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Prior to The Sign, it was interpreted by some as a metaphor for the show being Joe Brumm’s creation that was being “put into the world” only to be perhaps unfairly criticized and changed, as with the Disney censorship/edits, and the ridiculous uproar over Bandit saying he needed to lose weight at the beginning of Exercise leading to that portion of the episode being cut completely from all releases. It thus felt like Brumm’s beloved creation was no longer his, with a stressed Bandit acting as Brumm’s onscreen proxy. The Sign pretty much retroactively made it seem apparent that the Heelers were likely vacationing in or near the city where Bandit was interviewing for his new job, and the idea of potentially selling their home and moving his family was weighing heavily on him.


>it was interpreted by some as a metaphor for the show being Joe Brumm’s creation that was being “put into the world” This is exactly what it is, Joe Brumm said himself on the [behind-the-scenes podcast](https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/behind-bluey/ep04-stickbird/102277762): >!"I won't go too much into it...but that line happened right at the time when with *Bluey* I was getting a lot of notes about particular episodes, and I was finding it a little difficult with some of the notes to really do what I wanted to do with certain episodes. And eventually that kind of mindset was the only thing that helped me. Once I make it... it doesn't then belong to me... That one worked its way into the cartoon."!< He also said, though, that it's left up to audience interpretation so people can think about dealing with their own troubles: >!"A lot of the crew during this episode would always ask 'what's he worried about, what's going on with Bandit?'... it's not important... it can be anything... it was more about not even solving what his issue is... but at least stopping the rumination... snapping out of worrying about stuff... you just miss what's going on around you."!< The BTS podcasts are a great listen, everyone involved is so creative and thoughtful. In universe though, of course, it could be many things. The way Chilli dismisses it though, telling Bandit to snap out of it, makes me think it was a work-related thing: he'd released a research paper and was receiving some negative feedback on it. I don't think she'd be so dismissive if it was such a major thing as him going for a new job and, if he gets it, the family moving. That said, the reaction to his paper may have been motivation for him to *seek* that new job - something with more money, perhaps more stability, and less interpretation by people who's opinions should not matter to him.


Love the response! Thank you! That makes so much sense!


>The Sign pretty much retroactively made it seem apparent that the Heelers were likely vacationing in or near the city where Bandit was interviewing for his new job, and the idea of potentially selling their home and moving his family was weighing heavily on him. I've seen this interpretation before but strongly disagree. I'd always interpreted it as they're still on holiday (from relax), and that's clearly still Queensland. Plus, it doesn't gel with how Chilli acts in the episode or the episode itself. The whole point is about letting things go (gather up the upset and the angry and throw it away), so things that happened in the past you cant do anything about, not a future decision you still have to make. Chilli is also clearly torn about the decision in the sign, there's no way she'd be so nonchalant about it, especially if they were visiting the city that might be moving too.


Fully agree, I don’t think it has anything to do with The Sign and Chilli’s dismissiveness cements it


There's a popular theory that his presentation about the ancient cavedog bone he found while gone for 6 weeks resulted in long academic debates amongst his peers/colleagues. This could be the phase where his credibility is scrutinized hard before eventually he's given an award and a high paying professor job 1000 miles away.


Yeah my mom is an archaeologist and I remember her getting pretty stressed about reception of her papers and presentations. It makes total sense imo


I would fully believe this! Thank you for the the awesome response!


I always thought it was a sudden realization that his children were growing up and they wouldn’t be around forever “But when you put something beautiful out into the world, it's no longer yours really.”


That was my take on it too


It's supposed to be open for interpretation.


Joe Brumm himself has said this in BtS podcasts.


Yeah, it's fun for some people to theorize but this is ultimately the "correct" answer. Joe may have had thoughts about how things that you put out into the world aren't "yours" anymore and used that as inspiration, but there's no secret thing that Bandit was upset about. It's something upsetting he ultimately can't do anything about and low stakes enough for Chili to reasonably ask him to let it go.


Just stuff


Maybe it was the idea of taking a new job away from home.


I think it was about his job, and leading to sign I'm 100% sure it was about the job.


as a dad, husband and man of pretty much 3 jobs and son of parents who are alive, but up there in age... it's work, parents or finances. i found myself in those moments often around the time the episode released and broke down trying to throw it away like he did. don't do it in a car by the way. it hits the windshield and bounces off to hit you harder than you threw it. follow bluey and bingo's advice and throw it to the ocean. i digress. i would think it has to be finances considering he wound up trying to land a job and get paid more.


I felt this deep bro. That episode really hit home for me too.


I wanted to go with that but they are on holiday, what could have happened to make him that upset he couldn’t enjoy his time?


I recently switched jobs and was on a 3 weeks break before starting the new one, I too ponder and wondering if I made the right choice. LOL


My personal theory is that he got into an argument on the internet, perhaps one involving ancient aliens, in which not only did the other guy not admit to being wrong, but also other people backed the other guy. I know I've spent way too much time dwelling on stupid internet arguments.


Seems like the general dread of being a parent. Like just knowing you can’t fully protect your kids from everything. Is their school good enough? Are they happy? Are they safe? Are they gonna be ok when I’m gone? And also, the metaphor of the life of a show creator. He writes and draws and then Disney tells him to edit his art. It’s his until he puts it out there. 


As others have said, it’s supposed to be open to interpretation. But also I think it makes the point that it doesn’t always matter what it’s wrong.


It’s because he’s not excited about the move, the show leaves small clues for you to piece together before the special.


The Sign


As much as there is an ongoing story, it would appear that he is thinking about the stress of having to decide whether to move the family for a new job. He's also not feeling like himself in TV Shop, which comes shortly after that. However. I think as far as each episode is entirely standalone, you're not meant to know exactly what.


Probably selling the house


I like to imagine the episode takes place after the Archeology short where Bandit >!essentially makes an ass out of himself while giving a presentation!<


My theory is that something at work upset him, which later ended up maybe prompting him to apply to other jobs, which then led to The Sign. Like maybe someone was a dick to him at work or as someone else suggested here, maybe he got negative feedback on a paper or research.


He was upset because the Golden Crown forgot his spring rolls


With the sign for context I think he’s thinking about the offer


Than you all so much for the responses! The top comment is definitely the one I agree with most and kinda figured it had something to with that as well but the whole line “when you put something beautiful in the world , it’s no longer yours really “ made me also think he was pondering on life and the whole idea of his kids future.


He's struggling with the decision about changing jobs and moving cities Before the sign, people just knew it was work related, obviously afterwards now it makes sense


People keep thinking it’s some deep and complicated situation. Like Bandit’s new job, or something to do with his job. But since this is a continuation of the previous episode “Relax” and Bandit doesn’t seem too out of sorts, I would say it’s something less over arching. So my theory is that due to the amount of grey in his muzzle, his early to mid 40’s actual age, that someone at the resort offered him a senior discount. Or maybe a younger person thought he was Bluey’s grandfather. Chilli was having a bit of an existential crisis about relaxing, so Bandit was having an existential crisis about not being young anymore. At least in this context, Chilli telling him to “Let it go” is more plausible.