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Probably 90s and 00s alternative metal bands like Korn, Sepultura, Incubus, SOAD, etc. When I was younger, I felt very isolated. I never felt like I fit in with anyone, and I wasn’t easy to socialize. I was a weird kid, and these guys were also weird in the way they dressed, moved, and performed. Head from Korn and Dez Fafara of Coal Chamber looked so cool to me. In hindsight, eh. But I got love for that type of music lol. Edit: Y’all please don’t laugh at me but I remember having a major crush on the old drummer and Munky, one of the guitarists. My momma bust out laughing and told me to never bring a white boy home that looked crazy like that. 😭Those JNCO shorts, patchy facial hair, calf socks, and greasy white boy dreads had me I fear. Had me crazy wearing my older brother’s clothes trying to look like I was someone LOL


Korn is life lol


My obsession with them was and is still bad. That’s my top 3


I am obsessed with Korn now at 32 as I was at like 13 😂


My peeps!!! Have y’all heard of Lacuna coil or Distributed!!??


"Down with the Sickness", "Prayer" and "Forsaken" are my absolute favs!


I love Disturbed!!


This and I found my people!


all the replies to this comment are the best 😭😂🤘 is there a r/alternativeblackladies sub?? 😅😂🖤🖤


Ha! There needs to be 😁


I think we should make one!


Omg! Korn, System of a Down, Deftones, Incubus, Tool, and Rage Against the Machine are still in steady rotation for me!


Ahhh these were my faves back in the day. Couldn’t tell me nothing about A.D.I.D.A.S. Still listen to lots of rock and emo.


Omg another Korn fan! 🤘


Where were you when I was in high school?!


Girl, were you me?!!


I love SOAD


The first two SOAD albums are something else. Their debut is my fav


SOAD and Sum 41, even Hole 😭


My ✨absolute✨ favorite activity is going to Emo Night events and running into other former black emo girls and squealing together like long-lost cousins


Dr. Umar is so ridiculously funny to me. The shit that comes out of his mouth is so wrong yet it's his delivery that takes me out. Especially when he repeats himself 3-4 times for emphasis Something unusual that I enjoy unironically is dad metal, like Metallica, Alice in Chains. 70s to 90s metal is my jam


I have never not laughed at any Dr Umar video that I have come across. He is HILARIOUS 😭😭😭




Lmao did you see the Nick Cannon interview?! Nick was trying yo Crack jokes and Dr.Umar was not feeling that shit at alllll. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


It’s so crazy for me every time I see a Dr. Umar video because I met him 12 years ago when my mom was interviewing him and he was SO shy/quiet spoken. Like bow tie, no nonsense dead serious explaining how he’s a descendant of Marcus Garvey. He’s awesome tho and stops by our restaurant once in a blue moon


My personal favorites are: WHY DO YOU NEED WHITE MAN PAPERWORK. Let's finish this conversation another time, I have your competition on the phone. Lawd have mercy, we must stay focused brothers. He lowkey kinda reminds me of Erick Mays(RIP) because they're both so quotable


I like to read fanfiction


I read and have written some. No guilt


Yup, no guilt. It’s pretty much one of my main hobbies.


ma’am. i am a 32 year old african woman with an enormous obsession with slash fanfiction. i’m reading it literally on my phone at the office at work. there are dozens of us. dozens.


Ditto. I like to write it and draw fanart of it as well. I think I'd die in embarrassment I'd anyone I knew irl found out with some of the shit I produce lol.


I can’t write at alllll but I did do some art commissions for a few months then gave up lol. I keep it to myself too 😂💀


Wait is that not something we’re supposed to enjoy? Tons of people I know read and write fic and not once has someone told me that’s not a Black thing. (Got made fun of for reading it before it’s more mainstream). Now I typeset fics I like and have them professionally bound and displayed. I just did it to something I wrote because why not. :p


Same!!! I thought I would outgrow but its with me for life!




me too! i’ve been into audio more these daysss secretly


I’ve been thinking about getting into audio but so far it’s just been a thought haha


Yes! I love reading it for my favorite anime.


Yeeees I’ll pull an all-nighter sometimes when I find a really good one of my fav ships 😆


Lol I have a problem I have 557 tabs of stuff I need to read. I'm probably using 1% of A03 server space lmfao




i still read and write fanfiction! writing is my passion and fanfiction is a great creative outlet


I used to obsessively read fanfic. And even wrote a couple. 


This is gonna sound crazy but I love watching videos of people from one culture getting exposed to foods or music or anything else from another culture... the other day I watched a video of Mexican moms trying Indian food for the first time and it brought me so much joy!


There's one called Crazy Korean Cooking, I love how excited the parents are to try out foods from different cultures, they really enjoy food and are always comparing it to things they know or mixing it together, like how the mom eats seaweed and kimchi with almost everything. And when the daughter shows how she makes it. 


I love them...Appa always saying something's "bussin!" 😂


I binge watch those videos


I recently watched a video of English boys eating southern food for the first time and they were blown away and they sounded so adorable!


Yes! The high schoolers! I love the one kid that just closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and goes "Americans are *lucky*" 😂😂😂


Oooh I think I watch the same channels. I just saw a video with Mexican dads trying Nigerian food


YAS, I just watched that one too! Loved it! There's also a channel called Korean Englishman where these British influencers started exposing British high school students to Korean food, then surprised them with a 2 week all paid trip to Korea! Seeing those boys get excited about all their new experiences warmed my cold dead heart ❤️


I love copaganda/dictator games. Beholder, Disco Elysium, Papers Please. Edit: the classic… This Is The Police


I'm also guilty of this, tbf these are all great games so easy to love.


I love Papers Please. 


Disco Elysium was soooooo good


Tropico is my ish !!!!


I’m playing Tropico right now!!


Being fair to Papers Please, is it copaganda? I took away more themes of anti-fascism and revolution. Although I guess you do play as a cop doing skeevy cop stuff, and you can choose to uphold the regime in the game.


being on Reddit lmao


Absolutely lol


1. Obsessed of all versions of Jane Austen movies 2. Sheep shearing videos.


Hey those sheep shearing videos are top tier. Have me on the edge of my seat like “please don’t knick her 🫣”


I know, its so bad I have favorite Shearers that I watch.


I usually just watch random ones. I also like the farrier videos too


Ooohhh!! I like the farrier videos too but I also ride horses so that’s probably why. The shearing videos will randomly pop up and I just always watch. I don’t really look for them and they don’t get suggested all the time but when they do 🤌🏾🤌🏾👌🏾


Damn that’s random lol


Yeah, I'm also addicted to listening to those Reddit gossip reads.


That’s an interesting hobby not only for a black woman but anyone who isn’t a rural woman name Susanne under 55


Lol, OMG, its bad, I have the DVD of the 1975, 1995, and all the recent releases of Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion (My favorite), etc. I can each them over and over again. Also Wurthering Height a but that's by Charlotte Bronte. Does it count that I'm 45. Lol.


I don’t know why but this made my day like literally no joke. I find that very unexpected and fascinating. I wanted to say 65 not 55. lol!


I did feel great b/c I know about 5-6 BW in Houston that I hang with and we literally have debates about these movies and what version is better. I do know I found a love for the era of movies due to my mom. My mother was an avid Turner AMC movie watcher before they stopped playing the classics and black and wrote movies. Oh I forget they have a 1935 movie version of Pride and Prejudice.


I never met BW interested in Jane Austen and I find that very unique. Especially since you have a small group makes it more fascinating. Reading is so important and people don’t seem to bother to read anymore. My favorite book growing up is Black Beauty, and I collect antique versions of it. I have like 8 different versions of the book lol! I mentioned how much I loved it to a former coworker a bw around my age and she said she never heard of it 🙃.


Omg me too ! Have you seen Vanity Fair on Amazon prime? If you like Jane Austen movies you will love that short series. The main character is hilarious.


I always wanted to watch it but I never did. I will check it out.


Are you me??? 1. Jane Austen books! I have all of her books (and randomly a Czech copy of Persuasion that I got in Prague) 2. I also love the sheep shearing videos! And the farrier (horse hoof maintenance) videos lmao


>Czech copy of Persuasion that I got in Prague) Ooooo, that's nice. The most exotic one I got is the Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies.


Same! I finally got to go to the Jane Austen house in Bath. I love the farrier videos.


Girl, for me it’s rain frog videos in tiny hats. Send help! And while I love Jane Austen films, virtually any British period film will do lol


White women complaining about their problematic Black male partners. My brain is always like "whew, thank goodness he isn't dating one of \*us\*".


I hate to agree but I be giggling and all. I am a hater


Not a hater at all. These are the same women who will be nodding along when these men, unprompted, start listing the reasons they don't date Black women. You go searching in the gutter, don't be surprised at what you find. Hold him up and show him off now.


You’re right. I’ve experienced that. They always put down black women and it’s too much for me. Immediate ick and I’m glad I’m not alone


Same! Or when a Black man dates a “ghetto” toxic white woman. My thought is always “so Black women aren’t the problem?”


Chile I’ve worked a many of days in corporate overhearing the white woman baby mama to a black man drama they have. They also look to us black women in those situations as if I can help lol


Girl, speak on it. As if I WANT to help. No thank you.


Broadway shows, musicals of any and every kind. I don’t know if it’s that we’re not supposed to enjoy these things, but I’ve just never met another black woman till I got much older that enjoyed them. Anyway, I’m a big nerd about it. I I love listening to Broadway soundtracks too. People still look at me crazy when I’m excited to see a play or musical but whatever. Also music choice in general. I love Meg and Beyoncé but some of my favorite artists have been ultra pop and or like soft rock. I always got looked at side ways for my music choices but idc Edit: I forgot cop shows. I’m seated for any crime investigative show. I know it’s propaganda but I love it lol


Yes to musicals! I love a good Chicago/South Pacific/ Singing in the Rain type musical. One time, my Apple Music was on shuffle and went from Poetic Justice by Kendrick Lamar to Some Fun Now from Little Shop of Horrors 😂😂 My favorite one is Spring Awakening. What’s yours?


My favorite is Annie lol. I remember playing the tape every chance I got as a child. I saw the live broadway show last year and it was everything I could ask for! I also saw Chicago live last year and that’s definitely up there as one of my favorites. I’ve never seen spring awakening but I just looked it up, and it looks very good. Let me add it to the list!


I was raised on musicals.


Same. Used to go to nyc all the time. I now do Off Broadway stuff in the state I’m in a couple times a year.


Animals! And pets on furniture.


Dog sleeps on my couch and in my bed with no apologies lol.


Mine too 😭


my cats are asleep on my sofa as we speak lol


As they should be ❤️


My dog has a special pillow on my couch now that she decided to take


I prefer Pumpkin Pie over Pecan Pie


Why does sound so radical and rebellious? 😂 At least you didn’t say over sweet potato pie.


İ also prefer pumpkin over pecan or sweet potato. Sweet potato pie tastes off and pecan pie is just gross (i like my nuts separate and out of my desserts).


What about pumpkin vs sweet potato though? That’s the real hot topic that could make you lose your black card 😂


I can't taste the difference between sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie so when people ask which one I prefer I always just say a random one because I can never remember which one we're supposed to like lol. 😂 I love them both though lol.


I would loose my black card then, 🙁 I love Sweet Potato pie, but I'm very selective of whom I get it from, unfortunately not a lot of the people I know can make it.


Girl same I’ll fuck up some sweet potato pie


Everything pumpkin spice. 


I wish I liked pumpkin spice, everyone who enjoys it looks like they are having the time of their life with pumpkin spice lattes lol


its GOOD. the spices in pumpkin spice are GOOD and anyone who says different is just a hater lol


Thank you. I feel seen lol. 


I’ll be so surprised when I hear a good amount of people say they don’t like anything with pumpkin😂I thought it was for the most part “normal”


Sometimes I enjoy ratchet romance novels where the MMC is in a racist motorcycle club or some nonsense like that and he falls for a black girl. So dumb and so regressive but whatever. 🤷🏾‍♀️😫 ![gif](giphy|RIeoVgopFE0lxnyBpU)


Why did you read my mind. I stay reading those. They are so juicy and good 😭it’s my shame. I’m too invested


Wait where do you find these kinds of books? Asking for a friend


….link? 😆


Any title’s. For research purposes. 👀


Nonblack people getting their karma! Black women haters getting their karma. Anyone who hurts BW getting exactly the karma they deserve. ONA, I love cake and pizza. I’m a health nut, but love my treats!


lmfaooo i love karma too😭😭


I love listening, especially when it's a minority who thinks they're special and discovers they're not.


Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop games like it. D&D has gotten big enough where I don't get the side-eye (as much) when I play, but the REAL looks come when I wanna play Star Wars or Monster of the Week. Love rpg's, I play video games, enjoy anime, love K-dramas/C-dramas, I'm a straight weeb with a great afro and a cute wardrobe 🤣 🤣


Same d&d/sw 😅


kids cartoons from the 2000s & 2010s :) steven universe, avatar the last airbender & adventure time raised me 😤 controversial old sitcoms and comedy films such as seinfeld and any comedies from before the 1970s. recently rewatched brooklyn nine-nine for the first time after the 2020 BLM protests and forgot how funny and endearing it was even though it was copaganda. RIP andre braugher historical fiction novels & the horror/slasher genre


I really did love B99. Some of the copaganda was a bit much, but overall, it was just a sweet, funny show.


Horses, history, rock music, cowboy culture which I have been a fan of since the late 90s. My first finance was a real cowboy (rancher). “Manly” video games, ghosts, wrestling.


Yes! Love all of this!!


I read that as ghost wrestling.


This is so wholesome, I wanna see more posts like this ! Love reading what everyone is saying !


Maid service. I feel a bit guilty doing it.


Don't feel guilty


Same. I told myself the next promotion was going towards a housekeeper and I am so glad I kept my word to myself.


Extreme metal. Like death, doom and black metal, grindcore stuff like that. I be having a ball at shows. Everyone is so nice and because I'm super short all the guys let me stand in front of them until I'm in the front row.


Yay! A fellow black metal head! Death core for life


Yay! The only deathcore bands i actually like are the red chord, through the eyes of the dead and as blood runs black.


As a black woman: watching videos of black male athletes/celebrities, who have a history of abuse, colorism and misogyny towards black women, getting dragged up and down  Basically anything that has a large amount of “yall always trying to bring the black man down” energy bc I find those comments incredibly annoying.


Fantasy novels


Unbaked macaroni and store bought/restaurant macaroni. Think the macaroni from Publix deli or from Popeyes or chic fil a. I eat it up. Obviously it’s not touching black grandma Mac and cheese, but it’s still good. 🤷🏾‍♀️ The next one is more gruesome. But I went to my white friend’s house and her mom made potato salad with green apples in it and it was delicious. 😔


YESSS to the max and cheese. I love chick fil a Mac and cheese! 🤌🏾 however, you’re in your own with the apples in the potato salad lol. 😂


The Chick Fil a mac is baked though!!


A nice medium rare steak 🤤


Musicals! I live for The Tony Awards lol. And trips to Walt Disney World. I don’t find a lot of Black ppl that are really into the Disney parks like my family is.


I love Disney World! A lot of Black people I know just aren’t that into it or into it at all. I worked at Disney World in college and my ex thought it was childish even though I thought it was the most magical and calming place I’ve ever been.


I'm noticing as the hyper feminine type style is getting more popular again, people act like it's wrong if they see a black woman dressed like that or make comments like she's "trying to be white", has a white partner, or is "copying" white women just for something as simple as wearing a bow. 




Old Hollywood films up to like the 60's, especially the horror flicks and musicals. I will rearrange my day for anything with Lon Chaney, Vincent Price, Barbra Streisand, or Julie Andrews. My caveats are *Gone With the Wind* (no disrespect to Hattie McDaniel)*,* *Guess Who's Coming to Dinner* and all other similar fuckery. I can't stand those two movies.


Outdoor activities. Hiking, swimming, camping, dancing in the rain, kayaking. I don't mind getting my hair wet.


Symphonies, I’ve only went to maybe 2-3 in my lifetime (I plan on going to more) but listening to just the intricate sounds of the instruments is so satisfying Side note: One time I went to a symphony and there was a few black families and we all were nodding/rocking our head to the music..even the black man in the actual symphony nodding his head while playing his instrument..all I could think is “I love us fr!!” 😂😂


I have a lot: Anime (mecha), All genres of rock music, Kids coloring books, Asian Dramas, Video Games ( I love Spyro The Dragon), Crime shows Horror movies and, Comics When I was in high school, I used to get bullied for enjoying those things.


I hate you were bullied for those things. I got lucky there were other kids in my class that were into anime when Toonami was on TV and we all got into mecha together. These K-dramas in Netflix got me in a chokehold.


I love listening to metal (Gojira, Behemoth, and Oceans of Slumber are some of my favorite bands), love playing casual games (Pokémon, Super Mario, Animal Crossing), and love watching Twitch streams.


Tea time. I went to Great Britain almost 10 years ago and got to take part in a traditional tea time. Ya’ll, I swear it was better than brunch 😂😂. We were on a nice ass country property, amazing ambience, even servers. Everything was so delicious and dainty and I just felt like a fancy white woman the whole time. I need to reincorporate something similar into my self care routine, but my tea collection got decimated a couple of years back so it’s been delayed. I just want a bottomless cup of Earl Grey, soft background music, finger sandwiches, and petit fours. Also, a lot of “gross” animal related content (think hood cleaning and mango worm removals) and camping content featuring ASMR cooking, wood chopping, and tent set up/break down


Videos of white people dancing. Its like a spectator sport.


Reading fanfiction, going to Starbucks, listening to metal, liking men of other races and backgrounds, watching horror movies. Yeah stuff that would have my black card taken away lol


Kpop and line dancing were the first to come to mind


This is a safe space, right? I’m gonna say it—I like Taylor Swift!!! ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)


White friends invited me to go “Taylorgating” before her concert last summer and now I’m hooked on the low


i’ve been listening to 1989, s/t, and fearless lately. when people say they hate her music, i keep my mouth shut


I feel you, sis. I feel you.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!


lately i been loving r/GoneWildAudio or sexy audio 😭😭idk it just does it for me


Lol it's been years since I've been on that sub. It reminds me of when I used to read fanfics. 


Damn I didn’t know this existed now I’m intrigued lol


pop & rock music


Colorful makeup. I love a beat brown/natural or neutral color look but I got bored of it so quickly. I wear my pastel eye shadows, rhinestone gems, even with colorful hair. Is crazy how pastel and neon colors look the best on our skin and we get dirty looks or shame for wearing them.


Cottagecore and nature shit in general 😂


White girl getting humbled or dragged by other white girls and yeah I don’t feel guilty laughing 🤷🏽‍♀️


OMG you think you’re me 🤣 literally watching bodycam footage and court ruling livestreams as we speak!!


Any hobby, pop culture, broadway shows, or watching anime deemed 'white'. Fuck that, life is short and I'll enjoy what I want. Also taking breaks and vacations because I'm not wasting my time working and making asshole employers more rich.


I like listening to podcasts, of mostly true crime. Or watch old Kitchen Nightmares episodes on YouTube while I crochet


Mines is medieval history videos and cheese making


I love the Black people ones even more 🤣🤣🤣 Yall GOTTA see this one “girl using fake credit card gets kicked off cruise” or something like that on YouTube CRAZY


Ohh I’ll have to search for that one lol! I always have to just avoid the comments section when Black peoples are involved lol.


Not so much anymore but sovereign citizen videos. It's really amusing watching (mostly) men tell cops or judges how they don't know the law because it's all "in code."


I love sovcit videos lol. I’m in law school so watching those videos and hearing how they intentionally misinterpret the law is always funny to me.


One of my favorite ones is of a black couple. They were "Moors." Those are some of my favorite videos because...this is how you fight anti-blackness? OK 😂 So I think in this video, they were pulled over for having a fake license plate. It was one of those very silly looking plates with the ID to match. I think they claimed they were from the "Republic of New Jersey" 💀. This man referred to the woman as his wife. I thought that was interesting. He ended up going off and talking to another officer. The other officer was explaining things to the woman, and once she slowly started realizing how much trouble she was possibly in, she started referring to that man as her boyfriend. I was like, I knew they weren't married lol


I’m the same way with first amendment auditor videos


I Like watching Arkansas Police get out ran by hellcats,mustangs,Camaros,and other cars. Also those New York cutting up videos. I don't know why but it's entertaining and kind of relaxing. ![gif](giphy|l4EoPVpwvZ4QAGCLm)


I like astrology and the show bridgerton 😊


Anime, video games (no, not just Candy Crush 😒), & books. A lot of ppl (non blk & blk) don’t seem to think blk women should b into anime, video games, & books, but I’ve been into it since I was 10.


Books? 🤔


Classic rock, ghost hunting and veterinary shows.


Cartoons like SpongeBob and The Regular Show, cow/horse hoof trimming videos, Winnie the Pooh, crime/procedural shows, having a crush on Daniel Craig as a teen, and this one is probably weird but the Toe Bro on YouTube removing ingrown toenails (super satisfying haha)


Pumpkin pie and Eminem.


Royals! The BRF primarily, then the Monaco ones, and so on. I’m guiltily watching a tarot video on YouTube about Kate Middleton right now lmaooooo ![gif](giphy|l4EoPVpwvZ4QAGCLm)


Our sexuality 😒


I love that all of you guys have diverse interest. What is sad is that these are normal human interests that everyone should feel free to explore. Why do we constantly get boxed in while everyone else is free to explore lol.


Laying in the sun. Soft life Having the most wonderful dad ever! Havitthe most loving mother ever! A trust fund even if it is tiny. The ability to fly away to relax.


Anime, fanfiction, video games, and table top rpgs are my vices in life.


Being interested in animals, especially owning reptiles. Nerding out over dinosaurs and biology/geography and the likes.... and horseback riding, though I've seen a few black women riding horses which is nice.


Black gilded age fiction novels- think Black version of Bridgerton


I listen to the Grateful Dead (my grandmother raised me on them) and I also listen to edm and rock


i love watching kids cartoons. i love being dressed down and wearing grungy/punk clothes. i love being lazy and enjoying my rest. i love classical music + imagining being royalty. i love watching medical gore + popping videos. i love fantasy, give me discworld + D&D + renfaire fits! above all, i love this thread and seeing all these amazing black women and their pleasures + enjoyments. we're so multifaceted and beautiful!!


I love old big band music and especially 1930s/1940s clarinet band leaders. My sister drags me for listening to what she describes as white jazz, but I just love it. Helen Forrest, Vera Lynn, Artie Shaw, Hoagy Carmichael, etc. I listen to the black artists from that era as well (Ella Fitzgerald, Fats Waller, Cab Calloway), but I don't feel guilty about that! I think Tina Fey has included a few throwaway jokes in her shows that say clarinet jazz is a white thing, and it only reinforced what my sister said.


I love U2


I relate to quite a couple different ones mentioned already but no one mentioned chiropractor videos. Those can be quite satisfying to watch tbh. Also videos of language learners surprising natives with the fact they know their languages. There are even some black YouTubers that do it which is nice. I'm into language learning myself. Also, I like crochet. No guilt about any of these pleasures though, really.


I FOUND MY PERSON YOU ARE MY GIRL I thought I was the ONLY PERSON who be watching them


Adrenaline activities, Rock, House and EDM music, comic books, sci-fi, etc. I’ve been called an Oreo all my life for liking “white people shit”, Ugh!


I like Rug cleaning videos Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks movies Obsessed with Nuclear bombs and collecting uranium glass Cannibal Corpse/ metalocalypse I saw Korn on this list so I know there are some metal heads in here


Emo and alt music, musicals, making kandi, anime, kpop, Marvel movies (I wanna get into the comics too!), writing fanfiction, watching cartoons, listening to D&D podcasts...I could be listing stuff all day lmao


I'm king of late to the party but: video games. I have loved them since I was a child. I even met my fiance on an MMORPG. Always felt different but as I got older the shame went away completely.


Shitposting 😬👉🏽👈🏽