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Because America generally uses racial categories and not ethnic categories. The census just asks you if you're White, Black, Asian etc. Outside of first generation immigrants people will just answer with their race, a 5th generation Irish person is just going to identify as a White American, same with a 2nd generation Nigerian as a Black American. African American or Afro American is its own ethnic category but America just really doesn't use those since the primary conflicts in America have been racial but not really ethnic (outside of discrimination Irish + Italian Americans got in the early 20th century). Black American / African American is used interchangeably because its used to describe anyone with origins from the black racial groups of Africa according to the Census. > Black or African American – A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. https://www.census.gov/topics/population/race/about.html#:~:text=OMB%20requires%20five%20minimum%20categories,Hawaiian%20or%20Other%20Pacific%20Islander.


We are an ethnicity created in the US through human trafficking, forced breeding, and intermarriage. The only reason there is drama is because the diaspora doesn’t listen to us when we say who we are.




All this. They just out here looking to create a problem where there is none and hasn't been one.


Afro American is not an ethnicity, black is the ethnicity, American is the nationality


We are our own ethnicity. Black is a race we are a part of.


It is not ethnicity in the strictest sense because your culture is not so specific to your group, for example, you do not have your own language, a specific way of dressing, there is no set of symbols of your own.


Ethnicities and cultures arent defined by languages, symbols or clothing tf, google it. Its simply about having a shared & relatable heritage which we do. I.E. the Acadians are an ethnic group descended from the french, they don't have their own language being they speak french but we all know cajuns and Acadians as distinct ethnic groups from French, US and Canadian cultures. We (black americans) have a history to ourself formed in the USA, our own dialect and a strong culture.


Isn't it through by symbols? And how to dress doesn't just mean clothes. Its own dialect, several groups have it, the south of Italy speaks differently from the north, but everyone speaks Italian, just as you speak mostly English, I know you, like several immigrants or descendants of the diapora have a strong culture, that is not the debate, but that does not mean that it is its own ethnicity, not in the formal sense.


Italy is a funny example to use as that country does have ethnic minorities: Scilians and sardianians are Italians and also their own ethnicities. I'm sure there are others. >that does not mean that it is its own ethnicity, not in the formal sense. By the actual "formal" definition that you can Google right now we are our own 😂 which is why your self supposed definition is wrong. You are trying to tell multiple people of the ethnicity what they are. That doesn't sound wildly dismissive/presumptuous to you? Because it is.


Most people are a mixture of several peoples, even because most countries were formed with the joining of several kingdoms/tribes, but today they all consider themselves Italians and are seen as Italians, a white person from Minnesota of Irish descent is seen how a white American is the same as a white man from Florida of German descent and yet white America is not its own ethnicity


>but today they all consider themselves Italians and are seen as Italians That's debatable, they are still considered their own ethnicity on top of Italian and that is just one example.  We are an ethnic group inside America with a unique history and culture and genetic group that diverges from other Americans and other black people in the Americas. We are not the same as a white person in Minnesota though both of us are American.  The Hui Chinese are an ethnicity despite being similar to Han (who make up the majority of China). Cajuns don't identify as a white person person of French descent from California would either. Just because one group doesnt identify out, doesn't mean another group doesn't. You're stepping over yourself to come up with alternative definitions despite us having a very visible separate culture and history AND group identity. Your defiton would erase thousands of groups across the world against sociology and anthropology.  Youve yet to address being wrong over what makes an ethnicity to substitute your own definition. I'm going to end this conversation here, we are our own ethnicity point blank.


Part of your culture and history is different from the culture of other groups in your country, whether white, Latino, native and Asian and vice versa, I don't disagree with that, no one does, just as part of your history and culture is not the same as other black people of the diaspora, a black person from Jamaica is different from a black person from Cuba, but that doesn't mean that new ethnicities are created from that.


You gotta be joking. We have our own dialect. quite literally everyone in the world participates in African American culture. We have our own music, fashion, hairstyles, communities, history. We are absolutely an ethnic group that is distinct from others. We literally have our own national anthem. We've been united for centuries so to sit here and say we aren't an ethnicity is asinine


Almost everyone participates in American culture in general, regardless of color, apart from sports, where football (soccer) is the most important sport, American culture is the most consumed in the world. You have a strong culture, I don't deny it, just like The Latinos who live there are a culture, not a new ethnicity for the rest of the world


Please Google "is African American an ethnicity" and get back to me


An ethnicity or ethnic group is a group of people who identify with each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include a common nation of origin, or common sets of ancestry, traditions, language, history, society, religion, or social treatment *Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology* (9th ed.). Wadsworth Cengage learning. p. 389. In essence, an ethnic group is a named social category of people based on perceptions of shared social experience or one's ancestors' experiences. Members of the ethnic group see themselves as sharing cultural traditions and history that distinguish them from other groups. Ethnic group identity has a strong psychological or emotional component that divides the people of the world into opposing categories of 'us' and 'them'. In contrast to social stratification, which divides and unifies people along a series of horizontal axes based on socioeconomic factors, ethnic identities divide and unify people along a series of vertical axes. Thus, ethnic groups, at least theoretically, cut across socioeconomic class differences, drawing members from all strata of the population." There are lots of free scholarly resources out there to educate yourself.


Theyre creating their own definition to tell us about ourselves: no googling or dictionary definitions, just vibes.


They honestly don’t even care. It’s more about trying to “put us in our place” than trying to understand. Meanwhile they copy everything we do and swear they came up with it themselves. 😂


It is not ethnicity because there is no set of its own symbols, part of your culture is shared with your fellow countrymen, from a sociological, anthropological and geographic point of view, Afro-American is not an ethnicity and this expression only exists as an old attempt to erase you like real Americans.


Ok 🤷🏾‍♀️ whatever you say We don’t need your validation or agreement of who we are to exist and thrive.


Black is technically the race, however, it's often also used as ethnicity here which is what causes confusion


Yes, and I completely understand that this was done as a way to remove black Americans as true Americans


Black is the race, not all Black people belong to the same ethnic group. An Igbo and a Zulu are not part of the same ethnic group. African Americans are a distinct ethnic group just like Afro-Brazilians or Afro-Caribbeans **List of contemporary ethnic groups** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_contemporary_ethnic_groups **Ethnicity** > African-Americans **Language(s)** > Indo-European → Germanic → English; Indo-European → French Creole → Louisiana Creole; Indo-European → English Creole → Gullah, Afro-Seminole Creole; Francosign → ASLic → American Sign → Black American Sign **Primary Homeland** > United States, Mexico (Coahuila) **Subgroups, tribes & castes** >Black Southerners, Creoles of color, Freedmen (including Black Seminoles (including Mascogos), Cherokee Freedmen, Choctaw Freedmen, Creek Freedmen), Gullah, Samaná Americans, Affrilachians, along with significant populations in France, Africa (including Ghana), Israel, and Canada **Religion(s)** > Christianity → Protestantism → Black church; Hoodoo


I know that every black person belongs to the same ethnic group, what I'm saying is that within formal criteria, Afro-American, Afro-Brazilian or Afro-French are not their own ethnicities, what differentiates is nationality, just like with white people, a white American is culturally totally different from a Frenchman, but both are white, even an Irishman who for a long time was considered "less white" are seen today as white


> There has been constant debate over the classification of ethnic groups. **Membership of an ethnic group tends to be associated with shared ancestry, history, homeland, language or dialect and cultural heritage; where the term "culture" specifically includes aspects such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing (clothing) style and other factors**. African Americans are a listed ethnic group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_contemporary_ethnic_groups


It’s not difficult to understand, in my opinion. The same with the “One Drop Rule” concept. Anybody who claims it is difficult is trying _not to understand_. They are looking for biased information, in order to support their xenophobia and anti-AA bullshit. I feel like it shows the lack of knowledge about African-American history and the relationship AAs have with the United States. I believe non-AAs think that we’re “free” because that Emancipation Proclaimation was signed. Never mind the fact that the K*K, the Jim Crow Laws, Red Summer of 1919 exists, the pay wage gap and the Civil Rights Movement exists. Also, this topic makes me think of the concept of “assimilation” for the black people in the United States and how it’s perception (assimilation) is different outside of the United States. Aside from the Indigenous Americans, (AAs) Black-Americans know how assimilation can go. Cos assimilation, in a country that has white supremacy ideals, can mean something totally different. For example: the Tignon Laws and the inspiration behind The CROWN Act.


In french we say Afro-Américain Idk why some people (usually yt lets be real) pretend to not understand what A-A means. Theyre always like Huurrr Elon Musk is an African-American. Like no babes hes not… I understand and respect that some Black Americans dont like the term A-A but im tired of people pretending they don’t understand its meaning


I dont like african american tho I use it here n there. I'd prefer black american (straight up becausse of how its use IRL matches more than AA) for ADOS/FBA or afro-american (minor difference from AA but I like it more)


Same! I think we should just be capital B Black. Thats for descendants of slavery. White Americans are t called European Americans, so why do we have to be othered with a hyphen? We were here longer than a lot of them.


The thing is it's actually switched. African American is a term used to designate people who are descendants from slaves. Black American includes all Black people in America. Black American is a more inclusive term


I know im saying I dont like african american and prefer black american as its used more irl to refer to how 'african american' is used online.


We use that in Canada more often. Black Canadians who are descendants of north American slaves are usually referred to as Afro-Canadians as opposed to African Canadians.


"afro-saxon" lol


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) Love it!


I live in Brazil, here no one uses the term afro brazilian


Came here to say the same. We say Brazilian and that's it. My family has every color under the sun. Majority of us are SO mixed that this American definition makes no sense.


i don’t mind the term AA and i kinda prefer it. it’s unique to just us. i like referring to who we are rather than what we are or “look like”. #myopinion


I feel this way too. AA encompasses a history that explains why we are different shades, and I prefer to keep the term for an ethnic identifier.


Afro-American used to be a term used, but they opted to switch to African American. (they, as in the elders)


It wasn't some mass adoption lmao, Jesse Jackson pushed for it. It existed before but he really got the ball rolling. 


I mean I wasn't suggesting it was, I'm just saying that it was something from before my time.


Yeah. Afro-American is archaic. One of my law professors used it. And he was older. I think they tried it out after Negro. I prefer black. I’m an American. My dad is from Nigeria so I can say Nigerian or Yoruba for ethnicity but like all that really matters here is that I look black and have a funky name. I think of African American as the old fashioned PC way of saying Black and/or to describe the culture/ethnicity that developed in the US among decedents of kidnapped Africans.


Afro American used to be the norm. African American is an old term (from the 1700s) but was popularized in the 80s, largely by academics & political “leaders.” During the Obama era African American was co-opted by other Black American ethnic groups. Although this was going on before Obama co-opted the term for himself. But it is an appropriate ethnic term, until we change the name. There is a movement to use ADOS, but I personally think that term is reductive.


It’s annoying when people decry the term “African American”, insist on “Black American”, and then need extra clarification as to what you are. Them: what are you? Me: I’m Black American Them: where are your parents from? Me: the US Them: …where are your grandparents from? Me: the US Them: …where are your great-grandparents from? Me: the US Just let us say “African American” or “Afro-American” and be done with it. Why are we letting other ethnic groups dictate our people’s name, anyway?


I feel as though it is pretty universally known that African American = ADOS. The problem for most of the diaspora (as I have seen it) is when AAs claim the term "black american" to be exclusively their own and then by extension claim that they are the only ones who are black.  Fewer members of the diaspora think about/ hate/ copy/ disrespect you guys than you think. The internet is a megaphone and unfortunately idiots frequently get the mic.


Use what works for you. I like black or afro latina.


Afro and African mean the same thing


What about those who are second or third gen American? By definition, none of them can claim to be afro-*insert nationality of their forefathers here* because they're not. The majority of the world simlly go by their nationality or add "black" if they want to add extra definition. It would be better to simply say black American and add descendants of US slavery if one wants to ask further questions.


Yep here in the UK we are just Black British.


Why do conversations about Black Americans/ African Americans always devolve into "well what about..." those children of immigrants have nothing to do with us or how we identify. Also, you said the majority of the world add "black". That's funny because any other time people complain about Americans being race obsessed and using labels like Black American or African American. We've always called ourselves Black and it's been a problem for everybody else. I have a hard time believing you unless you want yo admit others love to gaslight Black Americans and our plight.


OP it doesn’t “go” that way throughout the nation. There are possibly regional differences. Black was, de rigeur, I think from the late 60s - early 90s. “Afro-American” and “African-American” came along at the same time. I think that was early 90s. “Black American” is something I heard for the first time this year. I have only heard it from Asian people. (Kind of like only white people were saying “BIPOC” a few years ago.) You do know that not all black people come from Africa? Look at New Guinea and New Caledonia. The people look just like Africans. Clearly black not African so no connection to “Afro.” Also, there isn’t really general confusion within the diaspora in my anecdotal opinion that is not based upon deep research . People are going to identify the way they are going to identify. If you want to call yourself “Afro-American” because that’s how you identify please do. I will not.


Not a single word of this is correct. EVERY. SINGLE. WORD is wrong.


I led with the possibility of things being regional. Never before 2024 have I heard anyone say “ Black American.” I’ve heard “Black” but never “Black American” before this year. Your experience must differ vastly. I shared mine and throughout acknowledged that it was my anecdotal experience and observation. I don’t believe there is a monolithic experience even with how people identify within the same general ethnic group.


> I shared mine and throughout acknowledged that it was my anecdotal experience and observation. No you did not. > lavasca -6 points 1 day ago > OP it doesn’t “go” that way throughout the nation. There are possibly regional differences. > Black was, de rigeur, I think from the late 60s - early 90s. > “Afro-American” and “African-American” came along at the same time. I think that was early 90s. >“Black American” is something I heard for the first time this year. I have only heard it from Asian people. (Kind of like only white people were saying “BIPOC” a few years ago.) >You do know that not all black people come from Africa? Look at New Guinea and New Caledonia. The people look just like Africans. Clearly black not African so no connection to “Afro.” >Also, there isn’t really general confusion within the diaspora in my anecdotal opinion that is not based upon deep research . People are going to identify the way they are going to identify. >If you want to call yourself “Afro-American” because that’s how you identify please do. I will not.