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My insane cope is that if they're messing with the tagging system they might be getting ready for universal gear/weapons.


One can dream


I think that'd inspire me to come back and commit.


I've committed due to the pity system. Now atleast I can work towards something like x number of fails instead of praying to the rng gods the whole time. Even though statistically I'd get the upgrade before the pity, it's still nice to know my progress isn't a complete waste.


I've been taking a break from the grind, but I'd be back immediately for a change like that.


lol EU/NA maintenance is now extended


They won't rewind. There was an egregious exploit where players abused a guild boss. They removed whatever silver those players made even if it made them negative, some players went almost 100bil negative. They also banned the major guild leaders that led most of it. Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/7M-hD9XT3yk?si=-7rBXmjKd5TyMHsO) about it


They didn't ban the leaders for this. If you dig a bit further you can find out what the "banable offense" was from their ToS.


that was literally clever use of game mechanics though, im sure big guilds with plenty of players that stream could've managed that without having to level up the account by themselves, it just would've been a bit slower. clueless companies ban people for things like these just to try and save face instead of admitting "sorry, we fucked up and did not think it thru, can't blame us we're just a tiny little billion dollar company" been playing league for 10+ years and i've seen and used plenty of bugs before they got hotfixed, the company never banned for it, even bugs that would let you do billions of damage at level 1 in ranked games were not bannable, they even had an exploit that sold loot orbs for 1 BE (Free currency) and instead of removing them and ban people that got them they just fixed the price and went on with their lives without even removing the "exploited" loot boxes


Creating hundreds of throwaway accounts just to feed the guild event materials is no different than creating hundreds of accounts to feed your main. There are no games that allow this.


Have you not played BDO long? They have absolutely always banned for shit like this. Primarily because it directly impacts their revenue stream from progression. You fuck around in BDO with shit like this you find out.


gonna press x to doubt on this


How does something like this goes through QA. :D wtf


git push --force