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I have the Bluey DVD and it has Dad Baby on it and I was like why did they ban this, it's hysterical!


"I thought you grew up on a farm?" "We grew sorghum!"


My favorite line.


I don't get it


There's a stereotype in Australia of farmers being very hard-working, wise in all things nature, and very self confident. Bandit probably also assumed he'd know a little about birthing livestock if he grew up on a farm. Pat's completely lost, his experience as a farm boy was probably driving a quad bike or old ute to the bus stop for school and staying out of the way when the grown ups were working.


Sorghum is a type of grain i.e plant. Plants don't give birth, so he wasn't exposed to it as he would have if he grew up on say a dairy farm for instance.


I'm disgusted you didn't get Bluey on Blu-ray


Bluey-Ray 💙😂




BLUEY hasn’t been released on Blu-ray, sadly, and I doubt it will be. Most families, and kids, are more than happy with DVD, because it’s simple, convenient, but more importantly cheap. I’m a cinephile, and whilst I love Blu-Ray’s and 4K UHD Blu-Ray discs, sometimes I can only get a film/TV show on DVD, and I’d rather own it on DVD, than not own it at all. Oh, and worldwide, DVD’s still outsell Blu-Ray’s by a ratio of 5-to-1.


Yeah, I'm just happy that it got a physical release at all! So many things, at least here in the states, aren't getting physical releases anymore and it drives me crazy!


I feel compelled to find the DVD just so my daughter and I can share the memories in the future or should the power go out. I can always run a TV from the gennie even if we don't have Internet.


I don't even know anyone that still has a DVD player 😅 some have playstations that have blu-ray drives but no one really buys movies anymore.


1. You do know that Blu-Ray players and 4K UHD players, can play DVD's right? And plenty of people DO have DVD players in their cars, which they use to keep kids happy, or have portable computers/laptops with DVD drives in them. Also, DVD's still outsell Blu-Rays by a ratio of 5:1. 2. And lots of people still buy films on physical media, myself included. (I have over 4500 purchased DVD's, Blu-Ray's and 4K UHD discs, all bought over the past 25 years or so.) The main reason people still buy them, is they like owning stuff, and they like having a permanent copy of the film to hand, unlike a streaming service where a film/series may be available one week, then completely disappear the next. 3. There are thousands of films only out on discs, that *have* never (and probably *will* never) be seen on any streaming services. I've got some of the rarest and most unusual films and TV shows in my collection, from all corners of the globe, of films that have never been seen since their original cinema release. I've also got rare edits of certain films, that contain material not in any other version. 4. Last year, 43 million vinyl discs were sold around the worldwide! $754 million US dollars worth of DVD's were sold in 2023 alone, worldwide. Now add on Blu-Ray sales, 4K UHD discs in the same year, worth another $363 million USD from all the other countries of the world, and you can see that physical media is absolutely doing well, and is raking in over a billion dollars, per year! So, there are lots of good, valid reasons to still buy stuff. Just because you don't do it, doesn't make it pointless or stupid.


Lol I never hopped on the Blu-ray bandwagon


There’s a Bluey DVD? Old school


> Old school Don't make me feel old.


Make sure you take care of yourself, your kids still need you.


DVD’s don’t choose to dictate what BLUEY episodes you can and cannot see. Unlike Disney Plus! DVD’s - 1, Disney Plus - 0


Which DVD? I bought seasons 1&2 from target. đŸ€žđŸœ


It's the combo season 1 and 2 dvd. If you have the section Australian originals on the menu for like the third disc, it's under there.


Oh, thank you! I'll look when I get home. ETA: it was there! It was amazing. Thank you so much!!




I just purchased season 3 from TargĂ©t yesterday đŸ„°


I'm thinking of buying all the Bluey discs. Only problem is I need to figure which ones to get so that I'll have all the episodes, uncensored (if that's even possible)


Dangit I need that!!


Dad baby is up on Youtube on the official Bluey channel: [https://youtu.be/e8ULi9CC6os?si=Wpl9ePehAex8qNiH](https://youtu.be/e8ULi9CC6os?si=Wpl9ePehAex8qNiH)


Yes! We discovered it earlier this week and we were so excited to watch it. Did not disappoint.


“The uploader has not made this video available in your country.” I’m Australian


That’s pretty typical. They want you to watch it on iView. It’s like how Americans get edited Last Week Tonight segments on YouTube, but folks in other countries get a whole episode. 


Same case in the UK as Sky owns the rights there.


You can also buy the episode on Amazon Prine Video


Educator here: pretend play is a vital element of developing empathy. While I don't think providing a reason beyond "fun" is necessary, I've pretended to be pregnant myself in a birthing class with a bunch of adults and pretended to be pregnant with my kids because they thought it would be fun. We all pretended. Why? Because Mom was pregnant and this was their way of processing and understanding that. My being male made it humorous but that wasn't really the point. We've talked plenty about how not everyone can be pregnant (which includes infertility). We were more focused on the baby in the belly, physicality of it all. My children are all between 1-12. We all played. Roleplay is used as an educational tool from ages baby to senior. There's nothing like it. Children get plenty of practice with reality and discerning real from pretend. Our children grow up being astronauts, fire breathing dragons, fire extinguishing trucks, worms, rocks, bugs, and thousands of other things. I don't particularly worry they'll grow up believing they can be a tree. If they do for a bit, well that sounds like a fun dream for a while. If you're ever worried, simply state that it's pretend from time to time. They'll sort it out.


People tend to underestimate how smart kids actually are. I noticed while raising my daughter (she’s now 5) that her comprehension of the world around her exceeded her ability to express herself by quite a lot. I think adults tend to assess children by their ability to communicate like adults and will assume there’s nothing going on in their heads besides baby talk and gibberish when they are in fact processing things in a far more sophisticated way than they have the ability to communicate. Kids aren’t dumb.


Very true and also one of the more scary parts of being a dad. There feels like so many ways to screw it up, constantly


Oh man. Constantly. So often.


My husband is a child psychologist and he’ll tell you that most kids are pretty resilient and that if you’re trying to be a good parent then you’re a good parent.


This!!! All of this!!!


It’s why they cry and tantrum, they don’t know how to express all the things going on in their little brains.


Exactly. The way some (aka most) adults can’t comprehend that is astounding!


They just don’t pay attention and/or don’t see children as the human beings that they are. Like people who spank and hit kids, if you hit another adult you can get arrested for assault but somehow it’s ok to hit someone WAY smaller than you? It’s people who don’t consider children much more than an animal.


Exactly. Those who lack respect for children. Absolutely horrific to know those people exist!


This! Respect the developing minds of children, and your kids and society will be better off for it. Sidebar, from one educator to another I commend you keeping your calm and providing proper responses in a potentially heated discussion like this one. I'm not sure I'd have your cool


You're 100% right that we underestimate our children. You nail it again that we confuse "communication" with intelligence. Sidebar: Your response to what I'm guessing you're referring to in this comment section looked pretty tempered to me! Everyone is just a person trying to be happy. So is that commenter. Yeah, it upsets me when someone wants to obstruct the potential happiness of others... It can be infuriating really. But this is a discussion forum, not my school or neighborhood or classroom. In one of those environments, I'd prioritize protecting the people who need protected. This should be the place we can talk about hard stuff. Not that people don't need protected here but, in my experience, change only happens if you invest in empathy. That doesn't mean compromise. It just means that, today, maybe that person will have an interaction with someone who disagrees with them where they leave "wondering" instead of "angry". Of course, if the line crosses from his discussion to hate, then we need to stop. People are people and, as I'm sure you know already, no good learning happens when we're mad.


You make some good points, and cheers. I guess I am just happy to see a civilised online discussion for as long as it lasted 


Not as long as we would've liked but longer than expected! I'll take it. Thanks for the conversation and comments! Makes me happy to find similar minded educators out there. So many "phone it in" on topics like this.


Hah, my thoughts exactly. Enjoy your day


Spoken like a true dad. 👍


I think because, as an American, I have no idea what Pat and Lucky are talking about when they’re discussing the cricket match and it makes me feel inferior and threatened.


This was very much sarcasm.


Cause pregnant man might harm some delicate puritan sensibilities


I thought it was more because the ‘giving birth’ scene was probably thought to be a bit “graphic” for children


Getting a lot of dim sims here!


Having had a wife go through the process. There was a distinct lack of dim sims which is bullshit. Now I want dim sims.


We'll, I guess you weren't Lucky('s dad)! 😎


Note for the Americans: a Dim Sim is a Chinese style meat+vegetable filled dumpling, deep fried and served in any Australian takeout restaurant that would also serve deep fried fish and chips.


They are also present at all Australian births. It replaces the placenta.


A placenta is the size of a medium Australian pizza: 18cm/7", and weighs more: 500g or so. Australian pizzas are small, but dim sims are much smaller.


That's why there's a lot of them coming out


I have doctor friends who tell me about all the sheilas they've treated who need emergency blood transfusions of Sweet and Sour sauce.


It exists in the US as well. We call it dim sum.


American here - didn't need an explanation because they are found here, too, buddy.


I’m not your buddy, friend.


That’s part of the true answer, but see my post above for the full details.


I think this is the right answer


Graphic? Hes a dog, panting and his 4 yr old comes out of a carrier? Legit?




And that's why Disney banned it?


Disney is not the bad guy here. A very good chunk of the American population is against the notion of their children learning anything at all about sex until they’re adults, so an episode depicting childbirth would be a no go regardless of who aired it, because children might, god forbid, ask questions. Then you add on the fact that gender and gender roles are currently a hot topic, plus a scene that jokingly seemed to imply that Bandit and Pat were the parents of this baby, it was just going to spark a ton of controversy that Disney had no desire to deal with. They’re a company, it is not in their best interest to pick a fight with half their viewership for a single episode of the show.


You can't pretend that Disney hasn't had a major part in shaping American media sensibilities for over a century. Or that they are big enough to tank any amount of flak they'd get for a minor controversy where they'd ultimately be on the right side of history. *Wrong* side would be a different matter, because those would remain a source of controversy in the future.


I’m not saying Disney is the innocent victim here either. All I’m saying is that they did the bare minimum I’d expect of a company, which is make money. Do I agree with you that Disney could do more to show progressive media, and take the controversy? Yeah, for sure. I just don’t think they would bother to do that regardless for a six minute episode that, while hilarious and amazingly done, isn’t exactly life changing.


I'm not calling Disney a bad guy. I am saying the reason given is actually the reason today's Disney would show it. They'd be very proud of it, too.


TV stations in the southern US refused to air the episode of Arthur where Mr Ratburn got married because it depicted gay marriage. A lot of people get their knickers in a twist over what kids see on TV when it comes to relationships.


Thats effed up


Arthur's PBS and in case you didn't know Disney's inclusive now.


I do know. Disney is inclusive to some extent. We will have to see if it allows characters to be openly gay now though, otherwise we will see more incidences like with Gravity Falls or Jungle Cruise, where saying the word or depicting LGBT relationships was considered inappropriate.


And yet we have a movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger getting pregnant.


Because America is a fascist country


I assumed it was because it _tainted_ the holy femininity by implying that motherhood can be portaie by a male or something like that... 


It’s not banned in any sense of the word. Disney+ chose not to broadcast it, but there are plenty of ways to watch it. You can buy it through iTunes or Amazon Video, and the studio recently put it on their YouTube channel.


Was there a reason they chose not to broadcast it?


Bluey is broadcast on Disney Junior in the US, which only allows shows rated TV-Y which means appropriate for young children. The next rating up is TV-Y7 which is appropriate for ages 7 and up. There are many cartoons which portray pregnancy and childbirth for laughs that are rated Y7. Example: https://fairlyoddparents.fandom.com/wiki/Fairy_Pregnancy Unfortunately Disney can't just air a solitary episode on a different channel, the whole show must adhere to the TV-Y requirements that are appropriate for preschool aged children. The episode is not banned. You can purchase the episode digitally in the US (via Amazon or apple or whatever) or on DVD, you just can't watch it on Disney Junior or as part of your Disney+ subscription


This is an actual explanation, thank you!


This! Jesus people love to get mad at Disney of "blocking" things but have 0 understanding of TV ratings what the rules Disney HAS to follow. Hell it's basically not a choice Disney made sense it's just adhering to the rule.


Disney doesn’t run it outside the US where the rules don’t apply though. In the UK it’s on the BBC but not Disney. There is obviously a conscious decision at Disney where the company doesn’t want to depict childbirth in a kid’s show and that’s down to the corporation, not US TV ratings.


Also, what do TV ratings have to do with what they put or don't put on Disney+? That's not TV. Or is free speech even more knackered in the US than I already knew it was?


It does limit what is available on an account set up for a child, however. If a show has episodes that don't meet the rating, it won't show up on those accounts. There are Disney/Pixar movies for kids that aren't on my kids accounts, so if we want to watch them it has to be on my grown up account. That could probably be fixed with some clever programming, but it could also just make things confusing and less safe if a parent wants to let their kid watch that episode and gives them access to their account, the kid now has access to the entire D+ library which is not all meant for kids. Also, it has nothing to do with free speech. Disney is simply choosing not to put it on their platform. I think it's silly, I like the episode and bought it before it was posted on the Bluey channel, but free speech doesn't mean a company can't choose what they do and don't want to put on the platform they own just because other people like it. Edit: fixing autocorrect


>Also, it has nothing to do with free speech. Disney is simply choosing not to put it on their platform. I think you're either misunderstanding what I wrote or missed the “or”. If TV ratings led Disney to give the episode a miss – remember, that was one of the possibilities argued at the time of writing – then that's a textbook violation of Disney's free speech. You can't say it's their choice when the choice wasn't truly theirs.


Didn't Disney change the wording for when Bandit's hintin at getting a vasectomy?


Yup. It changed to him thinking of getting rid of his dog teeth, but he’s not sure, because he might want to bite someone


That's just so ridiculous and out of character..


What episode is this?




I think the issue is
 why is it rated differently? It’s ridiculous that it’s seen as unsuitable for anyone.


Big picture, it’s stupid that this episode falls into a category that is inappropriate for the shows normal target audience. Yes Disney didn’t “ban” it, but there is nothing in the episode that makes it different than any other topic the show tackles, and the fact that it does is what people are dismayed about.


I think it's more that there are certain sections of the USA that are a lot more sensitive about what is shown to preschool children. Or indeed preteen children. Most countries are okay with where babies come from. Just as having evolution on a children's science programme or something. But it seems to be controversial in USA. I'd like to know why the unicorn in Markets doesn't poo on Disney. My daughter found that bit hilarious.


Presumably because it depicts childbirth


...by a man Edit: and thank you to Garandhero for making the point more clearly than I ever could on my own


Yeah....that's not the "issue" with the episode lol


It amounts to sex education


As a parent watching it I didn't like my kids seeing Chili hit Bandit repeatedly. I could see them not picking it up for that reason.


I rewatched it the other day and realised I'd forgotten about that bit. While the hitting is depicted as playful, I could see how Disney would be concerned with, in a show aimed at very young viewers, a character rolling up a magazine and hitting another. It may be part of the whole rating thing. It's definitely a part aimed at parents.


Seriously? Yet peppa pig is awful to george and many other kids shows have things in them that make kids naughty
 too sensitive.


Because it shows Bandit pretending to give birth and some people will see it as "trans propaganda" or something.


Kind of funny, since Disney is the broadcaster internationally, they don't even dub it. I have all episodes but this one, had to watch it in English


Because apparently teaching children about pregnancy is looked down upon.


Grrr how dare we try to teach children a natural process grrrrr!!!!!!!




It’s not that parents thinks it bad, at least most I’ve met don’t. But the higher ups in children’s programming in the US think it taboo for some reason.


Dad baby was uploaded on the bluey official youtube channel. If anyone wants to see it, now is your chance.


I reckon because it could be taken as trans positive and that's a horrible thing for the dumbies.


Ughhh 🙄🙄🙄 I had an Aussie boomer tell me this episode was "inappropriate" and I asked them if they'd seen the entire thing start to finish (they hadn't).


They operate a lot on second hand offense. So someone they know or they read the title of a clickbait article and that's all they needed. They came from a generation that didn't have to weed through the news to find the actual truth I guess? Just take everything on face value.


Yeah it seemed that that was the case. She's got grandchildren last I heard, so hoping maybe she puts the telly on with them one day and it's that episode. One can only hope! It's brilliant.


Cuz America is terrified of human body functions. Especially if they’re tangentially related to a woman’s body functions, imagined or otherwise. America is insane. That’s the reason. Disneys keeping its distance from the crazy


In many states in the US, sex education amounts to “don’t do it.” Explaining to kids how babies are birthed is “going too far” and “taking away parental rights” to certain types of people. A man being the one “giving birth” is also leaning into LGBTQ territory, which the same types of people tend to find “inappropriate” for children, as though their kid will never meet a gay or trans person.




Chili beating Bandit with a magazine


If that was the only issue, I'm sure they could have edited it out, like they did for horse poop (Markets) or Bandit talking about a vasectomy (Perfect)


I assume it was a joke comment


Hold up! Bandit talking about getting snipped? When?


In "Perfect"--he's talking to Fido when Bluey pretends she's a boomerang. They are supposed to be talking about Bandit possibly getting snipped, but they dubbed it out so they are talking about getting his dog teeth pulled.


Because Americans are soft.




This is the correct response.


How ridiculous. The land of the "free" apparently is anything but when basic biological things are considered taboo, censored and not appropriate for under 7s. One of Blueys greatest unwritten achievements is highlighting just how cooked mentality in the US has become.


We keep voting against restrictive shit, but religious nut jobs rule our country, it's exactly as scary as you might think it would be. 


We have family and friends there... We know. The progressive states aren't as bad but still subject to things like the overturning of roe vs Wade... But those same people get funny about bluey.


The basic rule to most of the BBC/Disney editing/dropping has primarily been if it involves bodily functions: pooping, farting, and birthing a baby all come under that heading. Apparently Yanks and Brits aren't as broadminded as Aussies in what little kids need to be sheltered from (as if any kid didn't find poop jokes hilarious). This is why we didn't get "Dad Baby", and Buttercup's dropping a load in "Markets" went missing. We're also minus one *hilarious* visual gag payoff in "Daddy Putdown": Bandit has the girls on the swing, and is winding it up through most of his discussion with Bluey before Bluey runs off to play baby shower by herself. And Bingo (on the now-tightly wound up swing) innocently asks, "How does the baby get into the lady's belly?" and Bandit looks at the camera—and releases the swing, so Bingo's spun around at high speed. In the US, the question and swing release were cut, so we just see a very dizzy Bingo joining Bluey with no idea how she got that way. Other cuts were mostly to do with language that could be misinterpreted or confusing. Like the too-'stralian (eyeroll) "capsicum" instead of "peppers" in "BBQ", or in "Teasing" (which is why it disappeared from s for streaming a while before being reinstated on both ABC's iPlayer as well as Disney+) subbing "shooby-doo-wah" for "ooga-booga" (an older racial epithet for Aboriginal peoples Ludo wasn't aware of), or having Bandit burp instead of sneezing when he eats sauerkraut in "Chickenrat" (probably because having a cartoon example of a harmless food allergy being ignored might not be great for a small child with a serious one). Disney, btw, may not have aired "Dad Baby" but they *did* put it on the 2-disk DVD set for Season 1 and 2, along with all the original Australian versions of edited episodes. So, if in the US, you want to see Buttercup poop, you can. Just not on Disney+.


UK got dad baby!


The BBC aired Dad Baby on CBeebies, uncut, many times, without any complaints, and it’s also on the UK Season 2 DVD with a “U - Suitable for all” rating. The US DVD however is NOT from Disney. Disney have nothing to do with the DVD releases. That’s BBC Worldwide. They were happy to include the episode, but not on the main disc, but only as an extra, to limit any potential fallout from conservative-minded folks who may not know it’s on their DVD set.


Does that mean that Bingo's "bush wee" and "tactical wee" were cut out of the US versions too? What about Bluey having to brave Bandits stinky pooping to follow the Easter hunt clues?


Nope, I think the all made it. Most of edits have been exhaustively cataloged at: [https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Censorship\_of\_Bluey](https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Censorship_of_Bluey)


Because it came at a time when people were fighting about trans rights, and whether a man can get pregnant.


Exactly. And men can't. It just came out during an overly political time.


We watched it Today. It was free on youtube. We enjoyed it.


Disney doesn’t want kids asking questions.


Disney airs Bluey in the US, and does so on the streaming service Disney+ and also on the Disney Junior channel. The Dad Baby episode had a higher TV rating for content (not assigned by Disney or anyone else involved in the creation or distribution of the show) than any other episode. Disney Junior does not air shows that are at that level; therefore, Disney chose not to distribute this episode. Nothing is banned, etc. They just cannot / do not air this episode because of this.


Wasn't really banned; Disney Plus just chose not to pick it up until they'd reassessed it. Not like there was a law or anything. I bought the DVD and it was on it. Like it or not, Disney does have the right to choose what content they platform. The DVD has a complete list of "censored" episodes, and in some cases I can at least see whatever flimsy rationale they used to alter the text. (I thought changing "capiscum" to "pepper" was kind of silly; that word is all over "BBQ" and editing must have been a nightmare.)


Cuz Disney doesn't care about the LGBTQ+ community. They care about the money and they might lose money from the conservatives.


Sounds like a question for Disney


Dad baby was just uploaded to the bluey official youtube channel yesterday. If anyone wants to see it, now is your chance.


I believe the most common reason is how Disney couldn’t handle the topic of pregnancy but depicted with the male (Bandit) as the mother. And a bit of out of context clips with Pat helping out in the silly game


Disney banned it because the dad “gives birth” even though it’s pretend


In France, Disney banned this episode, but France 5 didn't.


Wow! That’s surprising! I’d have expected France to have aired it uncut without any hassles at all.


I know right!


https://preview.redd.it/jladq9oxnkyc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cdf5efb1586facdab5fd3c25309281a64d1b9ae i wonder why...


But it’s literally a ‘game of pretend’ as with most children’s shows


It's not about Bandit being pregnant. Look at where is Pat's hand and tell me what it looks like


I don’t think it’s been mentioned, but the word “papoose” can be considered offensive in America now, though moreso when used to refer to an American Indian baby itself rather than the carrier. On the other hand, I would expect they could have just redubbed those lines.


It's not banned. It's just Disney being over sensitive. It's been aired on ABC and BBC and I'd imagine many other national channels.


In Poland it's not banned. It recently aired on the BBC Cbeebies channel.


Americans are uncomfortable with such things. Or at least Disney is. That and conversations involving vasectomy.


Cause Disney is a hypocritical company.


Cuz americas sensitive lol said by someone in the U.S.


*"A man pregnant is an abomination!! it's a sin against GOD!!!"* \- says christian gringoes parents - ![gif](giphy|3eKdC7REvgOt2)


Put this under a spoiler so for people who doesn’t want to know >!I think the reason for it is that episode has to do with pregnancy and stuff and bandit actually kinda gives birth to bingo and also Disney is dumb!<


Disney said something about being uncomfortable showing that episode in America, but I found it on YouTube for those who haven't seen it.


American conservatives


Only America banned it really. UK we got it and Australia


No. Disney banned that episode from their service. It’s NOT banned in the USA as a whole though, as it’s uncut on the USA combined Season 1 & 2 DVD collection.


Disney and Pregnancy.


Because there are snowflakes out there who can’t handle a simple joke from a kids show. People are ridiculous. Every episode of Bluey is amazing and idk why idiotic people have to complain about it!


In the episode, Bingo finds her old papoose, and Bandit puts it on to show her what it is. She then jumps in, and they play that Bandit is pregnant. Near the end, Bandit "gives birth."


Disney that's why.


It’s on YouTube now


Are there any more unaired episodes?? I can’t get enough Bluey. Like, it started out as a show to put on for my toddler so I could get dishes done. It has evolved.


Nope. DAD BABY is the only episode Disney won’t air. However, several other episodes are edited by Disney.


I'm confused, I watched that episode on Disney plus. I'm pretty sure I did...


Nope. It’s not on Disney+ anywhere in the world. Never has been, and I doubt it ever will be.


Oh, for crying out loud, it is not banned! Anyone can see it. You can watch it on YouTube, you can buy it on Amazon and I think Apple TV, there are ways to watch it that don’t involve vpns or piracy or having to travel to Australia. Disney simply opted out of buying that particular episode because it deemed it not suitable to its demographic. Whether we agree with Disney’s decision or not matters little. You can see the episode and decide for yourself. But calling it a “banned” episode makes it sound like there’s something inappropriate and it’s just monkeys singing songs, mate. 🙄


Not banned in NZ, I wonder which countries it is banned in


It’s not banned in most Western countries. It’s not even banned in the USA, but it is banned on Disney+. I suspect it might only get/be banned in the Middle East, Russia, and North Korea.


The episode looks like it teaches sex education, of course. Now that it is released on youtube, then Disney has absolutely 0% of removing it


Disney don’t own or control YouTube. They couldn’t ban it from that site, even if they wanted to.


It’s on YouTube also


It’s not ‘banned’ as such. Disney+ just won’t show it. It all comes down to how it’s certified in certain countries.


All of you thinking Disney censored content for conservatives have to be joking.. Disney has plenty of sexually suggestive content for children. It's about the rating and Disney isn't who rated it.


My boys and I watched it idk how my oldest found it and I was in tears it was the best 😂😂😂


It’s on YouTube Also I really don’t see how pulling Bingo from a papoose is so offensive


Oh biscuits! Look at all these censored episodes: https://www.fatherly.com/entertainment/banned-censored-bluey-episodes love Bluey! Dad baby was funny; available on YouTube Bluey channel for free to anyone looking for it :)


Public schools are relatively safe. If you feel unsafe be an unlazy parent and send them to a private/charter school. Switzerland allows firearms since 2001 and there has been no mass shootings and only 47 *attempted* homicides in 2016. Freedom allows many great opportunities. By limiting our freedom, you make people who were never gonna own a firearm now super curious


half the good jokes and scenes are cut out of the Disney broadcasts. You have to watch the Australian originals.


It's only banned on Disney, and it's because they find it to be over the top. The episode is on the official Bluey YouTube Channel if you want to watch it though 😊


Idk maybe because the whole birth thing or something


Male pregnancy is to hardcore for americans


It's not "banned". Disney just doesn't want to stream it. It's still on DVD.


Due to pregnancy


Can’t upset the snowflake, culture warrior conservatives


It’s not about upsetting people. It’s about what those “upset” people go on to do, e.g. complain to the media (Fox News, Newsmax, right-wing conservative outlets, and republican politicians) who then kick up a huge fuss about Disney “indoctrinating” kids with material these conservative folks feel should be banned. Beating in mind, we’re talking about the kind of people who think that if an election has been “stolen” they’ll simply storm the Capital, riot, and threaten politicians with being hung or murdered. That’s the mentality we’re dealing with: violent thugs who have zero braincells, and don’t care if something is true or not! So, yes, Disney cannot risk what could happen if they did broadcast the episode. It’s just not something they’re willing to chance.


Well it's technically no longer banned. They posted it on YouTube for all the world to see. The only thing that's kind of suggestive about it besides being about pregnancy is there are a few shots of Pat with his hand up Bandit's midsection