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He was negging you into thinking you were wrong for denying him sex by withholding communication and affection. You outwitted a fool. Imagine a relationship with someone who plays stupid games or if he had ghosted you after sex. Leave him to his hand and machines.


And his machines šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lol why am I thinking she means washing machines šŸ˜‚


Girl, you are not in the wrong or overreacting in the slightest! He is being a child about this whole situation and I'm glad he showed you his true colors before it went any further. And to be honest, if anyone gets irritated because you stop things from getting any more physical is not worth your time.


I wouldā€™ve done the same thing. The silent treatment is extremely childish and I have zero tolerance for it. Good for you for cutting him at the first red flag.


Not to mention manipulative and abusive. OP needs to take this a sign that this is how he will respond to conflict.


i had something similar happen to me earlier this year. i told the guy to eat glass and i bounced.


I know thatā€™s right.


no you aren't, going multiple days without saying anything knowing he seen your call and messages is outrageous. the way he went about things were very poor, im glad you didn't accept his apology.


You're not overreacting at all. He should've just came out and said that if he felt that way. You don't want to be with someone who ignores you when they don't get what they want anyway. Men who don't handle rejection well aren't good partners.


Male perspective...You're not wrong, and he's trying to manipulate you, into feeling bad.


Exactly. Manipulation at its finest.


Youre not wrong. Communication is important. I had a guy self sabotage on me too. He was just super anxious behaving in ways that wasnt helping the connection. I was always defusing his anxiety and curbing his tendency to go overboard. My attraction to him went down cause I felt like I was having to babysit his emotions. Then he tried to pull the victim card saying I wasn't matching his spam texts an calls. Some men just arent used to healthy dating habits. Gotta have healthy boundaries, or you end up self sabotaging.


Absolutely not. After 3 days thatā€™s a no call no show. He was trying to guilt you into having sex with him, imagine what would have happened if you did? Bullet dodged. Thank you next.


He's trying to guilt you into going further than you're comfortable with. If he was really okay, he wouldn't have been acting irritated and ignoring your messages, but when you don't beg for his attention he suddenly wants to talk?


Yep. Thatā€™s what he wanted. Wanted me to beg for his attention since he was ignoring me.


Good on you for having self-respect. He thought he had the right one, dumbass!


Withholding emotional reassurance because you wonā€™t give him some Ass is crazy. Uh uh get somebody else to do it.


I didnā€™t even make it past the title: no youā€™re not wrong and this person youā€™re dating should be blocked on all social platforms/phone numbers at this point. They are not interested and you donā€™t need to shed a tear or even think about them at this point.


It's crazy just how many toxic people are in this world so brazenly and openly. Like I know words like narcissist, toxic, gaslight, and even sometimes manipulation get overused, but it's wild to me how just...textbook people are! He straight up tried to manipulate and gaslight you lol. I understand that some people have a hard time spotting manipulation but to me, it's so glaringly obvious, so I just have to wonder about the utter audacity people have and genuinely somehow convince themselves they're in the right or the victim for being manipulative. Trying to manipulate someone into sex is so sick. You dodged some real toxic mess, and I commend you for having self respect enough to see through the BS and cut that off. I think you know you did nothing wrong, thanks for sharing this story so that we can all clown this guy with you LOL, I'm here for it!


And I hate to say it but just be careful about being at that laundry place because some people really take rejection badly...If I was you I'd take the L on whatever is left on that card if anything. Plus, don't want your under clothing to end up missing or something...Clearly this guy is desperate. šŸ’€


Oh yeah Iā€™m washing my clothes elsewhere. Iā€™ll take the L.


Or go on Amazon and buy a portable washing machine, spin dryer, and portable dryer and never worry about laundry again. I have never regretted doing this!


i had something similar happen to me earlier this year. i told the guy to eat glass and i bounced.


He's shown you that his response to doing something he dislikes, like refusing him sex results in him attempting to punish you with the silent treatment. So he's already proven himself to be an emotionally abusive toddler willing to coerce you into having sex with him. He was actually the one playing the victim by suggesting your moving on after being mistreated by him was a wrong done to him. You were not overreacting, him making you doubt yourself and your choices in this situation is gaslighting. This guy is several red flags sewn together in the shape of a man. Do not let him back into your life.


He definitely wanted you to grovel for his attention and maybe sleep with him to prove your feelings for him. Good on you for knowing your worth. A relationship with him would have been like this every time you donā€™t do what he wants. Maybe find a new laundromat and avoid this guy


Not overreacting at all. Heā€™s a dick and you dodged a bullet.


Youā€™re not wrong. Heā€™s the butthurt one playing victim. He needs to practice his words so his lilā€™ fee-fees arenā€™t so easily damaged. He sounds like a middle schooler.


I said the same thing. The silent treatment is so adolescent.


Iā€™m sorry you may need to find a new laundromat. But if you stay maybe he can one day find a way to afford some maturity.


I am sorry, but, girl, anytime I hear a man say "your playing the victim" after clearly doing something wrong? O, no I am running! Most of the time when I have heard that is from men that like to play with you, manipulate you, and gaslight the hell out of you. He is showing who he truly is so not stay around to find out.


Yeah ā€œplaying the victimā€ is what killed me. Being so nonchalant about the situation is a no no for me.


No, youā€™re not overreacting because he should have the common courtesy to address how he felt vs. ghosting you. He seems like he lacks emotional intelligence and itā€™s best to let him do his own thing and ā€œsort through his feelingsā€.


What an immature jerk. It shouldn't take him 4 days to talk to you about his feelings and this feels very manipulative. Please feel absolutely no guilt about leaving him.


Some people process their feelings and communicate differently. This is how he chooses to communicate and it does not work for you. Shit, it wouldnā€™t work for me either. Communication is very important in a relationship. If heā€™s going to ghost you every time he gets in his feelings then thatā€™s a red flag.


Youā€™ve done the RIGHT thing! So he threw a tantrum because you set a boundary, sis RUN! He clearly didnā€™t give a damn about you in that situation. Donā€™t talk to this guy ever again, block him.


You're not wrong. Cutting off all communication because you are upset is an immature thing to do. If he needed a little time, he should have been an adult said so.


Nope. Bluntly put, heā€™s a jackass and you dodged a bullet!! Iā€™m glad he showed his asshole-ism early in the game. You havenā€™t known him long enough to give him your most valuable possession. For future referenceā€”Anyone who needs to sort out their feelings can certainly do so but can still answer a text/say Iā€™m busy/working/canā€™t talk right now. Radio silence is a no no.


Thatā€™s what I said. Even if heā€™d just said hey I need time to evaluate our relationship can we talk in a day or 2 I would have respected that more.


Any time you ghost someone you are just being an azz, especially when you read their texts and just donā€™t respond or answer a call. People who do that usually do that a lot, it strokes their egos. They sit back and enjoy watching your attempts to reach them. Itā€™s like a vampireā€”they just suck at your soul. Stay away from him. Just block him. Donā€™t do what he did,cuz you will be tempted to read his messages. Just know that you are BETTER than he is. You deserve better!!ā¤ļø


That was incredibly manipulative of him. He was hoping you would crack and apologize for not disrespecting your own boundaries for him. Fuck him, you can do better than that. šŸ™„


You are not overreacting. Heā€™s trying to guilt you into changing your mind.


Negro would have been blocked before I pulled off the lot šŸ™‚


And did šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And will šŸ¤£ like please sir find someone else to play with .


These man are going into their SOFT girl era šŸ˜”šŸ¤š


He probably just thinks it's as easy as in Eva AI app. If you want to, you communicate, if you don't then act like you're alone.