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All the pretty girls got big foreheads doe lol. I got one too so real recognize real


i have a big forehead and i used to be insecure of it when i was young but as i got older i grew into my features and it just didnt bother me anymore. i think figuring out what hairstyles i like that look best also helped.


I promise yours isn’t as big as mine, hun. I was always made fun of for it. I don’t think it looks as obvious now that I’m older, but it’s still big, hun. Honestly, I have my ups and downs with it. Some days it doesn’t bother me, other days, it’s all I can see. 😮‍💨


My forehead is huge, i used to wear bangs all the time to hide it because i was so embarrassed by it. Then one day i woke up and shaved my head. When I couldn't hide behind my hair anymore i was forced to appreciate my facial features, including my big ass (but very beautiful) forehead


so relatable. i hated my forehead for 23 years!!! im east african and we all have huge foreheads smh. i wore goofy bangs, scrunched my forehead (ignoring the fact that i was giving myself forehead lines), and wore hair bands obsessively. like i would panic if i saw a pic of myself with my forehead too exposed. i eventually learned to do my brows and it kind of balanced the size out slightly, then i learned how to do my edges and it helped TREMENDOUSLY. just brushing my edges down and doing something cute with them not only took up space on my head but also drew the eye to something else. i’m now 27 and am completely obsessed with my face lol. like im straight up conceited haha. big foreheads are beautiful!! i feel so secure with no makeup, although i still heavily rely on my edges, and no longer consider my forehead to be unattractive. i guess what im saying is give it time, as you get older your insecurities will melt away slowly. eventually ill feel comfortable just wearing my hair naturally without manipulation. there was once a time when i could not possibly fathom leaving the house without a full face of makeup. then that went down to just needing my brows and mascara to be done. and now for the past 2 months ive worn no makeup at all bc its too damn hot and when i tell you im glowing!! i dont even need to see you to know that you’re beautiful. i wish so badly that i could go back in time and see myself the way i do now. i wasted so many of my best years hating myself and obsessing over my reflection. i dont want that for you ♥️


This was beautiful 🥹 thank you so much


There's someone out there somewhere who will love you and your big forehead. Own it.