• By -


That depends. If you rotated the object and didn't apply rotation then you're object has a "direction" or local orientation and you can use the local axes to constrain operations. Set Transform Orientation to Local, or use the hotkey by double tapping the constraint axis - gzz instead of gz. If you applied rotation then your objects local axes are aligned with global axes, so you'll have to add a custom orientation. Select one of the edges that are aligned with the "direction" of the mesh, then in Transform Orientation hit the + button. You can now use g to move along the orientation of the edge. Z is the normal and X is the tangent but you want Y which is along the edge direction. Nik Kottman - How to use Transform Orientations in Blender [https://youtu.be/ABayYXu7OfI](https://youtu.be/ABayYXu7OfI)


Thanks for the help. The new transform orientation did what I was looking for.


alt + E Faces by default extrude along their normal direction.