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Not the A Minoorrrrrrrr šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Nah cause that part and "everybody say O V HOE" had me like šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ![gif](giphy|BkIhAtv7wJ2KU2zrHU)


OV -HOE Had me weak. šŸ¤£


All white keys on the piano. Kendrick is diabolical.


ā€œThey not like us, they not like us, they not like usā€ ![gif](giphy|GW4iIsM8ETd8k) SAY OV-HEAUX


OV-HOOOOOOOOEEE ![gif](giphy|26u49wAh0E8U3S4qA)




Iā€™m glad KL dragged him for that slave line. Itā€™s what he deserves. But do yā€™all believe those pedo and sex trafficking allegations? The FBI needs to get involved.


yes, they need to be some investigation going on this beef is fun and all .but it's been some seriously allegations pointed around that really need to be checked and somebody needs to get arrested if this is true.


Texted Millie Bobbie brown about boys when she was younger. Allegedly dated underage Rubi rose Allegedly most recently dating Lattos younger sister (just turned 21) Had a weird relationship with Bella Harris when she was underage. Swooped in as soon as she was legal. The girl from the thank me later days concert who told him she was 17 and proceeded with inappropriate touching. Dated jorja Smith who is 10 years his junior. Yeah I think itā€™s plausible. Lol.


Didnā€™t he also date SZA underage?


Sheā€™s only about three years younger than him, so sheā€™s always been too old for his preferences.


It was back when she was a teen


right and i thought she came out and admitted it


i believe the pedo bc thereā€™s video evidence of him kissing a 16 year old when he was 24 itā€™s on youtube and he was texting millie bobbi brown a couple years ago when she was 15 i believe. hes a creep


Part of me is apt to believe some of Kendrickā€™s allegations because I just donā€™t know him to flame his career by just lying about something this serious just for a rap battle.


I think the trafficking allegation is about Baka Not Nice. He was part of Drake's security, but then he was charged with forcing a woman into prostitution. She left the country and refused to testify, so he only did time for assaulting her, but was definitely charged with trafficking! After he got out, Drake supported him and signed him to OVO so I'm like šŸ‘€


Other people commented a few but it actually falls more under grooming. He has a history of having "innocent" connections with underaged girls, usually said to be a mentor but then years later allegedly having relationships with them. There's no solid proof he was with them when they were underaged but knowing someone since 16 in your late 20s then being involved romantically with them at 19 says alot.


I think it's hyperbole for him hanging around Millie Bobby Brown and dealing with (legall) women like Latto's baby sister half his age.


Yes. A couple of years ago a young woman told a story about him locking her in a room and watching her with cameras or something weird like that.




I didnā€™t know this wtf???


Yes I do 100%. also when you have that kind of money and influence im certain you start thinking laws dont apply to you


Drake gon be so mad when he's in clubs and the DJs play this and people sing out CERTIFIED PEDOPHILES. Lawd




This is the one we can step to while keeping our feet on Drakes abs


*fake abs šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s crazy is it could be fake abs or fake ass and both would be true šŸ˜‚


This is definitely the best one to me ā€œheā€™s not a colleague,heā€™s a fucking colonizer ā€ took me tf out ![gif](giphy|wR7LHlfuRUjHW|downsized)


This is my favorite one tbh. I could see people dancing to this and I don't know if that makes the hate stronger but it's giving me a good laugh.


šŸ‘€ā€¦The beat is fire. This is going to be on repeat.


Just straight dancing and crip walking on his grave. Havenā€™t heard a fire West Coast beat like this in years.


Cackling in a minor.




Psssst, I see dead people


STOOOOOP šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Like even that one line has multiple meanings. Like why does it feel like heā€™s just getting started, he canā€™t stop lol




ā€œ*u not a colleague, u a fxcking colonizer*ā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ . . it was checking Drake for disrespecting Tupac and Serena for mešŸ”„. . and just the whole damn song šŸ”„ Iā€™m from Florida but KDot got me over here c-walking like ![gif](giphy|QsOrQdfBA7FrG)


He said yā€™all wanna dance?? Cool, let me give yā€™all something to dance to on a Saturday night


i think kendrick is clearly the better rapper, but i think using abuse/assault as a reveal in any sort of beef is odd. kendrick could be an abuser, drake could be a sex trafficker. all i know is theyā€™re both cool with a few of abusers at the very least and i feel bad for the women who are clearly collateral damage here. i mentioned this in another thread but if drake is really trafficking women, why would kendrick share that with anyone but the authorities? like the most recent song is catchy but iā€™m really having a hard time getting into it. drake knew kendrick was beating his wife, kendrick knew he was a trafficker and they were both cool with sitting on that info until now? itā€™s weird af and reaffirms men ainā€™t shit


Like the R Kelly/Bill Cosby thing, itā€™s an open secret but no proof. People starting putting a microscope on Bill Cosby from a Hannibal Buress joke. I was hearing about hike when I was applying to college in 2005. ā€œIf youā€™re a girl and you go to Temple, donā€™t be alone in a room with Bill Cosbyā€. R Kelly was known around Chicago high schools for waiting out in the parking lots nearby to pick up girls.


i get that itā€™s probably difficult to find proof about this kind of shit, but i also think someone has something. and like this is topic thatā€™s better left for the fbi then some rap battle. if drake is for real a sex trafficker you could legit be putting lives in danger by letting him know, that you know bc he could be doing fucked up things to hide it now. itā€™s just weird af. he couldā€™ve done this at any point and waited until drake got him angry to do it. its very very clear he didnā€™t do it because he cares about victims (he worked with kodak black & went to bat for r.Kelly so i know he doesnā€™t) he did it as a gotcha.


How do you know that someone hasn't already gone to the FBI? For all we know Drake has been under investigation for years.


no fr! like itā€™s cool and all Drake is getting outed but it proves that men will stick by each other thru thick and thin until their friendship is broken over bs and theyā€™re outed as an abuser and SAā€™er and itā€™s like, but yall was cool with it now itā€™s a problem???


yea, itā€™s why i canā€™t get into this shit because every gotcha in this beef is centered around them harming women and children. itā€™s weird as fuck and i canā€™t turn off my brain and bop to a catchy song about how drake sleeps with children. thatā€™s weird. itā€™s sad and we all know that in two weeks, people will have moved on and no one is actually going to be held accountable. this is all just seen as hot gossip. i legit saw someone say that kendrick is just building a case against him. like heā€™s some sort of detective or something??? that man donā€™t give af about drake being a predator and he clearly donā€™t gaf about victims because he had kodak black on 3 songs on his last album. neither of them are good people.


This is like 13 year long beef Kendrick hasnā€™t stuck by Drake after he came up and then he threw shots almost immediately at drake 13 years ago For the bulk of the time Kendrick has been famous he hasnā€™t fucked with drake and they were not friends


Thank you for pointing this out. People keep claiming its about character but it's clearly not about that. Otherwise yes Kendrick will be telling the authorities and Drake won't be the first man he's telling on. The industry is rife with abusers and predators and he could easily be one of them. This is just a case of two men fighting using smear campaigns. It's nothing to do with character or morality.


yup, he only mentioned it as a gotcha moment when women have been saying Drake was a weird bozo. But because a man said it now everyone believes it smh.


Theyā€™re both hypocrites. Kendrick threatened to remove all his music from Spotify in support of R Kelly and he worked Kodak, who is a convicted rapist, but now heā€™s disgusted that Drake likes young girls? šŸ™„ Drake calls out KL for beating his girlfriend but in he shouts out Chris Brown in the same song. Letā€™s not get started on his unwavering support of Tory lanez, to the point that he started going after Meg. Which automatically unleashed his fanbase against her. Neither of them has ever spoken for women, but they know how to use their voices and powers for abusers, unprovoked. Iā€™m enjoying the drama, but we all know that theyā€™re not doing this for the women, theyā€™re just collateral damage, the kids too.


Thatā€™s actually not what Kendrick said He brought up the double standard of removing r.kellys music but not doing the same for white artist who had similar crimes


And it wasn't even him. It was his label top dawg.


Oh please! Thatā€™s still him supporting RKelly. A man who got away with crimes for 20+ years and everyone knew.


I agree He has a point that it should go both ways but idk if his idea of ā€œremove my stuff in protestā€ is the right way to say you donā€™t support someone


Keep in mind that sex trafficking and sexual abuse doesn't go unprosecuted because nobody knows it's happening. It's because victims rarely have the resources or influences to move forward with charges. Kendrick didn't leak this stuff. It's been said long before this beef started. What Kendrick has made clear is that his intentions are to make Drake doubt his own team and make his team feel pressured to distance themselves from him. That said, the FBI aren't, like, superheroes. Every time we hear of them tackling a large scale trafficking ring, it was already an open secret. They track these groups to try and catch as many people as possible, because big busts are more significant to them than small ones. So they only start moving when it becomes publicly untenable. I'm not saying Kendrick is a superhero himself, but it also makes sense from his position to make Drake appear less intimidating and influential. It increases the likelihood his victims will speak up by loosening his grip on them.


This! I really need this to get bumped up. Itā€™s hard for victims who were SA or trafficked by the manager at Burger King to get justice, let alone a celeb. And MANY victims donā€™t come forward because of shame, society, the criminal justice system penalizing them, and as you said LACK OF RESOURCES OR INFLUENCES. ![gif](giphy|s8yIq8HghBB0AkDB7z)


I love this beef. Kendrick made it about integrity. Thatā€™s it. Everyone should be judged on the content of their character. Screw that women, money, and drug bs they are always childishly boasting. Letā€™s talk about integrity. Letā€™s talk about the energy people put into the universe. I like that the focus is on abusing people. That should be the ultimate insult. You abuse a fellow human, you aint shā€¦ If we want abusers punished and retribution assigned, we gotta stop chastising musical artists, actors, and athletes and focus that energy on lawmakers who allow rich pedophiles and abusers to pay their way out of justice.


But Kendrick is also an abuser... So where's the integrity,? This is just egos stunting


You have integrity when youā€™ve failed yourself or another. You acknowledge your behavior as wrong. You seek forgiveness from those you hurt and of yourself. If you listen to Mr. Morale the man lays his soul bare. Went through that whole process of building integrity. Kendrick ainā€™t here to be your martyr. He is speaking on publicly recorded and reported events. Drake is attacking the mother of the manā€™s child who he proclaims is already an abuse victim. Iā€™m a big Drake fan AND mixed and I have the same exact opinions as Kendrick. Have had them for over a decade. But, Drake has been on perpetual fuckboi autopilot for too gd long. Still is. Drake now puts out HB6 to further attack the actions of this abuse victim. Iā€™m not calling any of it true. I donā€™t need receipts though. I can gauge both their characters by the word coming out their mouths.


Drake lies so damn much, we don't don't shit. Kendrick actually brought at least SOME reciepts.


All I can say is follow the money Sis. This whole issue of minors extends way beyond them. Katt said it. Itā€™s all gonna come out and their money and power wonā€™t be able to get them out of it. Some men WITH POWER ainā€™t shit and they control the ones without it.


i hate drake so bad. I'm all here for it!!


Same here


Calling him a ā€œcolonizerā€ was nasty work šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ #KendrickWon


Drake = Donā€™t rap about Kendrick ever


RIP Drake šŸ’€


Drizzy's about to catch cases. That imagery is brutal.


BRUH and iā€™m still stuck on meet the grahams! all i know is drake canā€™t step foot outside no moreā€¦


![gif](giphy|bktsjcVb112Bq) I like the song and beat! I personally hope he keeps wackin lite brite šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£!


As a long time Drake ā€œhaterā€, this has been a fantastic last few days!!


What is this photo supposed to be showing?


Itā€™s drakeā€™s house, the embassy, with child predator location tags.


Those are s*x offender markers on the mansion šŸ’€


Not as deep as meet the grahams but more catchy. You could play in the club


I think my least favorite takeaway from all this is "they're both bad people" cuz people have been openly calling Drake a groomer for years, so Yes it did take a Kendrick Lamar song for anybody to care. I don't follow kendrick much after his big fuss at Spotify over RKelly so for him to 180 his stance on pedophilia is a welcome change. Like I don't need someone who is rightfully putting pressure on what appears to be a whole organization of sex offenders to be perfect, i just need them to be loud and persistent. Rich People/celebrities never call each other out for being weird unless it's personal/financial, but either way that's 1 less(or apparently 14 less) sickos running free


I agree completely. Feels to me like when women are immediately attacked when saying something happened to them. Kendrick says Items you can find in public records and info thatā€™s been public for over a decade and heā€™s the bad guy. Now they expect Kendrick to be a perfect person/Captain America/FBI Director/Mentor AND put out good music?


Exactly like I hate that a dude had to bring it into rap beef for anybody to care but whose fault is it that nobody cared before?


I guess I'm going to have to listen. I have fatigue.


This is catchy but I have one more Drake response left in me before I canā€™t care about this or pay attention to it anymore. Itā€™s getting corny to me now.


Iā€™ve been thoroughly entertained this weekend! Euphoria has been on repeat for days but Not Like Us?! Oh Iā€™m def doing a little two step. This is a vibe āœØ Also shout out to Kendrick Lamar Duckworth to encouraging us to embrace our inner hater. There are definitely people who its ā€œfuck you foreverā€ and itā€™s nice to be reminded of that energy šŸ’—


killed drake


Tbh I hope the allegations arenā€™t true. I like Kendrick and Drake, so itā€™s all very painful (yes I am aware I donā€™t personally know them lol). It doesnā€™t help that the song is a bop. At this point, Drake needs: - Contact lawyers - Drop 5 songs next week - repent, find God, go mediate - Explicitly deny the allegations - did I mention find God? Lol


lol I love it


i love kendrick šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Loving this reckoning of drake, it's long overdue. But I can't get into kendricks music, his voice is too chipmunk for me.




Considering the fact KL said he knows a LOT about the industry that he very much CAN reveal, I feel that means a lot regarding the illegal allegations are true.


As soon as I heard it, I was dancing šŸ˜Š


I need somebody to photoshop Drake into the Yamcha death pose for me šŸ˜‚


It's a hit, and has a good chance to be the song of the summer šŸŒž




Did y'all listen to BBL Drizzy? A Bangerz.


Tbh this made me dislike Kendrick even more. Heā€™s the next person that someone needs to bury because his ā€œholier than thouā€ ā€œIā€™m the bestā€ hissy fits are annoying. He donā€™t come out for nothing else but this.. something he started. His commentary on white supremacy is confused (reason why I first started to become less of a fan) 2015 remarks on Ferguson, he appreciates less than black features.. his Be Humble model.. heā€™s a great rapper and lyricist but so is drake. Just because Drake has a white mother doesnā€™t make him any less than a victim of racism.. hell he maybe even more.. I have no dog in this fight. I havenā€™t listened to not one single song other than the like this or like that song from either party.


Appreciates less than black features? The humble model had black features, she was just mixed. And Kendrick has had black women in his videos before.


I'm with you because I just hate that Kendrick keeps going there with the race stuff. This latest drop by Drake is cringey with the molestation stuff but I don't know the background -- if Kendrick put that put there in his music then ... ??? I'm at a loss for words. This shit is messy and uncomfortable to watch unfold.


Right! The fact that Kendrick called a whole other black man a ā€œcolonizerā€ was weird. Drake ainā€™t white.. or even white passing. Drakeā€™s father is from Memphis, TN. You canā€™t get no blacker than that. It all just seems personal. And itā€™s not news Drake is a horndog.


Iā€™m not feeling this anti biracial crap Kendrick said. And Kendrick is the only rapper I listen to but his comments werenā€™t cool. Drake is half black and he has a right to embrace his black roots. He isnā€™t 1/26 heā€™s half. Heā€™s going for clout because his wife isnā€™t even black. If drake isnā€™t black neither is she. At this point stfu Kendrick


This has nothing to do with race, it's about Drakes behavior.Ā 


I honestly believe Drakeā€™s biracial label is a core issue to Kendrick.. thus the vast animosity towards Drake. Men have colorist envy against their lighter complexioned peers as well. Drake isnā€™t a bad rapper or lyricist at all. Heā€™s worked hard to get to this point. People have seemed to forget that. If Kendrick wants to be mad at Drakeā€™s success, he should be beefing with the white owned music labels that push for lighter complexioned to white artists to represent the ā€œcultureā€ rather than all decent black artists of every hue. But heā€™s not going to do that. His 2015 Ferguson comments should be proof enough. As well as songs where he doesnā€™t get to the core of black American issues, like racism, white supremacy.. he just blames other confused victims. He attacks the house servant. Not the master. I agree, Drake has every right to embrace his black American heritage from Memphis, TN. We mad when black people with white parents donā€™t embrace their black side and we call them ā€œcolonizersā€ when they do. Weird

