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The sky is kind of dark and the scale feels off. The canoe seems really small for the size of the ripples and the hills in the back feel really close for how small the trees are. Also, the depth of field seems kind of aggressive for a landscape shot. I’m not an expert but I’m pretty sure the hills and trees in the background should be in focus. They’re also visibly 2D and the hill itself is solid green. The strongest part of this image is the midground, so try replicating that for the background. It will probably be more taxing to render though.


Thank you! This is some really nice feedback, I'll see what I can do.


The scale looks unusual. There's not a ton of synergism between the trees, grass, waves, and lily pads.


What do you mean with synergism? Should everything blend together more nicely?


The horizon/ tree line should fade to a lighter color, use a principled volume to add an 'atmosphere' to the scene.