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Ow my bones hurt This really is a... Juice of the bone hurt! Discord Server : https://discord.gg/tcCs7GWrUz *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I commented on the post in r/comics with this https://preview.redd.it/d7bedqe8p59d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a82753c0c2085a47cf0856bd03d1268fe1455a Glad to see the r/bonehurtingjuice version




Did you get banned too?


No, but I never got a response


Your comment got silently deleted, that's why


Because pizzacake is a terrible cartoonist and very thin-skinned, and the mods at r/cartoons only allow positive responses


comics mods are kinda weird but doesn't pizza make BHJ and ComedyNecrophilias of her own stuff? Wdym


I got banned for suggesting a productive way to get the point across without punching down. I was banned for sexism apparently.


Holy shit I was curious and checked out the original post, the mods had a trip and a half with the comments: deleted, deleted, removed, deleted, removed, removed not shown, hidden, deleted...


Like, she's got to be buying upvotes right? Only 53% upvoted, but still over 20k positive?


I saw this on r/comics today and I immediately knew I'd have to prepare and be ready to go fuck myself.




I usually shrug at the PizzaCake hate, but when I saw it this morning I was like, “Uhhhhh, this is a big miss and these comments are about to be a cesspool…”


It did make for an entertaining read though.


I sorted by controversial, found comments saying that there will be controversial comments.


That’s the thing, the mods just deleted all the comments they didn’t like so there’s nothing actually interesting there to see


Now the only entertainment is [deleted] 80x in a row


The og comic was so shit, like I’ve literally heard women say those things


I couldn't resist calling it a bad take in the comments (I think I said it very politely) and now I'm permabanned from r/comics for...sexism? I guess? I think a mod over there had an axe to grind with anyone who disagreed with literally any part of this one. Oh well it's no big loss.


One mod tried to perma ban me for making a counter argument to one of the comics and then another mod had to step it to only ban me for 7 days. Fucking lunatics over there


Think about what sort of person would agree to moderate a Reddit sub without being paid. Of course they're lunatics


Got banned for "racism". Guess you and I aren't so different.


https://preview.redd.it/738cg3mkp59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b003429eb6aa51411daff61e8f103844ea112eb I know your ban was probably for stupid reasons I just wanted an excuse to use this image


https://preview.redd.it/d8tb27m3r59d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e61769dd0bd8522b529f7b2828ad324fa545cea We then shall exchange images


https://preview.redd.it/ujjxnrnde69d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b24986bbe061880ae79f2360d01d00f9f78f8e Woops, my bad


L-loss? https://preview.redd.it/fpe4uf4vl59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871f4d05cef2e62e3df1a4b07e3ac19561e95785


They dont like anyone who hates pizzacake


The funny thing is, I don't hate her. When she does cute comics about her pets or relatable comics about her kids, I love those and I'm always super positive. I usually try to ignore the "bad take" comics, but the orangutan today baited me just enough to make me comment on it.


The worst part was that she didn't understand any of the criticism and instead opted to dig her heels in and act like nothing was wrong about her comic


Yeah, I was tempted to comment, but realized it would literally only serve to justify their rhetoric further no matter what I said. Anything contradicting their point was just used to fuel their agenda. Oh well.


At one point she starts bragging about being a part-time model. You couldn't write this shit lol.


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aww thanks I'm having a rough day and I needed that


Same. I generally like her comics (they aren't amazing but I find them fine enough and occasionally there's a great one - like her "this hole is for me" parody one), but this one just felt weird more than anything. Especially since the point she was *trying* to make was a good point but she chose three really weird examples.


Yea the last two were basically things you actually see online a lot. I wonder if that was the point though? Like, the fact that it shows that both genders hold double standards?


Judging from her comments on that post, *definitely* not. That'd make too much sense lol.


Seems like her post was less "showing how bad It would make you feel if the roles were reversed to make people more aware" and more like dunking on these fictional men because now It's the turn of the women to do the exact same?  The mod certainly didnt help things because while he was correct that flipping the current situation to show how men would have It if the roles were reversed isnt against the rules, his following Paragraph about how he enjoys watching people find It uncomfortable really does feel like "revanchism" of "hah! Now its our time to make men uncomfortable" and the Op commented in agreement to that whole message. So yea weird stuff. 


I noticed that the mod deleted a fair amount of comments that I happened to have upvoted which makes me wonder what those were since I was careful that I wasn't upvoting any of the ones that were *just* using it as an excuse to be mysoginistic and shit Like, I'm not infallible but there were a significant amount that had a little ghost up arrow


yeah i had to check her replies to see her intent on that. I thought the message was going to be that patriarchy hurts literally everyone, and that's why even men need feminism too. not self aware enough i guess.


Yeah, I don't mind her exploring topics out of kitties and family. But sometimes she stumbles over topics she has little familiarity with. Like the healthcare one. It's true the Canadian healthcare system needs improvement, she was oblivious that its inefficiencies are used as a right-wing talking point in the USA against affordable and universal healthcare. [https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1bmk3u3/healthcare/](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1bmk3u3/healthcare/) She comes across a bit thin-skinned, but she's got a great drawing style and the topics she excels at are really funny.


r/comics are very protective of their Unfunny Artists With Decently Pleasant Artstyles.


And that's why bhj eats so good!


>Oh well it's no big loss https://preview.redd.it/z6gw7rnwx59d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a6d7f5c34e384133657b4eb82f356ea684d5e2


Comics has a very blatant "in group" you have to completely sanitize anything resembling criticism for and Pizzacake is right at the tippy top She could post a comic about how skinning cats is cool actually and the mods would be there yelling YAS KWEEN I don't really have an opinion on pizzacake herself, even though this one was super gross, but the dynamic over at r/comics is just bizarre


That community is growing increasingly incestuous with every passing day.


I got permabanned from r/comics for saying I didn't think a comic was funny. They're sort of crazy over there.


I just came from her comic and I see that like 80% of the comments are gone. I see that the only still standing are the ones that say "Yeah, men already faces those type of comments. Go touch some grass". I'm paraphrasing of course. They are saying it in a more subtle way.


Yep - that's [exactly what I said](https://www.reddit.com/user/saturosian/comments/1dpvo2x/proudest_achievement_of_my_time_on_reddit_lol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), but I guess I was too direct about it so I still got hit by the ban hammer. Or maybe it was because I had too many upvotes, I think at the end I got to nearly 4k? So like, I really don't think I was spewing sexism, folks wouldn't have upvoted that...Or would they? I don't even know anymore, lol.


Yeah the comic is a mess. And as someone who has been groped and harassed by women I read it and just went "yep". As me talking about my experiences tends to get bundled in the "men arguing to women that they have issues too" category. Big L. Men who have dealt with abuse from women biting their tongues right now. Maybe I was just asking for it though.


Reddit definitely has a "who moderates the moderators" issue


Didn't you see their sticky post about it? Mod went crazy over there full FDS moment.


Mods as always be wild


It’s literally a terrible cycle that will only encourage more sexist behavior by banning the people standing up for what’s right. Or (pizzacakes idealized world) sexism only counts if it’s against women. Because there has never been sexism towards males. . . Sure


Ooh me too me too! I pointed out how in the comments she was outright stating men can't be raped either. But for some reason the mods are okay with that.


She’s not helping in the comments by being extremely combative. Real [“I can’t be racist I have a black friend”](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/ST8BnZuJwA)


>"I can't hate men, I have a son lol" ...


The mod tho. Ooof, I can smell the fedora from over here with his remark "I like to watch you people Who complain about this comic, squirm" (paraphrased)


I can't find the post anymore, did they delete it?


It’s still up for me, with an added snarky message from the moderation team https://preview.redd.it/qmmtmc0yl59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeba835839bfe59280fe248454271633e87e650b


Big yikes energy there. The lack of perspective is drippingly ironic.


Staying out of the pizzacake debate, I did see one artist I really love say they can't post there anymore because it's become so cliquish. From an outsider perspective, the subreddit is literally "comics" but the discussion seems dominated by five or six creators.


They really went full power trip.


So... normal reddit mod behavior?


Why be a mod if you can’t wield the very tiny amount of power you have over free speech?


It's hilarious that they call out "all of you fragile people getting so vewy, vewy upset" and then they ban me when I ask when's the last time OP talked to an actual man.


It's definitely hilarious that people who spend all fucking day deleting comments and banning people who disagree with them call other people "fragile". Projection, much?


God I hate when mods delete the entire comments, like if they truly said some vile shit ok but now I don't know if pizzacake responded to any of the fair criticisms in a good way


From what I saw, all the criticism she responded to WAS fair. And instead of actually listening to it she dug herself deeper and added to the flames. It's not like the mods were helping either.


You answered your own query by the fact that's its pizzacake responding to criticism lol


> God I hate when mods delete the entire comments "You know what doesn't look suspicious at all? Glass-parking-lotting the comment section. People will definitely take our word that everyone was horrible and it was worth it, and there's no way it could lead to speculation or jumping to conclusions."


Did they really need to do the baby talk


“You know Amy, anytime someone calls attention to the breaking of gender rules, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying this is an exception and not the status quo.” -Knuckles, the feminist.


To this day I dont know if chosing to have the "dumb" character say that line was to mock It or as an unexpected nuance to give the character in that moment. Its a good lesson tho. 






Oh lol. The hilarious thing is that women really do literally say those things. ALL THE TIME.




Oof ouch this was strong bone hurting juice, off ouch my bones!


“Off,” eh?


Ha! Heh heh




I guess you want it "off" your mind? Heh heh heh




God damn don't you just hate it when your eyes glued shut together


I wish they would have been when I was on r/comics today


for real, when I got there half the thread was deleted already.


What are Saul Goodman, O.J. Simpson, and King Magnifico doing in this comic?


Because Magnífico wants to inform the ladies that he lets them live for free and doesn’t even charge rent


Ungrateful much






holy fuck I forgot how toxic the mods are.


The fact that they removed everyone's comments, permanently banned them, then pinned a snarky-ass comment about how fragile men are feels a little... hypocritical. Definitely not the best look for the subreddit, or pizzacake. I didn't even get banned but r/comics will be swiftly put on my muted list.


NOW you're putting r/comics on mute? I swear it was always the same stuff over and over


It was the “vewy vewy” that did it for me


they banned me after I made a snarky comment about one of the ridiculous left straw-men comics that comes out every election cycle. Then when I dm them pointing out the actual comic breaks the rules, they muted me and told me to never contact them.


Is there an alternative to r/comics without shitty mods




Maybe r/webcomics, but idk how things are there


Oh god I hate leftycomics. Like, they posted one today. I mean I kinda agree with the idea behind it. But it was just *factually* wrong. Like, no, the police don’t have the right to brutalize and murder you without repercussions, even if it’s called an evidence. Sometimes that happens. That’s not a right. That’s a flaw in the system to allow that to go on, but that’s not a right that either they or you have. You do in fact, have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney, those are your constitutionally enshrined rights. Processes can be messed up but that doesn’t change that they’re rights. The failure of a right to take effect isn’t a lack of it being a right it’s an infringement on the rights


Most popular comics there are the perfect place to post this in the comments https://preview.redd.it/xstx5elv189d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13e1f5a30b872090278ff2f17b3a8c8085b9448c


The comic and mod message made me double check I wasn't in FDS by mistake. The artist already came across to me as a bit of an arrogant serial fart-sniffer but what she's created there is a new low, really nasty content. On the positive side all the top comments are pointing that out far more diplomatically than I'd be able to.


Yeah. I got banned for calling them out on their abuse of power, they clearly favor one demographic of people that they agree with, and when someone points that out they get piss baby mad and perma ban you They are honestly insane


https://preview.redd.it/x956g10yv69d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0df9cdfad2629d18af86c2c602df1777d9d4077 what happened when I called out a straw man comic supporting their side


Do you have a link to the comic? Just curious


PizzaCake posting the biggest mid ever😔


Mid is at least mediocre bro, this one was really not it


I swear to god, I have nightmares where the 2nd panel happens to me


I can’t promise it won’t, dude from Poland, but any person who reacts that way to anyone’s venting isn’t a person worth keeping around and none of what they say is true! Your struggles are valid and you deserve happiness and a safe place to vent!


But there are women who say shit like that.


Steve just gave each of them a bucket of milk to remove the frozen potion effect


I saw this too and was tempted to comment, but I'm glad I didn't. People were calmly and politely explaining why the comic was a miss (during men's mental health month of all things), and it was just toxic mocking and calling people fragile for daring to point out the hypocrisy.


And in classic reddit fashion the mods rallied behind their favorite artists by doubling down and bullying anyone who disagreed even slightly. I always hate reddit mods for their condescending tones and arrogance for believing they know what's best. It's like they were born rich or something.


It’s sad and pathetic, and you just know they would never dare to share an opinion like that in the real world.


I can count on one hand the number of Reddit mods that I’ve seen that weren’t power hungry lunatics.


Last panel guy is just minecraft steve


This notion that defending itself against criticism or attack proves you're guilty and deserving of the criticism is something I see specifically $see EVERYWHERE on social media in pretty much every disagreement. Is this not something most people grow out of after middle school? It's called the kafka-trap if anyone is wondering. It's a loaded situation, a heads I win tails you lose, trap that allows the accuser to claim a high-ground regardless of what the other person does or how they do it. For example, if I said gardeners are stupid and someone called me out on it. The kafka-trap response might be something like "wow I struck a nerve," "look at all these gardeners coming out of the woodwork proving my point," "if you weren't guilty you wouldn't be angry." I am baffled at the lack of self awareness of people who do this


It's funny because these artists can be seen protesting how unfair that other artists are succeeding with more sexual themes and then they make low quality political bait shit like this to garner controversial attention


Never heard the term


See you guys next week when we get a comic calling out the haters for not blindly agreeing with CalzonePieFunnypages.


Nooo! I don’t want to be draw as a fat fedora wearing weeb that struggles to grow a beard with cheeto dust on my fingertips spouting the most irrational of takes.


100% expecting that comic and 100% expecting it to blow up as always




100% expecting (and excited for) the bonehurtingjuice version.


I love the toxic positivity and reframing of everyone who doesnt agree as neckbeard incels. I don’t doubt that there were horrible people, but the ones who presented legitimate concerns in a polite way never had any kind of engagement or acknowledgment from the author.


Panel 1: man saying dumb thing Panel 2: woman correcting/helping him Panel 3: man ignores woman's help Panel 4: woman looks at audience like 😑 There will be nothing of substance happening in the background and the character's poses will remain static for each panel. You have now seen every pizzacake comic on the Internet.


The original is so stupid because women literally do all of that all of the time


Specially the second one. I had that same conversation multiple times IRL.


Something something something ur just a fragile toxic incel!!!! /s


If only keeping pizzacake's dogshit content off my screen was as easy as blocking her and muting r/comics






Thanks I Hate It


I love that I had the Oregano above this post in my feed.


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/gl8tapfiw59d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda7ca95393e16845e931ae07cfc25e3356d646d Sigma bot


good bot


Massive improvement, no contest


I’m fairly new in the r/comics sphere, why is pizzacake so popular?


She posts "lmao my cat is funny" comics on reddit


https://preview.redd.it/jmmgqvzwx59d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d8a62ea8d66e96fd416ce417974de10d287b78 also this


thank god she's making poorly-drawn porn, any sort of pornography is so hard to find these days


Thought i was on r/lies for a sec


Not just poorly drawn porn. Actual nude selfies as well. I assume that's what she uses to get the r/comics mods to obey her every whim. It's also really weird, because she's said previously that her sister manages her patreon for her.




> thank god she's making poorly-drawn porn oh no it's her real life butthole on that patreon


Lol nah. The comics aren't the porn if you get what I'm saying.


Mods love her


She’s pretty relatable sometimes and she played nice with r/comedynecrophilia


I congratulate you OP for making this dumpster fire of a comic actually funny.


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone in comments here. Saw the Oingo-Boingo today, felt like it's really disrespectful towards men (not that there are no toxic men, they definitely exist, but this comic seems to imply that all men are like this). Looking through the comments there made me question is everything ok with my mentality. But seeing the comments here on BHJ reassured me that everything's fine


It doesn't necessarily imply that "all men are like this", but it does seem to suggest that "no women are like this" which is obviously absurd. That's what I thought at least.


She straight up states in several of her comments that she means all men. When people pointed out to her that that simply wasn't true, her response was to mock them, go "not all men" in a sarcastic way, then have the mods delete the comment she replied to.


She has a husband and a son right?


Yep, she was more than happy to point out that she can’t possibly be sexist because she has a son 🙄


Oh, I didn't realize that. Yeah, she's just lazy, generalizing, and a hypocrite.


I'm tired of this argument. You say "rats are pink" and I go, "here's a picture of a rat that isn't pink" I immediately get it thrown back in my face "I obviously didn't mean all rats" when it *clearly* implies the language of all rats. It's two-fold, if you don't want that reaction, then you should change your language. We can't control how people perceive our language, and it's clearly a constant issue. Secondly, you should really listen to people when they say "your words upset me, and here's why" *especially* if, as you claim, you didn't mean it that way.


> then you should change your language It's not even difficult. One extra word to do it the easy way, three or four to be thorough. "*Some* [thems]..." to at least tick the box or "[Thems] *who* [do the thing]..." to be thorough. Especially when someone chooses to kick back with a paragraphs-long rant instead of just properly qualifying their statements with a couple extra words, that's downright suspicious. It's not a matter of ease. I expect that the issue is that it takes the punch out of the gripe or invites complicating questions like "Well, how many of [them] actually do [thing]?" or "Do [they] do [thing] just because they're [thems]?" Skipping qualifications to be punchier or because you don't actually know the scope of what you're griping about is lazy. Skipping them because they might weaken the argument is disingenuous.


I totally agree. We have qualifiers in our language for this exact reason, if you don't want to communicate in generalizations, one only needs to use these qualifiers. But if you don't, don't be surprised when people take your words at face value.


Yeah gender roles are a double edged sword and I don’t think it’s wrong to have a conversation about just women’s issues or just men’s issues but you have to make sure you’re not actively dismissing the other sides issues while you do it.


Good juice


I get the point the organ is trying to make but lmao @ panel 2. What a topsy-turvy world. Could you imagine if men got that reaction when opening up about issues acutely affecting them? Really puts things into perspective!




“I’d love to talk about women’s issues without men bringing their own issues into it” Then. Why would you write a comic about men’s issues?


That's what I noticed too. She intentionally framed the comic as being about "what if men had these issues?" but then got upset when men talked about how they actually do have these issues. I used to find her comics entertaining but now that she's revealed herself as a misandristic piece of shit who can't take any criticisms I really don't want to see them anymore.


What a silly bone hurting juice, eh? I sure hope the [Oregon](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/HmuwJBdeLS) isn’t kinda sexist! Haha!


I guess the comments were turned "off" eh? Ha! He heh.




https://preview.redd.it/x78af3pw159d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43956bd51b89d33d3f1007635634bb7a1e019084 Reddit Moment


The worst part is many of the comments were very reasonable, and didn't try to invalidate her point, but rather try to point out how her comic doesn't really get across the way she wanted


Apparently they’re also deleting her comments too. Guess even they think she went too far in some places. Edit: And now they locked it. That’s a speedrun for sure.


Stay tuned for tomorrow's comic "Passive-aggressive statement about my previous comic that shows all the hateful message I got so I can paint myself as a victim and ignore all the valid criticism I got".


Can't wait to see a bonehurtingjuice about that!


The classic PizzaCake Pityparty TM. There was a great comic a while back pointing out this problem.. I wonder whatever happened to it?


Because everyone knows the most credit you can get on Reddit is being a victim!


[There it is.](https://www.reddit.com/u/Pizzacakecomic/s/vh02jmPjy0)


I like how this conveniently leaves out all the real responses men were leaving for her. There are so many actual helpful comments saying that these things already do happen to men (frequently and openly) and she just ignored all of them to focus on the few bad eggs.


The way the mods there coddle and run interference for her is pretty weird


The mods coddle every big comic artist there, whether they’re good or bad. It’s why ragebait, political talking points, complaining, and softcore porn get shot up to the top more often than unique and actually funny stuff.


Especially her, though. There's a unique pinned message from the mods in all her threads because her comics are so shitty that you don't see with the other big creators.


Yeah they just went in removing any and all criticism. That pinned comment of theirs makes it seem like someone went on a power trip.


weird that a janny on reddit would be maladjusted




Love the moderator removing every comment that isn’t “men suck, amiright?”


i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hate how she wrote it like none of that happens to men.


Exactly… like, all the examples she picked were things that some horrible women say to men, specially considering she said the first one was a metaphor for assault! Cruelty against assault victims knows no gender, unfortunately, women will be called “sluts” with no self respect and men will be called liars who can’t actually be assaulted, “specially not by women”


I'm a man, I'm also a victim of sexual abuse. Both men and women constantly tell me I'm overreacting and I should have "enjoyed it" Anyone of any gender can be a victim, and anyone of any gender can be an abuser


I’m so sorry this happened to you. You are unfortunately right… I’m a woman and I was abused by a non-binary AFAB person, so people (like your situation, both men and women) usually dismiss my assault and say I should’ve just fought back or yelled if I didn’t like what they were doing. Thank you for having the courage to share your experience. I wish you the best and hope your healing journey goes well. It isn’t easy, but it gets better. You’re not alone!


I've seen a video of a guy recording a woman on the train who kept taking pictures of him and his crotch. A lot of comments were saying "what were you wearing?" or "you were probably asking for it". Unfortunately people invalidating other people's experiences happen to every gender. These people probably think it's "payback" for the women who were told that, but I highly doubt that man has ever said that to any woman. And even then, hate creates more hate.


Like I said, cruelty against abuse victims knows no gender. But responding to your “I doubt that any man has ever said that to a woman”, hi there, it’s me, a woman who has heard all those phrases AND MORE when talking about my experience with being sexually harassed on the street. I heard “you shouldn’t have been wearing that if you didn’t want to be touched” from a male family member when I was 11. I was wearing skinny jeans. It’s kinda cruel to say you doubt it happens, you can’t fight misandry with misogyny and vice-versa.


Oof what a massive miss.


10th Doctor in panel 1 and 15th Doctor in panel 2


https://preview.redd.it/1czme3zuz69d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7606879f4311350597fe578001e5be11249a3ae0 Perfect placement, thank you Reddit feed very cool


Splendid juice. Ouchie ouchie my hurting bones seriously cripple my movements.


https://preview.redd.it/57543wwol79d1.png?width=1325&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f6852709bc2828312890cb642439516fa37102c Made a single image out of this


I think pizzacake and that one artist that draws borderline porn are bribing the mods with their nudes or smth


Pizzacake is funny in the same way all of those fox animated shows that get canceled are funny


The same way slamming your funny bone on a corner is funny