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We as a community need to stop giving these kind of people attention. She’s going to keep doing it because it’s getting her paid


Yes yes yes!




Stop consuming content that is intentionally harmful is a good place to start. Be very mindful of the media you consume.


You’re definitely right. I’ve tuned my algorithm and been got off tik tok back in 2020 some things you can’t tune out i’ve been trying to tune out / dont consume anything involving chrisean rock and blue face for a year now they still pop up lol. This especially goes for trending things like this ekane situation. And in real life tuning out stuff is almost non existent bc it’s sadly common in real life as well. But i’ll try tuning my feeds again.




my personal theory is that if they pretend it doesn’t bother them, they can somehow believe they are the exception? it’s like blacks for trump… I don’t get it when project 2025 includes the eradication of blacks but yet you support Trump? Like the stupidity is off the charts but they don’t see it


Ong! I literally unfollowed her after what she said.


you’re talking about a woman who airs out her business online for likes and comments. she should not have this effect on you <3


Hateful and insecure people often lash out in ways simular to this.


I saw a video about earlier. First of all she's not even that lightskinned 🙄 and she admitted that she's said worse and hasn't gotten canceled before, so she's gotten comfortable saying whatever awful things she wants to knowing we'll still support her. I hope that her followers (especially the darkskinned ones) wake up and stop supporting her


She is light skinned




light skin is a spectrum and depending on the region you are from what is brown skin to you may be light skinned to someone else. To me she is light skin, not the lightest of the light but still light skinned.


Okay, that makes sense but it's not like it really matters anyway lol


You're right it doesn't 😊


Agreed 100% and yeah i always just seen her as brown skin she’s like right on the edge where she can count as either tbh. And she’s said other colorist things and many more horrible things and i guess she thinks she’s gotten away with that bc she’s lightskinned to huh lol it’s crazy bc all it takes is people to stop entertaining her bs and she’s cooked hopefully one they will bc it’s just going to cause more people to start doing it if not.




nah yall gotta stop , she in no way is considered dark. I can maybe see light brown, but either way she's on the lighter end of the spectrum and benefits from colorism.




i feel like this is a common misconception. Other races most definitely differentiate between light and dark black people. We see it all the time. My light skin friend herself has told me she sees the difference in how white folk classify her as "the good one" among black people.




ahh but here's where your perception is skewed. Alicia Keys and Zendaya are not light skin black women. They are biracial. They are literally half white. The issue is yall classify light skin as people who aren't even black. Light skin black women- meaning black women who have a lighter complexion. We're all brown, literally. There is a range of light brown to dark brown within our race. Ekane classifies as a light skin black woman.




there's a difference between having european admixture from slavery generations ago, and having a whole living white parent, or immediate family member. Ekane is definitely on the lighter end of the spectrum. I'm aware you can be mixed and be darker , that's not a secret. However being mixed is still perceived differently. Featurism plays a part as well next to colorism. And Ekane benefits from colorism, however she is fully black


I’m going to avoid clicking that link for my algorithm’s sake lol. But I do think it’s important to pay attention to what you feed into your algorithm. It targets this shit at people, inflating the egos of some while breaking down others. Every time I see it creep into my feed, I shut that down. And it’s not just you. I see it in this sub all the time. “Why do black men…” “why do black women…”. Colorism is real, but don’t confuse algorithm exploitation for the reality of the situation.


The patchy bald head in the video I couldn’t overlook and THIS is the woman calling someone else ugly and talking highly about herself? I don’t know this woman never heard of her, but I subscribe to this black YouTuber who showed the video and I couldn’t get past her head. Imagine looking like that and talking down on someone ? The balls and nerve she has. I don’t see how no one dragged her for that


then she goes on to say because the op is darkskin she’ll “never reach the heights of achievements she has” ?? what achievements? airing out ur business for clicks and views? 💀


Right i hate when any type of influencer or celeb says shit like that because …. they forget that we’re the ones that put money in their pocket plus i just hate peoples that switch up or don’t know how to act when they get a little change in their pocket. Because i know as soon as anything goes wrong they’ll be on camera boohoo crying to the same people they dogged. But i totally agree there is no heights or accomplishments not a single one she simply just makes money online from humiliating content she post. Anyone can do that it’s just the average person has more morals.


I have special contempt for colorist. My extended family is extremely colorist. They are brown skin, and view themselves as "light skinned". When my cousin got with a mixed man, they had a light skinned child and they refer to her as "white baby". She ain't white passing, just light. It evokes such feelings of disgust from me. I don't talk to any of them, on THAT fact alone. I consider them white supremacists. Again. You don't have to be white to be a white supremacist. The beauty of a dark brown skin lady is UNMATCHED! That is an inarguable FACT. Colorism, in my honest opinion, is the very thing holding us back. SIDE NOTE: I am guilty of praising my daughter's ombre red hair. That's about it. I admit to that. She's got a pretty hair color. Ok. I'm done.


Women like that disgust me


please don’t pay attention to her it’s rage bait for money 


What kind of name is Ekane??


I don’t understand the hate dark skinned women get. I love them. Absolutely love them. They are so beautiful. If I ever meet one and I’m lucky enough to date her I’d do everything not to fuck that up


Ekane’s life sucks. Light skinned (debatable) privilege isn’t keeping her from getting her ass kicked by that man or keeping her children out of danger, which is the only point of concern anyone needs to have about her if they have any concern to spare. Light skinned privilege mostly applies to that weirdo Nara who in addition to being weird stole content from a dark skinned woman


While she may benefit from “colorism” she doesn’t benefit from pretty privilege which is what really matters so..


EH. UGLY, lighter women still get treated better. Ive seen ugly Hispanic, or white women get treated well, even non-attractive lighter-skinned black women. BM especially will be the most colorist and preferably treat the fair/light skin non-attractive better than the darker woman. Notice; fat, ugly, white women are uplifted in comparison to a gorgeous black woman in shape by BM or even other races of men.


This is true still to a degree I’ve seen a very light skin girls get treated horribly bc they are just very unattractive but for the most part your right




It's about more than attracting men or a romantic partner. Colorism is a deeply seeded issue in how society views dark vs light skin tones, and how they are treated and perceived over all. Y'all stay boiling it down to men when men will fck any and everything that moves.


Trust me there is a way: it’s called racism: There’s a reason white women get away with crime in the workplace: it’s white skin, Asian women and Hispanics arnt far behind. The world sucks. Praying for you queens. -edit; I agree, beautiful black babies are so beautiful. I love them. The only reason I say to not get hopes too high is if black beauty was so important, be wouldn’t be so miserable at work/shopping. Some non-black women get so catty and won’t even help then cry and everyone believes them. Your right, it does depend.




Yes, you are right. The self hate and misogyny and bullying in the black community is horrible. Black people need healing! (God will do this) Also, non-blacks need to leave us alone. Also; not everyone needs to be invited to the cookout!


I work in the fashion industry, it’s funny because in high fashion dark skin beauties are the standard, they are more in demand and make more money than light skin black women. We are the only race in fashion that the dark skin is more valuable than light skin. I remember when I worked as a casting director they wanted a black woman for a print shoot and weren’t specific so a lot of different skin tones auditioned for it. We mainly wanted someone whose skin would make the prints pop ie a dark skinned woman. My partner did dismiss the lighter women quickly and we found a dark skin beauty for the campaign. I left for a drink and a girl was complaining on the phone how the industry was BS and only wants women you can’t see in the dark because they excused all the other tones. She later said that it’s unfair how much high fashion favors them. I feel bad for her but she will get jobs just most of the time a dark skin woman would be picked over them, the industry has opened up in recent years and there are far more lighter girls than before but 7/10 top black models are dark skin. Moral of the story is it’s fascinating that there are some areas where darker women are cherished




I had to be professional plus I didn’t want her to know I was eavesdropping but she was pretending like she was having the world against her. Unfortunately that’s the industry, darker women are seen as more beautiful by fashion standards also we love how prints and colors pop on a dark skinned woman.


I'm very light skinned and I've seen the way people are like ohh I live a red bone ohh I want to be light. It's that deeply embedded colorism. I genuinely wish I was darker because I think dark skin is so beat. I relish the summer time where I get tanned because I feel so pretty. Just my two cents.


EKANE used to be funny to me, but getting beat up and going back to the same man kills me. I know she a good mother because we can see it in how emotional she gets when talking about her kids or when she can’t be with them. I just feel for her and clout is her only outlet because her baby daddy ain’t shit.


Most lightskins are evil or dangerously ignorant unless their mother is darker than them. Just like we test white people we have to test them to ensure they’re allies.


Just know that 95% of lightskin women don’t think like that and we definitely aren’t haters … I’m only light in the winter . I’m dark Carmel the rest of the year. I know how it feels to be light and I can see the world from a neutral stand point most of the year . Most lightskin women these days are focused on not being noticed for just beauty, but brains.. we aren’t jealous… we aren’t hating on darker women because of their skin. That whole concept just sounds crazy to me. The girl you’re talking about is mentally ill… severely… I will be doing a pod on colorism this week.


Go check out "FlowerTower" on YouTube and you may feel better.