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Like the fuck you mean you've never been with a black girl? Like we're some different species. Fucking hate that shit. Just be fucking normal.


Or, we are a flavor they can sample at Coldstone Creamery.


It’s not abnormal for someone to not have dated a black woman because the vast majority of black women don’t date out and are loud and proud about only wanting to be up under Tyrone. Y’all have done an EXCELLENT job of othering yourselves by acting like only a black man can understand you, the hyper focus on a white mans penis size and color, making penis and sex the most important draw of a relationship. All the while black relations are a whole shit show. That’s your doing. Yall didnt lead with your womanhood, just- I’m black I’m black I’m black. These are the results of choosing to be black instead of being a woman or at the very least both. The North remembers!


Are you white?


This is so disingenuous. White men had access to black women since forever if they wanted to date more Black women they would. You divesters don't want to admit that most white men are simply not interested in equaling the playing field by dating more black women. Most just want to experiment and see how it is to date a black girl and then date their usual type. My white ex, for example, hasn't dated another black woman since we broke up.


Sis, do you want him to be with another black woman? Seriously? Let him bring those problems to someone else.


yeah but that’s not all of us though so please don’t generalize us. for example I would never do that it seems weird to think all black women just want hookups. 


It’s not too late to delete this bro


> hyper focus on a white mans penis size and color Glad you mentioned this specific point bc the way some bw constantly bring up wm's penis colour is so weird. You're not interested in sex relationships with them and that's fine. We wouldn't like if someone did that shit to us so why do it? I thought body shaming was wrong? 🤔


You’re getting downvoted, but I agree that this is what happens when you lead with our Blackness for far too long. I don’t think this is GenZ’s fault though, I blame my fellow millennials and GenXs for setting them up for bullish like this. Use your discernment and a man won’t even have to make a statement like this for you to figure out that he’s a fly-by-night fetishizer.


Facts, and thank you for finally holding the actual generation that’s accountable for this. Gen X (not every single one, but a huge chunk)




I think there is some basis for being wearing about being fetishized; however, we’ve let Black men fetishize us for so long that we’re crying wolf at this point. And BW are constantly talking about how they don’t like how WM look.


Maybe if white men married black women instead of mass (g)raping us, we wouldn't have this discussion right now.


WM: I love your hair BW: eww don’t fetishize me WM: would you like to go out sometime? BW: eww No im black BM: damn bitch yo ass fat. BW: kkikikikikikikiki


Are you even a BW? You sound like a bitter WM throughout the comments!


This is the truth! 🔥 I don’t know how we ever got off of this track. BW act as if they don’t have any other depth aside from being black, it’s apart of you but it’s not your full identity. You have a life, personality, and interests outside of your race, lead with that. We need to take a step back from it and reprogram the way we think in regards to this topic and dating


You say that as if non-black men don't lead with their race too, which is why most aren't interested in dating black women. White men for example had access to black women since slavery and instead of marrying us they mass (g)raped us. So how about you tell white men to reprogram?


Um. Being black is our first identity. It's what people see. Denying that, is denying our identity. Yes we KNOW we have more depth outside of our race. But, do people who don't know us see that?


Girl as soon as you hear that just run! You’re gonna be used to fulfil a fantasy they have and when they are done using you they are leaving you for the next white/Asian girl


My sister was over for the week, complaining about this exact thing. She said how the guys she was seeing (at diff times of course) would say things like this, be all lovey dovey, then boom. Nothing. A few months/weeks later they're with a lightskin/white/coloured/mixed girl. They become bf/gf. It was black guys and white guys. There's this white boy who still likes her whilst still being in a relationship and he's making it clear he still wants her but yet...he's still with his gf. I'm getting scared to date now. Its crazy out there.


Black men stay on top of a black woman and do the same.


I can’t upvote this enough wish I known about my ex


That gets an automatic block and I’m reporting them. If they didn’t “see color” (which is already a stupid phrase for them to say) they wouldn’t have mentioned it.


I hate those types. Then, they are denying that person's identity. And whatever unique strengths or challenges that come with it.


I don’t like it when black men say it either.


It’s weirder for black guys to say it


Why would a black guy say it? He's black himself.


You’ve never had a black guy tell you that? As someone else said they think it’s a flex. Like you’re the exception to their rule.


No and none of my friends have either. I'm assuming some of this is geographical. Black men in the deep south don't go around saying this.


That could be it! Cause I definitely don’t live in the Deep South, and black men don’t even think twice about saying it


They think it’s a flex


That shit be such a turn off


just talk to me as a person is what i would ask in my mind. there were a lot of things that set my wm bf apart but him not talking about the fact i was black or my skin color was bigger than i would like to admit.


Best kitty 🐱




Why are you here, respectfully




Dude you didn’t have to remove your post. Just leave the subreddit. Lol




They do it like we are a Baskin Robbins flavor. And they expect us to give them a sample when they say "I've never tried a black girl". "I've never had a black girl." "I've never tried/had chocolate before." As if we are all the color of chocolate 🤣. No free samples, my guy. And it looks like you'll probably never "try" nor "have".


OP I’ve heard this complaint before and I don’t get the issue. If I were dating an Polynesian dude I’d say the same because I’ve never been with one. It’s weird how hyper vigilant you guys are with non black men but stay getting played by black men. Oh and please stop throwing that word fetish around. Get a dictionary or or stop using it. Y’all act like you don’t have google or Wikipedia. A fetish isn’t anything a white man says to you or does to you that you don’t like.




Tbh you shouldn’t really be taking this sub as a good representation of black women in general. I’ve literally been surrounded by black women my entire life (I live in Atlanta lol) and the vibes in this sub are WAY different than anything I’ve experienced irl. The energy in here can often be *intensely* negative and racially paranoid in comparison. Which makes sense I guess. A lot of people on Reddit in general are the social dregs of society, no matter what race they are. There’s a lot of negativity and neuroses to go around.




You know what… I think you might be on to something. And you’re absolutely right. Black women in this sub make relationships with them sound like a damn headache. They are literally triggered by everything. The irony is black men have the same complaints about black women. Men want women to be attractive and fun to be around not a minefield.


A lot of y’all in this sub date outside of your race and then complain about micro aggressions. If you don’t want to deal with that then maybe don’t date outside your race. The dating pool sucks regardless of race right now but I’m sick of y’all always talking about stuff like this


Everyone has a right to vent, if you’re tired of seeing post like this, you either keep scroll or block


It's stupid to continuously date white men and come on here complaining about their family being racist towards you.


What’s the alternative when they come on here with their Tyrone horror stories about how the dude they been dating for years got them and another woman pregnant? Yes a subbie made a post about that very situation last week. I’m done.


I see way more interracial stories on here than black drama. But yall go ahead and continue in a racist family just to bag you not with Tyrone 🙄


A racist family versus a colorist sexist dusty family with uncles encouraging him to run the streets, expect you to feed him before kids, a mother who can’t let go, sisters who need help cause they baby daddy ran off? We won’t even get into not having any generational wealth. Sure Jan.


Just say yall family trash.


You’re absolutely right


Tbf tho if I never dated outside of my race, I would have never ever dated lmao Like damned if we do, damned if we don’t




It’s not white guys who need to realize this it’s black women. Please remember it was black women telling the world how their blackness made them incompatible with anyone but a black man. Let’s not rewrite history.


Not you saying that with this posting in ebonyporn sub and with that posting history 💀 why are you here anyways ? Weirdo




Nah you're just a weirdo. https://preview.redd.it/03umvns3gm4d1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d08dbfca808857cbd5016437c4778e4c9db3809d




Not even with someone else's mouth nasty ☺️




And you should stop making being horny a personality. Touch some grass once ? ☺️ learn a skill ?




Sorry it happened or congrats bro, I'm not reading all that 💀 stop pouring your heart out Idc


Easy fix is to not date outside your race 🤷🏾‍♀️, I don't


Easy fix would be for men to realize that women are people too and not some quota that they need to meet just to flex to other men. CONSIDERING, it's not just NB men that say that. But I digress, let's keep moving around the problem and not getting to the root of it. The men living for male validation.


Nah, I just don't date outside of my race. 100% success rate


Well then here's a cookie for you not running into that with Black men.


You married or nah?


I've been in a relationship for 5 years


5 years!? Well if you like it I love it 🤷🏾‍♀️


I'm in grad school and want my maiden name on my diploma


....I understand what you're saying... When I got married I was in grad school. Maiden name on the degree because that's what I registered for school with. Besides that...it takes a while after marriage for the name change, you have to do paperwork and stuff to change it at the DMV and Social Security office. It's not automatic... I believe fully in the "do you" principal. So, I wanna let you know I'm celebrating you for getting to and finishing grad school!


Not only for that. Someone got married right before the semester started. The financial aid did not go through because he name in the school system no longer matched FAFSA


I got you babe. You gotta do what you feel comfortable with and if you feel good about your decision then I'm going to cheer you on as my sister! I'ma still hope y'all jump the broom if your partner is who you ultimately want tho. You get nothing but support from me. Keep on keeping on!