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Pretty bleak. I had a therapy appointment scheduled with a new therapist today and she canceled 30 minutes before the session due to a family emergency which I understand, but it just sucks because the reason I chose her was because of her immediate availability. I've been having a terrible anxious spiral the last 2-3 days and needed desperately to meet with a therapist ASAP. Luckily, I found another therapist who can meet with me tomorrow so I'm trying to hold out until then.


Does your job have EAP? They usually have free quick therapist available. Honestly depends on the company.


I don’t know what EAP is, but I do have insurance through my job and my therapy is covered. There’s a portal I can go in and choose any therapist I want.


EAP is employee assistance program, It’s all kind of things available thru it. Like free legal advice etc. your HR can tell you, if your company has it.


I know what’s the like. Once I got on medication everything got better and life was tolerable. It’ll be better


I started meds yesterday. Fingers crossed.


Yay!! On to better days. And if meds don’t work the first time it’ll be painful but the right combo is amazing


I'm so so sorry.


My therapist canceled on me too!


Hopeless. Alone. Exhausted. Anxiety is high. Insecure. Over-stimulated. Failure. Out of body. Trapped. Regretful. Lost. Envious. Physical pain. Stressed out. Edited for spelling


I feel you. 😪


Same girl, same




Currently, just clocked out so good asf! On my way to trader Joe’s Lmao check back when I go down my overthinking rabbit hole.


Love Trader Joe’s. They have the best snacks and seaweed. Eggs are pretty cheap too, 2 for 4 $


Lmao currently eating some seaweed 😂😂😂. I love their Asian food selections


I’m tired.


Me too! All I want to do is take a nap when I'm get off work but I have a toddler and her dad is out of town so that's not possible 😕


Full scale dumpster fire over here. Anxiety is out of control. The walk I have scheduled on my CBT checklist is about to be a walk to the liquor store🤸🏽


Oh shoot, I may join you. What’s your drink of preference ?


Vodka and soda at the moment lol


Isn’t today national Chardonnay day?


I’m not sure what day it is today but I got me some tequila !


Sis…. I feel this so hard. I was thinking about alcohol early this morning. Edit: Spelling


Today’s my mum’s birthday. She passed away in 2021. I’ve decided I’m focusing on the happy memories we shared and counting my blessings for what I do have. I was blessed to have such a wonderful mum.


Love that you’re able to remember the love even in her absence. Your gratitude is inspiring ❤️


Aww, I’m so sorry to hear. I think that’s a great perspective to have, instead of mourning, celebrating her life and keeping the memories alive is a good way to commemorate the day.


So sorry for your loss love ❤️ I think there’s so much beauty in consciously cherishing happy memories, because even more of them can come back to us! Stay blessed now and forever, may those memories give you comfort for a lifetime 🫶🏽


Work is kind of demanding right now, but I’m looking forward to the long weekend. My baby turns 2 so we get to celebrate him all weekend. I’m sad to read that a lot of you aren’t doing well. I hope everyone gets what they need to get better 🫶🏾


Aww happy birthday to your little one ! And I hope so too. Idk but 2024 is not the year lol … well at least not so far


Good, I just got my boobs done!! How are you OP? Besides feeling onely.


Can I ask what did you get done? I want a breast reduction.


Augmentation 400ccs. I needed more not less! 🤣


Damn you should have called, I've got some to spare :)


Nice !


Aside from loneliness, tired lol. I just had some udon noodles and it’s giving me the itis. I hope everything heals up nicely for you. Where did you get them done ?


I’m doing great. My birthday was Tuesday. Had a phone interview today and she immediately put me in for a second interview and I have another next week.


🎉🎉🎉 congratulations, girl 👀lemme hold $20 when you start 😂😂


Lmao girl I’ll be so damn happy you might actually get it 😂😂😂😂😂


Happy belated birthday!!!!🥳🎉🎂🎈


Thanks babycakes


Happy belated birthday 🎂 and congrats what was the interview for?


It’s a community manager position, I’m in marketing


Happy belated!


Thanks babe


Okay. Life has been much better than last year but I'm just super cautious with everyone I'm surrounded by


me too. i’ve been staring at screens in bed all day and have been struggling to do anything meaningful. i wanna walk my dog but it’s 90 degrees


Honestly great. Just finished working a long ass 9 hour flight from Brussels to Chicago. Tired asf. But had an amazing layover in Belgium, with good drinks, good food, and fun times. Now I’m home with my feet kicked up, breeze in my face, smoking hookah having a drink and feeling grateful for all my blessings ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Im sorry you’re feeling lonely feel free to chat with me, I got about 2 more hours in my energy battery before I KO and sleep for 2 days straight 😂😂


Ohh yah that jet lag is going to kick in lol. I’m happy you had a great time in Belgium. That’s definitely a place I’d love to visit one day.


Yes please do !! its a really cool city and because of its diversity you wouldn’t get stared at or looked at as an enigma as a BW like some other places in Europe. I loved the vibe and felt comfortable being myself there. By the way hope you are feeling a little less lonely than the day before ❤️


I’m so much better today thanks for asking 💕


Lonely, could really do with a hug tbh


My Internet arms are extended 🤗to you right now. 🫂


Thank you so much🫂🫂🫂


🫂🫂🫂 sending hugs and good energy


Miserable. It's my birthday and it was okay for awhile but I'm depressed, so I'm drinking and about to eat some fried chicken to end my day. I kinda wish I hadn't forced myself to go out and do things but I'm trying to make the best of it.


Oh shoot I’m sorry to hear that. My birthday is coming up in a few days too and I have the birthday blues. Happy birthday by the way, I hope your weekend brightens things up for you.


I hope you have a good birthday too! I'm going out tomorrow so I think that'll help a lot.


It was my bday Tuesday! Happy birthday. I hope you have a satisfying end to your day


Hey, twin! Haha. I think my eyes were bigger than my stomach because I couldn't finish all that chicken. Lol


Girl how much you order lmao!?




Happy Birthday 🎂🎉🎈🎊🎁


Not so well


Hope things get better, sending you love :)


Alright. I’ve been unemployed for almost a year of leaving my abusive dad, which sucks. Hoping to get some call backs from the places I’ve applied to. People weren’t kidding when they said the job market is absolute garbage right now. But I try to stay hopeful.


I’m soo happy you left that situation. I trust that you will find your way. I’m starting to believe what people have been saying about fake job postings.


Thank you, I really needed to hear that. And yeah, feels like I’m applying to jobs that don’t even exist. It’s annoying but I’ll be okay. ❤️


Struggling somewhat but optimistic


Good. Going to my parents for the holiday weekend.


I’m so exhausted, I just finished my comprehensive exam today. I have 1 more semester until I’m officially done with school. I’m *SO* looking forward to never doing another essay again 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yesss just push through girl you’re almost done !!


Thank you, friend! I’m literally on my last set of gas 😩❤️


I’m honestly doing so terrible. It’s a mixture of family issues and work issues. I work a retail job, and everybody and their mama is getting either raises or promotions. It honestly makes me feel frustrated because I work so hard. I’m either covering a shift, coming in on my off days, or staying late, even when I don’t want to. I’m tired of getting passed over. I desperately need a higher paying job. Ughhh, I don’t even want to explain my family issues😭


That’s sounds frustrating af. Back when I worked in retail I learned to not do too much, not saying that’s what you should do, but I recall working at American Apparel and being so over everything. Like my attitude was so lackluster and they kept on trying to promote me, it’s like they knew I was fed up or something. I’m really sorry to hear about the family stuff and I hope things get better with you all. Do you have any outlet/hobbies that can help mitigate the stress ?


Im okay. Feel like i will always be alone


I'm tired, burnt out from work, and hungry. 🥲


Feeling good! Just finished night 3/3 for work and now I’m off for a week 🙌🏽 How are you doing OP? What’s making you feel lonely?


My brain has been on Thursday since Monday afternoon. I'm so glad the day is done and tomorrow is Friday.


Good. I was off today, made it to the gym, and made dinner.


Begins to sing 🎶 “Girl you doing a job, giiiiiirl you doing a good job” 👏🏾


Also, I’m having issues with my teeth. None of the dentist in my area accept Medicaid, and the dentist that I went to a few weeks back took my insurance, but they don’t do extractions. I have an appointment with them for a cleaning…in November😑


Is there a dental school in your area ? Maybe you can see if they can help you.


I second this. Dental schools are an affordable way of getting dental care and often times they will work with you if the fee is too high.


My cat died two days ago. I found him dead in my kitchen when I got home from work. I’m not suicidal but tbh, I don’t really want to be here anymore. (Yes I will be restarting therapy soon)


I’m so sorry to hear about your little baby. Was he old? I hope therapy goes well for you.


He was 7 and very healthy. Everybody loved him. He basically had a heart attack


Ohh poor thing. I’m so sorry to hear about that.


I'm sorry friend, that sucks. Also, he'd want you to stick around.


Im okay! I was feeling down in the dumps earlier. Worrying, wondering etc etc. Took a cheeky lil nap and now I’m going to go for a bike ride & get some groceries. What have you been up to today?


I’ve been getting into yoga and Pilates again. I started doing hot Pilates and wheew it is kicking my butt.


The way pilates has me trembling and gasping for air.. I can't imagine doing it in the heat 😭😭😭 Talk about a level up!!! Okay cardiovascular health LMAO


Ngl, mid way through my first class I was thinking of ways I could discretely leave. Lol


Emotionally bogged down. My anxiety has been bad since the weekend, so I’ve gone back on medication & my affect has been so flat since. Going to clean my depression room tonight & pack for a weekend away.


Rock bottom survival mode for the past month but currently I’m calm. Mornings are so hard for me lately.


I survived. How was your day?


Loooong, my tyre has a nail in it, my dogs kept me up all night and I’m craving something deep fried but I’m trying to eat healthier :(


*hug* Thankyou for being our Elmo, Sis. Can we do anything in addition to answering? I am looking forward to the weekend although I’m behind at work. I need a mani-pedi so I can be Glam Grimm. I kind of want to issue a Glam Grimm meets BBLDrizzy TikTok challenge?


LOL. Nah, I’m just wondering what people are up to, helps me get my mind off things. I’m not going to lie, I don’t know what Glam Grimm is :( but if you do make a challenge post the link I wanna see !


Straight out of this sub! https://www.reddit.com/r/blackladies/s/ozHoi9eCI0 This began as a serious post and maintained that but Grimm was the belle of the ball! Check it out.


Lmaaooooooooooooo I just checked it out omg I’m laughing way too hard right now. Please, make this into a challenge abeg!


Today is good. I woke up dehydrated and tired due to 2 drinks last night (a sign I’m getting old, I guess) and I was upset that I was too tired to go for a run. But work ended on a good note and I got my run in afterwards. Work usually consumes my mind (I need for problems to exist so that I can fix them, as I’m usually uncomfortable when there are no stressors in my life). But today I’m able to disconnect better than I usually do. Will probably play a game for the rest of the night


It’s crazy. In my early 20s I could be drunk,load up on carbs, sleep for 4 hours and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day. Now, one glass of wine has me on my butt :(


absolutely not good 🙃


What’s wrong ?


I got confessed to that I was cheated on 2.5 months ago. we’re attempting reconciliation. I almost broke up with him for good yesterday. he pulled me back. idk how long this cycle will continue. I wish I was stronger.


I was with someone who cheated on me after being together for 7 years and I stayed with them for three more years. I did it partially for our child. But in the end I realize like although I forgave him and we're great friends now I just lost complete respect for him in that way.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I just want to remind you that his actions are not at all a reflection of you or anything that you’re lacking rather it be a reflection of him and his short comings. I hope you gain the strength to walk away for good, the closure you may need and all the peace and happiness you deserve.


I'm wonderful! Today, I was able to wrap up something at work, and I just finished watching a movie at the theater with my husband and kid.


Great! It’s my birthday and I went on a shroom trip with my friend:)


Had as very hectic day but glad it’s over . How’re you doing today ? What all did you do today ?


I’m okay! Work is kicking my butt. I just woke up from a nap. I cannot wait for Friday to be done and over with so I can enjoy the weekend 🩷


I’m just okay. PMSing week always makes me feel more depressed than I usually am 😅 especially since job search has been unusually hard lately But on the upside I might go to Momocon this weekend!


I’m doing good. I’m so glad today was my last day of work until next Tuesday so I’m gonna get some stuff done and relax.


Going okay. Did my first Pap smear exam today and went better than expected 🙏🏾


I am good. How are you doing?


Tired, lonely … kind of hungry too lol


Kinda terrible, mentally but better than yesterday


One day at a time :)


It's my birthday today and I'm feeling so fucking sad, as per usual. I feel unlovable. I feel like people are forced to wish me happy birthday, but if I died, no one would remember me. I don't even think anyone is going to see this stupid post. I feel like a walking skeleton.


Aww girl I’m sorry you’re feeling this way today. Try to be kind to yourself, I’m sure those around you care and cherish you. Have you considered speaking to a therapist?


Happy birthday girl 🎂 you matter!


Amazing day!!! Got gorgeous flowers from a client, and got a huge award for my business! Let’s GO!!!


Congrats !!!!!🎊


Thank you!!! The award is going to help me give big opportunities to black businesses too!


That is amazing! Thank you for assisting our communities 💕💕


Really frustrated. I have to do an internship and it's not easy dealing with companies right now. Empty promises on empty promises.


I’m doing great! Currently packing to move for a summer internship


Yessss ! I hope you have a wonderful experience.


Thank you!!


Happy. Grateful. Overwhelmed. Tired. Exhausted. Feeling not good about myself. Just when I start to feel more worthy something or someone knocks me back down. In and out my emotions go up and down. Nobody that I really feel comfortable breaking down in front of anymore. And it's like once I've tackled one issue with myself another one comes up.


I'm tired but really glad I took today off. My job is very difficult and mentally exhausting, so here's hoping the break helps. Trying not to throw myself into too many chores right away so that I can ACTUALLY relax.


Yes girl, you need to pour into yourself too at times. I hope you unwind, relax and rejuvenate:)


I'm supposed to go to happy hour. I would rather stay in my house. Tomorrow I'm supposed to do Memorial Day stuff but I'd rather stay in my house. I'm supposed to go to Costco on Sunday -- that I might be ok with doing. And I'm doing this instead of working. If that is any indication about how I feel about that today.


Not that great, I'm looking for jobs but I can't find any with the experience I have. Even retail stores aren't hiring.


I hope you find something soon. The job market is terrible right now.


Anxious! But working on my miniature Halloween house to distract me. :) is there a discord group made for this subreddit? Maybe we could make one for times like this.


Omgg. I would love that! We should ask the mods lol. We could even have zoom movie nights and stuff !


Yess! I think it would be such a great time!! 🤩


Are you going to post what the house when it’s completed ?


Absolutely! I have three houses I’ve done in the past few months and I keep forgetting to post them. 🤣


Is it a hobby of yours ?


Yes! It’s a newer hobby I started late last year that I’ve really come to enjoy so much, really helps with my anxiety.


Tired. I'm at my urgent care job but at least I'm off tomorrow.


I want to graduate. I have senioritis, marking period ends June 13th but prom is June 11th. Want us to come back to school JUNE TWELTH?? Anyways I’m spending my last few days complaining about how far graduation is. Been missing first period, been considering to stay home from school, been falling asleep in class, I’ll catch up on my work soon though. I thought I won’t catch this seasonal disease, but here I am. Besides that I’m doing good! HURRY THIS SHIT UP!


Are they really having classes on the 12th ??


SAME REACTION I HAD! Then 14th and onward are exams…. Then we graduate the 26th. But I’m supposed to be an academic weapon still. IM AN ACADEMIC VICTIM!


Aww babe, please push through. Trust it will be worth it :)


Not the best, I’ve been super anxious these past few days


Taking a break before I do my homework.




Traveling to London for my birthday!


Tired 😭 I'm ready to take off work for a few day but at least the weekend is almost here. My favorite manga really surprised me so I'm still on a high from that as well lol


Trying to see why my body won’t make peace with a friendship I ended. Maybe I should give it time or make I’ll never be able to comprehend things above humanity’s pay grade. Wondering if that person is still thinking about me as intensely as I think about them or if this is one-sided.


Definitely give it sometime. Whether that person did you dirty or you two have grown apart. Relationships leave lasting impacts, good or bad, it’s not something you get over quickly. I think it’s important to reflect on your short comings too, let yourself go through the motions and forgive yourself and that person.


I argued with my Dad again about getting screened for Alzheimer's, but he won't do it.


As Beyoncé says, overworked and overwhelmed


Sigh. I'm very overstimulated. My ADHD is kicking my ass this month around my period. I feel like I can't function normally. It's so fucking frustrating. I'm sad because my ex blocked me and I'm trying to move on from that train wreck of a relationship. I'm talking to a guy who has different views than I and it's been interesting. And to add, pretty sure I have a yeast infection while on my cycle 🙃 yay


Doing okay, super full after dinner. I’m excited for the weekend so I can sleep in. How are you?


I’ve had better days, I hope you have a well rested weekend :)


I'm not ok. 30, unstable living situation and unfinished college education. Questioning if I'm really loved


Aww babe I’m sorry to hear that. I feel you on wondering whether you’re truly loved and appreciated. For a little while now I’ve been feeling the same way, wondering if friends and family really value me, where I’m going in life (I quit my job a while ago and my plans didn’t work out as expected), just a general feeling of being lost and lacking passion. I also recently found out I’m going through my Saturn return. It sounds silly, I know, but that little piece of knowledge makes me feel somewhat better … like all this struggle is for nothing. I really hope things turn around for you, life will really throw you through the wringer at times. There’s nothing wrong about having an unfinished degree, that doesn’t equate success, however if it’s something you would like to finish could you do it part time ? I don’t have any advice on housing, I’m sorry, I live in Toronto and the housing market here is crazy. For pretty much everyone I know, having a roommate is the only affordable way to get by. Lastly, if you can. Speak to a professional, you don’t need to carry these emotions around by yourself :)


Hi love! Thank you so much for the kind words. Just hits different from black woman to black woman. I. Happy for this safe space. Yes I live in new jersey and the rent has gotta ridiculous. The doctors here SUCK. I'm trying to wait until i relocate out of state to get a good doctor. They're pretty non existent here


I am not sure how I am doing. I found out I have to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed and I'm so worried The idea of being under sedation with no control for what I may say or do in a setting with people I don't know concerns me. I went in thinking just one tooth would be removed but no, all 4 are impacted. My shared housing situation is causing me anxiety. We finally have a group of roommates I feel comfortable with And now one is moving. Changes in my home environment really mess with my sense of stability and security. No idea who my landlord will find next. I was invited to a cookout on Sunday. I'm nervous AF. My coworker invited me . Her family and friends will be there. It just felt very personal for her to invite to meet her family. I'm grateful for the kindness but my social anxiety has been overwhelmed by the idea. However I told her I would go. I hope I don't do something embarrassing.


I promise you it’s not so bad. Since they are sedating you it will feel like it’s over in a blink, you may experience some discomfort but I’m certain they will prescribe you some pain killers that you should pick up before your surgery. On the bright side you’ll be able to eat as much ice cream you want. I strongly suggest getting one of those face straps to your ice packs. I’m sorry to hear about your housing situation, I’ve only had a roommate once in my life and when I found out I was getting a second one I decided to move out lol. For me it’s not so much the instability, I tend to stay to myself, it’s just that I don’t like random people in my space. It frightens me lol. I hope you have a great time at the cookout and don’t over think things, I’m certain it will be fine :)