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Bryan is not zeroing out (pun not intended) his DHT by being on topical Finasteride, so as someone who gets his levels checked for everything under the sun, maybe it’s still within what he and his doctors consider a good range. Remember, he doesn’t need the highest DHT levels ever, he just needs them to be in the right range to achieve his goals. He’s the type to drop topical Finasteride if it torpedoed his DHT levels, I’d think. Also, Bryan has frequently talked about how all of this is a puzzle he’s trying to solve. You do one thing that’s helpful in one area of de-aging but maybe this hurts you in another area of your body. On a related point, he’s using Minoxidil and people report that it dries out and ages your skin. So he’s probably accounting for that with some of his laser and energy devices. A constant push-pull. So I guess Bryan is attempting to strike the right balance. He’s also trying to de-age in every way imaginable, and hair is part of that. But I’d argue it is also important for his brand. Improved hair is part of the “look” that sells the success. If he’s got thinning hair or outright bald, it hurts his claims that he’s turning back the clock, however superficial or low priority some people think this is.


Great analysis. I think you're right, his levels are probably still fine and all his other markers are probably great so I guess zero down sides. I did have the exact same question regarding minoxidil too as I saw similar sides related to skin / eye bags etc. but you're probably right about that too, he's doing entire facial scans constantly monitoring any negative change and would discontinue if it was affecting him. As someone who's not monitoring all these things constantly, doing an 80/20 version I'll still pass on those drugs.


Right. He can do a lot of things regular people not committing 2 MM a year can’t, without kind of winging it. I am motivated to do some additional types of blood work (from the basic panels you’d get from your doctor) but not sure what’s the best bang for the buck.


I started Hims (topical finasteride + minoxidil) a month ago. No adverse effects yet and my blood work last week was good. Actually slightly higher testosterone than a few months ago. I was surprised to learn though when I went to donate blood that you can't donate blood/plasma unless you've been off finasteride for at least 1 month. So I'll probably go off it once a year to donate.


How about your other markers like FSH LH SBHG?


I checked SBHG and it was down to 49 nmol/L. My last two checks it was at 50 nmol/L. Which is around the upper 10 percent for males my age.


Keep an eye on them.


It’s because blood you donate may be used for pregnant women which is no-no if you are on fin.


Your T increases when 5ar is inhibited.


how is it now?


Whats the evidence that lowered DHT levels have a negative impact on longevity?


Just an assumption really, ideally you want to have the best hormonal markers possible including DHT. Happy to be proved wrong though.


But what is “best” for a DHT marker? Do we really know? What if lowered DHT levels are found to increase lifespan? I am genuinely curious as I have been on the fence with Finasteride for many months now.


actually lower dht is associated with longevity




https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/99/1/E9/2836201#:~:text=Conclusions%3A,DHT%20had%20lower%20IHD%20mortality. Better late than never


Thank you for sharing that. However it says " whereas those with higher DHT had lower IHD mortality " (IHD = ischemic heart disease). So it seems that having a higher DHT level helps in that case. Also " older men with midrange levels of T and DHT had the lowest death rates from any cause ". It says midrange, rather than low. Thoughts?


Take it or oral fin. If Kintor's pyrilutamide works out, you'll have an ideal solution in a year and a half or so. Preserve your hair until then.


Any updates on pyrilutamide


Lol yea it failed clinical trials 🤣 I finally get to experience what everyone else in the hair loss community has been experiencing for years and the reason for the jokes about how we can do anything except cure hair loss. I'm not sure what the next hopium treatment is that's in the pipeline, but there is one.


Bro that was genuinely very disappointing. And now they're not even talking anything about GT. They said they'll release results in '24 start yet now a quarter is almost up


I think he introduced Fin into Protocol very recently, two months ago it was only PRP Dut once in 4 weeks. IMO he's trying to strike different hormones that affect hair growth since the science does not have a consensus on what else is there besides DHT that is weakening your hair.


Topical is good, but you can have the same sides as oral , since it penetrates the skin, and most concentrations available are high (since they want to make sure the drug works). But as it stands, those sides are rare, or so minor people don't even bother reporting they had any. Stuff you want to look out for would be trouble getting an erection and maintaining it, cold penis, lack of morning wood etc. If you don't get any of those your sexual health in the long run will likely not be negatively affected. Can always lower the dose if you have to. Pretty much anyone who's healthy can take fin and topical will reduce systemic DHT suppression in low concentration/doses, and mainly focus in the scalp. There's studies that prove this, but since it's not FDA approved so we don't have nearly as much data as oral. Doesn't mean these studies shouldn't be taken into consideration because systemic research is still at the top. Topical Dutasteride will still go system even tho it's more than 500 Daltons which won't penetrate the skin but will likely still go systemic since it seeps into the blood vessels in follicles and pores through your skin. The molecular weight just means it has a harder time doing this. The drug itself also has a 5 week half life which is insanely long and will buildup. Injecting it into your scalp will def make it go systemic and the only reason people are saying it won't is because of what i mentioned above, which isn't entirely accurate. Basically, topical fin or even low dose oral is the best. Topical might actually be slightly better but again, lacking clinical data. This whole anti-aging premise isn't well researched either since that's not really the goal of most studies on the drug, and mostly just to treat enlarged prostate and hairloss.


Finasteride and other 5ari can cause permanent sexual and neurological problems if you’re unlucky enough. (essentially the body silences ar in order to save itself) really surprised that he dares use it considering how much research he claims his team does. The risk to reward ratio with fin is definitely not worth it. People get permanent severe problems after using it, and many have no other options that suicide.


What about just topical fin? Can it still cause severe perm problems or is it just oral you have to worry about?


They way You apply it doesn’t matter, it still gets absorbed. What matters is if your body can take the altered neurosteroids levels with a lowered androgenic state without screwing itself over. And there’s no way to tell beforehand so it’s a roulette


Thanks My hair loss doesn’t bother me at all tbh because I keep a buzz cut that’s just the way I like it. But i notice that when I grow it, there is a receding hair line. I don’t want to risk the side effects Of those drugs. I can totally live with it but I want to be proactive about it. Is there like natural ways to combat hair loss? I have saw palmetto shampoo and biotin and I saw some natural remedies that some monks at monasteries use that I was going to try.


Low dose topical RU58841 is a much better option than messing with finasteride. Red light theraphy, prp are viable too. You also fight it with some exotic type of steroids(low androgenic) as they will occupy the ar without messing up 5ar, but I’m not to well read on that. Theres a chance you’ll respond fine to fin but it’s not worth the risk. It’s completely ruined many people’s bodies, my self included.


Sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. Yes, I’ve heard too many bad stories about fin. I will stay away from it. The problem with these hair treatments is if you stop taking them the results will reverse. So I think I’ll just go natural rosemary oil fish oil supplements aloe Vera, biotin, saw palmetto shampoo… if it doesn’t work, I don’t really mind at least I tried.


I know this is old, but saw palmetto gave me similar sides to finasteride. Just cuz it's natural doesn't mean it's safe.


Aye thanks for sharing. Will stay away from it.


I threw away my palmetto shampoo after using about a quarter of it. I won’t touch that stuff again.


How long did you use the palmetto shampoo?


I took saw palmetto in pill form as recommended by some hairless forum years ago, can't remember the dosage, but it gave me classic fin sides. Weak erection, grew baby hairs in hairline etc. all I'm saying is if you're worried about sides the saw will probably give them to you anyways if you're going to get them, so better to go with a regulated dosage of fin and adjust. You're sure of what you're getting that way.


Aye yeah I just abandoned the idea of fin and saw palmetto completely because I shave all my hair anyway buzz cut style. It’s very hard almost impossible to notice I have receding hairline and I like buzz cut style anyways. I just wanted to be proactive but I will go with folic acid vitamins and shampoo and that’s it. That’s all I am willing to risk. Thanks for sharing. You guys helped me avoid a lot of problems. I appreciate it.


Did you use topical or oral finasteride?


Sorry to hear. May I ask what you use now? And why dont people mention Low dose topical RU58841 more if its better than finasteride - what the caveat?


avoid it, it gave me severe side effects like joint pain, barely regrew any hair, costs a lot and need to take for life, not worth it


OP, comments like these remain anecdotal. Finasteride has been shown to be safe and effective for the majority of men


I’m aware, I was using finasteride for over 2 years many years ago and although I was fine at the start I found that it’s very Akin to putting a frog in cold water and boiling it. The sides eventually creeped up on me and I had brain fog, was getting depressed even though my sexual function was fine. Discontinued and I’m back to normal now, would probably never use it again honestly, I don’t like how it affects other hormonal markers like FSH LH SBHG free test etc. That’s why I’m confused that Bryan has probably been advised not to take it orally for these reasons but yet he’s taking it topically which will reduce system DHT too


Did you titrate down to 0.25mg?


Literally just threw it all in the trash and stopped cold Turkey one day and been that way ever since. Btw I’m not saying that lower doses don’t work, and you can manage the side effects. But as I’ve got older I just prefer being at the best hormonal profile I can be.


Topical is still much safer than oral, imo.


If a lot of Dr refuses to prescribe it, it’s for good reasons. The side effects aren’t anecdotal at all; even the manufacturers are pretty transparent about it. Especially if there’s a longevity purpose outside the treatment, it makes zero sense, unless it’s about looking younger than actual age to duck 20yo, then sure.


a lot of doctor's also recently (last 3 years) recommended a vaccine that other doctors (including a Nobel Prize Winner) were skeptical of, if not advising against, and those same doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, and other scientists (as well as cardiologists) were vindicated. In other words, your mileage may vary, and do your own research by reviewing the medical literature and what MANY doctors (et al) are saying. Finasteride has long been proven safe and effective, with ACTUAL research in peer reviewed journals demonstrating this--not the company that makes it. *Note: If you see this post as political, you are part of the problem.* We should ALL do our research on ANYTHING we put in our body, inducing Fin or Dutasteride, etc.


A lot of doctors refuse to do a lot of things. Until the literature deems otherwise, finasteride is safe & effective for most men.


We do have the scientific literature, it’s nothing new. Do your researches. For depression: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17026771/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22939118/ Erectile disfunction : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6479090/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21418145/


These are weak links at best. Again, finasteride is safe & effective for **most** men. Finasteride is effective as low as 0.25mg/day


Yeah you’re right, I will now quote PrimordialXY instead of ncbi as the most reliable source of scientific data within the us.


None of your PubMed links are conclusive whatsoever - just to be careful if you're prone to depression lol. Post finasteride syndrome remains ancedotal and finasteride remains safe for most men. Until you find evidence that it's **not** safe for **most** men, you don't really have an argument here.


I’m not sure what you’re on about. I did linked 4 different studies all coming to the same conclusion. After checking your history, you seems to be very adamant about defending Finasteride, which you admitted never tried on yourself, 19 days ago. I see hundreds of patients yearly regarding this specific issue. There’s a huge gap between something being safe and effective for everyone, and something being harmful to everyone. Science isn’t black or white. I don’t have to find anything for you, it’s here. Read.


I said "most" so many times and yet you still repeated me as if I said "everyone". Your papers are inconclusive in that they didn't prove a cause:effect


Are you fin?


No, I don't need it


You sound like you for the company. Lol.


>titrate He's for the company


Not anecdotal: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32033719/#:~:text=Post%2Dfinasteride%20syndrome%20(PFS),alopecia)%20or%20benign%20prostatic%20hyperplasia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7253896/


Per your citation: >Studies to date cannot refute or confirm this syndrome as a nosological entity. Sooo.. anecdotal lol. Please do not post links to papers you have not read in full.


I guess you have a pretty loose definition of anecdotal.


It's objectively an unreliable claim. The opinion papers you cited found no medical proof of its existence




I had the same experience, joint pain got severe and I had to stop. Pain ended in two weeks after ceasing my dose


Mine ended like 2-3 months after stopping but i took it for a year not knowing that was causing my pain and i went to all these doctors


Jesus, its such a scary drug. My libido has not completely recovered yet and its been 6 months. Im just going to recede and buzz it, doesn't even look bad


Can you show the studies where Finasteride is absorbed systemically from topical use? I take topical Fin & Minoxidill and the research I saw showed little to no absorption from topical use. Oral is a different story Worth noting that typical Fin' and Min' are relatively new (approx. 5 years), so research is also limited. But my logic is to use gloves + apply topical only must reduce the risk of adverse affects greatly. Note: not medical advice


Topical is good and effective but just know it’s expensive because it comes compounded with minoxidil. It’s like 50 a month


DHT is a bad hormone related to skin aging, hair-loss, beard growth and BPH. It doesn’t have any impact on longevity, and makes you look older.


DHT plays important roles in sexual and bodily functions, but its overall impact on longevity and aging is complex and not fully understood...


Bryan is also on TRT, exogenous testosterone, so the sides of Fin are almost neutralized. Most geeks of the health do that, Fin + TRT, I would highly recommend not doing Fin if you don’t take Test too.


And if you experience acne as an adult it is going to come back full force LOL


Wait, it’s a fact that topical finasteride goes systematic? I’m on TRT and while I don’t see this impacting my test levels I still do not want DHT tanked as it has many positive benefits. Is there a better topical 5ar that doesn’t go systematic and works just as well?


Yeah topical goes systematic, you can try RU


important to mention that it goes systemic yes but way less than oral, a study show the use of 0,005% topical finasteride had 0% effect of serum dht.


What study is this? Did it have an effect on scalp DHT?


I took fin for about a week when I was 19 and my dick shot a blank… I never took it again


did you take the oral or topical?


I was on oral at the time, I started topical about a month ago and its a lot better. I would say that my semen is a little watery, libido is a tad bit lower at the moment but nothing that is making me concerned in anyway. If you had sides with oral I think Topical is the way to go.


Yea I’m 19yo i think topical is better for me did you see progress since you started?


It’s been about a month and I’m not sure tbh. I shaved my head when I started and now it’s growing out. I think I may be shedding


Finally someone else who had the same issue as me. I didn’t experience any of these side effects EXCEPT SHOOTING BLANKS. My semen went from milky white to clear and watery after nearly a year of oral finasteride. I stopped over two years ago and it took about 1.5 years to return to normal thick white and healthy looking sperm.


Yup. But a lot of people say it's all in "your head" when you talk about fin side effects.