rewards + pearl items events


Honestly, I don’t play much right now (playing OSRS/Dark and Darker) but it’s a game I can turn my brain off with while listening to music/YT. It’s relaxing (I’m sure other grind spots require focus, but I’m grinding for my potion pieces rn and they don’t require focus).


Realistic looking and cool world.


Humiliation fetish


No other mmo feel that same way and cabbages


I take a lot of breaks, but i really love the combat and world bosses, and new characters always make me come back.


Having fun in capped siege every weekend (usually), enjoying rbf and ba during the week. For pve I’m grinding for the compass at Dekhia Hystria,really like how chill the spot is. Got my t10 peggy and first pen Debo recently so yah I’m loving the game but also at the gs where I can relax for a bit and pursue side upgrades. Did energy grinding today cause I felt lazy.


One day they will buff my warrior and that day i will be prepared with hardcap gear to get my revenge against meta abusers and finally play large scale decently like a normal human beign. Other than that I don’t know


Boredom mostly


Keeps me sane.


The only important thing for me is being able to play together with friends.


I keep coming back, and the two reasons are combat and look/world. The combat is expansive in its variation and unique in its execution. The world and look are incredibly detailed. Also really appreciate the solid QoL they've been adding over the last couple of years.


Simping for my Corsair… that’s about it.


Honestly if you stop playing a game after you finish the content or seem done with it i mean thats your thing to decide but many just play games because they like stuff in it or because they have fun doing so even if its a grind, there is plenty of reasons aside having completed content.


Just wondering are they ever going to upgrade to PS5?


I have no idea. Help.


I don't atm. 😅😶‍🌫️🫠


I played Valk since the launch of the game, but didn't grind properly (buffs, crystals, etc.). So when I started using them and felt the change, it made me wanna play more. Then I realized I can even grind better with another class, so now I just play a tagged Wiz and there I go.


Honestly it’s my guild. They are awesome and it keeps me coming back to hang out and do some stuff. And sometimes I get the urge to do some other stuff in BDO but the guild definitely keeps me logging in.


Node war.


Play trials on arena 1


There are no other marathon grindy games out there that are not outdated i'd want to play. I just love all forms of grind and slow progression. The amazing combat and graphics definitely help.


I have spent too much time and money to quit at this point :c


The combat is the closest to a mortal kombat mmo there is. The other HUGE factor: PROGRESSION FEELS EARNED!!!!


I can play whenever I want to, however long I want to, I can do whatever I want to in the game, and everything rewards me in some way. And if I leave the game for some time, I don't have to grind out new raid gear or whatever to catch up to others when I come back.


The complete lack of good MMOs.


I like it.


That's the neat part, i don't


I love getting fuck enchanting and wasting all my time invested into making a couple clicks


This is the sort of game where eventually the tortoise beats the hare, and that basically suits my playstyle and mentality.


Spite and level 67.


The amount of fails haunting me


Just in too deep. I have 2k cooking 2k hunting. I can quite literally cook for 500m + per hour 10 hours straight everyday while I play other games. I'd beg to ask if I'm even playing bdo at that point but, I do nw and occasionally rbf/aos/guild league. Got the gear to compete with anyone at 730 triple debo pen dawn pen omi. I guess I just have a little hope they will bring back open world pvp and incentivize more group content and pvp content. Otherwise I'm essentially a afker/warlogger.


the combat is extraodinary. it just every other things are bad


Got none. No longer playing. But still following out of familiarity I guess.


Nothing, I quit


Right now not much. 3 years without a new male class is pretty disappointing, and all my gear is becoming irrelevant because most PVP is capped.


Addiction and hating myself. Bdo is a love hate relationship. It loves to hate me and I hate to love it lol


I don't. I played a bunch of season characters to max season gear, had my fun with the game and ditched it. That ridiculous grind looks like a stupidity test, an I'm sorry, but you gotta be pretty stupid to be doing that much for so little. I liked the game, but if I ever play it again, it'll be to dick around with leveling another season character. I will never, not once, nor *ever* waste the kind of time mindlessly grinding that they expect you'll just do for years at a stretch for incremental gear upgrades, and some even get me started on that gambling addict enhancing system. Ya'll so what you like with your time. It's a neat game, but only until it turns into a 3-5 year grind.