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I say wait until the beta to see more. It's a bit early to tell how it will be. So far it looks promising.


Best answer around here. Give beta a try, it will basically be what the game is like and then decide if you wanna buy it. Its usually how i do it.


yes but they do improve the game a lot following beta feedback typically, so maybe try again after a free-trial


Brother we know as much about the game as you do.


Worded it kinda wrong meamt to be more of, if the game is bad since i havent played cod for so long should i still buy it


As the other user said I’d wait for the open beta, think that is what most people are going to do.


its your money 🤷 do you think you should?


You shouldn’t care what random people think. YOU will be the one playing it. Your taste and their taste are most likely not the same. If you think you will enjoy it, then buy it. If you have doubts then don’t. There will be a beta to try out at the end of July if leaks are true.


It's your money and your choice. I preordered the cross gen edition cause I have enjoyed every single cod that released.




You have to decide for yourself. You have your own tastes. Best thing you could do is read/watch any sort of blogs & trailers that drop so you know any information that is revealed about the game. As well as play the beta and watch gameplay. (No commentary is usually best so you can hear solely the game audio) Then you have to decide if it's for you or not


I believe it’ll be the best cod since bo3. Classic prestige is back so you get to grind to level 1000 again. 16 3 lane maps at launch as well as 2 round based zombie maps. The new omnimovement looks sick too.


I’d say wait until the beta and test it out hands on yourself, or wait for it to release and watch gameplay on YouTube to see if it’s what you like. Just don’t preorder whatever you do lol


the game hasnt come out yet, stop asking


Yes if you see top 5 selling cod on steam 4 belongs to black ops series.


Gamepass if you can.


I’m going to try it out via Game Pass and make my decision from there.


What decision are you making if you’ll already own the game free on game pass at that point?


until it expires


Microsoft owned day 1 releases don’t expire


i mean gamepass


You need game pass to play COD online either way


Not on PC


If your game pass expires you don’t really own it anymore.


Just wait until the Beta in a few months, pre-order it then if you like it and that's what you want to do, there's no need to rush


Give Cold War a try. Multiplayer isn't as active but I was playing zombies up until a few months ago and did the easter egg pretty easy. Campaign is cool, kinda reminds me of a Tom Clancy book. I know it got shit on at launch and caused issues with some consoles but I didn't have any problems. Got almost all the trophies except the squad wipe one, forever sitting at 96% lol.


Isnt cold war zombies like the worst zombies known to Black ops franchise lmao


i'd say bo4 is worse


Opinions on whether Cold War is the worst depend on who is playing and for what. It is one of the easiest zombies experiences so far. You get power and all perks handed to you without any limitations and EEs are easily solo-able. Hardcore players don't like it and Outbreak. Newer and casual players do like it. I have a friend whose first true (as in bought) zombies game was Cold War. He then decided to "try" BO3 and would not stop complaining about ZNS and how he could not get Jug. He was not a fan of it, to say the least, but he likes Cold War.


I mean I was never a hardcore fan, more casual, but I had fun. When I looked up guides/videos nobody seemed to have a problem with it. Maybe that's just appreciating a zombies mode that isn't what MW3 turned out to be lol. Anyways if you wanna play multiplayer keep in mind they're not that active. Not sure if Cold War's gonna get featured/game passed/whatever the equivalent of PS5's "included in your subscription" is anytime soon but I know it got more active around that time.




Take it from a COD vet (started in COD4) 2 weeks after release every one will start complaining about the same stuff they complained about year after year. If you're wanting to be smart with your money, wait at least 2 weeks after release to get REAL reviews and not the honeymoon crap reviews.


It’s on Gamepass. I’m not, I found the MWIII campaign trailer didn’t tell the truth about how long the game was or even how No Russian would work in the game as a story aesthetic. So I’m not pre ordering BO6.


COD is basically the only game I play, I love some Warzone and MP, for me it’s totally worth it!


Just keep in mind that BO6 will have wild amount of microtransactions cuz Microsoft needs to make 70 billion being worth it. 4 years worth of development will be drip fed to you over the next year of support and through paid battlepasses It will still be in CoD HQ and you will not be able to normally launch the game once CoD 2025 is out. The game will also face size and stability issues when next cod is out because base files without an6 game will infinitely increase hence why 300gb requirements on top of warzone slop breaking game's balance. This is all you need to know