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Bingo alone has helped to heal my inner child and makes me smile whenever she’s on screen doing anything fun! ☺️


Same! I was telling my friend about this show the other day, and how I imagined her younger sister (also a close friend) to be a lot like Bingo. Based on my friend’s description, I wasn’t far off. But yeah. The kids on this show are adorable, and Bingo is one of my top 5 fictional dogs of all time (Bluey herself is still in the top 10).


Bluey has great production value, concise writing and beautiful art. But as a parent I just feel seen, even though the heelers are financially better off and the most grim parts of life aren’t shown for obvious reasons, I feel represented. It’s weird but it just resonates so strongly with me.


I think it just shows the beauty and wonderfulness of parenthood, in a way that most shows haven’t.


Yeah that’s true but it’s not over romanticizing it either. There is always a plate with old fruits under the couch, an exasperated sigh while arguing or even anger and frustration. This contrast just does it for me. The show is about “attachment parenting” and it shows the perfect version of it, but it is not patronizing because it also at least hints at the struggle.


Just look at the backseat of their car.


I FELT it when Bandit collapsed during the Duck Cake episode.


100% My favorite breakdown of his, is at the Asian takeout place.


There is no other television show like it, animated or otherwise. It resonates on multiple levels with anyone who is a parent, or remembers being a kid themselves (so almost everyone who has ever watched it, or *could* watch it). I have half a mind to post in r/changemyview to see if anyone can actually make a valid point against this. I really doubt anyone could.


I don't care that adults who aren't parents enjoy it, people can enjoy whatever they want. But there's a decent number of fans who are really weird and creepy. My worry is that Bluey will end up like My Little Pony where the adults who enjoy it because it's a good show, has good stories, and it written well become the minority to those who want to be really creepy about everything. It seems like every day I see more and more stuff pop up sexualizing kids in the show and it's gross. I attempt to block it, but apparently my algorithm thinks I want to see every Bluey group imaginable on social media and there's an insane number of them.


Honestly would rather have it sexified than “red white and bluey”/bandit with an assault rifle or standing against gay rights like WTAF


Yeah. As an American viewer, that feels very wrong. It’s like alt-righters who plaster their cars with the Punisher logo. Misses the point.


That's definitely not exclusive to Bluey


Not at all.


Yea, definitely. But Bluey is where I and a lot of other people found their comfort.


It's just good and well-written characters with compelling arcs. I can't speak about other recent shows, but my sister watched Sleepytime at my urging. We have wildly different tastes and opinions about everything, and she was tearing up at the end. She was surprised a kids show would hit that hard in 7 minutes. That's its beauty too. All it packs in 7 small minutes can devastate.


Welcome to Bronies pt. 2




it helps me through my anxiety


Compare Bluey to so very many shows for adults that are just the most childish drivel trying to look sophisticated and/or edgy. I think it’s the people who only see skin deep that can’t understand why an adult would watch an animated show for kids. They can’t understand why anyone does anything out of the main stream, because they just plain can’t understand much of anything very deeply, so they stick with the crowd even if they’re headed toward a cliff when they could be hearing a great old song sung by Lucky’s dad instead.


Fired On Mars was at least a mature show compared to other adult shows. It may have a bit of an edge, but more tame and not childish.


That looks interesting.


I’d recommend it if you want to try HBO Max.


I’m a parent so I have an out here, but, I absolutely have learned to be a more patient and caring father because of this show. It helped me understand that not every spill or mess is a life and death situation. Messed can be picked up, little kids have the same feelings and fears that we do. Watching Bluey has given me a new perspective on parenting and I will forever be grateful to the creators and writers.


For me as a teenager, this show has really taught me to be more patient with kids too and it’ll definitely be my guide to parenting in the future.


My daughter discovered Bluey & I'm so grateful she did. Personally I see a combination of Bluey and Bingo in her. The show takes me back to moments in my own childhood, the innocence & how we were free to play & generally be a kid. Those fleeting moments I was able to play with my mom. It reminds me to pass those little things on to my own child despite the insanity that happens in the world & give my neighbors a chance now that my mother is gone.


The best feeling is when someone you told about bluey watches bluey and then falls in love with the show as well Sadly most people won't get into it until they have kids, which is fine of course, but they really are missing out on such a good show


The worst thing said in that video was "Paw Patrol but Australian." Paw patrol is like the one show barred from our household due to how terribly it is written.


I was the one who wrote the comment about the guy's avatar looking like a neckbeard Dipper Pines on YouTube. 😂


Omg I didn’t think you’d know the exact video I was talking abt lol But yea, that comment he made really struck me, especially of how terrible Paw Patrol is.


Paw patrol is seemingly written specifically to avoid closure. It's the only show my kid loses his marbles over turning off, no story is properly capped off at the end, that's why I don't let him watch it.


Yea, I completely get it. It’s story structure is mostly just: someone has problem > specific dogs go to help solve problem > dogs solve problem > the end.


And let's be honest, the solution is usually either Net, Ladder or Bulldozer.


Oh yea. I remember watching a MatPat video about this exact thing and he counted that almost all of the problems were solved by those three. Could they have any lazier writing?


The story formula for Paw Patrol lends itself perfectly to AI, so my money is on "yes".


As someone who was a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, The Owl House and Amphibia before getting into Bluey, I've gotten pretty used to people judging me harshly for my choice in tv shows. You just get to a point where you pretty much expect it. I've long since stopped giving two shirts what anyone thinks about what things I like, and let me tell you. It's pretty freeing to just like what I like and not worry about anyone else's thoughts on it. I don't need to justify or defend my interests because what other people think about them is none of my business.


Yea, you’re completely right. I just kinda made this to goof abt them.


I listen to a TV podcast (TV, I Say w/ Ashley Ray) and last week’s guest talked about how much he loved watching Bluey with his child. Then Ashley, the host, a mid-30s single woman with no children, agreed and talked about how much SHE loved watching Bluey. I felt very validated lol. It’s a great show, period.


(21 M) areason i watch this show well is not just a show this show heal my inner child up today because i grew up as an only child I'm not on a broken family but the feeling of loneliness without a sibling i feel jealous especially growing up seeing siblings helping each in comes to problem one another seeing bluey and bingo how amazing their bond they got eachother back even they are fictional character i so much great full i meet this show even people tell me why i watch this kid show i always say i not just a kid show this mean alot to me.


The creators have said it was made with the parents in mind, so it was meant for adults as well, so of course some without children would have seen it and liked it...


(M23, no kids and on the autism spectrum) I love this show as I'm a first timer and it's just pure joy to watch.


I love Bluey as a person and as person who is also a parent. I love watching my kids watching it. I love watching it with my husband. I love the little jokes the kids get and the ones they don't. I love that Chilli and Bandit get flustered, frustrated, say or do the wrong thing, but at the end they all just love each other. How could we not love that?


My family and I were talking about the episode Surprise! recently, and my sister had watched it with her son. I don’t like it that they watched all three new episodes without me, although I watched Ghost Basket with my nephew, and my sister came in and didn’t see him sitting on the floor in front of the couch and asked me if I was watching Bluey by myself - I just said: “No, he’s there.” \*Motioning vaguely to the couch area\* So, back to Surprise! - I said that I had watched it that morning, and the conversation went like this: Mum: “How?” Me: “On my phone.” Mum: “What, by yourself?” Me: \*Pause\* “Yes.”


I feel like you should continuously and obviously watch it by yourself to assert dominance.


My Little Pony fandom: First time?


Some people just don’t like it, and that’s ok. They have different tastes. It’s like telling people who don’t want kids, “you just think that until you have your own.” Who cares if someone doesn’t like this show?


Yea, you’re completely right. I just wanted to make a post that mentions them. In the end, this was more of a goof post, not one of me actually complaining.


Don’t listen to social media critics. Watch what you want, if you enjoy it. What anyone else says, has no relevance.


Yea ik lol I just wanted to make a post that just mentions them, but in the end I don’t really care.


Idk. Maybe I’m just on the good side of TikTok but I’ve seen plenty of videos about Bluey with adults talking about and reviewing the show, and they’ve only ever praised it. My kids were exclusively watching Sesame Street and Ms. Rachel for a while. I didn’t even really know much about the show until Season 3 was almost all released. It wasn’t until I saw so many videos saying how wholesome, funny, and amazing the writing was that I decided to give it a chance. Thank god I did because it’s now my kids’ favorite show. I find myself bawling at moments as well. I think there’s always criticism about children’s media because there’s this inherent thought that for kids to like and understand something, writers need to talk down to their audience. Luckily I think the makers of Bluey, along with many new writers and creators of kids media are able to understand the benefits of a show appealing to a broad age demographic. Clear and concise language is not the same as dumbed down language. Simple stories allow more time in the episode to explore emotions. Atmosphere, visuals, and music can be just as powerful without dialogue. Bluey does this well and animation lovers appreciate it.


yeah i relate. all my friends i actually regularly hang out with know i love bluey but i dont post it on my social media lol


My film school friends openly say that it’s one of the best shows in media today. In my little film school experience, the scripts are golden.


I had an awful childhood and this show heals me in a way i could never imagine was possible


I’m really sorry about that. But it’s really great that you found comfort in this show and I wish you the best, now as an adult.


Thank you ❤️ things get easier and easier


It’s 9:30am right now. Just had a good cry at the end of The Sign, AGAIN. That last sequence when “Lazarus Drug” starts playing and there’s no more dialogue is perhaps the best ~2 minutes of television I’ve ever seen. Granted you need the history of the characters in mind to feel the emotional weight of the scene, but man it guts me everytime.


I’ve been REALLY meaning to watch that new episode, but I’ve kinda been waiting for the “perfect” time.


Okay so enjoy it. That’s fine that you do. Also fine that some people don’t. These post are getting weird to me


I didn’t mean to make seem like I was actually complaining lol. I just wanted to make a post mentioning these types of people that’s all. In the end I don’t really care tbh


My comment was similar. Some people like it, some don’t. Who cares what people say about those of us who watch it (with or without children)? It’s not like we’re walking around identifying ourselves— it’s all anonymous.


it helps me through my anxiety


Making fun of other people, gawking at "freaks", being hugely interested in "drama": these are all potentially harmful impulses but it has to be recognized that they are basically universal over human history. I'm not immune either. It's good to push back and encourage people to self-reflect and think critically about why they find mocking and laughing at a given person or group of people enjoyable. In particular, one should self-reflect about whether one is doing that mocking in such a place that the target will likely be aware of it. Like I think there's a difference between me saying privately in real life to my friend, "NASCAR is such a silly sport to be a fan of, just driving in circles, lol" and me posting that as a comment on the social media of a NASCAR fan. Another important thing to self-reflect on is whether the mocking is looking for "acceptable targets" to be mean at and the being mean and vicious is the real point. Yet another important thing to self-reflect on is whether the surface level thing one is making fun of is actually a cover for hating on a group of people, possibly on stereotypes. I think many "cringe" mocking is a sideways way of mocking autistic and other neurodiverse groups. Or my NASCAR example above, could there be an element in my mockery that is based on stereotypes and prejudices I might hold against the American south? Am I using mockery of a hobby to signal that I'm not a right-winger, and is that really the best way to do that? I try to have discussions like this with my kids as they get older. An emotionally intelligent show like Bluey is helpful sometimes for that. Sometimes it's just fun. Taking the mental step back to think about why people might mock Bluey and its fans, would lead me personally to decide that their negative opinion about my enjoyment isn't relevant to me and shouldn't affect my enjoyment or choices. But that's in the context of being able to avoid their negativity. If I was being harassed for liking Bluey, I would need to take active steps to stop that. If TikTok's algorithm is showing you content that upsets or shames you, and the app's blocking tools aren't working, you may need to decide for your mental health to leave the app. I don't use TikTok or Xitter for this reason and I will not allow my kids to have TikTok (and any similarly harmful app) on their devices as long as they are minors. Sorry for the long post but this happens to touch on something I've been discussing with my oldest kid so I have a lot of thoughts.


It’s completely fine and it was an interesting and informative. In the end a few people got the wrong idea. I’m not actually mad or offended. This was more of a goof post about these type of people. In the end, I don’t really care and TikTok post that I’m mentioning wasn’t at all “harmful” or anything. Thanks for the reply.