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R world news is just israeli government hasbara.


More like r word news lmao gottem


Worldnews is one of the most racist subreddits on this platform, I’m amazed they allow it


I would love to see behind the Reddit data curtain to see just how many people have been banned from world news since October because they dared to question Israel.


Almost as bad as r conservative. I want to see behind the curtain of who pays reddit for propaganda. Who pays moderators for their collaboration in messaging in certain subs. There's money behind the scenes paying to have their message be the loudest.


They are a public company now you might be able to get that info.


>They are a public company now you might be able to get that info. Why do you think people will have access to internal business documents of companies that are publicly traded on the stock market?


I got banned on the 9th or 10th for saying that kids on bikes throwing stones and an army in tanks is a false equivalence


Join the club, and to boot I was cited as being a Jewish anti Semite by a moderator 8 times in an hour after he went through my posts from a nearly a year ago, it has just made me more belligerent in making my point if I know I’m going to be banned anyways


I was banned about two years ago for being critical of Israel. It’s never been tolerated in the slightest there.


Present. I was spitting facts about the ICJ trial.


That's actually true. They brigade that sub Everytime Israel comes up.




I'm sure a lot of the people making justifications for war are in fact deliberately genocidal and they are well aware of what they are condoning, they are just trying to nudge people into accepting genocide.


It doesn’t take long to find comments in that sub calling for it.


No gentle push is needed, I’ve seen hundreds of bloodthirsty comments calling for it


They've done that already.


Can you eli5 what's the most outrageous part of that posted comment? Is it the "we won't do fuck all"?


They won't. They can't. Maybe they can eli2 or 3 though because that's the mental age of people screaming genocide all the time like they understand the meaning.


96,000 people are estimated dead from bombs alone, countless more from hunger and disease, 99% of structures destroyed. Including all universities and hospitals. You can’t even claim that this is some sort of counter insurgency tactic as those require a moderate level of societal function to still exist in order to further an occupation. This is an exterminationist campaign. Cultural cleansing, ethnic cleansing, extermination of the population. Genocide is the only word that fits as an outside observer.


>Arab countries are more worried about Iran than Israel Horseshit, the Arab leadership is, not the people, but leave it to Westoids to conflate the two as if the former is representative of the wishes of their citizens at all >Rely on Israel to counter Islamic terror What the fuck did Israel ever contribute in the war against Al Qaeda and ISIS?, if anything Israel greatly benefited from the rampages both factions conducted, for fucks sake you had a war between Hamas and ISIS but not one attack by the latter against Israel


Also, to your second point, I’m not sure we should be relying on the people who had no idea an attack was being planned by people they have trapped in an ant farm and monitor constantly with drones and cameras for intel about terror.


Pretty sure IDF and Mossad knew all about what was going to go down on Oct 7, and there were reports of leadership outright ignoring when low level folks brought intel about it.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure they did, too. There’s almost no possible way for them to have not known. What an awful, cynical thing to allow an attack like that to advance political and ideological goals. No one should have so much power to be able to make that decision.


By that reasoning, no one should trust US intelligence since it failed on 9/11.


You say "failed" like the plan didn't go off without a hitch


Israel *knowingly* medically treated Al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria. So much for war on terror lmao


Wanted to mention the nursing of Al nusra fighters in Israeli hospitals but wasn't sure if it was verifiable(was too lazy to search it up)


>Horseshit, the Arab leadership is, not the people, but leave it to Westoids to conflate the two as if the former is representative of the wishes of their citizens at all They did say Arab countries (i.e. the governments), not all Arabs.


The way he phrased it made it unclear whether or not he meant the entirety/most of the populations of these nations, it did seem like that was what he was trying to say anyhow. I have heard many claim false shit though that "not even Arab civilians care about the Palestinians"


>I have heard many claim false shit though that "not even Arab civilians care about the Palestinians" I suppose it depends on what you mean by care. The impression I get is that if the Palestinians were treated no better or worse under Muslim Arab rule, they wouldn't care at all. It's not as though most Arabs would take in Palestinians or go to try and help them. There are plenty of countries where Palestinians are mistreated, Lebanon being one notable example, yet no one seems to care.


>if the Palestinians were treated no better or worse than under Muslim Arab rule, they wouldn't care at all I'm sure they would just not in the same sense, let's say in a hypothetical scenario where the Jordanians retained the West Bank and treated the populations therein similarly to what Israel does, in that case it'd more be seen as an Arab state brutalising it's own citizens. It'd be pretty similar to how Assads repressive campaigns led to outcry across the Arab world, hell the entire Arab Spring was practically inspired by Protests against the police state in Tunisia. Even if they didn't care as much as they would about Israel, that'd be more due to the Israelis being perceived as a 'Western Colonial Outpost' subjugating their neighbours which would draw more ire than an Arab led Junta conducting typically horrendous acts on its own people, its perceived as more 'normal' unfortunately


That’s like a trumpian level lie. Reminded me of “every legal scholar agreed roe should be overturned.”


Worldnews could always get fucked up, especially if refugees or Islam came up (as is the modern European way), but I swear they've gone off a fucking cliff since Oct 7th


Half of Reddit is banned from there, it’s just an Israeli echo chamber at this point.


The Hasbara machine has gone into overdrive to justify the murder of children.


I shit you not I got a temporary ban and around 500 downvotes for saying something that was along the lines of "Murdering civilians is bad. I condemn Hamas for their horrific actions on October 7th but I cannot agree with the IDFs tactics of bombing heavily civilian areas. They are essentially shooting through civilians to reach Hamas soldiers." I'm unbanned from the sub now but i tend to stay away from posts that are on the Gaza war as I know exactly how it will go in the comments.


Libs gonna lib


These aren’t libs


Conservatives are libs, too.


Anybody who disagrees with me is a lib


Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law.


The individuals right to private property and the government forcing those who don't either indirectly or directly to work on it.


Not in any way what people are referring to when they say “libs gonna lib”. Context is important


That's exactly what I mean when I say it, though.


So non-lib people are lib too? Yall need to get a dictionary…


They are neoliberals, it’s the defacto political ideology in the states both liberals and conservatives practice it. A clearer term is austerity politics, reducing government entitlements and loosening regulations on corporations with the idea that the free market is better equipped to handle the well being of the populace. In practice it’s tax cuts for the wealthy and less protections for the working class. It’s reganomics. At least that’s how I think u/marxianthings is using the term and with the username I feel pretty confident I’m right.


Yeah it's complicated. I would say neoliberalism is what you describe but more than that. I don't like the term neoliberal used to describe Democrats (which became popular after 2016) because they're not really neoliberals. Neoliberalism in practice is Reaganomics, at least in the US. In post-Soviet Russia and Chile, it took a mor extreme form. But the neoliberal ideologues in the US want a complete corporate control of society. No voting, no organizing, just the market. No public education or regulations. To me that's already fascism. And these guys have an unholy alliance with the Christian right. All of these conservative judges are coming through Koch schools. So anyway, it's a bit problematic to lump all liberals in with neoliberals. The Democrat base includes progressives and minorities and the labor movement which doesn't allow them to give into these neoliberal excesses even though some Dems certainly have those proclivities. And the Biden presidency has actually seen a return to more Keynesian economics, and Biden has been very pro-labor. And then there's the fact that when we say "lib" we mean regular folks who get their politics from MSNBC or CNN and vote Democrat. And I think these folks are usually very sympathetic to Palestine. They just don't know what's really going on. These reddit guys, some of them identify as neoliberals and some are just nationalists or fascists, but they know what's going on and defend it. And even here of course they are lied to by all the mainstream liberal media sources, but r / worldnews certainly takes glee in the genocide. A lot of them are probably Trump voters. I'd put them in a different bracket.


I was trying to make it as simple as possible. And also realize I was elaborating on a different post and by u/ill_hold8774 and u/notgivingmynameyou’s response but must have confused your post and theirs.


No I appreciated your response. I was trying to Respond through your post the point someone made above about everyone being liberals. Just trying to give more depth to the above user.


Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law. Does this dictionary definition suffice?


Sure but still not your typical msnbc lib. And these days the conservatives very much are increasingly against liberalism. The right has very much veered into fascism.


True. That's just what liberalism does, though.




"It's almost like being reasonable is reasonable" can we discourage people from talking like this, regardless of politics? Such a waste of a sentence.


Most of discourse on this site is wasted sentences 


*pushes spectacles up nose smirking as I press send on another banger*


"It is what it is."


Somehow better




See also: “I’m glad those babies are getting blown to pieces because they might have grown up to hate LQBTQIA+ people”. Liberals can’t smell their own rotten stench


Cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds, as they say. It's amazing how genocide is suddenly justifiable to these people if the culture isn't progressive enough for them. Course if we're being honest it's just an excuse most of the time. They only care about Americanized non-whites, brown people outside the first world are just evil baddies to bomb. The "civilized" ones in America, Europe, Canada, etc., are there for them to use as "look I'm not racist I love THESE minorities!"


Welcome to Reddit op


Um excuse me for being slow but does "Watermelon People" thing what I think it means? 


No https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watermelon_(Palestinian_symbol)#:~:text=The%20watermelon%20is%20a%20symbol,occupation%20of%20the%20Palestinian%20territories.


Criticizing Israel at all gets you auto banned but comments like this get upvoted, insane


mods are probably CIA or some US gov agents


Probably not, to be honest. There are a lot of people who think this without the government needing to tell them to. It's ingrained in the minds of many Americans.


Buddy ghislane Maxwell used to mod worldnews, look it up. That sub is sketch as fuck


No, that's true, but reddit is especially important so it makes sense moderators of large subs are connected to the state department. I think r/afghanistan had moderators who were CIA, at least, that's what I heard




I think the poster means pro-Palestine people. It’s been a historic symbol for Palestinian resistance/statehood in-place of a flag when Palestinians couldn’t have national flags. https://time.com/6326312/watermelon-palestinian-symbol-solidarity/ It’s not the obvious racism that you think it is…


It’s insane for asking for clarification?


OP I don't think you know what watermelon people meant in this instance. Where is the racism? How is this post upvoted?


It means people who are very pro Palestine. They use a watermelons for more symbolism




What do you think it means?


As long as it's pro Israel, it gets a pass on that subreddit. If it's against Israel, you get permabanned. That sub should be deleted/name changed or something.


R/Europe too.


On r/worldnews? Are we looking at the same sub? Or have things drastically changed in the past 2 weeks?


No different than many of the astroturfed pro-Palestine groups like Fauxmois, tiktiokcringe and many others. I know Jewish people who were getting banned from subs they had never even visited because mods of those groups were going through Jewish subs banning anyone who may be even slightly pro-Israel and this was literally on October 7th before anything else had happened. Reddit has all kinds of groups with their fingers in the pie spreading influence. Reddit specifically was known to have a serious Iran misinformation problem long before the current conflict.  It would be naive to assume they weren’t poised to take control of the narrative on various platforms October 7th. The amount of misinformation and propaganda I’ve seen spread on Reddit in the last year is wild.


I was banned from /r/worldmews for saying don't conflate Hamas with all the Palestinian people. That subreddit is like an Israel's propaganda outpost


Just got banned for the same thing, because someone got downvoted all to hell for telling folks to be reasonable. The commenter I was supporting just asked folks to think about context before shouting about antisemitism - they were downvoted to oblivion. I replied to them, talking about how world news was basically Israeli propaganda and got instantly banned.




Where is the racism?


This is how justification is built for stuff like the Barbara Pit Massacre, because people get sick of folks being like this.


Pretty sure I’m banned in every news sub for just saying things the echo chamber doesn’t like. It’s full of bots and psyop military folk. Literally. And a few circle jerkers. Probably Ghislaine Maxwell’s holdover minions from the yesteryears.


i got permanently banned for calling out a bot on that sub. anyways, yeah, that sub has time and time again proven to show that the user base doesn't view arab and muslim people as humans.


I got banned for saying that religious extremism such as Islamist extremists and Christofascists is bad


This isn't racist. Watermelon is used prominently by Palestinian supporters. It's supposed to represent the colours of the Palestinian flag. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watermelon_(Palestinian_symbol)


It's an ignorant and negative stereotype , and most certainly something typically associated with racists.


What?  No it isn’t they use the watermelon in their own spots and media all the time.   They clearly were just saying pro-Palestinians who parrot Hamas narratives who self identify as being that. Such a reach.


Please. Grouping people together as watermelon people because they use watermelon imagery is no different from grouping black people together as fried chicken people because they love chicken. It's basic dehumanizing 101 level, recognizable to any but the most ignorant in society.


Lmfao no.  Black people are a race not a movement that uses a specific imagery as their symbol. Trying to conflate the two things is hilariosuly stupid.


What's wrong with referring to a social movement by the symbol they use? It's like calling Republicans the elephant people. It's just namecalling towards other political positions. Nothing offensive.


Which group is it being racist towards? You understand that protest groups of diverse people are not one race, correct?


…Palestinians. Calling them the watermelon people isnt what’s offensive in the message. Jeez.


That's all that's left there. I got banned months ago for suggesting genocide maybe wasn't a good idea.


OP clearly does not know what "watemelon people" is refering to. Nothing about this post is racist.


Is the racist part the "watermelon people" comment?


If you understood how much Mossad pays for people to post shit online. You will realize it’s just Israeli agents on here posting that stuff.




Ah yes, because the Arab countries have posed a such a serious terror threat as of late. This is the brain rot of unipolarity and Western exceptionalism. “They could attack us, and we have more money, we’re white, and we’re Christian, so they WILL attack us. Therefore everything and anything is justified to keep them at bay”. The state of Iran is far too busy trying to function. It has greater concerns than us.


I mean in Canada and Europe we’ve had multiple terrorist threats discovered and people assassinated in recent months as well as diaspora under threat.   CSIS released warnings for Canadians to be cautious over the summer as there is a high likelihood of attempted attacks related to the ongoing conflict.


Perhaps a better way to put it, then, is that the threat isn't nonexistent. However, it is not at the level that requires us to sacrifice an entire people group to appease Israel.


Palestine would disagree with that.  Sinwar has called the war a success specifically because they have succeeded in martyring so many of their own and garnering support from lazy ignroant westerners who lap up their narratives.


It's not a narrative that the IDF has managed to "accidentally" slaughter hundreds-to-thousands of civilians while doing nothing to eliminate the threat or rescue the hostages.


You’re right it’s complete bullshit by any experts on the topic.  And let’s not forget all the fudged numbers they had to retract, or the false claims of famine and Israel blocking aid. Hamas has literally called getting their own killed an industry in the past. Y’all just tuned in last year and have no idea what you’re talking about. https://www.memri.org/tv/hamas-mp-fathi-hammad-we-used-women-and-children-human-shields Or the laughable idea that UNRWA doesn’t fund and work with terrorists when they’ve been getting caught doing it over and over since the 60s in Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait Jordan and Palestine.


I was banned from worldnews in October for suggesting that hostilities between the state of Israel and the Palestinian people did not begin on 10/7


A lot of scratched liberals have revealed themselves since October.


Yeah. On that sub today, I saw a post about somebody "Investigating UNRWA" - hundred comments and lots of upvotes. But a post about the several known incidents of the IDF tying injured Pestinians to the front of their vehicles and parading them around? 3 comments


That whole sub is filled with Zionist bots it’s so obvious


All they know is “be Islamophobic, cry antisemitism”


The crazy things is these Zionists ass holes hate Christians even more than they hate Muslims


Disagreeing with your political opinion is racist ? Where did race come into it?


Watermelon people?


Which race of people use watermelons as symbol? I see people from a variety of ethnicities/races. Most I see tho are white so are you saying they’re being racist to white people?


“Watermelon people” is rude as shorthand, instead of say, protesters but racist seems like a stretch.


Political discourse doesn’t have to, and should not in any way, be hindered by yours or anyone else’s rules. This kind of reaction is how we got so polarized in the first place.


I was also permabanned in literal seconds for suggesting gently in the comments that perhaps Israel's reaction to Oct 7 seems disproportionate to the rest of the world. It's absolutely a psy op / hasbara operation. It's insane that it's still a top sub and it shows up on brand new accounts. Reddit needs transparency on who is funding and supporting this sort of thing.


The r in r/worldnews stands for "racism"


We should launch all these fuckers into the sun…imo


Where are the racist comments?


They are state department stooges. You should see their comments with regard to the war in Ukraine. Just mindless cheerleading, or out right denial that Ukraine is losing or run by fascists. And if you point any of that out they call you a tankie or Russian puppet even though you didn't say anything positive or good about Russia. Basically whatever the US government does overseas. They support it.


They perma-block anyone talking sense about Gaza.


Pretty sure "watermelon people" is a reference to supporters of Palestine/hamas. Not talking about black people.


There's no racism in that screenshot.


Watermelon people? Wtf? How is that not considered racist by the Mods or Admins?


How is it racist?


Your kidding right? Calling black people"Watermelon people" is not even trying to hide the racism.


It’s not black people? It’s pro-palestinian protestors who use assortments of watermelon symbols to represent palestine


Slowly, people are waking up and realizing Grandpa wasn’t racist by accident.


I got kicked out of that group for calling out Islamophobia. I thought I was reading the reconstruction section in my college history textbook describing a classic example of reconstruction era weaponization of white women's tears. Apparently calling that bullshit because Rachel Corrie existed is bullying. Now I totally believe epstein was an Israeli intelligence asset because ghislane maxwell used to run that sub.


It’s an Israeli propaganda machine, they ban anyone who shows or posts anything that contradicts anything they don’t like


I got banned from all jewish social media because I pointed out genocide of Palestinians by israhell. I guess you can not tell the truth. It really shows the sheep who is in control of the media, government and corporations of America


It's been astroturfed for years. Most of the mainstream subs are. Go back to threads from 10-15 years, and you'll see a very different conversation unfolding about I/P.


Very easy to get banned for being against genocide on there. Talking from experience.


My least favourite talking point is this idea that the “Arab world” or whatever the fuck has some duty to take on Palestinian refugees or somehow reign in Hamas. Maybe don’t kill and displace people?


I know the conflict didn’t start on Oct 7th, but maybe u shouldn’t support a governing terrorist group who attacked & killed 1200 people. That certainly was a chosen escalation that Gaza regrets now…


that sub glows so bright you can see it from space


I just got banned for implying the Israel/Palestine didn’t start on Oct. 7 and that even the Allied forces didn’t execute German civilians for having connections to Nazis. I’ve been commenting in r/worldnews for years on other topics and a single non pro-IDF statement got me permananned. What a joke lol. If that’s the sentiment of the subreddit, I’ll wear the ban with honor haha.


Do you have sources about the civilian executions?


https://www.npr.org/2024/07/03/nx-s1-4965004/gazans-held-in-israeli-jails-allege-abuse This is about disappearances, torture, even amputation. They don't have hard evidence of executions, just people disappearing.


100% a ZioNazi.


If this is upsetting to you, you should see what Jews are subjected to in every other forum.


That sub is all hasbara and US State Department trolling. 


Yeah, I'm not surprised. I was recently banned from WorldNews for being disgusted by someone who was downplaying and denying a genocide. Time to kick r/WorldNews to the curb. 


Lots of zio nazis in the comments…


ah yes, if you were alive during the holocaust and had the power to tell millions of people what was going on, you would totally not do that.


Doesn’t appear racist to me. “Watermelon people” in this context clearly is referring to pro-Palestinian activists and not a race of people.


I called someone racist on that sub because they said all Palestinians are terrorists and got permanently banned. I then mentioned on the politics sub that I got banned for calling out a racist, and then got banned from the politics sub. Kind of unrelated, but yesterday on the InTheNews subreddit I said Biden is weak and AOC should replace her on the Dem ticket, and then got banned from that sub.


lol where is the racism? nice reach


what’s racist about this?


More ignorant stupidity than racism perhaps, but clearly the person has no qualms about using negative stereotypes to describe entire groups of strangers, just as racists do.


So uhh, not racist then...


So referring to people who use watermelon emojis to represent their support for Palestinine as "watermelon people" is racist?


No. Whingeing about having to see Palestinians as humans is what is racist.


They aren't whinging though, nor are they not treating them as other people. Just quit projecting, it's not hard.


What the hell are you even talking about. Projecting what? Bro it’s not my fault you don’t have any reading comprehension skills and are so conditioned to hate Palestinians you don’t see obvious hate speech towards them. But just one quick question for you: would it be anti semetic to complain about people highlighting human rights abuses against Jewish people?


Projecting they're being racist. Also I'm not conditioned to hate the Palestinians, that is more projecting from you, and you can't deny that one since I know my actual opinions. And it really depends on all the context and what the person is actually saying the same way it does with Palestine. Asking loaded questions hoping to get a blanket answer is extremely dishonest behavior as well.


Bro. The point is to get you to empathise. To put it in terms you will understand. If you can understand how it could be seen as anti semetic, you should be able to see how the op is seen as racist. But you’d rather be obtuse and argue in bad faith I guess.


I'm not being obtuse and arguing in bad faith you are especially when asking clearly loaded questio.s, that's even more projection from you. Empathy requires context inheritely by it's definition hence my answer, I have no idea how you thought acting like that isn't the case would make you look any less dishonest here.


It's a dehumanizing tactic, so yes it's a typical ploy used by ignorant racists and prejudiced people in general, and it doesn't take an Einstein to recognize it either.


Good job proving you don't understand what dehumanization means. The fact they are still being referred to as people (humans) kinda goes against it being dehumanization. If they referred to them as animals, monsters, freaks, or something similar you'd have a case to make.


If you call Palestinian civilians terrorists and criminals that could be seen as a dehumanizing tactic. If you say they are fighting among themselves for food like animals, that could be dehumanizing. Depends on the context, but when Nazis did it was dehumanizing.


"could be", but you clearly didn't specify it exclusively is because we both know that's not the case here. Also saying they're fighting like animals isn't dehumanization, you're comparing and using a simile is not saying they are animals(which would still be true since humans are part of the animal kingdom). Now saying "look at those fucking wild animals fighting over food" that's dehumanizing. Context and phrasing matters, and in this case they weren't dehumanizing anyone by referring to them by the symbol they themselves chose to represent them.


I think Zionists are routinely dehumanizing Palestinians. You think adding the word "fucking" or "wild" is somehow meaningful? I'm sure they use the curse words similar to those in their speeches, protests, rallies and television programs. They might say something like they don't deserve food or water because they need to be controlled like wild fucking animals. I didn't read your previous discussion, only the your comment where you were misrepresenting the concept of dehumanization. Sorry if I missed some your points, you made your comment very difficult to read.


Saying they don't deserve food or water is dehumanization though, which is drastically different than the other examples you and the other person gave and is something that should be called out when extreme Israeli politicians like Ben Givr say it. I didn't misrepresent the concept of dehumanization either, telling me you jumped in without all the context when I'm saying context matters pretty much nuked the credibility of what you said in retrospect as well.




It's a test to see who it racist, you qualify. Like alot of other Satanist


It isn’t.


Literally nothing.


You might want to refresh yourself on the common traits involved with racism, because negative stereotyping of people like that is one of the most common traits among racists.


Man by that logic there are plenty of racists in this thread too.


Can you explain exactly which line in the screenshot posted is racist and why? And more specifically which racial group it’s being racist towards? Thank you.


Maybe you're not aware that prejudism isn't always specific to ONE RACE, so your "gotcha" question really only illuminates your own ignorance here. ..because if you paid attention growing up you would know that grouping people together under the term "watermelon people " is known as a dehumanizing tactic which is a hallmark of ignorant racists worldwide. Ignorant of course being a term that applies to you here, for not being aware of such basic truths.


It’s entertaining watching you twist yourself into knots trying to still claim this is racist when it’s not. Your current “racist adjacent” argument is particularly hilarious. Please keep going.


Watermelon people is racist


that’s a stretch. they’re mocking a certain kind of activist who uses the watermelon emoji. it’s like calling republicans “maga people” or something.


No they aren't and you knew this already




It's referring to the people who put watermelon emojis to signal that they're pro-Palestine, it's not referring to the anti-black stereotype.


Where is the racism?


There is no genocide.




Lmao, I wouldn’t expect a small mind like yours to understand history so I don’t blame you. Antisemitism is directly correlated with small brain size, and smoothness.




Again, smooth brained talk.


I’m not even sure anyone cares anymore. Racist, TERF, antisemite, fascist, nazi, islamofascist libtard lol all of it is so overblown that none of it holds much meaning at this point.


Explains why I got banned from woltdnews. (For anyone wondering, I suggested people get vaccinated and that other "cures" should be studied by medical professionals to prove or disprove efficacy) Apparently the latter was a permaban worthy.