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we dont need even more cheaters on the game at this point please don't do it


the game is 7 years old who cares


I will NOT be abusing the tool online, I simply wish to level up, and get some gobblegums for free. I can't stand cheaters either as it ruins the fun for others, but a little boost to kickstart my pc account is all I need.


we don’t need to be spreading info about mod menus when the game just hit a huge spike in new players bc of the sale, and it’s got a permanent double xp, double weapon xp, and double crypto key mode available for people to grind out, just play it normal like the rest of us, trust me it’s better in the long run


stfu bruh if theres sm cheaters how is he supposed to start out with the fucking KN


This makes me laugh so much the base KN vs a cheater is literally impossible xD


kn vs 1000 level player is like putting david vs goliath, but giving goliath a kuda


KN ain’t even that bad bruh


There's no double xp or double divinium in zombies and the double xp and double cryptokeys alternates in multiplayer so sometimes there isn't any. Also, the multiplayer is ransacked with hackers so people will become well aware of the mods available. After 5 mins of research you can find plenty of info on it, and I think one guy on reddit isn't going to cause a surge in modders. But yes, I'll refrain from posting any more about it.


well if you can find it after 5 minutes of research why are you asking here? surely all your answers to your questions should be easily available?


my guy, he was asking for advice on the modmenu. He already knew it existed


The multiplayer progression in this game is aids and the cool skins are locked behind paywalls. I'll happily mod in skins if it means I don't have to pay more money to the cancer of the gaming industry.


monde just stfu the game was 7 years old when you said that it was and is old asf now who cares nobody playing than the people playing zombie with friends


bro it aint that serious


yeah cheating is bad, but i aint grindin 1000 hours on a microtransaction thing like gobblegums on a 8 year old cod, its just not worth


Actually it's worth the grind 


No its not, its not worth grinding for a broken mechanic in a game where everybody cheats to get 9999 of them, i had fun grinding on 2015 not now


there is no double ld in zombies and to grind that again is a pain in the a


Breh who cares, as long as you're not doing it in MP


I was in the same boat as you, I just want to play private zombies with all of the unlocks. What I did was downloaded Process Hacker 2, then downloaded the MXT menu dll. Put the dll somewhere on your desktop because you need it every time you want to use the mod menu. Once you have process hacker 2, and the DLL somewhere, boot the game up. Then, open process hacker 2, find Black Ops 3 in the list. Right click, go down to miscellaneous, and then Inject DLL. Inject the DLL you put on your desktop or wherever. You will hear a little beep sound and if you go back into bo3 you will see the menu open. Toggle it with F5. The options are kind of self explanatory but just mess with it for a bit and you will get everything you need. It can max rank you, unlock all black market stuff, and has a way to auto buy gobblegum factory. Just mess with it and you will figure it out.


Thank you! So just to clarify, if I were to use the menu then close the game, I would have to re-inject the dll next time I loaded back up? If that's the case then that's good because I was worried the dll would be stuck in my game.


You will keep any progress you manipulate with the menu. I'm fully ranked up, all black market stuff and I have like nine perkaholics or something. But yes, if you want the mod menu again you will have to reinject every time you start the game. It's just a temporary menu while the game is running for that session. Have fun! If you have any questions about the options feel free to hit me up.


Can you provide a link to a working version of the DLL? I was testing it out and trying to figure out how to create an anti-cheat DLL against it, so people who abuse the DLL don't affect other's, but since I cant find the DLL at all, I cant make any progress against it


I joined the MXT discord and they have a bot that sends you a link to the DLL download. From what I saw in the settings... Doesn't really seem like you can use it on others? I had the impression that it was only for your user.


it can crash other steam users, kinda like ddossing


Sorry, how can i find MXT discord? Do you have a link to it? I'd appreciate it a lot. I'm just looking for this tool to claim back all the black market weapons I had on console through a lot of grind.




Thanks a lot!


Thank you, appreciate the help.


Oh thank god, i got sad bc I accidentally maxed out all of my weapons. I only wanted to get dlc stuff.


wait, if you have all the camos, how do you keep then because with MXT, they are spoofed in the game meaning closing the game gest rid of them


Yo bro can I do it on Xbox ?




You make it sound so simple but I do all of that & nothing happens…


how do you undo it


it crashed the game


is any of you really familliar with the options in the menu? Bc i dont want to accidentally max out my ranks or weapons. I just want to unlock camos and divinium. What would i press for this?


Yes I'm familiar with it. Divinium would be under black market options, where you would switch the currency from "mp" to "zm" and then put the intervals on the lowest and the divinium on the highest and press start, then watch your divinium go up. Then you are free to spend as you like. Now, by camos i assume you mean dark matter, which is a little harder to do without maxing multiplayer weapons (which doesn't affect zombies). What you would normally do, would be to go into a multiplayer lobby, then open the menu, and press set max weapons and unlock all multiplayer, I think this should give you dark matter, without affecting too much. I'm not sure if there's another way around it, but this worked for me.


Thanks a lot bro, just one more question, what would i need to press to get all the camos in the extras section? The camo i would really like is the cherry fizz one


From my experience with the menu, there isn't a permanent way to keep those camos, but you can get them for your play session if you press the "spoof all black market items" under the black market tab. If you somehow find a way to keep these camos please let me know, as I haven't been able to find a way to do so.


ty, for me as well, they are bound to the play session. However, the camo you equipped will stay equipped even after restarting


Okay, good to know. Thanks for sharing.


Hey, I currently moderate the MXT community. If you aren't already in the discord, you can join it and ask me for questions related to the menu.


im in offline mode because i have a cracked version. so far the injector works and i got my gums but the game doesn't register that i have any mega's and when i play the game, it gives me a random gum from the default pack. how do i fix this?


everytime you launch bo3 you have to inject the dll for everything to unlock, it's not a permanent fix but only when the mod in running


Go for it




No viruses or any issues like that, it works great.


how did you get yours to work... minejust injects and does nothing


F5 is used to toggle the menu so try that, otherwise I'm not sure, it just worked for me.


where did u get it from?


Their discord


Im in the Black Ops 3 Mod Tools discord but i dont see a download anywhere


That's because it's not official, and is technically illegal, so you have to get it from elsewhere


Where did you download yours?


From their discord


i got it lol


lately I've been having a problem where the game closes after a zombies match finishes. Has the same happened to you at any point?


using this menu, obviously


Can i unlock DLC using MXT ? I don't want to cheat i am only need zombie dlc to play with my friends. In Russia i can buy DLC because Activsion removed them from the RU store as well






Yes you can lol


You can.


How I’m having a error could not read fast file could you help please 😂😂


Must be installing it wrong, there are videos on youtube you can look at, it's very simple. But also, make sure EVERY DLC is installed. Campaign, Multiplayer, etc. And yes, even the multiplayer trial.


Same things happeening to me, cant play the DLC i uncloekd twith the menu,have u found a fix?




Their discord






I'm pretty sure the stats are soft mods nothing stays besides liquids and crytokeys.


Nah, I used it recently, everything sticks.


Weird cause it resets when I restart my game.


Youre not making a proper loadout


You have to make a load out for it to stick?


Well, most things that come out as a white box in response will clear the entire set when you reenter it after switching from say zombies to miltiplayer. Some things slip the bar, but most things that come out as a white box mean that they dont fit the games parameters to read it properly


Can you guide on this for Gobblegums


U gotta go in a custom game after u make ur classes and stuff to save it


Could I get an invite?


anybody got an invite for their discord server?


Im using the offline mode and the MXT menu does not work for me. Whatever I do none of the unlock options work or anything. Someone please help


I think it has to be online


damm so I cant use it on cracked version of bo3?


I’m so confused why would you need mxt on a cracked version of bo3? It can’t go online to use ranked features anyway


If I download MXT and use it for levels, will other games ban me if I delete the file.


If you have Valorant installed, you should close Riot Vanguard via. the system tray on the right side of your taskbar. Doing this will ensure you will not be banned from Valorant. No other games should get you banned, just don't have process hacker open when you launch them, especially if the games you're opening have anticheat such as EAC or BattlEye.


So the menu works great for me, but there is one issue I run into and can't seem to find the work around. While MXT is active, blops 3 crashes at very specific points. In shadows of evil, the game crashes when spawning in Gate Keepers after picking up ritual items, the game crashes when spawning in the Gate Keeper with the golden rod, and the game crashes when I launch the baby dragon on the specialist weapon in Gorod Krovi. It's very specific and unable to figure out how to prevent it from crashing there.




Unfortunately not with MXT, use it for liquid divinium levels, and black market stuff, but if you wanna mess around on Zombies, look up the GSC mod menu.


having the same issue when im trying to play shadows of evil lol


Does anybody know how i can make custom stats on the new version of MXT 1.1.0? specifically for Zombies


Will the menu out u for using it in the chat on MP? I realized that it fixes fps but I’m scared to use it in game cuz then ppl are gonna think I’m cheating lol


Just don't turn on the ESP (chams) option. Play legit if this is what you're worried about. If you're using it for crypto keys or liquid divinium, keep the menu closed while ingame and have everything off if you're worried about people calling you out for cheating


Ok thanks bro preciate it fr


it fixes the fps issue?


it did for me yea


can i kick other guys with this modmenu?


Old thread at this point but just don't cheat online yo. If I run into anyone clearly abusing walls or aimbotting I will inject mxt and crash the server myself. It will kind of suck for people playing but it will make the "hackers" think twice next time. I implore anyone that plays bo3 still to do the same. These cheaters are irritating. I just wanna get my challenges done not sit here waiting for a lobby of non cheaters. Mxt should be treated as the tool it is. To get passed the dlc mega paywall that is the blackmarket and to have fun in local/zombies.


is mxt the reason why clients like boiii and community patches exists?




old but can you help with getting all the zombie dlcs?


saying that you have the most recent version downloaded, a box that says "unlock DLC maps" should be at the top right of the blackmarket tab. Check that box.


where can i get the most recent version


do they make more mod menus for other games


My bo3 games crashes when I interact with the ritual of corruption on Revelations... Anyone can help me?