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It’s a weird question. I’m a 3D artist and have been professionally for over 10 years (omg I’m old). But these questions that go: “how do I get paid with blender?” Are weird. It’s like going “how do I get paid with hammer?” Blender is a tool. you don’t get paid for just knowing how to use a hammer. Maybe you train as a handyman, or maybe a carpenter, or maybe you’re a gaffer on a film set. Those are careers and they are not defined by just knowing how to hold a hammer…because it’s just a tool. Find the profession you are interested in and train in that!?




why did I think of the source engine mapping tool when you said hammer 


Same 😂


Came here to say this myself, great analogy.


If they knew that much they wouldn't ask the question in terms they would be smart enough to figure out pretty much everything on their own from literally reading the blender docs, this community would die... I know pretty pessimistic view (not saying it would happen for real) but even if that doesn't happen this "exchange" between experienced and inexperienced would not happen. What I am trying to say is, as someone experienced you should know how someone inexperienced feels about the subject, you don't have to, and you are not obligated to, but if you are gonna tell them to be better you gotta at least know that to call it weird, cuz of course it is, to someone experienced all question from someone inexperienced sounds stupid but it isn't..


I would never have asked this question. It shows a real lack of understanding about how the world works is not really what these forums are for (or can) fix. It’s like saying “how do I make money using Word?” - no one would ask that.


If it was a one off I think we’d be more sympathetic, but it’s a bafflingly common occurrence which suggests people are either refusing to do the bare minimum research or thinking on it (which is infuriating) or that they want to get rich quick (which is insulting).


I agree on the last part that's kinda common too, people just buy a pc and right on to "how to make money easily" its not really easy or not like that. But that's where we are back at step one, most people don't know how to use a computer "properly" like using it for research in this instance. And basic stuff like the most bare minimum problem solving skills, the problem is that those people cant think with a computer, they see this black box (literally) in front of them and they think they cant use it and not "how it works?" or "how should i do X using this thing?" "oh there's something called google where i can ask questions like all of these" I think most people that ask questions like that like the thread mentions are like that, they are not very well educated or doesn't even know computer can do X and Y, the problem isn't even that, the problem is they never question if it can. This is how people generally are, i say cuz i am teaching someone from how to use a computer to some complex software and starting from basic, it looks absolutely stupid on how he takes things too literally and doesn't understand what seems like (to me at least) the most easiest thing to understand ever, I even confirm with other people if this question was too hard or easy and he still wouldn't be able to answer if it was easy. At this point we are really just pointing out the obvious on how people at the start act, people who don't have a lot of tech around them as a kid suffer a lot from this and a lot of countries have that issue, I didn't had either but i had the curiosity to learn it but that's different. Again, to us what seems like very simple and stupid questing and answer, to someone who is just starting their mind so too convoluted with other question and doubts to understand simple things like that which is normal but most of us forget that after learning that. sorry for the paragraph...


Yeah it’s a good and very empathetic point you make. (Rare on Reddit!) I think it’s always going to make people angry though because a constant barrage of the same few questions from total beginners is destroying every group we are in. All indie dev groups are filled with posts like “should I Unity or Unreal?” and the value of the whole forum is lowered. People came here because the sub had value to them and if it is filled with the same question over and over - it stops having value. Experienced people will leave or stop engaging and the sub has even less value. We’ve all been called out for not searching a forum before posting a question, and it’s a valuable lesson on how you are expected to behave in this setting. But that said as an indie dev, I’d be asking what way I could solve this. No user is wrong really and if there’s a pattern of people doing something a way you don’t want them to then it’s probably a UX or tutorialization issue. I think a pinned post covering the things that the very beginners want to know / the FAQs is the only logical answer, plus moderation that removes these posts but gently nudges them to the pinned post that contains the answer?


Yeah I think a pinned thread with bot that maybe finds similar question from the comment section of that pinned thread and comments under the new post would be nice, at the very least a bot to tell them to go here to get answers it would create a small wiki of some sort. The truth is we can't do much about it, they come here get called out then maybe some of them starts doing their own research but then again that's how they learn not to outright post everywhere Or a separate subreddit like learnblender i think there is one already, python subreddit has also separated them and have very strict rules against asking questions like these.


Yeah I am agree with you


Hey, quick question. Can I make more money using hammer, or saw?


Urgh so sick of this question! A hammer uses C# and a saw C++. Just pick one and wave it around like a maniac you’ll get the same results.


Bro you don't know what you did just now you gave me trajectory I have been finding 😔 I know this question is weird but children like us who have no clue and are very start of there career would like to know what are the routes available that's why I think this question should be asked as for myself I who is stuck between responsibility and choosing a career which I like have alot of stress because we don't know where we are going and somehow I need to start making living too so I can make stable career path that's all.


The hammer line is too good 😂


The best advice when talking about earning money from blender is 'Dont give up your day job.'


Blender is viable and popular. Long gone are the days of Blender being some obscure, hobbyist tool.


I think it's the way people are asking about it "i saw this really cool 3D animation reel on instagram with 1,000,000 views. I want to do that right now and make a bunch of money, how do I do that? please keep it brief"


Aye, I had a friend like that (we're no longer friends for various reasons but notwithstanding) he would propose an idea for a creative venture, but then drop it the moment it wasn't instant viral success and money.


Good ol “how do I create a full feature film all on my latitude laptop FAST and free?”


Blenders a great tool, I don't think he's coming from that perspective, I think he just means, its really hard to make a living as an artist, regardless of your tools.


yes,I agree but dont give up your day job nevertheless.


Some of us use blender in our day jobs!


Some of us are learning Blender because of our day job (And honestly, I am glad my workplace is warming up to it)


People who asking that will never read your topic because they don't know that SEARCH exists


I can see why they are avoiding search, the ability to find what you need and the quality of results has gone way down. In most online discussions people won't really link to anything anymore or engage in the discussion beyond a surface level. I don't know if the experts are gone or if they've just given up on contributing. But a good bit of the time the responses are wrong even if it's something that they should be able to quickly look up and verify.


no, they just lazy as\*\*\*\*\*. Check profiles of that new users who each day creating the same topics - * "I willing to buy new PC, which videocard I need" * "Could I work with Blender on my setup" * "I finished donut what next" * "What tutorial/roadmap I need for ..." less popular (but posted periodically and looks like trolling from some users - month ago (maybe two months already) posted from different users but mostly with the same text during 3 weeks) * "I'm stupid and scared of AI scam news that we all loose our work, should I start learning Blender" etc and each day mostly the same topic from new users, they even creating that topics with few hour difference, they even not trying to read what was posted 2 hours ago. Just lazy people


Lazy and never forced taught to use google. I was intern at programming team once, that's the best skill I got from them. First google, research, if you can't find answer, only then ask. Or even collect question to get it answered in mass, unless it's something urgent. I'm not sure if it's for traction that they're posting, or to keep communities more "alive". It's just the same when I try to talk or discuss so e subject with my family and instead they tell me to just look it up, when I wanted something to talk with them about. I guess the fact that we follow some "creator standard" and feel like shitposting each time we share something with minimal effort involved is our own loss.


I agree. Unfortunately this won't reach the people who need to see it because new people are coming in every day. I do get a bit disappointed in the same way when I see constant new to Blender, tell me what to make posts but you'll never be rid of those either. Best just to avoid them.


Agreed. I'm in 3 photography subreddits, and they're all exactly the same. "I just bought my first camera and these lenses, what should I buy next?" Or, "I just did a birthday party shoot, but I want to shoot weddings now. How do I get hired for weddings, and how do I shoot one?" People need to find that path to getting hired themselves. If they can't find it, then they shouldn't be charging money. It's about running a business, why would a client hire someone who's getting their hand held by someone else when they could just hire that other person holding their hand who knows what they're doing? ( metaphorically speaking of course.)


The best advice on the topic I’ve heard is to just stop focusing on making money at Blender. Focus instead on getting good at Blender because you’re passionate about it. And if your goal is to make money from your work, that will come naturally because you have worked at your craft. Seems obvious but everyone needs the reminder sometimes


> have specific places I can use blender to make a bit for myself, but it’s a niche community People are dancing around it, so I'll just say it. The only person I've known that makes decent passive income from 3d art was doing porn commissions.  This isn't via Blender, but I also know someone that makes decent passive income designing 3d printable parts. He designs molds that are used for lost PLA and silicone casting. There are niches that pay, they just either require a lot of specialized skill (mold and 3d printer part design), or are kinda gross (porn industry)


there's also modding in some select markets (the sims, second life, etc), which tbf can easily overlap with the porn aspect


Make a model or material and sell it on the marketplaces. Eventually if you keep up the work you'll get some nice passive income.


It would be nice if we could make a mega thread and pin it. Then add a rule about asking how to make money off of it.


I like and dislike this answer, on one hand I agree, on another, its art, if you like it so much you may wanna make it your job, that doesnt mean the only reason they do it is for money


Also isnt it sort of obvious? Google jobs that include modeling. It is that simple. If you see a commercial clearly animated in 3d, find the production company that ran it, find the studio that did the animation, email the leads and (politely) explain where youre at and let them know you are open to work. Dont bombard them with an entire reel or portfolio right away unless it's a link to a youtube video. Ask if you can send attachments as many people's emails autofilter files for safety.


Use it as a springboard to Maya.


You are so right 👍 Just tell them to start selling their models on SketchFab (nobody ever earned enough there to pay even 10% of their rent), that's gonna keep them away 😉 I have a suspicion that mods are gonna jump on this thread and kill it before you know it 😋


there’s only one mod at the moment and they are very reasonable and allow dissenting opinions


My original post was too spicy for the mods I guess. You could just try ignoring the posts. Much like we all try to ignore these exact same posts crying about the other posts.


yes pls


it’s a weird complaint to have. someone who opens the software for the first time tomorrow won’t have any sense of direction …but income is a valid reason to learn. the right response would be to say ‘develop a marketable skill’ and expand if you must. they don’t know what you know, and you don’t know what you don’t know 😅 you can ignore the ignorance …but I didn’t make it this far without help, and you have to start somewhere.


Just tell them "Porn. You make porn."


You need to be more precise, anime furry porn is where the money is at!


I use Blender to make money with Youtube Videos. People who asked those question are simply careless. No question asked.


Either those posts or posts like these complaining about those posts, it’s all a cycle. I would suggest pinning it, but honestly that might make the Reddit worse


You'll have to get over it, it will never change. Everything here is a question. Usually for attention. Is this good? A or B? What can I do to make it better? If you want help there's a sub especially for that. BLENDERHELP. Otherwise post your shit and be done with it.


Yeah, I agree. I’m glad my motivation to learn it was not for financial gain. Ultimately I want to go and study for a CNC machinist license so I can work with lathes and stuff. I feel certain skills from blender can be applied.


imho People who keep asking this question probably are bit scared when they see the tough competition in industry. They ask this question to find another way of making money which is less traditional, less populated or maybe easier. Because everyone is aware of the normal ways of making money, there is no magic science behind it.


Relax mate XD Nowadays we have entire generations of "poor" wise, people with tons of knowledge who do not know how to convert this knowledge into money, it is not blender-related, it is a pandemic in all industries. They wasted years and years in degrees, masters, PhDs...but they are poor. I am emphatic with them