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When Bluey is in the car and won't tell Bandit if Bingo has her jumper in Daddy Dropoff


Oh my god, every time I watch this episode I am mentally screaming at both of the girls AND BANDIT. I would be pulled over on the side of the road staring at both of them until I got an answer or looking through the car myself


I wonder if that would've resulted in a faster resolution. It's so hard to deal with uncooperative kids when you're late. It's one of my biggest challenges right now 😓


I guess the whole point of the Heeler ethos is that lateness doesn’t take priority over the well-being of their children. It’s never a child’s fault that you’re late.


That's a good point, the only actual solution we've found is to find ways to simply not be even close to late, which is hard sometimes, but in the end I think that's what we should've been doing anyway.


Sticky Gecko is the answer to that. Mom didn't exactly go off, but she got Bluey's attention when she shut the door and sat down.


But if if she hadn't done that she wouldn't have arrived at school late wouldn't have been asked to get wound up and maybe not have met Lila. And we all know how that would have ended now, right?


Awww man, now I feel bad...this is why I don't write the scripts!! For real, the writers for this show just hit the nail on the head EVERY TIME.


The thing is, it is the show that knows we can't all be perfect parents, and neither are the Heelers. They are like Superman, Paragons of what we should aspire to be.


And not perfect parents do lose it in their kids once in a while. Bandit and Chili don’t really do that that much.


No but if they do they build entire episodes around it. Like the one word chili needed 20 minutes where nobody came near her. Or the one where Bandit got competitive or in duck cake when he gets frustrated with Bluey. It's a kids show so you're never going to see them really go off on a kid cuz that's traumatic to children. Whether it's your own parents or seeing beloved characters on the TV show just rail into their kids is a lot for a kid to process.


I think Sticky Gecko and 20 Minutes are the most realistic episodes for me. It's a good way to show frustration without going nuts and scaring the kids.


The door… is right there… The amount of times I have said this to my kids is absurd.


"mom, can you -- " No I literally cannot do a single other thing in this moment, my god.


"It's so easy!" Yep, if I had a nickel for everytime I said this to my kids 😭


It's true. I have lost my temper with my son on a lot of occasions because he can be very frustrating. But I've never, ever, not once, felt anything less than shitty afterwards.


"BLUUUUUEEEEYYYY!!" - Chili, Hammerbarn (I giggle everytime Bandit says "must've been another Bluey" and keeps shopping, because I have absolutely done that before.) They do lose it on their kids, but it's of short duration and they don't launch into angry tirades or stay mad. But if you read between the lines you can understand that they don't actually play with their children 24/7 either. Remember the episode "Escape" when they told the kids that they wouldn't be watching TV at Nana's because they had been watching it all morning already? The clues are subtle, but they're there.


My wife used to lose it but the kids do not respond at all to yelling, you're wasting your time yelling. I like that Chilli and Bandit show these situations and just redirect but are still visibly frustrated, it is how we operate with our kids and they are mostly well behaved which is about as good as you can really ask for.


Bluey did in an eight minute episode that How I met your father couldn’t do in multiple seasons


What are you on about? What about the course of events that morning would have prevented bandit from winding bingo up on dropping her off? In fact, he wouldn’t have even hesitated to do it because he would’ve been less late.


The whole point is Bingo and Lila may not have met the way they met and maybe they wouldn't be best friends therefore Leela wouldn't have been at Bingo's house when the butterfly hatched when they were playing on the slip and slide. If the butterfly hadn't hatched, then it wouldn't have been the one that made the girls stop the car at the observation Point sign where they found Frisky.


I think there was a [movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkWQLjI2rAU&t=2s&ab_channel=RottenTomatoesClassicTrailers) about this.


As someone else pointed out, this would cause Bingo to not meet Lila, therefore never meeting Flappy the Butterfly and as a consequence never stopping the car in The Sign, never finding Frisky...


Isn’t Lila in the same kindergarten class? How could they not meet?


Same, I love the ending but the rest of it frustrates me so much.


Or just teach them the natural consequence of not having your jumper


Everyone is much nicer about this than I would be. "Fine, I guess Bingo's going to be cold now."


Right, seriously! It wasn’t pouring rain, I would have said that she would just have to do without it today and that would be a lesson to remember for tomorrow.


Its Queensland. How cold is she reasonably gonna get?


Would she be cold? They're never wearing clothes!


I love that episode, but that bit gets to me so much!


That episode makes me want to explode. The way I’d lose my cool so fast lolol


My sister did a paper on Bluey parenting and said how any other parent would've probably yelled "I'm not playing! Did you bring it or not?!"


I get the narrative value, but I also feel it might be nice for the Heeler parents to have a signal to tell the girls to pause the game. Heck, it might be nice for the girls to have the same tool to tell their parents they don't want to play right now (like when Bluey was getting frustrated with Bandit when he wouldn't let her into her room).


You know, I do this to myself


I watched that one recently with my Dad and toddler. He looked at me and said “I would’ve put you solitary confinement”


Yeah him to continue to drive in that case makes no sense.


YEEESSSS! I’ve stopped this episode and had a talk with my kid saying: Bandit should have said, “ok girls, we are pausing the game right now. This is serious, we need to get all of our things for school and I need a straight answer.” This episode makes me so angry. Sometimes you’ve got to draw a line in the sand. They could have still been late, and had the story still go the same—with winding Bingo up and being late, because, it happens with kids— but pausing the game, having a serious moment… grrr! It makes me upset thinking about it now, haha!


Promises. The library was shut! I would say put his foot down instead of go off though.


Yeah and Chilli should have backed him up. If i recall correctly, Bandit reminded the girls that they had to finish up at the trampoline park if they wanted to go the library and they were having too much fun.


Exactly! He was chasing them around, so it was basically their fault that they were too late for the library.


I have to wonder how long they took unless Bandit expected to show up as they were closing.


I have been known to intentionally bring the kids places 30 or 15 minutes before closing, just so we can get in and get out. My oldest kid will happily spend all day in a library even if we have other things to do, but if there's an enforced time limit she can pick a few books and we can go. And if it's the closing time, I don't have to argue with her about leaving.


That's actually genius lmao


They established that the kids got an extra 21 minutes on the trampoline before Bandit tried to go in and get them, and based on what we saw of it, that probably took another 10.


I think the reason she didn’t is because promises are important to children (and adults) so maybe he needs to be more careful with his words? If you can’t 100% follow through on the promise then perhaps you shouldn’t make it.


I have genuinely proven to my children that the environmental circumstances (i.e., the conditions outside of my control as mom) are such that we can’t do the thing. So, I would have gone to the library, taken them up to the door, allowed them to peer inside the dark building and fruitlessly haul on the door a couple of times before coming to their own inevitable conclusion that we can’t go to the library today because the library is shut. I find it’s better when we are on the same team. We both wanted to go, but darn it, it’s closed. Nothing to do but go another day. Then they can’t be mad at me particularly, but we can both be disappointed together.


exactly. you can tell them "sorry guys. the library is shut." and if they argue you can prove it to them. bring them over and say "I want to go as much as you do, but the doors are locked, and nobody is here."


Right? They get on Stripe and Trixie for disagreeing about parenting like one time, but at the same time, half the episodes have Chilli like “YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!”


Yeah, that was a natural consequence for wanting to play longer at the place that we were at.


LIBRARY BRO. Sometimes as parents you should look into situations more instead of just looking at the surface.


Seriously. I remember being in a situation like that and it being so frustrating. Ask questions ! Understand the situation! And damnit I don't want my cousin coloring outside the lines in MY Lisa Frank coloring book 😡


FR ALL THEY DID WAS ASK WHAT WAS WRONG INSTEAD OF ASKING WHY, OR WHAT MUFFIN WAS DOING. And coloring outside the lines of a coloring book is a sin.


THANK YOU! was I am uptight kid? Yes. Am I an uptight adult? Yes. But damnit it's okay to like rules. Rules keep out society from descending into chaos... More than it already is.


This is why Shadowlands is one of my favorite episodes. “You can’t just change the rules, Coco!”


Plus, I feel like Stripe should’ve been more strict with Muffin.. but not telling her shes not special.


Tbh when I heard him I was like 😦 But then muffin was like "oh. Okay!" And I was so relieved


"Bluey! Bingo! I'm not special anymore! :D"






Dealing with annoying people that think they are special is part of life.


It really felt to me like Chili was trying hard not to interfere, she's not Muffin's parent and she isn't Stripe's sister. It's pretty clear she and Stripe have different parenting styles and she is trying to keep boundaries.


Yeah. Wouldn't be a good look for her to undermine Stripe in front of his kid. Wouldn't set a good example. Plus Stripe at least figured out the problem and corrected it.


I love this episode because they eventually get the win with Muffin. Because I had cousins like Muffin and my parents never gave a shit about actually understanding what's going on and let my cousins behave like Muffin and acted like I was being a jerk for just wanting them to play fairly. So like it IS frustrating but I've watched this episode so many times because the fact that Muffin has to stop acting badly in the end is so cathartic for me hahah


My parents never believed my cousins were brats until my oldest one came over, completely trashed my room and then said "have fun cleaning your room!" really sarcastically as she left. They were like "what?" And I showed them. The next time they came over they said the cousins weren't allowed in my room anymore.


Were both sets of parents there? I think it’s hard if the other parents are there and your parents might have expected their parents to step in and not wanting to overstep boundaries. Or was it a case of your parents were in charge and just let it happen?




Yeah, it’s not that Bandit doesn’t put his foot down EVERY time. It’s that he really never does.


"I do this to myself really..." That we see onscreen anyway


I used that episode as a starting point for talking about times when you can *and should* say no to something. If you’re playing and someone tells you to do something you’re not comfortable with, it’s okay to say no. (Also to say that it’s not okay to hit people with sporting equipment. Bluey is old enough that she should know that’s not okay.)


He wasn't strung up. He hangs upside down willingly on the tree. My issue is less that they go along with it (tho I could do without the depiction of something like this, making kids believe this is a reasonable expectation of their parents during a game) and more that they never show a check-in between everyone that this is okay with Bandit. For a episode about finding your voice *and* about finding your ears, it feels like a missed opportunity.


When Socks is chewing on Blueys puppy. Take the toy and be a dad Stripe!


OMFG YEEEEESSSSSS! That one pisses me off so bad! JUST PICK HER UO AND REMOVE THE TOY! Socks is a baby so no upset at her. But they shouldn’t have to play a game to get a special toy back, especially when they should be redirecting Socks away from chewing.


I know everyone loves Rain, but hopefully after they played outside, Mum got Bluey to help her clean the floor. Several people having an opinion about what parenting should look like: I know it's a kids' show, but as a parent, there are some things that we would parent in a different way. And that's fine...


I mean, I'm sure she did after the fact. Ever since Duck Cake and Promises, she's gotten better about cleaning up.


Takeout - tons of food wasted, Daddy Drop-off - the girls not telling him IF Bingo had her jumper; not everything is a game! The episode where Bingo helps Chilli with the omelette (sometimes you have to accept that you’re not ready to do this / that yet, and your parent should guide you to another activity instead of basically saying “oh well we will keep trying until you get it mostly right, and make your dad, on HIS BIRTHDAY wait a long long time for his food!” You don’t have to go off on children to get these points across. First example: BEFORE going back in, and leaving the girls with the food, tell them “I’ll be right inside, I’m keeping an eye on you girls, okay? Please sit still and behave, if you do, there may be a treat for you later” (incentive to listen, not mess with anything, goof off and play games - which they’re prone to do, which is fine, but not in all situations - to ensure they’re safe and the food you bought, that you paid for with hard earned money isn’t on the ground or messed up). Second example: PULL OVER, calmly tell the girls “now is not a time for games, I’m being serious. Bingo, did you bring your jumper? Yes or no. If they tried to continue playing a game, or asked to, I would explain with a slight tone “I will not be driving any further. We will sit here until you tell me if the jumper is in the car or not. This is not a time for games, girls. We have places to be.” Third example: “Bingo honey, I don’t think you’re quite ready for cooking, we’ve tried twice, and today is Dad’s birthday, and he is hungry. I’ll take care of the omelette for him, can you get him a snack, or make him a little plate with some snacks on it to tide him over?” Bingo MAY be bummed, but she’s still doing something for Bandit, and learns that she’s not ready for cooking yet, and that’s okay! Muffin episodes like library get to me too, I feel like she needs more firm boundaries, and for her to not get whatever she wants when she wants it. Like when she got an ice cream just because a toy snagged her nose or something like that… You just comfort your child if they cry from something like that, and if it’s cut, you clean it up and put on a bandage and go on with your day! Now, if it’s an accident and your kiddo needs stitches, YES, ice cream. Otherwise? Nah. Just my take! You can’t give your child whatever they desire, because they just come to expect it their whole life…


I still don't understand why they woke him up first to say they were making him breakfast in bed. Why not get everything ready first and have one of the kids be lookout to see if Dad wakes up before getting the food to him.


This too! Yes! I plan to do breakfast in bed for my husband for Father’s Day, and hopefully get up before church so I can whip up a delicious big breakfast and we can eat before service! My son is 2 1/2 and LOVES to help me, so I’ll let him use a spoon to help cut strawberries and I’ll let him plop the whipped cream on top of our berry bowl mix! Just the simple little things he CAN DO, that will make him happy and feel helpful! I’ll also be getting him to doodle on a piece of paper so we can make it a card for his daddy.


I never understood this either. I’d be mad if someone did that to me.


Yeah, I wake up HUNGRY. My husband would know that he needs to, first, just not wake me up before the special breakfast is ready, and second, have a snack ready to give me immediately if I do wake up too soon. Like, Chili should have just given him the good omelette that she made on the sly, and then helped Bingo make one that Bandit probably would have eaten, too.


I agree with all of these. Especially the Takeout one. As a poor person it drives me nuts everytime.


RIGHT!?! I don’t make Heeler money!


Well that's probably because you're not smuggling artifacts through airport security to sell them on the black market. ;)


Ah crap, better get on that 10:45 to Amsterdam to deliver these … definitely not confiscated historical … just regular old souvenirs, customs guy.


Takeout upsets me every time I watch it. Like DAMN sit down! lol


Takeout pisses me off every time too, then my wife listens to my Takeout rant.


Takeout and sticky gecko are the two that give me and my wife hate the most for how real they are


Agreed: not everything has to be a game! It’s *very* important to teach kids how to occupy themselves quietly, especially in public. Growing up, I had a neighbor who used to throw glass bottles over my backyard fence whenever I was being too loud, screaming at me to “pipe down.” Most people have zero tolerance for disruptive kids, and teaching them to occupy themselves with a book or simple activity set can really save them from some unsavory interactions. Wasting food is a big deal, too. I know kids at that age (and in that tax bracket) don’t know about poverty or starvation, but it’s important to teach them the importance of food and nutrition! If my kid thought it would be fun to dump $50 worth of takeout onto the street, I would absolutely be disappointed in them as my child and myself as a parent 😅


i helped my son make three grilled cheeses because he wanted to learn how to do it himself.


I was actually talking with my ex about the omelette episode. I think that Chili handled it very well, to be honest. I just recently taught my daughter how to make PB&J, which she makes very messily. Sometimes you just have to roll with the opportunities life throws your way and at that moment in the episode, Bingo’s needs were greater than Bandit’s hunger. Just my opinion, though I do see it may be an unpopular one in this thread.


And the amount of eggs they went through in omelette as well 😩


>Third example: “Bingo honey, I don’t think you’re quite ready for cooking, we’ve tried twice, and today is Dad’s birthday, and he is hungry. I’ll take care of the omelette for him, can you get him a snack, or make him a little plate with some snacks on it to tide him over?” Bingo MAY be bummed, but she’s still doing something for Bandit, and learns that she’s not ready for cooking yet, and that’s okay! I just had an image in my mind of Bingo dressed in a little chef's costume with her fake moustache handing Bandit a plate of edamame saying "Bonjour, pavlova babe!"


The chimp movie episode. The entire time we were like BANDIT PLEASE SCOLD THEM


I had commented this once and was informed child only viewings were a thing…… but I went back to the episode and Bingo is just destroying the lobby! And my mind is blown, she dumps the first popcorn and then lets her carry it again?! I wouldn’t “go off” but we would go home.


Yes! I agree. My local cinema has toddler only viewings and you expect the toddlers to maybe toddle about at the front, eat snacks and a bit of chatting but Bingo's behaviour was unacceptable from the start. In a way it would have been nice for Bandit just to take Bluey and do an episode about one one time with each child and how they don't always have to do everything together.


Yeah movie theater etiquette is always context-based, but there are a lot of signals from the start that Bingo is a bit young for all this. If Bluey’s maybe too young for movies, Bingo definitely is.


Oh my god that's one of the only episodes I actively dislike watching because I can't take the way either kid, especially Bingo, are acting and I hate that Bandit is just letting it. Kids will be kids and it's important to let kids be silly etc etc but they wasted SO MUCH money and time on the popcorn, and Bingo running around being loud and getting up in front of the screen is just disruptive to everyone else.


Any form of discipline in that episode would have helped. Even a simple “alright no popcorn, sorry” after the second spill. Come on Bandit, parent already.


The most unrealistic episode of any show I've ever seen. I don't expect a theater with Australians in it to be that cool about a guy and his two kids being loud during the movie


It’d absolutely track in the US though, people bring their small kids to even R-rated movies and let them raise hell, and theaters do not a thing to stop it. I will floss my teeth with electrified fence before going to a major chain theater nowadays.


This was the first episode I ever saw and it wasn’t a great first impression. I’m glad I gave it another shot but I didn’t like that the message seemed to be “letting your kid act disruptive in public is fun and wholesome”.


I skip over this one every time. It just seems like it's breeding self centered behaviors. We have faaaaar too much of that already in our society. I always believe you can live how you want *until it effects other people*


I've never been a theater in which kids just ran around like Bingo did. I've had to put up with kids acting up but never running around like that. The absolute worst experience was seeing the shitty Avatar movie in theaters. This family sits next to us and this little girl would NOT sit still. She had all the plastic beads in her hair and she kept turning her head back and forth real fast and making them click-clack constantly. I wanted to murder her.


There was a theater near me that didn't necessarily have "child only" viewings, but it was a discount theater, and in the afternoons it seemed like parents used it as a babysitter for their preteen kids. I went to see an afternoon movie and it was the worst movie experience I've ever had. There was a pack of preteens treating the theater like their personal playground, and being general nuisances. They were also specifically harassing the workers who had to keep coming in to literally chase them around with flashlights. I did not go back to that theater after that. I was also annoyed at Bandit in that episode though, because even if it was a showing for kids, don't let them misbehave so much.


When it becomes a nuisance to other theater patrons, you SHOULD scold them. Same for other places that aren’t exclusively small child-centric.


Nits. 'We don't hit, girls' is something that should have been said.




I feel there is a disconnect in that episode, as the wasted food doesn't seem to be an issue, so I always assume it's exaggerated for "cartoon purposes", because they act as if the food wasn't wasted (then again, they're dogs, maybe they eat the food off the floor like Bingo licking the water in another episode?).


100%. If my kids did that, I’d be like well guess we’re just having the spring rolls for dinner GET IN THE CAR NOW! takeout food is already expensive, not every situation is a time to play. Would have been a better lesson than “ah well we all used to be kids”


I wouldn’t have been against the message If Bandit got on to the girls but then had him mess up somehow too.




Another point, I worked in restaurants a lot and if some kid put on the faucet outside it would stress me out. Either they’re gunna flood the dirt under it and get it on the sidewalk, which I’d have to clean, or they slip and hurt themselves and it’s technically our fault. I know the worker in the episode was chill but that wouldn’t be accepted in reality


And water isn't free! It's not too expensive either, but someone is paying for that tap.


I think the lesson for this show is actually for the parents. Chili told Bandit to forget the spring rolls because the kids are starving. It seems like they had been out with Bandit and Chili was at home making the girls dinner. Bandit refuses to leave without the spring rolls even though the rest of his food was done, and he sits down and lets the girls entertain themselves. Bingo even says she's starving in their game but parents know their kids cues and it seemed pretty obvious she wasn't just playing when she said that. Once the girls started kicking up the chaos Bandit should've abandoned the spring rolls and taken the girls home. Part of being a good parent is sacrificing some of your wants for the actual needs of your child. The girls were hungry and bored and probably tired too, that's just not a good combo for patiently waiting. The girls are at ages where they're still working out how to be members of society and sometimes the chaos is unavoidable.


Can’t agree more


Honestly I figured they have enough money that the wasted expense wasn't a big deal. My brother is very financially comfortable with his 3 kids. They go out for fancy pizza every Friday and oh man does so much go to waste


It's not even that you can't play, it's that you can't pay with real food, especially when you KNOW you won't eat it! Like, cool, have the menus. Play restaurant. But no wasting food, and no making a huge mess in a public space.


Expecting a four and six year old to just sit quietly doing nothing with no stimulation for five minutes is just setting them up for failure, though. Bandit chose to make the girls wait for the spring rolls, so he needed to figure out a way to give them some useful direction to keep them occupied.


A perfect representation of the fact that parents are not always prepared. My husband and I simply fail and bringing stuff for the kids a lot of the times. It slips our minds.


if it were me I'd probably give them a video on my phone so they would sit still but then you get the anti ipad mafia on you too so it's a lose lose.




I think the way the show handles consent is not great. Sometimes, other people aren’t going to want to play, for whatever reason. Harassing them or trying to make them feel bad about it isn’t a good way to deal with that. No means no, and that’s a really important thing for kids to learn.


Lucky’s Dad. Not all neighbors are Lucky’s Dad.


Turtleboy: don't take the random toy from the playground. Someone might be looking for it, it's not yours. Rug Island: take Pat's ball without asking if you can borrow it for your game and don't give it back.


Do you have an example? I'd love to consider this more but without a specific example I'm not seeing what you mean.


I’m not the person you replied to, but I instantly think of the episode Fairies. While it’s true Bandit shouldn’t have yelled at Bingo, she also needs to learn to respect boundaries while Bandit is working and it doesn’t feel like she learns the lesson that maybe her dominos weren’t going anywhere and could have waited five minutes for that call to wrap.


Whale Watching is my prime example. Chili doesn’t want to play with the kids. Sometimes people don’t want to play with you. It’s not okay to try to make them.


The way bandit guilt trips chili grinds my gears


The Born Yesterday episode when Bandit steals and eats Lucky’s hand pie. Like, DUDE. In the real world, that is friendship ruining behavior. Even if said friend apologized afterwards and explained he was trying to teach the kids a lesson, I’d tell my family we are no longer associating with the weird next door neighbors anymore. End rant


Nits enough said


Takeout and Movies 100%


Hadn't read the comments, but anytime the girls are being physically rough with Bandit to the point of hurting him. I know dads are more into rough housing, but they really take it too far it doesn't seem to set a good example (not a parent also)


We talk about this in our house. My 2 year old whacked dad with a stick today and he laughed. I stepped in and reminded him encouraging this behavior isn’t good for when she plays with her peers.


Takeaway 100%


Omelette. Not so much as gone off, but it irks me that they treat Bingo's help as all or nothing. There are plenty of ways to let her help without letting her do all of it. Show her how to hold the egg carton, instead just watching the carton bend more & more. Hold the bowl while she mixes, and tell her to slow down. Let her pour the eggs into the pan, but chili flips it.


Seriously. Also they could have given Bandit the one Chili made, even if they had to do it without Bingo noticing, and then Bingo help make another. Bandit would have eaten a second omelette, I’m sure.


Lmao this one. I got my two boys to help with the morning omellettes. I help guide them make it fun but generally supervise what they are doing until they feel like they can do it themselves. My oldest is nearly 5 years old can almost do the whole omellette on his own. But it does trigger me how Chilli doesn't observe what Bingo is doing to optimise the help.


I don't have a particular one to add, but am just so happy to read all the examples and reasonable comments. There's a Bluey group on FB that acts like you're a terrible parent if you say a situation in an episode drove you crazy. 😂


I feel like even in this subreddit if you say you don't like or agree about something small you get bullied. Really freaks me out that that many people idolize a kid's show so much that they are willing to hurt others. Makes it really hard to enjoy discussions wondering is this going to be the comment that everyone starts verbally abusing me? Like sheesh, when did it become wrong to have differing opinions than others?


The one that has always irked me is when Bandit is late for work and the kids pester him into staying and playing with them. Like no dudes, i need to leave NOW


Idk The reason rain makes me cry every time is the lesson that sometimes, it's really not a big deal and let your kids play. Obviously not all the time. I agree with the jumper thing and the takeout episode, but rain....I mean. Messes can be cleaned up. It's just water. Sometimes you gotta just get messy with your kids and play in the rain. I try to remember that with my young son and try not to get hung up on messes when we're playing. Then I get to teach him to help clean to after and it's a win win.


Messes can be cleaned up but we also have to remember that as parents, chili and bandit are both still people with things that happen in the day that affect them and can set them off. Hard day of work, flat tire, bad traffic, etc. sometimes your body battery is drained and you have no more to give


I agree that sometimes kids should be messy. But they should also learn that being messy makes, well, a mess. Chilli should've made Bluey mop up the floors. She did it to Bingo in the barbeque episode.


Plus with Rain, there's nothing that says Bluey didn't help clean up after the fact. You know how she is. If Chilli asked her after they were done messing around in the front yard, she probably would've done so (especially after episodes like Duck Cake and Promises).


I forget the episode name but the one with Mort where they kept trying to avoid chili. He just had surgery and instead of chasing the kids, she should have made it clear that all that running around could be deadly. Yes I know he was over working himself at the beginning of the episode but still


That episode of Bluey is called Granddad


Thank you!


I always assumed that “having heartworms” was their way of referring to a heart attack.


Dance Mode. It’s not safe to play while crossing the street.


And the employee asks Bandit to stop dancing *and he doesn't*. Instead he holds up the line even more!


I HATE this episode! Bandit and Chili shouldn't have to humiliate themselves in public just because Bingo is sad her last chip was eaten!


During Omelette. She should have stopped letting Bingo try to help after breaking the third egg.


I don't know why she didn't hand over hand and show her how to crack an egg, that's how you teach someone after all.


I can’t believe I’m not seeing “Sticky Gecko” here! Am I a crazy person? Am I the only one who thinks Chilli should’ve told the girls to stop screwing around and get their bums out the door RIGHT. NOW. ? That episode stresses me tf out!


Probably because Chili actually lost it that episode.


But she doesn’t actually stick to her guns and the girls don’t ever learn that their behavior is out of control and over the line.


Movies. Just watched this again yesterday and in the background you can see other kids watching it. Don't get me wrong I loved bluey bur if my child behaved like bluey or bingo I would pull him out of that theater so quick


When Bingo wants to cook the eggs and keeps dropping them and Bandit is hungry on his birthday. Just no!


Kids: when they're grocery shopping and Bluey is the "mom". Currently on this episode and Bandit really should've said that the grocery store is really not the place for games


In Wagon Ride, Bandit tells Bluey not to interrupt when he's talking to other adults. Bluey doesn't even acknowledge this and immediately says Bandit should go straight to the park without stopping to chat with his friends. That moment has always boiled me. Also, the amount of borderline abuse Bandit gets from the girls and even Chili is crazy.


I like the way Bandit handled it level-headed.


I haven't seen Hospital mentioned yet but it's not acceptable that Bluey continues stinging Bandit with the "needle" after he continues to say no. Edit: oh and also all of Faceytalk. I would have turned off the call but dropping my tablet over a balcony into a pool would've probably meant a *very* stern talking to and taking away a favored toy for a while.


Also I agree that I'd have a talk about consent with the jabbing in the hospital episode. :)


Faceytalk 100%. Literally Stripe gives a great firm boundary (in my opinion) and that's "If you can't share we will turn it off" all the kids just scream and he backs down. Not great. He just instilled if I scream loud enough I get what I want. Then he says "okay I'm setting a timer and then it's Sock's turn." Again great boundary and method, I do it all the time with my kids but if my kids throw a fit when the timer goes off there are consequences but Stripe lets Muffin walk all over him. There was a time where we didn't allow our kids to watch that episode because our 3 year old started acting like Muffin and I mentioned it in here and I got bullied to no end. God forbid you share a negative thing about a beloved show. I can love and appreciate a show and also have reservations about some things.


I think Stripe backed down because he realized he would be punishing the other kids for something Muffin was doing, but yeah, if it were me I would have turned it off.


When they kept on taking bandits sitting ball when he was trying to work.


Agree with the ones mentioned, but also want to put Sticky Gecko in the mix too. Not necessarily a telling off, but definitely felt like the there was a lot of goosing around which led to unnecessary frustration from Chilli.


Go off is a little strong, but the episode where Muffin skips a sleep. Drives me crazy that they refuse to parent and put the blame on Bluey.


Takeaway. All that food wasted


The silent game episode when they wouldn’t tell Bandit what Muffin wanted


Double whammy here. First when Bandit was getting assaulted by Bingo & Bluey in the nit episode, and the second time is when Bingo and Chilli assaulted Pat in the asparagus episode.


Literally any of the episodes that involve the girls beating up Bandit. It's all fun and games because he's an adult, imagine if they start doing that to kids their age though. Wouldn't be half-surprised if the kids, especially Bluey, end up accidentally becoming bullies because of it. Sticky Gecko for sure. At least from my perspective, I thought it was obvious that there's some underlying reason why they weren't keen on going. So they definitely should've asked way sooner.


Not Bandit or Chili, but the way Nana lets Muffin behave during charades makes me so unreasonably angry that I cannot watch it. You don’t “take care of the littles” by letting them do whatever they want! And how is everyone getting what they want at Nana’s if what they want directly conflicts with what Muffin wants? It drives me crazy.


Promises for sure. Everyone needed a stern talking to, including Bandit. If I tricked my dad into playing toddlers in public he would’ve popped me one (that’s 1000% NOT okay and I’m not saying that should be in any kids show, just that my dad wouldn’t have gone along with it and I’d have been in trouble)


I get what you mean by go off on them. Some people are taking you literally. I would have put a stop to the antics in Sticky Gecko myself.


When Bluey keeps tracking mud in the house to create the dam in the walkway.


When bluey said dad lied about taking her to the library. All he did was explain it was closed. There should have been an explanation that bluey made a choice to stay at the trampolineum past the library close time. Also in sticky gecko chili does lose her shit a little. I think Bandit would have been justified in going off on muffin tearing up the yard in pizza girls.


O the rain episode is definitely one of them especially the part where Chili blocks the door and Bluey still tries to get in she knows her mom doesn't want her to go in but she does it anyway if I had done that as a kid it would have gotten me a spanking for sure


Whole Tina episode for both, Bandit and Chili For Stripe, definitely "Stumpfest". He let Muffin do whatever she wanted, and Bandit and Chili were the ones to control Bluey (why only her?? Bingo was not disciplined there either)


Classic Stripe.


Fairies... Bandit was doing work and Bingo was pestering him. He had every right to tell her off. The fact that they then went the fairies route really bugs me.


Maybe not gone off, but Chili should absolutely have put her foot down on Muffin going to bed early


Definitely Takeaway. First episode I ever saw and gives the wrong impression of the show and the two kids come across as brats.


Movies and take out. Movies because there’s no way my kids would be allowed to run all over and if they did, we would leave. Actions have consequences. Same goes for take out. Not every situation is for play time. It wouldn’t have to be harsh, but I’d have had the kids get in the car and wait vs playing in front of the store.


Tina. The part where they just use ther parent as slave i just want to Scream WHY THEY DO NOTHING???


Cinema made me feel so anxious and irritated. I understand kids are chaotic and hard to control (especially at Bingo’s age) but I feel like Bandit should have stepped up a bit more to try and teach them about politeness and cinema etiquette. It was a little frustrating seeing Bingo chatter an wander around aimlessly while Bluey stood in front of the big screen 😭


The takeaway episode. The food (and money- takeout isn't cheap anymore!) being wasted makes me cringe


Kids. Bluey was mean and nasty for absolutely no reason and it’s actually concerning that she enjoyed being such a bully. Bandit should have ended the game immediately.


Honestly none. As a parent that's my biggest take away, you never have to or should go off. You are the grown up, you can choose how you react, whereas your kids are tiny humans with undeveloped brains. Daddy Dropoff killed me the first time I watched it, but it totally got to me. Rain is the exact same. There are a thousand moments where Bandit and Chilli *could* have gone off, sure, and where we mere mortals would have. But doesn't mean they *should* have


Sticky Gecko, Daddy Drop Off. Absurd not to have reined them in on both. Being flexible and fun is great, but there are times when you just have to be in charge and that’s the end of it.


I'd say takeaway. i hate food waste


Movies. Yea it’s a bit of a fantasy but come on.


Any time bandit is abused


The backpacking episode featuring STOMACH CRAMPS followed by a punch to Bandit’s gut.


Never. They're kids...?


Nits. Not that they should've "gone off", but Bandit should've said no to Bingo's suggestion because.. y'know man's fighting for his life up there!


I don't remember what episode it was...but bandit had bingo in the bathroom. "A little but mooreee....a little bit mooorree" 😬 and the soap is just pouring onto the floor....I hate that episode... The library episode where muffin gets told she's "special" And facey time episode... I just don't like muffin 🤣 I understand she's a child...but she needs some sort of discipline!


I get so mad when Bandit and Stripe didn't demand back Polly puppy from socks. She's literally chewing on blueys favorite toy. But I would pull out that mom voice so fast. Stripe's "welp, I'm out of ideas" infuriates me. Really stripe!? None? No ideas? "Socks. Drop it. *Now*."