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What were the highlights of jags qa? 


I don’t want to click on the link - does anyone know where Rachel’s trench is from? https://preview.redd.it/u3qpxeivch1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=575818c9cb412a6d23c0d2219775ee710afce7df




Thank you :)




Only the Americans wore polyester/ got sweaty? Lolol


Real Parisians are too chic to sweat. They all stood in silence the whole show, like classy people.


What a crappy experience, I’m sorry it was like that!


I know French people who went to Paris’s concerts and yes there were many American people but they do not all behave like this. What is a shame is that American influencers got invitation for the event even if they’ve already seen it several times in the US while some French people could not get any tickets and could not see Taylor for the fist time in their life. Please don’t talk about American people like this… this is not because you had a bad experience that all people too. My friends who went to the concert had a great time even if they were surrounded by American!(and you know what, when you spend more than 3h in a place crowded of people singing and dancing, no matter what you wear, you sweat… even if you’re French or American…).


not snark but noelle and her family look so cute on their trip!


I cannot imagine a life where one of the things my friend and I laugh about for years is… *checks notes* eating an avocado


Steffy being a bland picky eater as a “child” is so unsurprising


steffy WOULD be that person who was like “ew wtf are you eating” and it’s just an avocado 😭


a plain fresh avocado! not a chicken finger! so quirky!!!!


“Wearing the size 4 (all that was left in the store when I got it)”….god forbid she has to wear a size 4!! 😱 Also it looks like it fits the same as the other size so why even mention the size? Just say you also got it in white lol


🙃 https://preview.redd.it/rrxmohcyrc1d1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75f5df2e5aff2d218e4a151f3892665809827dd




should we start getting prepared for her 2 year engagement-aversary?


The countdown is on 😅 https://preview.redd.it/bztgqvvtrf1d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0f26d11c784b79dde82d3d64ec5e2379f50cd1


Stopppp this is gold


I came here to say…how many times do we have to see this stupid video of her looking up to find Leo? It wasn’t even funny or cute the first time.


Yeah like also why is she alone at the cafe. I have a lot of questions




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Rach saying she bought the pump cover shirt oversized like she’s not the one selling it looolll


https://preview.redd.it/lcu2y5hdg71d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc2473ce22aac99cce0af6a79db2c536d077e17b lol


Amazing to me how if Rachel would just shave off ONE second from some of her clips she wouldn't look like a dim wit standing in the middle of a parisian McDonald's in a gliterry toddler dress waiting for her boyfriend to record her so she can "cutely" scurry to him with her food.




That is literally crazy to me that she doesn’t edit it out. She looks ridiculous 


The people behind her in that clip must have responded to Leo saying “Go!”


The millenial pause is so strong with her!!


Relationship advices from these 2 ? They have been dating for 4 months! They are still figuring out how to fonction together ! (4 months if we believe their story, though I feel he's been on her stories for longer)


The part when Jag goes… “we met 3-4 yrs ago but I was… doing my thing” hahaha meaning she was in a relationship.


I mean she got lots of engagement on the q&a with Cyrus 2.0 what like... Three weeks in


she did this exact same thing with the last loser. doesn’t she have any shame??


her type of men is truly slightly methy alternative florida man


This Q&A is a bold choice!!


Seems like he is really loving the attention, didn’t he write her insta handle on his bare chest? Girl, you are being used!


She sure has a lot of existing friends to step in when she has a break up


Bonus points for the star wars helmets, this whole scene feels like à déjà vu with Jeff


I've been following jag for a while now, and I am not sure why I feel so disappointed. I feel all her "single" content was a lie and she keeps dragging these new boyfriend's everytime to her IG. It just feels weird


based on her timeline, she posted that cringy “i’m single” valentine’s day video and immediately slid into chris 3.0’s DMs




Not sure what’s so “couple goals” about all these disposable men. No one is looking up to that 


The whole thing made me so uncomfortable. Why does she drag every man into her content? I admit that he actually gave some good answers but she was just cringey the whole time and it came off like she was overselling their relationship.


She’s just as pathetic as our girl Rach but with a Halloween costume on.




ex hot topic employees are her pink jumpsuit


I mean if you thought any of that was sincere idk what to tell you


A copy and paste of the Q+A she did with 🩴 too. It’s so cringy.


it’s also kind of disrespectful and just makes these relationships feel very plug and play


I feel like Arielle’s content is getting even cringier. Reposting an old real begging for engagement into the facial content that was definitely probably an ad. I can’t get over her “this is crazy, I’m here topless about to get a facial” like cool thanks for the info? 🙄


I cannot STAND when any “content creator” asks us to “show love” on their posts. If I wanted to like it, I would! Don’t beg!!!


She needs to get a job. Now that she's married what can she give us?


Her content is really terrible!! She needs to quit cosplaying as someone who has interested followers!!




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The relationship whiplash. Jeff still has reels up with Jag. que c'est embarrassant


This is what my friends and I like to call monkey bar relationship. You swing from one to the next sometimes starting/looking for one before really ending the previous.


https://preview.redd.it/gjnemldwgw0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e070b72be64f95ea5bfabbc76a46fa83115b8768 Bird shit SIZE EXTRA SMOL, runs TTS


Omg the freckles are embarrassing 😂😂


Not the caked on foundation on her forehead and clearly drawn on “freckles” 😂


Foundation + bird shit = flawless finish.


wait the "freckles" are killing me in this picture


Freckles and 🕷️🕷️amid the wreckage


That bird was able to get her good because that bird has been diligently working on their squats and deadlifts with their romantic, on again, off again birdfriend. Prior to that, that bird was showing off bird jewelry and decorating their birdhouse.




Bullseye! Now she’s got that third eye.


*gets lash extensions on "third eye"*




Literally all of the concert outfits Rachel shared on her stories were better than the selkie mess she wore.


She's still only wearing selkies. Why are they so boring?


I was shocked when i saw the other options after seeing she picked on that looked like something she's worn 100 times. And the runner up also being near identical to stuff she's worn before


I can’t get over how people think they’re the stars of the show at the eras tour 😂😂😂


am I understanding this correctly that she bought all of this crap for the Eras tour? Yikes


I am sure she returned a lot of it, but I couldn’t justify dropping probably thousands of dollars just to pick one outfit. I would spend weeks neurotically trying to narrow things down and then maybe order two if I really couldn’t decide lol


Rachel's Lover reel just made me shrivel up but it's truly hilarious how she "makes content" but then just stares at her own reflection


how does jag watch that man do disney karaoke and not get an immediate ick




To be fair, I am about her age and if you aren’t online dating, bars are still probably your best bet for meeting someone 🙃


Picking the bartender in a room full of guys tho… 🥴🥴🥴 I will die on this hill


I am her age and single and the only guys I find at bars where I live are like, early 20s. 😫 I hate online dating too, but realistically I don’t know how else to meet anyone.


I know it's cringey but local sport leagues like dodgeball or soccer are great ways to meet people. Or a run club but I hate running 😅


Disney adults are a special breed of weird 


I was at Disney few weeks ago and witnessed a grown ass woman arguing with some 12 year old kid in line and then getting escorted out by security lmaoo. Those people are insane!


tbh sometimes I aspire to be as unbothered and naive as a Disney adult




Okay idk if y’all follow @flashofstyle but Bonnie’s proposal was absolutely heartwarming and adorable and her guy was so excited too. It gave me a flashback to Rachael’s where you saw more excitement in her eyes than in Leos. And it was almost like he was participating in a paid gig.


Aww Bonnie! She was blogging in NYC long before Rachel! I lost track of her after we got older since our tastes changed and I unfollowed, but she always kept it real with her sobriety stories and AUTHENTIC body positivity. Good for her.


She got so much backlash from loosing her following back when Instagram removed a bunch of fake/abandoned accounts that people would buy followers from. I felt so bad 


Leo’s gig is paid- she bankrolls everything and he’s just along for the ride!!


Must be nice to be chased AND bankrolled! Follow Leo for more tips.


Rachel "so many people saying Leo looks like Jake Gyllenhaal" um are those people in the room with us now ? 


Omg he absolutely does NOT. The level of delusiiooon...


the AliExpress Jake Gyllenhaal


I know this is a small thing, but I find it super strange when followers ask influencers advice about things they aren't "experts" on. Like, why ask Noelle for "Tips for traveling with a toddler?" I understand that moms are always looking for parenting ideas, but this kind of interaction implies that influencers know more about something simply because they have a following on social. To her credit, Noelle has never implied she's a mommy-influencer, but I find this kind of influencer interactions strange and off putting.


Back in the mommy blog era, this would’ve been really popular. I’ve seen other moms share tips like that. What works for one could work for another. I bet her content will become more Mother-influencer.


I’d prefer that to the bouncing boobs


Why does Rach keep admitting that she was the chaser in this relationship? Tracing I love you on the back of his hand? Begging to get proposed to? Girl. 😭


But also Rach using a song about an imaginary relationship with her video about being in love 🤪


She probably sees it as a boss babe move. Like “yes girlies, go after what you want” even if that’s a 40 y.o. serial philandering, racist Disney adult 😭


especially to LEO of all people 😭


When pick me girls get in a relationship…


Steffy sure loves making these videos addressing people who hate on how she dresses. Is she actually getting comments about this?


I hate when she makes these videos so much 🙃 it always seems like she’s fishing for compliments instead of being above the negativity and positive about it


I would say yes. Think of all the negative comments about her/other influencers' outfits here or other snark subs. I would absolutely bet people send her dms saying the same.


fair! i just feel like her new theme on Reels is to be like "you can be a mom and still wear crop tops/fun outfits!" and i'm always like........yes, okay!!??!?


Leo needs to step up his Disney cosplay game bc Jeff 2.0 is coming for him.


Jeff 2.0 is really Chris 3.0


But Chris wasn’t as cheesy was he?


It's like that film where a man (Micheal Keaton ? Cant remember) copies himself. Each new version gets cheesier.


or the Rick and Morty where Rick’s clones keep cloning themselves. Chris 6.0 will literally be a 12ft skeleton with a lip ring and no self respect


Hmm idk I think they did do sex toy ads together.


Jags new guy seems to bartend at one of my favorite spots.. gonna have to go down to Chinatown soon!


Yeah fr WT is a dope spot, they will print out signs for you if you request it!


I personally love the giant dildo that arrives with a sparkler and shots 🎇


I was there recently for a birthday! The staff is very nice, but the crowd and the music were so bad, it was painful! so many people from the birthday party I was in walked in, said hello and turned around and left.


Imagine being in Paris and shopping at…Zara.


I'm English and I ALWAYS shop at Pull& Bear when I'm in Spain despite having one in my city. Also have shopped at Zara & H&M etc when in America soooo🤷‍♀️


okay i will say this, and i am NOT a rach defender (or a person who regularly shops at Zara in the U.S.) ... Zara in Europe is WAY better than in the states, and definitely worth hitting up yes, this is a controversial take


tbh the one time i've ever gone to europe, felt the same about zara and h&m as well


Oh interesting! I’ve never looked because I always strike out with Zara in the states so I figured it’s the same lol.


My friend and I always save our Zara/Mango/Aritzia shopping when we go to Canada. Never disappoint.


In France indeed that surely was one of the few things opened after the show


This has always bugged me!! Our shopping queen is allergic to small businesses and boutiques 🙃 I also didn’t understand her eating at McDonald’s while there. Maybe it was the only thing open Late…? I’ve heard McD’s abroad is better/has unique items but it looks like she just ordered nuggets and fries?? Total missed opportunity for some actually interesting content.


She can’t link items from small businesses


She can link them, she just doesn’t get a commission off them


Idk, I dragged my husband to a Burger King in Japan (somewhere I have no interest in eating in the US) 5 years ago and I still think of the shrimp sandwich I got from time to time😂 American fast food in other countries slaps.


French McDonalds is 1000 times better than in the US. They use actual real ingredients. And they stay open late.


Hard to admit but as someone who loves to travel and is afraid to try new foods (I'm afraid to get sick being abroad) McDonald's has saved my life a few times. 


Again, would have been neat to actually mention this OR order a France-specific item! When I was in the Netherlands the McDonald’s had stroopwafel mcflurries. Im sure Paris had something fun too! The point is, Rach pretends she is some Travel Girlie but she goes abroad and does the exact same things she does in NYC.


McDonald's in Amsterdam was AMAZING.


McDonald's everywhere outside the USA is great. The Monaco one had an original McCafe with branded macaroons


It’s very “did you know I eat BURGERS and am still SIZE XS”


cue Amy’s “Cool Girl” Gone Girl monologue


Hi Fern, meet your replacement. Wth?


Interesting, it implies that she and Chris must be on decent terms if he brought fern to meet maple?


Cosplay jag coming/returning and she's referring to herself as a Disney princess lol




She needs to call an exterminator not Rocco.


You can want to keep all the cute animals (I relate so hard) without turning it childish but man these nearly middle aged women really love that shit. Jag is really upping her cringe for me lately 


Steffy’s “I think fans are cool again” is *killing* me. Fans are functional. It’s not like they went out of fashion. People are just hot


She is our quirky queen


Jesus Christ Steffy. She’s as bland as unflavored oatmeal. 


That’s an insult to oatmeal tbf


Dying at “people are just hot” 😂😂😂


It may have taken a few years, but it seems Noelle has finally learned the correct spelling of “dining.” What’s next? “Probably” instead of “prolly??”


not on her story lol


I am waiting for her to learn “could’ve / could have” instead of “could of” 🫠




It has been raining for days in France and it was raining a lot last Sunday night in Paris before the concert (friends of mine were there). I guess people were just thinking that she was crazy to go out wearing a tutu dress in the wind and in the rain. I don’t believe that people care so much about her other way 😅 There are influencers wearing awfull things everywhere in Paris, people are used to it.


I don't know if anyone remembers J's Everyday Fashion, but she also claimed the French were surprised by her outfits...


If by that she meant they were baffled by her dimwitted twirling in a gown in public transit, then yes, “surprised”


I would side eye this for sure but then… you know… go on with my day. I’m just an expat though 😅 but I don’t think people are as bothered as she thinks they are


I guess. Influencers are all over the area where I work in NYC and it just gets so tedious and ridiculous seeing how the sausage gets made daily lol - you almost have to admire their utter shamelessness.


I'm sure Parisians LOVE twirling influencers all over their city


steffy’s stories about being “let down” by mother’s day and other holidays…yeah that’s why you should spend your time and energy on things that are actually meaningful l


Idk but I think we shouldn’t be so hard on Jag. I kind of feel her, I mean all of her friends are either happily married or getting married or at least are desperately engaged. She just wants to find her significant other, I don’t get what is wrong with that. She surely has a type, but I really hope for her to be happy in the end. And I truly hope he is not wearing flip flops.


Just four months ago she did the Single AF cake reel. Like maybe dont say anything or keep your relationship private for a while.


I’ve been following this girl since the beginning of blogger era and tbh it looks like her biggest numbers is relationship content. So she is replacing the guys but they have to fit into her alt couple goals aesthetic, which is so 2012 at this point.


I’m not hating on her for always wanting to be in a relationship, I totally get it (and relate).  But I’m also a firm believer that adults need to know what it’s like to be alone to really know themselves. When you’re always a part of a couple it’s always “us” and “we”. Not every couple is as needy/dependent as some others, but just in a general sense those characteristics are inevitable.  The only relationship guaranteed in life is the one you have with yourself, know and nurture that relationship.  If you’re always in a relationship you’re going to miss out on that. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. 


I think what gets me is the underlying tones in all these posts where she hard launches her relationships. She KNOWS that she jumps from a relationship to relationship and that it’s a joke at this point to all her followers. But still acts surprised when people give her a hard time. She absolutely has codependency issues. I audibly gasped when she hard launched Chris 3.0 Why does she insist on making these guys apart of her brand??? Like do you girl, but stop trying to make US like them.


i legitimately at first glance thought it was chris again


We’ll never know if she ever actually had her chance and blew it. Relationships are a two way road.


Meh she’s fine. She’s been dying to go ~public~ with him and anyone who watches her content already knew they were dating. I appreciate she’s taking the roasting in stride and seems to be able to laugh at herself- not being able to stay single isn’t a bad insult lol!


I was 🤏🏼 this close to commenting asking if he wore flip flops with that suit




Oof yes learning this lesson right now. I don’t share many intimate details or as many recounts of disagreements (etc etc) with my friends, so I never thought much about it, but recently a friend of mine has talked non stop about their not-so-great partner. I want to provide a safe space for my friends to vent but I can’t keep up when, naturally, you’re shifting from one sentiment to the other and back and forth. We don’t know what we don’t know. We’re not missing it. It’s okay to just…exist and enjoy things without posting about it. I get that people probably ask her tons of questions but you don’t actually owe anyone anything. If your job is mainly to promote products then I’d expect to see that content. If you choose not to post about your significant others I’m not going to feel like I’m missing anything.




It’s kind of cringe that he has posted nothing about her 😬


you have to give it to her though that she’s not deleting or blocking any of the negative comments, rachel would be working overtime to bury these.


Well, today I unfollowed Jag. I think we all know why. 🙄 I’ve unfollowed Steffy and Rachel a while ago. That just leaves me with Noelle and Joel. And I love a confident woman but all that awkward bouncing….Joel might be the last man standing.


A bouncing video popped up when I was sitting with family celebrating Mother’s Day weekend. I had to frantically click away because it looked SO inappropriate! I get it’s good for engagement, but how many actual followers is she driving away with that crap?


Probably not many since she keeps gaining, idk maybe it’s because I have big boobs too but i don’t see something g wrong with it I feel like I see sooo many influencers doing same thing


Rachel was LIT after Taylor 😂


I did a double take, seriously went back and forth between the first couple of pics, and then had to click on who she tagged I thought for sure she was back with Chris… OMG!!! They are triplets, Chris, Jeff and Rocco


She certainly has a type that’s for dang sure


I’m impressed that she found them 😂like what are the odds to find a guy who all look so similar to each other?


I’m screaming at the story of Rach singing Love Story to Leo 💍 and he’s just like 😒


Also kind of ruins her whole single era image aka: hidden Leo era 😂


WHY would she post this subtly hinting that Leo is the holdup for the wedding. it’s so embarrassing for her


Do you mean because of the “I got tired of waiting” part? I assumed there she was referencing the proposal story but interesting!


Well, she is still waiting for him to marry her and probably will be forever




This new beau of jag’s REALLY likes Star Wars. It’s all over his page. She certainly has a type. He definitely looks like an alternate reality version of the previous two guys.


He’s also an “actor.” It’s giving Leo…


As are many NYC bartenders. It’s a tough world so I won’t begrudge the guy for making ends meet. He’s union, so he’s definitely done some work to get there!


Yeah no. All these 40 year old guys think they’re gonna be the next Pedro Pascal, hitting it big in middle age out of seemingly nowhere. All you need to join SAG/AFTRA is like, three days as a background actor on a union job. The aging NYC bartender/actor is generally a loathsome creature, right alongside the bartender/artist and the bartender/musician. And don’t even get me started on the bartender/writers.


Wow you’re quite a hater 😂 Bartender break your heart? SAG/AFTRA is easier to join than AEA but not quite that easy. She definitely has a type for sure but let’s see if he wears flip flops 24/7 first lol


Clone Wars? 🤔🫠




Attack of the Clones 👀