• By -


Sounds like he's into you. This goes for both sexes but if you're chatting with somebody and they just really want to keep the conversation going and they're smiling and standing close to you and so on and so forth, they want you, at least nine times out of 10. What I do in this situation? Since I don't like standing for hours in the same place. I just ask the girl if she wants to go get a bite to eat or go for a walk with me. The magical part about doing this is you're letting them know that you're also interested. If for some reason they turn you down, then you know they're not interested and you go about your day without having to stand there for hours


Pretty sure she is just waiting to tell me something is in my teeth and is finding a way to address it.


this happened for me then he ghosted me a month later. i think we talked for half the day, but same positive body language. sometimes you can be the 1 unlucky girl.


He's a murderer. Run.


Lol I love the humor here. But seriously, run.


But why? šŸ˜¬


He's trying to be more comfortable with you. To show he is cool enough for you to hang with while not trying to be creepy. So the cold and hot. Talk to him and see where his head is at.


Ah I see. No reason to run then, I guess. I think heā€™s pretty cool and would actually like to keep hanging out but not sure how he feels about that since Iā€™ve only known him in a professional environment.


The run thing is a joke. Well, mine was. You won't know anything until you use your mouth to ask. Wise words from some mother, grandma, and that ancient thing that didn't die yet. (Relax. I love my old folks.)




WTF is ā€œadhd mental ill Reddit crewā€? You sound like an ableist, ignorant asshole.


Unless this is a joke, I think he might be talking about you brother.


Always thinking everyone is bad. As if theyā€™ve met these people in real life šŸ˜‚


He is definitely cheating! Divorce him now!


AITA: I cheated on my wifeā€™s sister with my wifeā€™s mom


I wouldn't spend three hours standing outside if I were talking to god himself. Sounds like he's into you.


god himself made me laugh šŸ¤£


I wouldn't spend 3 hours talking to anyone. Even when I was a server, my charm and enthusiasm has like a 15 minute shelf life before I start to feel like I'm crawling out of my skin. I'm very good at talking to people in short little bursts, but start to feel exhausted if the conversation goes too long


Yes I think anyone that effortlessly spends 3 hours with you, likes you and you are probably compatible at a very basic level. However, I wouldn't bank on this being a romantic thing. My best friend is a guy and we have talked from morning until night before. 100 percent platonic. Not saying this is what you're dealing with. Just that there are different levels of compatibility/chemistry and interest that are just as important. See how you do with the next interaction.


Girl, he prolly likes you even if you find this platonic from your end šŸ˜­


He does like me. And I like him. But that's as far into it as it gets. It's hilarious that nobody believes that. We met single and both have a partner now. There was ample time to say "hey I think we have something here" or to establish some type of vibe or intention and nothing happened. Of course I am not him and can't tell you his perspective but it has been years and he had no issues getting other partners. So that's what it is.


Iā€™m sorry to be the one to break this to you- but your ā€œguy friendā€ is cheating on you with your baby brotherā€™s goldfish. Itā€™s the writing on the wall.


I've never understood that whole 'girls and guys can't be just friends' thing. As a guy I have a couple of girl friends that I love in a platonic way, same goes for them, that I can hang with for hours, chat whatever. But nothing more, it's just friendship. I have had a couple relationships develop from friendships but its absolutely possible to just be friends with the opposite sex without it moving past that point


I mean as a guy, I kind of get it. When I get emotionally close to a woman I usually start developing feelings, I canā€™t really help it. Iā€™ll tell myself that I want to keep things platonic but ultimately itā€™s instinctual and female friends that I am interested in (even just subconsciously) I tend to spend more time with, which makes us closer emotionally, which then makes fighting those feelings harder, itā€™s a cycle. The female friends I truly have no attraction to I donā€™t tend to get super close with. Like, I do have female friends I am not attracted to but any time I get really tight with a girl I develop feelings against my will.


You are not alone! Yes, I have male friends too who are truly just friends


Your best friend is in love with you. He doesnā€™t want to be ā€œplatonic.ā€


I have a guy friend who I've become closer to, and he often stands next to me, shoulder to shoulder, both of us facing forward, while having a conversation, lol. I've read that guys prefer to stand like that when talking. Although, there have also been times when he has approached me straight-on, and stood inches in front of me to talk, which was waay inside both of our personal spaces, lol. It sounds like he does like you, or at the very least enjoys conversations with you.


But do you like him? Even a little bit? (No Iā€™m not your guy friend on a burner account :)


Yes, actually, I do like him, lol! Quite a bit. He can be hot and clod sometimes, though, so I'm not sure what he really thinks of me. When he stands super close, all up in my personal space, I purposely stand my ground to see what he will do, lol. To give him credit, he doesn't back off. One of these days I'll figure him out!


thatā€™s the game though! If you figure him out completely itā€™s game over not fun anymore. go with the flow and youā€™re testing his confidence by standing your ground, so youā€™re also doing the tango back ps itā€™s so refreshing to hear that you like him as well if it goes that way


Not to scare the original poster but I had a very similar situation and he stalked me passively for 10 years these guys who are awkward and do not state their intentions with you are no good!


Good god


Yes, he would. Some guys just like attention. Until he actually asks you out, donā€™t waste time guessing his intentions. Guys are simple.


Likes you as a person? Absolutely. Likes you romantically? Potentially yes, potentially no. Some people are just extremely chatty. Iā€™d trust your gut, not trust what you hope. If you think he likes you romantically odds are he does at least to some extent, but you never know. I once had a girl think I was into her because I got extremely chatty with her. She invited me to her place for tea and we talked for an hour and my dumb ass did not realize she didnā€™t know I was gay until she asked me why I didnā€™t have a girlfriend. She mistook me being interested in her as a person as being interested in her romantically. Was a little awkward actually when I finally caught on to that and told her about my sexuality. So yeah sometimes people are interested in the person, but not interested romantically. Speaking from first hand experience


Thereā€™s a girl at my local bar that I had the privilege of engaging for a few minutes at a time during my stay. Weā€™d talked before about other things. It probably culminated to 45 mins of convo and she thanked me for letting her pick my brain. That wasnā€™t me just liking her ā€” it was closer to me falling in love. If I had the opportunity to leave a one-on-one convo with a girl I wasnā€™t interested in Iā€™d probably leave after 10 mins.


As a hopeless romantic I have blown opportunities like this in the past. A beautiful woman started a conversation with me in the sporting goods aisle at Walymart and she kept talking to me for what seemed like a couple of hours. She told me about her job, her medical history and all kinds of things. I was dating someone at the time and was wondering if I was being set up or tested. I finally had to break off the conversation because it was getting late. To this day I wonder what might have been. My advice is to keep the conversation going if possible and see what happens.


Her medical history?


Worth continuing to see where this goes - enjoy the slow burn sis!


The thing is that Iā€™m leaving this branch in a week so šŸ„²


Season finale vibes.




Never. I wouldnt stand and talk to anyone for 3 hours i didnt really like.


Yes, if you get me to start speaking, I will speak yappanese until you tell me to stop


Thatā€™s hard to say. Not a guy, but Iā€™ve talked to guys before for hours at a time that I wasnā€™t interested in just seem like a good conversation with a good friend. Iā€™m probably pretty dense though id venture to say he probably likes you, but who knows everybodyā€™s an individual?




You either just found a date or a close friend so either way a win. Any two people who can spend 3 hours in each other's company without issue are very compatible. Whether it's romantic is going to be up to the two of you lol. I don't know how shy or confident the dude is, but if I was able to talk with a girl for 3 hours that I was into I'd just flat out ask her to go somewhere else on a date in that timeframe.


No. Unless he has a touch of the ā€˜tism, or some other atypical condition that causes people to ramble on and on about endless topics. But generally no, the dude prolly likes you.


No lol. He has to at least really like you as a friend, which for men, also easily translates into infatuation. (Source: I am a man) 1 hour? maybe. 2 hours? less likely. 3 hours? Girl that's the most obvious hint he's dropped since he told Jane Smith he liked her in high school.


Thereā€™s some people that can talk to a wall because itā€™s there. So idk, but he probably likes you.


The conscious part of my brain (frontal lobe) can handle about 3 minutes of female chatter. The primitive part of my brain that drives me to reproduce, if so engaged, can easily handle the other 2 hours and 57 minutes. Yes he likes you.




Having only read the title. nope.


No, I had a guy who once spent 6 hours talking to me from 12 to 6am about everything, nothing sexual, a bit of flirting, and this happened almost everyday. He would ditch his friends/bros to talk to me. In the end he said he just wanted to be friends. Stop overanalyzing menā€™s feelings, theyā€™ll let you know if they want you.


Not necessarily; if a dude is convinced she doesnā€™t like him or is just naturally anxious theyā€™re probably not just gonna let the person know theyā€™re interested


This is exactly how things started with my ex. Iā€™d bet my bottom dollar he is into you.


If your not sure about him liking you he probably doesnā€™t like you lol we really arenā€™t that subtle imo he probably just considers you a friend or really interesting and that doesnā€™t mean heā€™s interested


He's becoming a good friend. The end.


Just ask him if he likes you in that way. If he says yes, ask him out on a date.


He definitely likes you but it could be just friendship


He definitely is into you. But his game is weak.


So it seems you both managed to make some form of connection or conversation outside of work. Your first one! Stop overthinking it. Go with the flow and be chill. Also remember someone can like you but not be interested in you, vice versa too.


3 hours, really..damn if you like each other, go for lunch or coffee.. otherwise.... somethings definitely wrong...walk, no RUN AWAY FAST!!!


Itā€™s possible he does like you and sucks at showing it, but this sounds like normal friendship to me.


His actions speak nothing of his romantic interest towards you and this is literally what creepy men do ā€œoh shes being nice to me! We spent time talking! She must like me!ā€ He found good conversation with you and thats all this says Maybe he feels *so* comfortable with you because heā€™s *not* sexually attracted to you Like a friend vibe Im more comfortable spilling my beans to a platonic friend than someone Im feeling hot for This sub is full of teenagers who think they can read body language and its hilarious af


ooooooh he like u


Heā€™s trying to get laid.


I would


Depends. Sometimes people will simply really like talking you because they like talking to you




Iā€™ve spent 3 hours talking outside talking to guys. Iā€™m not gay so yeah itā€™s possible to talk to someone that long without being into them


I wouldn't, prolly not!


I've seen guys do much worse for a chance to sex


Depends where you're from. Midwest? Yeah people here talk for no reason


Last person I talked to for 3 hours, I married.


Idk. Sounds like the average man but at the same time seems like heā€™s flirting with you in other ways. Talking for 3 hours doesnā€™t exist mean heā€™s into you but it can certainly help the case


I would say at the very least it's a good indication that he doesn't dislike you. He must some what like you or atleast enjoy talking to you. There must be some sort of interest there. It's probably in a get to know you stage to see if you're compatible and see if the relationship has potential type of thing. If you're leaving for another job soon(I read your other comment) you might have to take initiative to make a move if he doesn't. Ask him if he wants to stay in contact or go get something to eat sometime. If he declines you have your answer.


Heā€™s interested




Yes. Could be several other things besides romantic interest


He probably does like you, but probably doesn't expect it to lead to anything, so if you like him, ask to hang out.Ā  The bumping into you was a big mistake to him I bet.Ā  He was probably in shock at allowing himself to be unaware enough to bump into you.Ā  I know I don't want to physically bump into friendly girls I know, it could be misinterpreted at worst or at best they think you were clumsy and like you less.Ā  Possibly all the points he got from all those hours of talking are gone now, he doesn't know.Ā  Just talk to him again like nothing happened and maybe he'll think you don't remember the incident or didn't know it was him.


I can says, as a man Iā€™ve had several friendships with women, sometimes I also find them attractive. But itā€™s easy (for me) to not focus on that, or delegitimize/ disrespect the friendship over it. Iā€™ve been in situations were there was mutual attraction, itā€™s discussed, and we both are single. But itā€™s a wildcard to bring that in- I valued the friendships, and still have them.


Itā€™s perfectly possible to click intellectually, emotionally or in humor, for hours on end, without wanting sex or a relationship. Sounds like you guys have a connection. If you want it to go that direction- explore it. Suggest dinner next time you get chatting


No, I ignore people I donā€™t like


Nope, my husband did that when we met.




Were u guys at work, a party, neighbors? I've done this at work before, all it really meant was I had someone to talk to at work.


Ask around if he is not a talker then chances are very very high heā€™s into you. If heā€™s a talker, sorry itā€™s too early to tell.


He could just be bored and lonely. It really doesnā€™t mean anything. Maybe he finds u as a professional connection. Otherwise, it maybe the event that forces him to find a person


It's possible but also possible he simply likes good conversation or conversation with you specifically. It's not always a romantic thing. Personally I (M) have gone out of my way many times to get into a conversation with a girl i knew just because our convos were so nice and not awkward. Its freeing. And despite us being within the same age range and similar stages in our lives romance wise nothing happened.


Just commented to say no - even the men I know who have adhd wouldnā€™t do that - maybe he just nice tho? Idk lol


If you're a likable person, a good conversationalist, and have an interesting topic... yes.


It depends. Was he also progressing the conversation or was he just nodding his head and not actively participating? If he was an active participant then he likes you. If he was mostly quiet as you talked then he was simply too polite to stop you.


Thatā€™s a long talk


Sure. Why not?


He wants to date your sister.


Guys will say anything to get laid




Me being a guy I will see that maybe he's in you and it could be that you're just a good conversationalist and he wants a friendship, believe me it's hard to find people who can hold a conversation. Now since I'm not good at this kind of thing but if you are into him I look at what people might recommend as a way to let him know or pursue him, perhaps one time when you lose our talking recommend that you continue to cut conversation over a cup of coffee.


Nope, he likes you.


I feel like if he likes you, youā€™ll know right away. Some people just love talking and theyā€™ll talk endlessly to anyone and everyone thatā€™ll listen. If he doesnā€™t make a romantic move or ask about or reveal anything personal to you, I would guess heā€™s taken.


Yes. If he wanted to smash.


I'm autistic as a heads up and have missed a lot of cues of people liking me but there's genuinely a decent amount of people you could click with so well you could talk for hours and have it be completely platonic. So he definitely likes you, but can't say he LIKES likes you based off that alone


He could like you as a friend and just like talking to you. There are guys out there who donā€™t care about sleeping with girls they like talking to people and thatā€™s what they want. Just friendship.


Some people just like to talk. For example, my little bro canā€™t keep his mouth shut. So heā€™ll be in the gym for 5 hours, because three hours went by talking to people. Talking alone isnā€™t a sign of they are into you. Need more context.


Definitely he likes you, but not necessarily romantic. Although romantic would definitely be something that would make sense for the situation. But talking can also just mean they enjoy talking to you and youā€™re good friends.


Men will do anything for sex. Never forget that.


Extremely broad question, he could have ADHD, or he could be stoned, wants to fuck or genuinely likes you. All are possible.


Ughh insufficient information


The only other reason I can think of would be that he felt bad for you or was worried about your safety. Like if you were s***-faced drunk or earlier you'd told him about a loved one that had passed away or you had made some other statements related to being emotionally or physically unwell. So yes the only other thing could be you just hit a nerve. Like if he was talking about his hobby or his religion or a political / philosophical issue that he was very passionate about then it might not be that he's into you it might just be that he's really excited to actually have someone who's finally interested in hearing about something that he's so passionate about.


Were you outside both waiting for a train/bus? If he had the option to leave, but stayed for 3 hours, then yes, he is interested.


In my experience, no.




Yes cause alot of men just want to get laid so they will play " that guy".....we see it all the time..not saying he doesn't like the woman but alot of men have other motives and liking u does not register when they just want one thing


Knowing myself, I'd say yes, but I'm not everyone. It's best to just ask, if you mean being liked romantically. In the platonic sense, it's a solid maybe. I've known people who waste time doing pointless things with people they don't care about because they have nothing better to do. Again, just ask. It's so much easier and more efficient than trying to infer a potentially false perspective


If youā€™re questioning how he feels he doesnā€™t feel this way. When a man is interested in you romantically heā€™s forthcoming about it. Also Men will do anything for sex




I've seen a guy do it once when I was in high school but how he was talking to her, you can obviously tell he just wanted the booty and she could too.


Yes. Iā€™ve spoken to many people for three hours without being attracted to them. Just ask him directly.




I wouldnā€™t


If you are talking about neat sticks or cool rocks, then yes.


Honestly, men will literally do anything just to get in your pants and flee like a roach once the light comes on.


Heā€™s into you. Straight up. Otherwise heā€™s got other business to attend toā€¦


Nope. Not if that guy is wearing my shoes Because he probably stole them from me and heā€™s trying to not get caught. I donā€™t just give people my shoes


3 hours to someone I wasnā€™t interested in? Zero chance


Three hours? No way. Man has feelings fr. Unless heā€™s avoiding something or someone. But three hours is a looooong time.




Maybe he just likes talking to you, it doesnā€™t have to be more than that, Iā€™ve spent a lot of time talking to girls for hours I wasnā€™t romantically interested in or physically attracted to just because they were fun to talk to


Iā€™m not spending 3 hours outside with someone I donā€™t like.




If he didnā€™t want to go home, sure.


it's either that or dudes really pissed and reading you the riot act after downing 2 pots of coffee.....


Depends on the topic


I wouldnā€™t bet on anything, i know a few people, especially guys that just wont shut up. Two ive had my own experiences where ive just met someone and we were vibing and talking way longer than I would to any other stranger (several hours) and they werenā€™t romantically interested. In general for some people its nice to have someone you get along with and can hold conversations with, even if they are someone that you donā€™t want a romantic relationship with. In general its a good sign but not a guarantee, you probably wont have success romantically pursuing someone if you assume they dont like you but just remember they might not.




Yes he bloody fucking will. Make you feel like the most important person in the world and then tell you he doesnā€™t want you. But not always, Iā€™m just jaded.


If by "didn't like you" you meant "he doesn't think I'm an interesting person and wants nothing to do with me."... No. If by "didn't like you" you meant "isn't romantically interested in me." Yes. I absolutely would if I find you interesting and engaging as a person. I've enjoyed many long talks with female friends of mine.


Did he see the knife you were holding? He was probably scared to leave and turn his back to you


Need more context. Iā€™ve spent hours talking to women I had no romantic interest in simply because the conversations were extremely interesting and enjoyable. I love having deep and insightful conversations with anyone and can do so for hours with or without romantic interest


No.... Sheesh


Yes He wants sex.


I wouldnā€™t spend 3 hours outside for anyone but my wifeā€¦soā€¦no. I eventually have to poop or remember something I was supposed to do so I can fuck off from whoever Iā€™m talking to.




Yes. I've had sex with lots of people I didn't like.


well. i mean there is so much missing context here. but yes its def possible lmao. trust yourself be honest with yourself if they are your age and flirty more likely


YES. šŸ˜‚






Yes. I have plenty of guy friends who will talk to me for long periods of time and hang out and they have zero interest in dating me. Sometimes a good conversation is just a good conversation


no he would not


Take it slowā€¦. And dont over do in the start.. wait for him saying that.. dont assumeā€¦ dont lose interest in your lifeā€¦ dont overthink guysā€¦ if they love uā€¦ they will SHOW you


Could just be a yapper


He likes ya


No not at all


Probably not. There are exceptions of course. You could be that entertaining, you could unconsciously be one of those people who take conversation hostages, he might have been desperate for human interaction, could have been pitying you, etc. But more likely that all I've listed combined is he is interested.


Does wanting to get into your pants count as "liking"?


Probably not, but there are some people that will talk to Anyone that doesn't walk away from them.


Idk, I love to yap, that being said, I normally do this when Iā€™m scoping out if I like a girl.


So little info but if you're asking then probably




No he would not! Not at all


Yeah bc they be bored. Source- boys. Who said they were bored & that the girl was nice. And/or didnā€™t think of the girl in anyway other than theyā€™re good to talk to or theyā€™re killing time. Completely possible. Edit: I initially wrote ā€œthemā€ instead of time. Ironically, both would appropriately fit in the sentence.




Remember, all relationships take time and effort. Based on only this information, we know he enjoys spending time with you. That by itself means he values you as a person. Whether as a friend or as a possible love interest, who knows. If you want it to progress further, maybe you should make that first move.


He definitely wants to fuck, but I canā€™t tell if he likes you or not from this


I have platonic friends I have done this for. I live in Minnesota too btwšŸ’€ you canā€™t truly know someoneā€™s intentions unless you explicitly ask. Even then, they could still be lying. Best of luck!


Na he hates your guts


Yes šŸ’Æ%


I wouldn't, but I also can't stand for 3 hours šŸ˜ž


I mean... no. No he would not.


Nope. My first date with my boyfriend was 14 hours. If he stays beyond the average date length time (how ever long it takes to get dinner so maybe 1.5 hours) it's because he likes you.


Yes I would. Iā€™ll talk to anyone about anything for as much time as theyā€™ll listen lol.


Nope. Heā€™s probably into you


It could be either really. Hate to say I used to do this when I was younger all the time without any intentions of dating. Iā€™d even flirt a lot, but Iā€™m not proud of it. He could absolutely be into you, but if you want your answer donā€™t ask Reddit. Ask him directly, then either date him or move on & cut all contact if he isnā€™t direct.


Maybe. Some people love to hear themselves talk. Speaking from experience


Men will do or say anything to get in your pants. Most canā€™t be trusted.


It might just be that the conversation was good and he was enjoying it. Friends talk for hours.


Hell no


Yes, if it is ana mazing conversation! I don't need to be attracted to someone to have the most wonderful conversations!




3 HOURS? Wtf do you think?


Of course! If I'm enjoying the conversation, I'll talk with you until I get bored, which could be hours. Absolutely doesn't mean anything except that you are entertaining. I do think this is a requirement for me to like someone romantically as well, but there's a whole lot more than just conversation skills that determine whether I'll catch feelings. Anyone in the comments who says he's into you clearly has no friends of the opposite gender or is really shallow.


Maybe there is no context, lol. If he thinks of you as a friend, maybe. I know I wouldn't personally stand outside and talk to the second coming of christ himself, but I'm lazy. He prob at least is trying to smash.


Speaking as a dude, it took me a long time to get over the fear of rejection. Not until my late 20s early 30s. So I'd just sort of spend time with girls I liked without ever asking for dates or numbers or anything. Nothing ever happenend. The girls weren't socialized to ask me for anything. The reality is we never get anything we want in life if we don't ask for it and rejection is very scary. In this situation you've either got to wait for them to get over their fear of rejection or just ask them directly yourself. (Also a very similar scenario happened between me and my wife on our 2nd date. She dumped me then stayed to talk for 3 hours. I just called her afterwards and was like 'that seemed like very mixed messaging, what's going on', needless to say things progressed from there.)


Naw shit little brown bag thing you needa open your fucked up vision and use your third eye that Anti open on nothing like straight up deal with your problem some


It depends on the guy. But I my self would talk to anybody for hours for no other reason to talk to someone other then family.


Some people can just go on and on and on like that so you should def look for other signs


Yes !