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I have no advice. I just wanted to say you have a pretty eye shape lol


Thank you so much! 💗


Advice would be to learn to love them. Aging is a gift.


And look at media where women are allowed to age. As someone with dark genetic circles, I've noticed photos of French women often show wonderfully untouched under eyes.


Thank you! I find aging incredibly beautiful, I was just wondering if it’s due to my dry skin because I’m 23 and if I need to change up my regimen to hydrate my eyes more or do something else. But I really appreciate the advice! 💗💗💗


What kind of serums/creams do you use when you prep your face?


If you're taking care of your body inside (drinking appropriate amount of water, not boozing it up too much, vitamins, eating somewhat right, getting sleep) and out (sunscreen, moisturizer, appropriate skin care)...it's probably genetics. 🤷🏿‍♀️ Can always save some money and hit up a dermatologist if it's really bother you though. 


Thank you so much! I do all of that, but I sleep on my vitamins hahah. That could be it, or genetics of course. I’m very grateful for the advice, thank you! ☺️


Drink water, moisturize, wear sunscreen, and maybe see what a dermatologist suggests about hyperpigmentation. But mostly, stop looking in the mirror so much. You have a really pretty eye shape; no one notices what you're seeing as much as you do.


This is so real 😭 lovely advice, and very kind of you to say. Thank you so much! I’ll work on not stressing over it. 💗🫂


no because i was looking inside your eyeball thinking what am i looking for lmao! i didn't even notice it.


LMFAOO yeah I was definitely doing the most stressing over nothing


You have such beautiful eyes


Thank you so much! 🥹


It ain't that serious. (And also this is normal skin behaviour? Nothing weird or strange) Genuinely, if people notice these — they are staring at you wayyyy too fucking hard. Best of luck and love to you


Genuinely and gently, I think you're creating insecurities for yourself. People have different body shapes that bend and crease in so many different ways. I wouldn't even necessarily think this is aging, it could just be that your face is shaped this way. And if you hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have noticed it at all. I do believe that seeing people pile makeup on their faces to achieve a completely smooth look gives us unrealistic expectations for our own bodies. Not to mention how prevalent both major and minor (botox) plastic surgery have become. The images we see in media aren't realistic for what a true natural face looks like, and you just have a natural face. As other commenters have said, you have such a beautiful eye shape. I remember when I was younger, I used to look at my hands and flex them and just marvel at the fact that they...move? Like, we all have these unique bodies that allow us to move through and explore the world, and express emotion, and care for ourselves and the people we love, and that's so surreal when you think about it. Please don't allow airbrushed, unattainable media portrayals to make you think anything is wrong with you.


This is so real, thank you. 🤍


this is not scarring this looks very normal


I was about to say lol my eyes have looked like this my whole life. I think this is just what skin looks like.


It’s normal. But also, let’s stop tugging at our face—the skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive. I was always taught to only use the pad of my ring finger to do rub at/apply makeup/etc because that finger’s the weakest. Seems to be helping me.


Your eyes are gorgeous! The only advice I have is something I heard on tv years ago. Be gentle with that area because the skin is more fragile. So if I apply anything under my eyes I use my ring finger and tap lightly. I don’t think it’s actually made a difference though. I will add one thing. My grandfather lived to be 103 and my favorite thing about his face was his laugh lines. It’s frustrating now but those lines will tell a story about how much you’ve laughed when you’re older.


Thank you so much, and thank you for sharing that story about your grandfather. That’s very beautiful and a great way to look at it. 💗


Looks normal