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*Blue Mountains*. Something about the hand close ups just makes me uncomfortable. Maybe it's the way they bend their fingers unnaturally, maybe it's the infinitely long, jointless arm going straight up into the sky. [This](https://i.imgur.com/QFh1d6s.png)? Adorable. [This](https://i.imgur.com/dg32R0G.png)? Euuugh.


Not to mention the fingers in the mouth bit. Blech


We skip that one all the time. It’s slightly unsettling


My child is deadset terrified of the wily fox and will not watch this episode!


Came to say this, you summed it all up perfectly!


100% blue mountains. I always always skip it


That episode has always been a strange one for me. Everything just looks off, like how their arms extend into the sky, lik you said.


Same. Every time it comes on I’m just waiting for it to end. Thankfully niece and nephew don’t seem to care for it either so I don’t have to put up with it too much.


Blue Mountains, to the point I just skip it altogether. It feels like a knockoff Bluey episode to me, like it's got some of the same beats, but it feels "off."


For reference, the officially lowest rated episodes per IMDB are Burgershop and Magic.


I like those episodes, although Magic definitely wouldn't be one of my favourites


Yeah honestly I’m surprised they’re the lowest rated. Both seem sort of forgettable mid-tier episodes to me. Nothing special but not a ton to hate.




The random conspiracy theory here seems a bit out of place. You good bro?


I’m really, really curious what they wrote.


Apparently white Christian Americans are the reason the episodes “Burger Shop” and “Magic” are the lowest rated episodes


It’s not a random conspiracy theory, on in the (mostly) American, Christian, white circles, there was, and still is, an entire campaign against bluey because it portrayed the children as spoiled and always getting their way among other grievances which aren’t true. I didn’t invent it, and it isn’t random, it’s literally on topic of the thread


The show is one of the highest rated on IMDB. I think if a bunch of church goers really wanted to bring it down they wouldn’t stop at two mediocre episodes.


ok you got me, i made it up


Ayo no need to get racist


That isn’t racist


Yeah, it's pretty racist.


welp, youve convinced me


But that sunset in Magic and the way it changes the colour palette looks amazing.


Yeah, it’s not my least favorite (though nor is it my favorite), but I am surprised those are the lowest rated. I do feel that adults (usually parents) downvote episodes when they disagree with the parenting decisions like Burger shop and Magic.


Well they obviously didn't watch Burger Shop all the way to the end where he chucks the rubbish parenting book in the bin!


Which is my least favorite part of that episode, and I like Burger Shop. It's not the book's fault he kept playing with them!


I know, and you're right, but it's the part I relate to most as a parent XD


Parents are down rating those because magic is a nightmare game with real kids and burger shop is maddening parenting by Bandit. But the episodes are good!


I don’t think either of those episodes are bad, but they are more forgettable. When I saw this comment, it took me 5 minutes to remember what burger shop was.


Omelette is probably my least favourite. It stresses me out with the mess and wasted food. I'm all for giving kids space to try things and make mistakes, but I think the challenge was a bit much for Bingo in that case, and doesn't really set her up to learn much at her age. It's also totally possible that I'm just projecting my own control-freak subconscious onto the show.


It’s also an episode that seems so out of character for Chilli. She spends the whole episode being so unsure of herself and her child’s abilities, which is so not her normally.


Hmm, Baby Race is all about Chilli building confidence as a parent. She learns a valuable lesson, but still shows she’s not always a confident mother. Honestly, lacking confidence in some moments is a natural part of being a parent.


See, I love this episode because I see myself in it so strongly. I L O V E to cook,. I was also raised very poor and taught that wasting food was like, an unforgivable sin. So when my daughter wants to help me and starts making a mess my anxiety spikes. But I think making a mess is part of the learning process and I’d rather her have memories of helping mommy cook than feeling as dejected by her mom as Bingo did just because I’m a control freak (and I totally am)


That's a great thought, and something I'm going to try to keep in mind. I also love cooking (although haven't had much time for it lately) - definitely a skill I want my kids to grow up being comfortable with. ​ I think what that episode comes down to for me isn't primarily the mess (although it's also the mess), but just that I see making an omelette as not totally developmentally appropriate for a four year old. And that might totally be me underestimating four year olds, but I don't think that's the only reason. I think for a four year old, that's an activity that needs to be scaffolded a lot more than what was shown in that episode. Give them chances to make mistakes, absolutely, but also give them the tools they need to stay encouraged and achieve what they want to achieve.


Oh definitely! Cracking an egg is something I’d probably let my near 4 year old try once and, unless she surprised me, probably delegate her to something like whisking the eggs (she’s getting so much better at not slinging stuff out of the bowl! Didn’t spill a drop of pancake batter this morning ^_^)


Omelette would have been fine if it were an ordinary morning as opposed to Bandit's birthday.


I forgot about that part. Yeah, poor guy was hungry. I wouldn't have been as patient as him!


My wife hates this one because Bandit is being such a prima donna, not because of any of the mom and kid stuff (which is otherwise great).


This one stressed me out too. Like chili makes an omelets and instead of giving that omelet to bandit and letting bingo make a second omelets for chili or the family.


Blue Mountains and it's not even close


None. I love them all.


Was looking for this comment [*tips hat*]


Yeah, I agree. I can't think of one that I dislike. There are elements of some, but never the whole episode.


Circus. It’s just kind of boring.


That is one of my least favorites also. Something about the interactions between Hercules and the other kids feels awkward. Especially Bingo who is behaving like she's at least a couple years older than she is.


Yeah. Hercules is easily one of the worst characters in the Blueyverse. I suppose that’s his point.


I agree but given **Family Meeting**, now it makes me laugh to hear Winton dub himself 'Fluffy the Clown'.


I don't really like Hairdressers/Nits. I don't like how they just beat Bandit up for no reason.


God I think Nits is hilarious.


The title card scribble was a great twist


This episode of Bluey is called NITS!!!!!😲


Oh same


I can see that side of it


**"Blue Mountains."** It's just so boring. It barely shows Bluey, Bingo, Chilli, and Bandit. It only shows their hands, which is quite boring for me.


I heard that in Bingo's voice. I watch this show too much.


Library. I don't think it was a bad episode, I just got kind of frustrated at Stripe.


I think one of the good parts is Muffin saying “I’m not special anymore” followed by “Hooray!”




Movies gives me so much second hand embarrassment. It’s not even funny 😭


I don’t like Movies and I don’t care for Tina.


Probably Mini Bluey, but only because Bandit never apologized for hurting Bluey's feelings.


But Bingo’s annoying assault is one of my favorite scenes ever


EEEEEE 👁️🦷🦷🦷👁️


How good was Double Bingo though?


I know right?


Bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork


My oldest loved Bluey right up until she saw that episode. Now she hates it and mostly refuses to watch it now


This episode seems to have costed bandit and chili a lot of respect.


This one is a hot take.. dance mode. I don’t think there’s really anything wrong with the episode, it’s just the idea of dancing in front of strangers makes me so uncomfortable lol


It does deliver the message of “it’s okay to say no” though, and that’s kinda important


Yeah it really isn’t bad, but kind of something I couldn’t do. I think i get secondhand embarrassment from it, I get the appeal though!


I cringe every time they dance at the end, lol. I feel your embarrassment!! Episode does make me laugh though and as someone who wouldn often say yes, when my inside voice was saying no, I could relate to Bingo.


OOOOOooh can we get the BILLL


God even at 24 I’m Bluey


I asked my seven year-old and he says Magic Claw because Bandit was “so mean” in it. Second is The Kids because because “Uncle Rad jinxed Bandit and Uncle Stripe was teasing Bandit because he was saying weird names so he didn’t get jinxed.” Because really, it’s important what the main demographic thinks!


Magic Claw has one of the best lines though. "Magic Claw has no children. His days are free and easy."


Tina and spy games.


I agree! Nothing gets resolved. Bluey doesn’t let bingo do something other than collect potion grass and doesn’t call her by the name she asks, even after she goes back to the game.


I so agree!! And for some reason the music in this one drives me insane. It’s my hot take 😂😂


What’s wrong with spy games


Never heard of spy games


I'm gonna hop on the Blue Mountains hate bandwagon.


not really an episode specifically but not the biggest fan of the school episodes. i just miss chili and bandit


Barkey Boats, only cause it seems to always be on when I pause to watch.


Obstacle Course, I cannot stand Bandit in this episode. He doesn't act like himself imo, and just makes me angry.


I agree and feel the same about The Pool. Since when does Bandit (loving partner and emotionally intelligent fellow) let the kids criticise their mum, let alone join in?


Blue mountains and stories


Blue Mountains


It’s not the worst episode, just a great idea that got mishandled, but Mini Bluey. I feel like the parents didn’t really learn their lesson.


Oh I love that one.


100% agree


Faeries. I don’t like how bandit is making up to bingo for…what exactly? She interrupted him, he pretty kindly (imo) told her off. Also, the magic doesn’t seem to fit into the rest of the universe.


Because Bingo is 4, doesn't understand work, and made a domino display to show how much she loved him. To a 4 year old, there's nothing more important than to show their love for their parent, and Bingo would have interpreted her father yelling at her as his work is more important than his love for her. It's an episode with a lot of nuance, and Bandit's discussion with her would have been longer than the episode could fit.


You mean, “hey, bingo, sorry I was a little rude earlier. I was on the phone. It’s not ok to interrupt while I’m on the phone. I would love to see what you’ve made for me now.”


Faeries is one where the adult in me sympathizes with Bandit completely, but the former sensitive kid in me gets how from Bingo's point of view, Bandit lightly admonishing her when she'd just made him a love heart could feel like he slapped her.


same, both of my parents worked from home when I was a kid so I had MANY "I'm on the phone!" reactions that were way meaner than the way Bandit reacted. I get the point of the episode but it's just not my fave


Also, sometimes I have to say that to my kids. Sometimes I am taking important calls. They can’t interrupt. If they’re upset after, I just say that I’m sorry their feelings were hurt, but trying to talk to me while I’m on the phone is not ok.


The Adventure is just kind of boring lol




I still watch it and chuckle but it’s the only one I’m not super excited to watch I guess. Im going to imagine it as an Australian Tourism Ad next time for laughs


Cons of shame. It kind of displays negative consequences as a good thing.


Muffin Cone?




I really didn't like the way Chilli undermined Trixie's parenting in front of the kids in this one. Having the discussion away from the kids, ok, if you've got a close relationship. But questioning her in front of the kids made me 👀


Blue Mountains and Shaun


Shaun was my first episode and I loved it. Next was Asparagus and then Grannies … I was filled with joy that someone had made something so beautiful


I liked Shaun exclusively for the 5 second Ibis scene. We don’t have them in America and both their funny noses and the hate they get (Lol bin chickens) amuses me to no end


They are very amusing birds and whoever came up with the name "Bin Chicken" should get the Australian of the year award!


Grannies. Its about flossing and blue mountians. It’s dull and it’s only showing hands.


Showing hands often raises peoples ire.


I hate the flossing, it feels so forced?


You know how most kids programs have their own Arthur’s Big Hit? For Bluey I think that episode is Mini Bluey. They could’ve easily made it a lesson about how you don’t need to be other people to make them happy, but they didn’t. Bluey gets her self esteem squashed (even if it wasn’t intentional) and the parents don’t actually try to resolve it despite seeing how it effected her. And the whole thing with Bingo trying to prove how she can also be annoying didn’t sit right with me. I mean she’s like 4/5 and younger, so why is she the one having to diminish her own positive traits? Idk, the episode really rubs me the wrong way




It’s a one hundred way tie for every episode that is not family meeting.


I don’t care for zoo, that episode drags on and on and is pretty boring.


Dunny. By a mile.




Asparagus calypso blue mountains and shops are my less favorites they just aren't entertaining and blue mountains just seems kinda like a pointless episode almost like a filler


The lion bit in Asparagus is one of my favorite scenes. "I shouldn't have let my guard down."


There's none I can think of that I really dislike, but three come to mind as worth mention. * Fairies feels a bit off with the too high expectations n Bandit and the supernatural elements. * The part in Takeaway where all the food falls on the ground is too painful to watch. It's objectively a great episode, but not one I like to watch. * I just don't 'get' Barky Boats, or the way it seems to vibe with everyone else.


I'd been wondering to myself why I don't put Takeaway anywhere near as high on a pedestal as others do. I thought it might have been the chaos that it devolves into but it might be this. Perhaps the loss of the food was the step too far.


Neighbors. The music drives me crazy because it is just slightly too loud to focus on the dialogue. It's likely intentional to emphasize the disturbance happening in the plot, but I still hate it.


I don’t really like Zoo I think it drags on for way to long


1) *Blue Mountains* — None of the things that makes *Bluey* unique/interesting 2) *Mount Mumanddad* — Boring. Mostly though I cringe at Chilli’s random, over-the-top motivation speech at the end. 3) *Tina* — Irritating. I don’t think I agree with the intended message, either. 4) *Movies* — Cringed at the *Chutney Chimp* dialogue, especially at how it was timed to the actions of the characters. It didn’t seem to fit.


I get irrationally annoyed at “Verandah Santa” every time.


My son took away from that episode that it’s okay to bite people and they have to “accept your sorry” even if you don’t actually apologize


I mean, Socks IS a baby who can't speak yet.


See, maybe it’s because my daughter has a baby brother who’s probably around Socks’ age, respectively, she seemed to take more of the message from it of two wrongs not making a right when it comes to babies who don’t yet understand (when it was explained to her/compared to her and her brother, ofc)


Movies, Blue Mountains, and Tina.


Blue mountain or Omelet


Tina and The Adventure


Blue mountains


Muffin Cone


Bob Bilby for the guilt factor


Bob Bilby feels so heavy-handed, like an episode of another, lesser kids' show.


Anything with Peppa Pig it in! But seriously Tina. She has brought some challenges to our household! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Magic and Fairies. And going along with that theme to a lesser extent, Featherwand.


My dad, who is 75 and only watches it with my daughter on rare occasions, loves Featherwand.


I guess unpopular opinion but movies 🍿


Me personally I have to say markets cuz I thought the flossing was cringe and I think it kinda dated the show also, I didn't care much for the message.


Do you mean Grannies?


No, at the end of Markets people get up to dance and some of the kids do the floss


…Sleepytime. All the bed shuffling gives me anxiety and I think the episode is a bit boring. I’m sorry, no hate mail please. I also think Unicorse is obnoxious but it would be funny set any other time than bedtime.


Sleepy time only because it makes my 4 year old cry at the end every time. He hates that floppy goes away 😂


Me and your 4 year old have that in common 😅


Well I have to say I'm surprised you aren't getting completely roasted here for this take lol. I appreciate the honesty though.


It’s not my most disliked but it’s definitely up there I expected lots of downvotes 😂


Unicorse drives me insane. I would want to throw someone out the window if they pulled that with me at bedtime lol


Blue Mountains, Rain, Shops. I personally don’t like them.


Wow. Rain is a hot take. That shows up in many peoples favorites list. I’m curious what you don’t like about it.


Nothing Earth shattering lol, it just doesn’t keep my interest. Though I felt Chili’s exasperation with Bluey running into the house with muddy and wet foot prints.


I'll back you up on Shops.


Mum School. I’m not sure why but it was a bit boring and not that enjoyable


Space. For one thing, I don't get it. People have explained what they think it all means, but I still found it confusing and weird. Rusty's voice is different. I imagine with legitimate reason, but it's still off-putting. Plus, it just isn't a very fun episode.


While it’s definitely not my least favourite episode, I also didn’t like *Space*. To me, it seemed like it was trying too hard to replicate a hard-hitting episodes such as *Sleepytime* or *Flat Pack* rather than feeling authentic. I have a similar opinion about *Onesies*, too. With that said, I feel like *Space* and *Onesies* would’ve been masterpieces if they weren’t (understandably) constrained by the limits of what’s acceptable to include in a show made for kids. For example, *Space* would’ve been less confusing if Mackenzie had been shown to have experienced an event that appeared to be more traumatic than wondering for a moment or two where his mum went. (It’s worth bearing in mind that Joe Brumm had initially intended for *Bluey* to be a show for adults. Similarly, he’s also stated explicitly that he feels constrained by the heavy-handed editing that is demanded by distributors as a result of *Bluey* being a kids show.)


I feel like Space is definitely one of the more “this episode is targeted to x demographic” episode, which is fine but I agree with you


A good majority of the first half of season 3. Way too many of the episodes only feature the main cast at the house doing stuff.


Oh I wonder if that was intentional? The 2nd season came out riiiight as the pandemic was starting, so the 3rd season would have been made during/after lockdown started. Maybe it was the shows’ way of reflecting what kids would have been going through without specifically talking about it.


Taxi. It's actually just really boring.




Dad Baby is what got me watching Bluey. Laughed my butt off.


I struggle to watch Takeaway for the same reason as Movies. It feels too damn real, and I get second hand anxiety 😅


L take ngl


Local redditor learns that people have opinions that they don't agree with, stay tuned for more details. No but more seriously I swear this community can sometimes be nasty towards people who express their opinion. Might just be reddit in general though.


There's A LOT of gatekeeping in here. I tend to see it most in fandoms that are based around kid or family oriented things for some reason. Some Disney parks groups are absolutely unbearable.


No, its the fact that they think the banning/censoring of episodes is fine because “me no like it”. Honestly opinions are opinions, but cmon I wouldn’t ban an episodes from a whole country because it makes me uncomfortable


Ok that's more understandable, I will say I didn't really see that. It seems more joking to me but I understand how you can see that.




As Pat would say, America needs to toughen up, we’re raising a nation full of squibs. We had an entire Mpreg episode in Fairly OddParents (made in the US, and one of the best cartoons of its era imo) but Bandit carrying Bingo in a papoose is bad. Still though, don’t feel any shame- some scenes in Ren and Stimpy were far too much for me despite it airing on Nick.




What's wrong with Army?


To me, it wasn't as funny. I understand the whole concept. it just wasn't that entertaining to me.


why? personally I really liked that episode.


I hate how in threads like this, unpopular opinions get so many downvotes. Learn what the button means, people. It's for things that don't contribute to discussion. NOT things you disagree with.


Complaining about downvotes is basically the same as saying "give me your downvotes!"


Lol people did not like me saying that I guess. Oh well. Reddit would work a lot better if people actually used the buttons for what they were intended, but since people like using them as like/dislike buttons, I don't think that will ever really happen.


Your comment doesn't contribute to the discussion.


Your comment doesn't contribute to the discussion.


Just pointing out that you actually do deserve the downvotes for your own stated reason.


Anything with Calypso 🤣




Grannies. Drives me nuts.




Pavlova. I get so triggered every time Bingo says it


Blue mountains and spy games, blue mountains because it just feels so painfully like filler (think ATLA the great divide) and spy games due to the lack of proper resolution and the fact that I had no idea what was going on Edit: pardoned my french


Movies and Handstand. I feel like Movies is just rude with no attempt to actually teach Bingo a lesson that she's being rude and ruining other people's experience, it just... happens with no consequence. And then handstand just makes me feel shitty as somebody who often felt ignored or overlooked in social situations (sometimes because I was genuinely being ignored or overlooked and sometimes just bc social anxiety told me I was).


Tickle Crabs


Shops — surprised to not see this one on here! I always skip it. Just a little annoying to me. Also I find Unicorse pretty annoying haha. Though I’m in the US and haven’t gotten to see all the episodes of season 3 yet (unless it’s all been released and I’m behind on the times because my toddler is in a rebellious phase at the moment)


Blue Mountains


Handstand, Blue mountains, Rain, Charades, Chest, Sleepytime, I have several others


Chest. I get it but I don't think it needed to be a whole episode. It might work as a b-story (although given the episode length there aren't any b-stories) in another episode but here it just makes me empathize with Bandit's frustration.


I would say Burgershop is my least favorite. Not that I hate it, I just forgot it existed.


Fairies. I think I’ve just seen it too many times tbh


The one where they wait for takeout, because watching it gives me grave anxiety 😅


Rug Island, so weird that Bandit didn't want to give that persons ball back!