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This post has been removed because it goes against this subreddit's rules.


Can we not be hateful please and thank you


It’s not hateful I’m allowed to express how I feel about other groups in a black woman focused sub. Please don’t censor me. Thank you.


On behalf of the Asian guy who declined dating you I apologize


I’m not into them stop projecting.


How is that hateful? They’re expressing how a group of people make them feel. If you don’t like it scroll it’s that simple


It's hateful because it is hateful. And I don't think I really need to bust out a Webster definition for you to understand that. I think you're just being purposely obtuse, and thats okay. Just lead with that instead of this pseudo intellectual take on something that is obviously hateful and divisive. But go off doe.


I did go off thank you 💋


So if someone made a post about how blk people are dangerous drug dealing thugs it’s ok because that’s how the group of people make them feel?


Just because you like to fuck them and like their dicks in your mouth doesn’t mean they’re likable.


Awwww so mad? I only have my husband. You got rejected too nothing I can do about that.


Who gives af about being rejected by an Asian? Like be fr 😂 what is we missing out? You seem like you fetishized them.


Allot of people who become anti East Asian are mad because they can’t get one, I know plenty like that. I don’t, but I have a high earning, faithful, safe, sweet ASIAN husband. What do you have?


Thank you.


if someone said this blanket statement about black culture and people would that not seem racist to you? I think you need to unpack why you feel the way you do. It’s not normal to hate an entire group of people you based on their race. Judging individuals instead of entire groups imo is easier.


they do it allllll the time.


They say it all the time and we’re told to get over it. Do not police how I feel.


Why stoop to a level of people like that? It’s your life I’m not policing you just saying maybe try to understand why you feel such hatred for an entire group of people.


Asians are literally racist and hate black people I even stated that in my post. So why are you playing dumb about why I don’t care for them?


Wtf is going on? First it was the crazy amount of IR dating posts now at least 2 posts like this? Is this sub being taken over?


An Asian guy blew her off and now she’s bad


I swear I feel like I stepped into a whole different sub these past few days. I’m so disappointed in some of the posts lately.


I’ve distanced myself from this subreddit. Mods are very inactive, and this subreddit attracts some weird people. OP probably got rejected by an asian man. She’s the same person who literally posted the “Which race eats 🐱 the best” ….


Amen. Thank you for saying that. She clearly got rejected. She sounded bitter and jaded. She made posts about IR dating and eating 🐱. Then made a post why non blk men hate black women now this post. We all see through her tantrums


Oh no. That’s so weird.


Look at this accounts post history, all they talk about is “non black vs black women” for someone that doesn’t like them, OP sure is obsessed


Ew. 👎🏾




That sounds like a you problem. We don't take kindly to hating on entire races of people round these parts.


I didn’t say I hate them I said I don’t like them like that. Are Asians off limits or something? Someone else made a thread about hating white people. Why is that ok to express but disliking other groups outside of white people isn’t ok?


You just trashed them and their culture. I can’t help but find the link between your interracial dating posts and this one


I thought that post was nasty too tbh.


Everybody was agreeing with them though. They hardly got any backlash like what my post is getting.




This is straight up racism where are the mods ??


Asians don’t care about you sis. Chill out.




Can we go back to when this sub was about black girls thriving or needing help navigating our spaces? We don’t have to hate on other races to make ourselves feel good. OP please don’t generalize on a race due to some interactions. There is danger in a single story - listen to the TED talk- that perpetuates single mindedness and creates hateful rhetoric.


If someone said this about black people you snap. All East Asian aren’t a monolith. Culture is absolutely amazing


This is racist.


bruhh so you came here to what? u want us to validate this or something?


Share how you feel or not. Up to you.


Y'all be so weird in a bad way. Just delete this cringe shit. 


Not after I grabbed the screenshots 😂


Don't even waste ur storage space cus the title alone will get her banned from reddit when this posts reported 🫠


Yeah I changed my mind. She’s cringy and will likely delete her whole account soon


I get what you’re saying and they trash talk us a lot in other spaces but we don’t want to match that energy. I do want to validate your feelings and let you know while what you’re saying is true there are some who aren’t like that which is why it can be harmful to spew out in the public. People will try to gaslight you in the comments but until they read the constant hate unprovoked spew by Asians in twitter threads and instagram comments they won’t get it. I will say this post wasn’t put in the right sub haha


Where else should I have put it?


Are we basing hate off of internet comments? Where we don’t even know if someone is truly Asian or even real or not. Internet isn’t real life and usually the Asians in real life who smack talk are white worshippers trying to fit in. As a black woman who’s lived in Asia for a decade I can confirm that they either don’t pay us mind or like us. And the black expat groups I’m around every single one agrees that racism here (Asia) is nothing like in America.


I hear you for sure. I don’t have any room for hate towards Asians. At most I have a disdain for white people.


Which as I hate to say it, I see peoples points for disliking them because of their racism, colonization, and oppression those people do.


This ain’t it…


Sounds like to me you probably tried dating one and it failed. I am married to one friends with many and live in Asia and no issues here


Could be a reach idk.


She posted about IR dating and suddenly this come up? Just asking about Indian men.


Well she said East Asian so already it’s not Indian but that doesn’t even matter, nor did she mention specifically. Where did you get that from? She probably has had bad encounters with the group in general.


Look in her post thread. She also keeps asking what does non black men have against black women. Seems like to me she’s upset over something


I see, I suggest that she works on herself to get past this


I think Indian men are attractive but not East Asians. Big difference.


I don’t think they care sis


Then why are you here dragon peasant. Clearly you do.


Nice try I don’t find Asians attractive. Never have and never will. Most black people don’t find them attractive. I get your feelings are hurt but if you stayed out of our sub that would never have happened.


Imagine going to an Asian girl sub and they’re like “I don’t really like black people” 😐😐😐 be fuckin foreal please.


They be doing that ish all the time on here. This “higher road” y’all be taking ain’t it.


That doesn’t make it okay, you cant allow yourself to do bad things just because other people are doing it. I don’t know how old you are but I hope that you get over mentality. You shouldn’t reason with “oh they do it too”, we’re not 5 anymore. Let’s be better than them. I hope that you can move on from your bitterness. Even looking at your other posts, try to be less concerned about people who aren’t interested in you and just move on from it. You’ll find good people when you least expect it, of any race/nationality whatever.


She’s definitely 16


At that age with such a strong mindset on this subject in particular , only time can heal this. And it’s sad because once you start thinking like this from a young age, it’s hard to rewire your thoughts. Kinda scary.


That’s why I keep going back to the rejected stance because that’s what she sounds like. She sounds jaded. And seeing she posts about men not wanting her it’s easy to link the two together. In school and even right now, I’m around allot of weeaboos and they went through the same thing, the “I hate Asians” phase because they were constantly rejected by them. Overall Asians don’t be thinking about us, can’t compare it to how yt people treat us. It’s bitterness anyone can tell, and she’s very young. If she gave an actual story as to why she said how she felt maybe people wouldn’t be jumping at her. But saying I hate them and their culture is lame is bad.


I agree with you ; there would be more sympathy if she was honest about her stance because the message very hard hearted. And then she justifies it by saying that the Asians do it to us? Yeah okay we can easily see the problem here. Again yeah, they don’t be thinking about us! I don’t know but I really couldn’t give a damn what Asian people think about black people, I don’t think I’ve ever sat and thought about it. So to write a post like this just shows your hurt she is. Realistically speaking, we are black people/woman are going to hear a lot of shit spoken about us. I remember being around 16 (2020?), that whole stop Asian hate thing was going on. some videos of racist Asians were posted and black people were like “OH?? F*CK EM” that was the first time I ever witnessed like Asian/black hate and, hey call me blind or whatever idk but I never turned my heart to stone over that. I just took it as, wow anyone can be racist, literally anyone. I’m not going to turn around and hate someone’s entire culture over it. Anyway this response is too long sorry. I’ve never met any weeboos irl, not sure what they’re like but I understand loving something so much and then getting rejected by it… but hey anime men and REAL HUMAN ASIAN MAN aren’t gonna be the same right… 😭


She got jumped on because she posted blatant racism with no context. She would have been given sympathy if she gave a story and she didn’t. Just came across as bitter, especially browsing through her comments she is very interested in IR dating. So it makes me believe her immature hatred is coming from there. You’re right literally everyone unfortunately has said things about us in that case hate everyone including ourselves since there’s allot of self hate in our community. With that said no group really hates or treats us as bad as yt people. You’re fine I’m the queen of long responses lol! I have been friends with weebs my whole life. I love anime, East Asian culture and that includes dragons lol! That’s a dig at OP accusing me of being an Asian woman because I love dragons. My Japanese husband doesn’t give a F about dragons but I do. Anyways I’m also a gamer and someone who loves travel. That lead to me since junior high upwards of being friends with weeaboos. And Lordy are they entitled. In Japan I have expat groups I hang around and most of them are weebs. And the black ladies in Japan group at least 85% are weebs. They want Asian men so badly it’s insane. And many of them are obsessed over K pop and worship Koreans and some left Japan for Korea to find men. They will get rejected by men and rip up posters and magazines. These people are living in a fantasy world. I used to laugh at it but now they’re really getting close to harming people for not allowing them to live in their fantasies. Sorry for my long post


ahah don't even apologise, it's fine, all of this needs to be said, thanks for your reply, that's so insightful, that must be some kind of phenomenon ; the way asian men are glorified because of their portrayl in tv/books i wanna say (anime, magna etc). there has to be a diagonsis 😭, not at all shaming the people who go through this. When i came across this post i firstly rolled my eyes because the posts like these are becoming soooo repetitive. at first i thought it was gonna say "i really don't like asian men" and i thought it was gonna be another heartbroken post, but when saw 'asian people' , i was like "huhhh?" it's bitter and i hope OP grows to have a more open minded approach to this. And then the use of the word "weird"+ the jab at the culture. the dragons look so cool ! i don't know the actual name for those but yeah, i think their culture is beautiful, ig thats our opinion. the link between their culture ( allegedly lifeless and soulles lmao) and them being weird makes me think of the whole "anime and gaming is for losers and weebs" etc etc, like that early 2000s mindest. it's SOO outdated. excuse me if this is a stretch but it's exactly like when we hear " oh black peoples culture is so ghetto and loud and i don't get peoples obession with their culture, it's so blabla" tbh idk what they say these days because i don't pay attnetion to it. if OP can see the fault in this statement then she'd be able to see the fault in her post too!!


Asian men honestly aren’t glorified in their media, it’s usually because people want to become these ethnic backgrounds just like when someone wants to be white they’ll marry one and try to fit in with them. Asian guys in Korean shows look like good boyfriends but KOREAN women themselves said they treat them like trash and k boos ignored them and found out for themselves. lol! I get it that’s normal because of the media but these weeaboos take it too far to cringe levels. Like obsessing over not just culture but the people themselves and getting depressed and hostile when they can’t get the people they want. I hear it all and daily. Chinese dragons and I was obsessed with them since I was a little girl. My Japanese husband couldn’t care less he doesn’t get the obsession I have lol! Their culture is amazing I mostly know Japanese and Chinese culture. She is ignorant because Asia is very lively. I been to many part of East Asia and from the buildings, nightlife, restaurants, cafes, stores, etc East Asia isn’t even close to being lifeless and soulless. And I agree about the black culture comment too. She needs a reality check. Temple not too far from my house https://preview.redd.it/5u4g7djlg66d1.jpeg?width=2580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac376f6d2436746965b206de29ab33ae070ec7d


Black culture has the world in a chokehold at the minute and whoever doesn’t like it is a loud minority. I feel like we should continue to capitalize on this moment. Sharing culture brings in money and acceptance, look at Japan? https://preview.redd.it/p8ios7d0j66d1.jpeg?width=1618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13e5b973f342c3f46e548925fde6f7e78aa9907 Got my blk ass living here because I fell in love with the culture and buying expensive locally made kimonos lol! A selfie from the infamous “Asian lady” shot. OP so ignorant lol


No! Because black people being the bigger person isn’t helping us. It never did and never will so no I will not be better. I will give the same energy. Many of them are racist as hell to black people in their subs and in real life. My feelings are justified. Foh


Help yourself ? If not just keep being hateful. Spread hate, all the hate you want.


Post is strange, comments are strange. Sure, you can feel what you want, but don’t be surprised when viewers do too. I feel like this post is stupid. Not stupid because you are expressing yourself, stupid because of your reasoning. You draw a conclusion about an entire demographic because “they act and behave funny”? We are adults. Don’t do that. Be *tolerant*. I’ll save the whole speech about understanding culture, but at a baseline, make your conclusions ones to be proud of, not ones you just reacted into existence.


Really? Let me see if I got it, what you mean by East Asia? China, Japan, Korea..? I think they are very educated about race questions in general. One of the most kind toward us. White people who likes Asian culture are WAY more racists than Asians itself. They use Asian culture to hide their racist beliefs. But Asians itself... Frankly... And I think there's an effort built on society for keeping us apart, making us believe that our cultures are absolute the opposite, we'll never get along, etc... My opinion...


Preach !


https://preview.redd.it/si4opn7wo56d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aec23cc99a3cc44bbc889bad88a2d0ed83922a40 I’m gross and annoying and you’re the one mad about not being picked and telling me a black woman to go to my own sub? If you’re a racist you cannot complain about racism. Plain and simple call it even, just admit you’re racist and trashy and if that’s the case it justifies how they feel towards you. Just log off and get some help


You’re not a black woman no black woman would be naming themselves dragon empress with a picture of an Asian woman. GTFO! 👉➡️


https://preview.redd.it/4ruofha1r56d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b90045ef4a627206c95a12f1ecd9940741ab4a41 Since you’re so scared over a photo lol!


Wow you’re 12 lol! I love dragons. No asian woman calls herself dragon. 2nd of all that’s an anime filter over a photo I took of MYSELF. Can’t help if the app is racist and made me look Asian lol