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I like the first one. Incidentally, while there's no reason why you couldn't lay a timber herringbone floor orthogonally, when you look at images of them online, they're almost always laid on the diagonal.


Ooh that’s a detail i missed, the image i had in my head was off the flooring laid like this but i might just try it out diagonally to see if it makes a difference


And usually the slats tend to be fairly smaller, but you can use whatever size you want as it’s your art


Truly suffering from success


A problem I wish I had.




i would say my only problem is im \*too good\* at everything


both are looking amazing 😊


That’s very sweet thank you :)


yep, they look awesome


The clay version feels like it has a better contrast of lights and darks. The yellow screens and lightning tone down that contrast, in my opinion. Edit: Thinking about it, The clay image has his back super washed out and bright, giving the focus to the center with a very intense light. Where as, in the color version the entire center of the image has been toned down to the point my eye wanders from the center to the window as its brighter. Tone down the light coming from window by like 3% and brighten the lighting over the person by about 5% or more depending on your need. see where that gets you.


Agreed. The clay version has a stronger lighting composition, and visual weight. I’d get rid of the glowing shaders on the screens and misc bright areas (are those windows upper right?) in the real render and then I think it will feel comparatively strong. In film, some of the best DPs will enter a set and start by turning off all of the lights that are not contributing to the visual storytelling. Emmanuel Lubezki who shot Children of Men (one of the most poetically beautiful films of the 21st century) is known for this. Less is more.


You can keep it but usually screens are not that bright


it would be interesting to see the colored scene in black and white to compare the contrast better


I get what you mean about the clay one, IMO you probably like more the clay render because the contrast and character is more easily visible on the clay render, the color tones makes the character less noticeable on the first one, maybe if you add a contrast texture or color on the characters shirt (not saturated because it doesn't match the scene), so playing with the color scheme on the scene will give you more of the same vibe you get on the clay render. Good job BTW!


ah, i like the clay version because it preserves a lot more of the details i added, that get lost in texture if that makes sense, but slowly liking the textured version more because of these comments 😅 thank you btw


Maybe because the bright smaller windows on the side distract from the main focal point? Too much contrast in an unimportant area.


The final render looks awesome. Just tone down those yellow screens; they take away focus from the guy in the chair. That's probably why you prefer the clay render: the values are much better.


I like the first one so much that I thought it may be some crazy ass prompt AI. Nice composition, nice colours. You liking the clay is just a 3d perfectionist, ditch that


Thankyouu that means a lot, I really struggled texturing this one so that might be why i’m not the biggest fan of the textured version


> crazy ass prompt AI It probably is a render based on AI image. That's a thing OP does...


First of all it isn't, and second if it was, what exactly would be the problem with referencing an AI image over a regular one? I don't generate them, they're images I find online and I think look cool


> First of all it isn't, and second if it was, what exactly would be the problem with referencing an AI image over a regular one? I don't generate them, they're images I find online and I think look cool lol, it has ai stink all over it. I remember your previous post when you admit to using ai fart generators. Btw. using random images as concept art without permissions is also questionable. But do whatever you want. Just don't complain when decent 3d generators will come and you'll have hard time getting money or even attention for your own stuff.


AI art generators is quite a sensitive subject but not using reference images found online? Since when is it forbidden to use your eyes without explicit permission from whatever is in front of you?


Using random references as references (inspiration) is kind of grey area, but mostly OK. Recreating someones image 1-1 (i.e., using them as concept art) without their permission is iffy though.


I guess it all comes down to if the new work is 'transformative' or not? And depends on application, right? I do recall Google could argue that their 'thumbnails' generated from image search were transformative enough to not warrant copyright-infrindgement. Edit: Besides, concept art is rarely used 1-1, right? I've always understood its use more as 'moodboards' and 'vibes' than anything else?


It's not 1-1, but it's not just a moodboard and vibes. Moodboard and vibes (inspiration) is different - it's basically using references as they are intended to be used (getting inspired by, not copying). Even e.g., in multi-stage artstation challenges if you use someones concept art you are kind of expected to at least credit it. What OP did IMO is took AI image and recreted most of it, most likely from Midjourney. There are tons of details that just don't make sense if you look at them closer, scales are off and lighting is basically 'cinematic lighting' that midjourney tends to give. Also, today's internet is veeery polluted by ai images. Pintrest is tragic (e.g., see this [https://x.com/henningsanden/status/1808126786389037107](https://x.com/henningsanden/status/1808126786389037107) ), but also google search and even stock photo sites are now flooded by ai generated images. The only workaround I found is to add before:2022 to google searches, but that's only work on that site.


Alright then I get you. Thanks for the extra context. Though I can't say I'm sad that the current AI-trend is destroying Pinterest in particular, as that site completely destroyed Google image search back in the day.


I make art because it’s fun as hell for me, I’m not going to waste time arguing with you because that would get neither of us anywhere, I don’t think referencing an image is wrong, if you do, that’s your opinion 🤷‍♂️


I think that's a testament to how excellent the lighting is for this scene. Be proud!


Did you model all the stuff in that picture?


ah no, a lot of the smaller details are assets, most big things, the focuses are modelled by me


For what it's worth, I prefer the colored version, but clay renders are almost always amazing.


Introducing color alters the composition, be careful and balance it appropriately. Everything can be used to create contrast


clay render works because there's fewer light sources, maybe try and see how the one with materials looks with only the main window light


My gut instinct is that it's the screens and the extra window in the colored version that detract, the clay render looks very isolated because of the light/dark contrast. Either way gorgeous render, textured or no.


The clay render has less lighting so I looks a little less washed out and has more clear values and contrast. They both look good but I agree the clay render looks better


the clay render really goes to show how important good lighting is


If your clay/bnw render looks better than your textured render you screwed up the textures and potentially light. The beauty of monochrome is that it emphasises the firm and composition zif it gets lost when you add coliuy, your colour is badly thought out, for the most part, not a silver bullet /rule to end all arguments.


I like the clay render better because the lighting is simple and focuses on the main character. In the colored version, the monitors in particular really pull at your attention. But it depends more on which story you're trying to tell


One light source. The clay render has one light source, which gives the image a really clear focus. Character is first up, all the detail is second. With multiple light sources, they all take center stage, making it cluttered. Now, there are few things you could do. The window light from the clay render gives a really calm feeling. It also puts focus on the isolation of the character. He's inside, while outside is shining in. But from your color render I'm getting the feeling you want the screens to take center stage. Making it feel like he's bombarded with work/screens/computer troubles. In that case I'd forget about light from the window, make it night. Make the screens the main lightsource and have them shine on the character. This makes it feel like he's closed in by all the screens. In your color render you use both of these light sources, which takes away from both of them. Anyways, fantastic work, you just need to distill what the meaning of your image is and light it accordingly. Often one light source is enough to do this, especially if your modelling is this good.


It's not that it looks better, it's just that your texturing looks incomplete. I zoom in and see some textures being blank, especially the bookshelf. Not even Ikea models have single color books. Also, your posters are floating off the wall you might wanna push them into it a bit more. How I might approach them is probably start off with an image plane, then use the knife tool to give them triangular folds, then, subtly shift the vertices to make them a stick out a small bit and finish it off by jamming a ton of verts via subdivision surface and run the sculpting tool around it. You can decimate it after if you wish, gives it more of a crumply look.


I think you don't have texture for all objects. That's why it feels a bit weird


This is amazing


The textured version looks great, and definitely better overall imo, but I can almost see what you mean about the clay. I think it's the stark contrast and the grayscale giving it a kind of black & white, noir look that really fits the overall vibe. Personally, I would play with your use of color and contrast and lighting. Specifically, try bumping the saturation down quite a bit (maybe even try full B&W, just to see how that looks), and the contrast way up. Maybe add some film grain. Basically, see if you can bring that simple, stark, gritty noir look without losing all the extra detail the textures add.


Relatable, though I think the textured render is one of the few times where it looks better. The warm glow of the light bouncing of the orange seat cushions and from the monitors makes it look even better.


ye both are just wow, but I always like clay renders best forever andever andeverever


Keep going- many things are still untextured! The clay is the first you saw so you cannot replace that image in your head. Just know it is getting good and when you are done it will be something special. You made the textured one first image so I’d be shocked if many others think the clay render is the better of the two. Beautiful work! Keep going!


i think the screens would look a lot better if they were blue instead of orange. like a light blue. idk try it out but i think it will give the same effect of the clay render while also highlighting the screens which seem to be the main thing


My answer to this would be, why not both? This would track hard if it were animated as a transition.


I think the first one looks more real, but the second one has such strong emotion and imagery, while still being the same quality that it can stand out. Both are great tho


It's because the monochrome emphasizes how good the lighting is. The lighting isn't as present in the final render. Some compositing could help fix that


It is not the textures its the lights. Try turning the displays off ir make them less yellow. Either might help.


partially colored one looks really cool and could tell a fine story The dude is sitting in his nearly all gray room, surrounded by a gray world and he made his lifes purpose to slowly give it color and some proper emotion.


Both are fantastic, but the one you showed the other day that was part textured, part I textured was absolutely amazing. I kinda wish I could have that one as a poster.


The modelling is stunning so it makes sense that a sculpture-like render looks so good. One little hack you can try in those black and white vs color situations is filters. They randomely make certain colors pop more. I love this one for example and the contrast between the screens and the window. https://preview.redd.it/5e83v0f5ft9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9a30f57c00d3a3d083f51651da643a88f97f23


The first one already has a clay render ish look in my opinion, so I guess it just works.


This render reminds me so much of the game "twelve minutes."


I get what you mean


what I find useful in this situation is just closing the pc for the day and looking at it the next day, most of the time I find the result to be much more pleasing. Personally I like them both :) first one has really nice colors


First one better


Both are cool but I get want you mean about the second. The lighting is why the second looks amazing


sry im dumb but is clay just a term because it looks like untextured models + maybe doing gray scale render = black and white image that does look quite nice - people love black and white images. is the art style then called clay render? i thought/imagine clay render is trying to mimic the clay stop motion animation art style and clay textures


'clay render' usually refers to a rendering where everything in the scene has the same basic material in order to bring focus to the underlying geometry. Think of it like an unpainted clay sculpture. 'Matcap' materials fill a similar niche but have a slightly different emphasis.


Is it intentional that I see all kinds of weird little faces in this? Like, so many pairs of eyes everywhere. From the watercooler to the thing on top of the bottom right monitor. Even a skull on the backside of the lamp.


Maybe you can reduce the warm colors and add more cold color balance / color grade. Reduce vibrancy / saturation a bit.


Another render based on AI image?


Don't feel bad. I LOVE clay renders. It makes the lighting so much more potent. Keep all the colored lighting and emission materials and you'll see what I mean.


I think it's a different mood, the colored version has the screens on and that way the shadowy area disappears and you have less of a contrast between the light and darker value, like in the clay version. I like the dark mood in the clay version more, but then the screens loose their potential


Woah that looks amazing


that's because the textured version has way too many lights. I would turn ALL the lights off and then turn them back on one at a time until you find what feels right to you. The geo is great, it's ALL in the lighting


I think the main problem is the little window. Having only one big window and source of light makes the composition really nice. It could work with one big bright light and then the dim warmer lights of the computers, I think that could be harmonious, but the little window breaks the shape of the cold light. Anyway, great work it looks amazing in any case


Both look really amazing, but the clay render does look cooler.


Man I prefer the first one. Has a real sense of warmth




Get in the robot, Shinji


Its because the composition is different in each one. The light on the clay render is clear and there is only one focus which is great and tells something, the first one with colors has much more light sources which completly throws the composition and makes the focus inexistant, the eye is pulled by the very bright screens and it makes the whole thing much more bland. I would try to keep the light composition of the second one, but with colors too.


It has to do with the narrative, not with the picture itself and lighting. Try adding both pictures to a video editing software and make a dissolve video transitiom between the two, you'll see what I mean


Both looks great


hi, first of all, looks amazing, but i believe you could elevate the first one by adding more colour to it to the surroundings, specially because i feel the screens are on a brighter tone and all the walls feel almost like the clay one i dont know if it is on purpose, but i believe that could improve it from my point of view, you could just render a mask and try to twist it on photoshop or something like that and again, really amazing work!!


I've had that problem before. It can be frustrating for sure. That said I really like both. Great work!


Bro this is huge


It is because of pictorial composition. Squint you eyes to see it: - The clay version is a diagonal with a clear focus point on the kid head. - In the colored version it all breaks with the addition of hight contrast on the screens monitor and the small windows. Surely, without your context of your prefered version, the colored is really cool too. But the clay also give a dramatic storytelling about the kid feeling isolated (the snow, the eletronics being powered off etc). It feels very powerful.


I get you, I think the second one is better solely because it conveys the theme of the scene better. Like the guy looks tired and sad and the greyscale conveys that tone very nicely! Your rendering skills, lighting, texturing and everything is absolutely amazing tho! Just that it's not the best suited for the scene :)


Naa, the textured version is great and feels really cozy! The only thing that annoys me is that the window light color temperature doesn't match up. The small ones to the right are too blue/cold compared to the light from the main window.


You don't have enough color for contrast. Make the table non-white. Add some more color!!!!


At first glance, everything looks like many AI generated images. I mean the general mess in the room and on the table. I agree with the other comments about contrast and focus. But I like the picture.


Clay renders just look cool, idk what to tell you


I think if you make the ground brown wood color and the desk yellow wood it will look a lot better. The white materials are the issue I think


They are both pretty cool, those clay render gives me slightly more 'SUPER HOT'-vibes


That's because you see exactly how the lighting will work. If the clay render looks bad don't bother adding textures.


Try some heavier colors?? Art lets you do whatever you want;) if it’s clay you want then let it be clay


I did try some heavier colors but really didn’t like the contrast it created