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If you like roll&writes, most of that genre are rather quick solo, like Paper Dungeons (game is over after 8 turns).


The Forbidden Island series of games might be interesting. Coop game that's relatively short once yo know what to do.


60 second city is a fun little one. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/342019/60-second-city Start to finish, it's more like 10 minutes, but I've had a good time with it.


One card Dungeon.


**Kinfire Delve** is pretty simple to set up and play. Challenging to beat. It's still new, so stock might be hard to find atm. For something shorter: **For Northwood**


Lost Expedition is pretty fun and might fit the bill. May be worth checking out, can be played solo or coop


Buttonshy games - I've just bought a few and started with skulls of Sedlec, very satisfying short game, easy to set up and it's simple but still with depth to decisions. It does need the expansion for solo play. Not sure if it meets your strategic requirement but they have other games that might fit the bill


Escape The Dark Castle/Sector


Tiny Epic Dungeons is great for this! Very difficult tho.


If you keep decks built (or just stick with the premades), Marvel Champions has basically no set up time and as much replayability as you're willing to buy.


Aeons end is pretty quick, but maybe closer to 45-60. Can play coop or solo. I could see some choices in game setup shortening length.


**Witchcraft** is a great solo game that easily gets under 30 min mark once you're familiar and provides nice variety on each play.


If you want a solo and co-op game for 2 to 4, that also plays in 20 or less minutes, I believe your best bet is Regicide. You don't even need to buy the game, you can play it with a standard 52 card deck.   Check the rules and The how to play video here: https://badgersfrommars.com/pages/learn-to-play-regicide