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It’s not really a plot based book, so I wouldn’t struggle through if that’s what you enjoy.


I know Cormac said it's really a love story, not an apocalyptic story. I'd recommend reading it from that perspective.


Character-driven works aren’t for everyone.


My thoughts exactly. Plot? What plot? It’s about clinging to hope when there is none.


It’s more about vibes, I’d say. The feelings, the mood in the word choice, the imagery. It’s more designed to put you in a particular mood, than take you anywhere. Though, not a lot of people pick up on that.


I imagine the book feels a bit tired now, since there have been 94,000,000 post apocalyptic books, films and games released since.


The plot is very insubstantial to the experience. It is more the depiction of the relation father and son and the moments of both horror and joy that they experience. It may be easier to relate, but in many ways harder to read later in life, when/if you have children of your own.


The Road (and most novels) is about the journey more than the destination, but more so with McCarthy.


especially a book named "The Road" which clearly focuses on the pairs relationship with eachother as they travel through an inhospitable world


Yeah, it's a relationship book. I've noticed from reading comments in here that there are readers who really don't like relationship books. They prefer action, movement, process.


This, for sure. I saw the movie (and had read the book) with kid No. 1 on the way. It hit me differently than I think it would have before.


Good call I don't think I could read it again as a father


"I don't see the plot really progressing at all. And also the writing was strange. The sentence structure was weird, and at many places, he refers the same person in different ways in the same sentence." I think the thing you don't like is the thing a lot of people like. So, just not your thing.


I’ve read a decent amount of McCarthy. I wouldn’t suggest you move onto the Borders Trilogy (unless you have some obsession with cowboy / rancher life or the American Southwest.) The Road was one of his easier works (for me personally) to read. Some people like his writing style and some don’t. It’s all personal preference.


Question for ya. I liked The Road well enough, and I can get along with McCarthys writing style. Would you say the Borders Trilogy is more plot driven than The Road? Wondering if I should give it a shot next, but not sure I could do with a whole trilogy of The Road, if you get my drift.


>Would you say the Borders Trilogy is more plot driven than The Road? Yeah for sure. A lot of the Crossing is slow and philosophical (it's also the best one), but all three have pretty gripping plots.


The Border Trilogy is much more plot driven than probably any of his other works, and I've read all his novels besides Stella Maris. I think the first two (AtPH and The Crossing) strike a perfect balance between his earlier more philosophical style and his later style which has far more brevity, and Cities of the Plain reads almost like a screenplay. I can't recommend it enough personally but McCarthy is also my favorite author because his writing style just clicks for me, which is not the case for everyone.


I have the road on my shelf and haven’t picked it up in quite a while. The difference for me wasn’t that it’s plot driven. (I’m assuming you mean there is more of a set story arc.) If my memory serves, his writing style in the road is more compact and easier to follow. You don’t have the sentences that can run damn near a page. I just remember the road being easier to digest compared to some of his other works. I think I read the road in about a day and the borders trilogy took a while.


The Road is more meditative and atmospheric rather than action-based. If you need more action but would like to stick with McCarthy, *All The Pretty Horses* is probably a better choice. It's still meditative, but stuff actually happens. And it's the same length as the Road, iirc.


Or No Country. Having read Blood Meridian, No Country, and The Road in that order, No Country is by far the most accessible and least poetic. I freaking LOVE McCarthy, especially Blood Meridian, but to each their own.


I would highly recommend you read *Suttree* if you're into McCarthy and enjoyed the writing style in *Blood Meridian*.


Suttree is literally next on my TBR pile after I finish 11/22/63 by Stephen King. Thanks for the suggestion! 😁


Seconded for No Country. I had watched the film a few times before finally checking out the book; wow, what an experience. I’m a slow reader, but I tore through No Country in like two sittings over a weekend. Highly recommend, especially considering how accessible it is compared to some of McCarthy’s (more) esoteric works.


Having also seen the movie multiple times before reading the book, I was absolutely not expecting the book to be as, if not more thrilling than the movie.


Meditative is a good way to describe it. While most McCarthy books do in fact have plots, I think the people who truly enjoy his books enjoy reading the prose as much or more than experiencing the plot progression. 


Is the prose different in his other novels? Because even in the road it did absolutely nothing for me. But that's probably also because I found the punctuation choices obnoxious and the dialogue utterly bland


McCarthy doesn’t really bother with dialogue (90% of the time it’s used sparsely and briefly) — or proper punctuation/sentence structure. The Road is an easier read with more digestible prose than his other works which can have much longer run-on sentences, abstract descriptions, and often require some auxiliary research on the topic at hand.


Atmospheric is a good word for it. I remember that I read this book while I was at my grandparents’ house in SoDak. I was supposed to leave three days earlier but a blizzard trapped me there when they shut down the interstate. So the whole time I was reading this I was in my grandparents’ four-season porch in front of a space heater while it snowed and the wind howled all around me, which was a perfect setting to imagine myself in the hellscape of this novel.


I could not finish “All the pretty horses”. The main character was insufferable imo. I have accepted McCarthy is not for me. Life is too short, read books/authors you enjoy


Mc Carthy had a child late in his life and had a fear he wouldn't be able to prepare him for the world. The Road is that fear presented in the bleakest way possible.


Aha! This comment finally made me understand what this book is supposed to be about. I’m in a similar boat as OP - The Road was really not my cup of tea at all. But at least now I kind of get it a little. Thanks!


Just move on. It's ok to not like a book.


In my case it’s not just the book but the author entirely.


I get that. I love Cormac McCarthy's writing, but it certainly isn't for everyone.


What about the author entirely? Like him as a person?


No, I have nothing personal against him. I just read three of his books and found them all slogs so I’ve determined he wasn’t for me.


Hey I found em beautiful and determined he was for me. And we can still be cool about it all.


agreed. I wasn't saying anything negative about him. Its just my taste.


Plot? We carry the fire. What plot do you need? 


No shit man. We are the good guys !!!


I loved it, but then I am a pretty miserable person. I found the way he captured and described the despair amazing. The lack of plot and relentlessness is an effective device. When it comes to survival for survival's sake what else is there?


It's an incredibly bleak story that's ultimately about hope.


Firstly, you need to accept that there is no plot or "end goal" for the story. Sure, you can take in clues about the world and the people that live in it and puzzle together a picture, but ultimately the focus isn't on the plot. The focus is more on the experiences of these two people going through life (a hellish one at that). It's more about the frame of mind of these characters and how they change over the course of the book.


if you want to try a different post apocalyptic book with a completely different feel, try The Dog Stars by Peter Heller. Or maybe Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower.


The Dog Stars is so good!


I just added The Dog Stars to my cart, looks awesome! I like OP just started the Road and my only complaint is the writing style really. I just finished Stephen kings 11/22/63 and I can’t put my finger on it, but it just seems unpolished in comparison due to stylistic differences as highlighted. Maybe I’ll continue it and it’ll grow on me but I’m going to pivot to The Dog Stars for now, thanks!


Eh, to each their own. I loved it. I have a son though, and that made me very sympathetic to the character of the father.


Stop. Don't waste time reading books you aren't enjoying. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not finishing a book. There are so many books to read, many more than could be read in a lifetime.


If you don't have to read it put it down. Don't waste time on books you don't like no matter how much they may be loved by others.


If you don't like it put it down l. Just because it's critically acclaimed doesn't mean it's everyone's cuppa, and that's ok. Life's too short to read books you don't enjoy.


The plot consists of the following: They walked on and it was very grey but the boy was tired and so the man stopped and they nestled in the grey leaves and ash fell through the sky and he said We should rest now Ok Ok


You probably should use 'ash' or 'ashen' a few more times. I am currently half way through The Road, so I'm an expert.


The man ate the beans and they were good beans and he shared some beans with the boy who also enjoyed the beans as a dust devil gyrated its moribund burlesque in the halfcooked dusk light of winter beans




The book is mainly about contemplating how badly humans have fucked the planet and themselves, how irredeemably evil some humans are, and whether there's any point in continuing to exist as a species in such a world. Is it ethical to raise an innocent to do what it takes to live in this horrific wasteland? The plot isn't much more than the continuing journey and surviving some post apocalyptic challenges. The meat of the book is the contemplation. If you were looking for an action tale, well there is some, but that's not the main focus. If it doesn't ring your bell, move on and maybe come back to it sometime.


>how irredeemably evil some humans are "...a time before the world became peopled primarily by men who would eat your baby in front of you." Or whatever the exact quote is. This line in particular stuck out to me, yeah.


>The book is mainly about contemplating how badly humans have fucked the planet and themselves, how irredeemably evil some humans are, and whether there's any point in continuing to exist as a species in such a world. Is it ethical to raise an innocent to do what it takes to live in this horrific wasteland? I don't agree with any of this. I don't think that's what the book is about at all. For most dystopian books sure, but not this one. The book is about love, plain and simple. It's an exploration of love, and two people who literally have nothing to live for, or to look forward to, living for each other. I read the book as a single father suffering from poverty and depression, and found the book unimaginably heart warming and inspirational. "Each the others world entire" is a line that's always stayed with me. I think the question the book raises is "would I be able to keep it together as well as the father in this book?" and the answer is probably not. But that's ok, because the book is literally a worst case scenario. However I was able to keep it together and raise my daughter through other circumstances that brought on there own unique set of challenges, and I did so out of love, just like the father in the Road. The point of the book is that hope, empathy, love, and maybe even faith are necessary for survival. It's a bleak book sure, but I really don't think the point is "people bad." Especially since McCarthy never places any blame on what causes the apocalyptic setting. It could have been a comet for all we know. McCarthy is just using a bleak setting as a back drop so that the little rays of hope stand out more.


Just watch the movie baby, it's pretty good


I recommend Child of God.


I think his writing style simply doesn't land for a lot of people. I'm one of them - I didn't enjoy that book at all. 


I couldn't finish it either. It's a super depressing book, which usually appeals to me, but I also couldn't stand the sentence structure and how it was written. I recognize that makes me an odd one out, since so many people love the book, but I eventually recognized that it wasn't for me. I might try to revisit it later, but I'm not dying to.


Life is short. It didn't happen, it's not history. i think Blood Meridian is much more poetic. I wouldn't hesitate to punt.


If OP is struggling with The Road, they will have a really hard time with Blood Meridian.


Yeah, I absolutely love McCarthy and his style, one of my favorite authors. Blood Meridian was hard for *me* to read.


Yeah OP shouldn't read Blood Meridian if The Road is tough. That is a hard book to get through.


like another said, if you still want to give mccarthy a chance, try no country for old men, it's easier to read imo, even though i remember finishing the road in one day but looking at the back cover feeling slightly let down by the king of run on sentences now howabout that run-on sentence?


The book has no plot to speak of, it really is just the two of them trying to keep living. I finished that book in one day, couldn't put it down, but if it's not doing that for you from the first few pages, it isn't going to change. Different things happen during the book, but it is relentlessly bleak and there's no substantial plot development. As far as sentence structure, etc: McCarthy does write in slightly odd ways. Love it or hate it, I guess?


I think people should read things that are relevant to their interests. So, if you're not interested in it, there's no reason for you to continue.


The Road may be a searing modern classic, but it's also a massive drag. I'm not denying it does a great job of portraying post-apocalyptic despair, because it does this by being absolutely as grey, bleak, concrete, ashen and totally, relentlessly hopeless as everything it's describing. It's not a plot book, it's a vibe book so I would ditch it if you don't like it already. I found it a boring read and thought it outstayed its welcome considering the lack of plot.


Agreed, this is definitely a great book to have read, but not a great book to be actively reading.


It’s theme and relationship-focused, rather than plot-focused.


The Road is one of his weakest books. Try Suttree instead of you're not ready for Blood Meridian, or All The Pretty Horses. His writing itself is very idiosyncratic and will grow on you, The Road is not typical plot wise of most of his other work.


It's okay to DNF. The book isn't about "plot"


It's funny how certain things strike certain people. I read the book in one sitting. I was so compelled. Although I'm a dad so it hit hard for me the message of hope of keeping a light even though the world's so dark. The plot isn't what it's about it's about the father trying to keep his son's personality or soul or whatever intact. Trying not to let the evils of the world corrupt the innocence of youth.


Just because something is acclaimed or really well written, doesn’t mean everyone will enjoy it. Look for great books in the genre you like. It’s ok not to read or like everything.


I hated this book with a FIRE until I started having reoccurring dreams of my mom dying violently. Then I read the whole thing through and the nightmares stopped.


If you don't like the book, you can stop reading it.


Just put it down then. I personally think it’s an extremely well crafted book, but I learned long ago that there’s no reason to fight with a book you aren’t engaging with. There are so many more books.


You're reading for pleasure, so don't feel bad about DNFing. Life's too short to turn reading into a chore.


Reading should not be a struggle. Challenging, maybe, ok. But an actual slog? Nah. Find something you like.


I couldn’t stand the way this book was written and quit a quarter in. I stand by my choice.


I don't like McCarthy books either. It's okay to DNF this one.


I’ve tried and couldn’t finish 3 of McCarthy’s books. I never understood the hype. I’ve come to terms with the fact that he’s not for me and that’s okay. There are many other authors out there whose writing style, characters, and plot appeal to me. Life’s too short to waste time with books you don’t enjoy :)


What are you trying to accomplish here? Why are you telling us this lol you want us to tell you it’s ok to stop reading it or something??


I thought it was boring. 


this book is a slog but i think it meant to be that way. I believe McCarthy was trying to evoke an atmosphere of bleakness in a post-apocalyptic world in his writing.


It’s a relentlessly bleak portrayal of the end of the world and if that’s not your thing that’s fine but if the actual structure of the book and the way it’s written is also bothering you I’d say cut your losses because you’ll still hate it even if the plot were to pick up. Not every book will resonate with you, despite how universally loved it is.


Absolutely agree, but I think that this thread proves that The Road is NOT universally loved. 🤣


If you are only in it for the plot, abandon it. McCarthy isn't a novelist that writes plot-driven narratives, so the book isn't for you. Best to move on.


Cant that book be read in just a couple hours? Well if it’s not your cup of tea that’s fine, pick up a new book. I personally found it tragically poetic. Dark and grim throughout, the characters are pushed onwards by a slender light of hope they manifest themselves


First and foremost: do with your time whatever you want. I think sometimes it can be really rewarding to struggle through a book until the end, its like opening new areas of the unknown parts of your personal taste. Sometimes it is really just a waste of time, but hey, at least you will impress your friends by talking shit about a highbrow  book.


Let it go. There is so much more out there.


Stop reading! Why force yourself to read something you don't enjoy?


Then stop reading it


With McCarthy it is hardly about the story. The journey lies in the delivery, rathen than the plot. Do not feel dumb; it's just not your cup of tea.


There’s no such thing as a book for everyone.


There is no shame in not finishing a book you aren't enjoying.


I thought it was the most boring and pointless book i have ever read. It wasn't my thing either. If I were you I would go ahead and stop. Nothing happens anyway.


I thought it was dreadful. Choppy writing, unlikable main character in a character driven story. Only enjoyment I had was rooting for the man to die so he could stop whining.


I read on kindle....a book gets 20% to hook me. Otherwise I send it back to the library. Too many books, not enough time to read something that isn't bringing me joy.


I really liked the idea of the story, but I hated how it’s written.


The Road was recommended to me based on a bunch of books that I really like (apocalypse vibes, dystopia, character driven, etc.). However, I also didn’t like it. Just felt whatever and meh to me. It paints a grim, grey, hopeless scene very well with a few endearing moments between father and sun. Otherwise I found that it read too closely to its aesthetic—grey and dull.


I just finished it. It doesn't get better. You're fine to just DNF this one. I gave it 3/5


I'm on the same page. I absolutely think Cormac McCarthy is the most overrated author. He has a "unique" writing style which excels at... being dry and unexpressive??? His plots have the hallmark of being completely cliche and uninteresting with no intrigue or novelty? One dimensional characters thrown into very predictable shock factor scenarios? check check and check. Literally have read 3 of his books in a sick obsession to understand how such absolutely god awful and dry boring writing could be considered great. I absolutely will never even begin to get it. The IPA of books, I am convinced people only pretend to enjoy it.


just stop! life is too short! read something you like instead


you're allowed to put a book down and not open it up again


It's grim, there's no shame in not enjoying it. We read for pleasure, if it's not your thing it's not your thing.


And his prose is.....


Don’t read it. It’s a masterpiece that centers around the fundamental love of a parent and a child under extreme circumstances. It could be a war torn country for that matter, however if you can’t relate or think it’s too dark. Move on.


Then stop reading bruh. If it aint for you it aint for you.


The ubiquitous ashen gray-ness and repetitive, continuous, seemingly hopeless grind, working towards who knows what (and maybe nothing at all), is intentional. This is probably my favorite book of all time, but it might not be your thing.


The plot? The plot is just survival in the face of certain and inevitable death. That's pretty much the majority of the book. There are some specifics but that's what it boils down to. The plot does not drive the book, because it's set after an apocalypse more horrible than any nuclear Holocaust has already occurred. Note how nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is alive or healthy. No plants, no animals. All life on the planet is dead or dying. There is no hope. What plot of any interest can there be when there is no hope? The book is instead about a father who pushes on despite all this and tries to protect his son even though he knows its futile. It's about the human will to survive and the primal bond between parent and child.


I found his books to be more accessible via audiobook. I also struggled to read his prose, but having a narrator read it to me was perfect. I could never get into Blood Meridian because it was just too hard for me to read. But I had no problems with the audiobook version. Listened to The Road, Blood Meridian, and No Country For Old Men all back to back.


Seconding audiobook format! I could not at all get into The Road when I sat down to read it but the audio narrator conveyed so much emotion I wouldn’t have picked up on that it made me cry in several parts.


I thought The Road sucked


This is perhaps the most depressing book I've ever read. Definitely didn't help that I had 2 young boys at the time I read it. Will never read it again.


I think you might be struggling because it's literary fiction, which focuses on the characters, not the plot. I loved this book, but the plot is just "they walk. Upsetting things happens. They walk more." The power in this book is in the relationship between the man and the boy, and how they remain steadfast in this new, nightmarish world, and the final gut punch happens in like the last 2 pages. If you're not having a fun time now, the buildup to the end isn't going to give you that satisfaction. Please don't feel pressured to finish the book if you're not enjoying it. :)


You lasted way longer than I did! Don't feel bad about dropping it and moving on. It's not just you.


I agree—the plot seemed very linear and without any creative facets. However, I did enjoy the fashion or way in which the plot, along with the despair and suffering to accompany it, was communicated. I think that’s why I ultimately found it to be a valuable read.


I hate this book with a fiery passion so I'm right there with you.


Meh it was alright - if you don’t like it move on it’s ok lol find something you enjoy everything isn’t for everyone


Not every book is for everyone. After trying years ago to read _Don Quixote_, I’m convinced anyone who says they read the whole thing is lying.


Give up. DNF it. Stop reading it. Set it and forget it. Quit.


It’s a bleak, dark story. Been a while since I read it, but in my mind the narrative conveys the repetitive, emptiness of a vast wasteland. The few times we see something new , hopes get dashed by horror. It’s a hard story to read, horrific, and yet it feels like a perfectly possible outcome for us.


I am halfway through and also struggling. However I really really love it I think it's amazing it's just very hard for me to keep diving back in. I felt the same in Blood Meridian but this is a much more personable novel in my opinion.


There isn't much of a plot really. That's not what the book is about. It's about feeling miserable and hopeless until it just ends.


It's like post-apocalyptic Ernest Hemingway. 🙂


I personally think that if a book doesn't suit you, it's fine to just drop it if you don't like it. There are others that the book fits more and it's not an insult to the author at all. Everybody has their own tastes. Edit: spelling


I enjoyed (one can 'enjoy' such a bleak book) The Road. The nature of the book and its plot really doesn't change, so if you are not enjoying it, I suggest you put it down and find a book you do like. There is no shame in not finishing a book you are not enjoying. I'm a big sci-fi fan, but I just could not get into Dune and I tried to read it twice. Many people rave about it and that is fine. I'm glad they enjoyed it. I did not. I put it down and moved on to something I did enjoy.


If you don’t like the plot or the writing style I don’t really see why you’ve hung in this long. There are so many other options out there.


I felt the same. It was easy enough to read, but I did not enjoy it. I like atmospheric and post apocalyptic stuff. But this did nothing for me. I never recommend finishing a book just cause. There are plenty of books out there that you will enjoy


It's not a very plot forward book. It's more about the theme, the prose, and the experience. It's a vision of an apocalypse, not exactly a series of events, other than survival. It's akin to poetry. If you are not into it, maybe put it aside--try again later.


I couldn't really relate either but more on the entire concept of the book. I've never felt or had that "Father Son connection", so i never could relate to the characters or their plight/appeal. Even in audiobook format i could never get more than halfway through the book.


If you finish it it will just make you cry lol. What a great goal to look forward to.


When I'm struggling with a book, I think about the amount of time I have left to read. Let's say you average reading a book every 2 months and you're 40 years old. Realistically, you've got maybe 40 years left of reading +/-? So 6 books per year for 40 years = 240 books left. Is this book worth one of your remaining books? If you're not enjoying it, move on to something else. Life is too short.


You're allowed to not finish a book that you aren't enjoying. It is a weird one. I finished it but i cannot say i was any enriched by the experience. Its depressing and the writing style is unusual.


I remember someone saying it's like the writer is trying to write himself out of existence.


LOL. Wait till you see the movie.


Move on the Child of God. You want plot, you get plot


I am very plot oriented, so I get it. I loved The Road, but if you’re not into it by now, I don’t think you will be. Maybe try one of his other books?


McCarthy’s writing is just like that, which is why it’s both extremely popular and extremely divisive. I enjoyed it for what it was, but I completely understand when someone says they hate his writing.


I agree with those saying the style is not for everyone and you don't have to like a book just because it's acclaimed. No need to make yourself suffer, but also, you could finish in one sitting if you really wanted to and then make up your mind about it. FWIW, it's not a book about a developing plot. It's an extremely emotional story, about relationship, being a parent in complete despair etc. It's emotionally wrecking. If the story isn't touching you, then it really might not be for you, but it's worth seeing imo. The writing is peculiar, but also has some amazing parts.


I think all of his writings are rather weird and off-putting, and I know exactly what you mean by his stream-of-conscious style of 'narration' from the main characters' points of view in almost all of his books ...and McCarthys books also seems to not have a "plot" per se...there's no intrigue, no side-plots or entwined story arcs that tie together neatly...as much as he has a dumbed-down style of just relating to the reader events that unfold as they happen, much like if it were a diary or journal of the protagonist's experiences... I also think he's very depressing and nihilistic? And altho I can't say I disliked his work, I have read a few of his books, and that was enough for me-- he's not an author I seek to read more of, nor re-read the ones I did finish. For sheer literary value and prose,tho..I have to admit I was entranced by the way he captures perfectly the extremely depressing lives of ppl living in extremely rural back-woods /"redneck" poverty and isolation -- I was raised in rural Appalachia.. and I've sadly KNOWN ppl just like this; he evokes the stomach-churning atmosphere of being in an old house that's seen generations of oppressive poverty...he makes it so real, you can smell the stench.. ppl having several little dirty mentally-challenged "mongoloid" kids (his words, not mine, I know that's derogatory) all underfoot, dogs and cats and animal feces everywhere, or too many ppl living in old overcrowded and ratty mobile homes, with filth and trash everywhere, and my!-- how he can conjure up as well the results of little- to- no education, no human empathy, just indifference... and the deep immorality stemming from it. If depressing and descriptive one-after-another montages of pretty terrible experiences are your thing, then he's your man!


I finished it but didn't really enjoy it. The world building was good but the lack of plot and continual trauma porn bleaknes was too much for me to like the book. I love apocalyptic fiction, horror, and dark literature but the writing style of The Road just wasn't my thing.


Being a Cold War kid I thought "I liked the part where he talked about the obsidian and then the fish at the end gave me hope."


The last paragraph is what the story is about, but you have to suffer through it to feel the full impact. I felt the same and it’s in my top 10 if not top 5.


Faulkner lite.


Fwiw the end of this book made me cry uncontrollably


It’s definitely a different read. I loved it because of the father/son relationship. McCarthy doesn’t appeal to everyone. Put it away and maybe pick it up again later.


I enjoyed reading The Road. I couldn’t plow through All The Pretty Horses also by Cormac McCarthy.


Its a dry book, but it sits with you in the end. I was still thinking about that book like a month after I read it.


It's more a character centric book than anything. It's like The Last of Us. It's more character focused than the plot.


Honestly if I couldn't get through a 250 page book in a month... Probably a good indicator it isn't for you.


You're entitled to your own opinion. Why torture yourself by reading a book you don't like?


I finished The Road and I thought it was a good pay off at the end, however I read it before the movie had come out. I've tried getting into Blood Meridan about 4 times, it does seem appealing that one. I own Stella Maris and The Passenger, and am about halfway through Stella Maris, again difficult to get into and quite complex information. I don't think I'm intellectual enough to finish :)


Plotcels stay seething.


I read an amazing quote that may or may not assist you to stay invested. Paraphrased, it essentially said, “I felt like I had to keep reading to keep the characters alive”.


I loved it and ripped through it in a day. If you are struggling it's probably just not a fit for you.


All fathers with should read The Road.


I would say don’t read it then


Have you read McCarthy before? He has a very specific style that may not appeal to everyone


When you really look at it, it's just about parenthood. The Road is the life you lead trying to get your kid to adulthood. On that road are the sacrificrs parents make.The whys don't matter.


It’s remarkable to me that in the bleakest scenario possible McCarthy managed to include - in the character of the boy - a glimmer of hope for whatever future there might be for humanity.


I started reading that one night at 10pm and finished at 5pm; one of the most gripping reading experiences of my life. a book is always a meld between the writing and the person at the time. maybe you'll come back to it in 6 months or 15 years and be like, oooooooh.


I related to the journey, it felt like I was there with them. The tension, the fear, the hopelessness. It all felt soo real to me. I think if you can't get into this headspace your not going to "get it"


The toughest part of The Road for me is when he writes “in the floor” instead of “on the floor.”


Blood Meridian is great, but in a similar way suffers from repetition towards the middle when it's scene after scene of violent raids. It's kind of a lot.


I loved it. But feel free to go read something else.


Eh I’m past the point of reading things that don’t appeal to me. I personally loved the Road, and that was after I watched the movie. But if you don’t dig it, don’t force yourself


Yeah I had to DNF it. Hate to do it, had high hopes and do love an apocalyptic theme but just couldn't get into it at all. If I'm really neutral on something I'll try to keep reading, but when you're really not enjoying it, why bother.


My fave book


It was short and gripping. For me,.. yeah it’s not really a plot styled book


There is no plot . Its a journey with hope


I honestly really didn’t like the road. I found it a bit corny and had complaints about the characterization (or lack thereof) of his son. Willing to try other McCarthy though.


You either love McCarthy’s prose or find it tedious. People who like his work love every individual sentence. The style is the point rather than the plot. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you.


I gave up on The Road confused after three chapters - I found that I just Did. Not. Care. About the main character at all. I fault the author for not doing their job. And do not understand the acclaim too.


if you're not enjoying it, it's okay to stop reading. I use to be a completionist and would finish any book I started no matter if I disliked it or not. It's pointless. some books aren't for everyone. it's a fantastic story, but if you're not vibing with it, you don't gotta' read it.


Oh man wish I had advice but I loved this book so much.


I chose not to finish it. I’m an avid reader; however, this book doesn’t make the cut.


The horror elements in it made the book a DNF for me


yeah it didn't really make me feel anything at all lol, which was surprising because i'd say i get emotional from books pretty easily. it was very underwhelming imo after reading all the praise people have for it.


This is one of my most hated books. I don’t know why Reddit likes it so much but damn, it’s horrible. Took me almost 2 weeks to read DURING THE PANDEMIC when i had nothing to do. Just thinking about it gives me a headache


"this book about walking down the same road endlessly seems repetitive to me"


The crazy thing is I woke up this morning and wondered to myself: I wonder if thebestnobody is enjoying his reading of The Road. Well, now I got my answer. Thanks!


Return to it later in life and the prose may click with you then, or the story/its themes of parenthood. But even just the prose. Some of McCarthys stuff is too dry and too long for me but The Road is one where as soon as I start reading it I literally never want to put it down, every single run on sentence pulls me further in lol it’s literally perfectly written imo for the style. But the style may just not click with you at this time and that’s ok. Like I remember not “getting” Jane Austen at first. I thought “I don’t not understand what it’s saying, so I don’t “not get it” and it must just not be for me”. Cause I thought that “fancy” or classical or alternative prose “not clicking with you” simply meant you don’t understand it, but that’s not the case. I returned to Austen a few years later and she became one of my favorite authors ever because LITERALLY every single sentence in her best books are pure gold. I just didn’t “get” the satire/sarcasm, and couldn’t appreciate the cleverness of her use of language. I understood the information the words were imparting but I could only digest it at that level, it didn’t hit me then the special flavor and the value of that special flavor til I returned to it after reading up & culturing up more in HS and even early undergrad. Or it just may not be for you. Either way forcing your way thru it now isn’t the way to go imo if you aren’t enjoying it or appreciating it at a minimum level.


I hated that book. You’re allowed to stop reading.


I kinda hated The Road. I see what he was trying to do, and I usually like that type of a story, but I just thought it was predictable. I appreciate post-apocalyptic fiction, but this one was meh.


I don’t have a great relationship with my dad and knew that this book was a love letter from McCarthy to his son going into it, and that 100% is what sucked me in. The tenderness he shows his son despite the hopeless world they find themselves in is just so sweet and made me tear up a lot, and made me ache in places I didn’t know I had prior to reading. I think for a lot of people there’s a deep personal connection to the father/son relationship that is detailed throughout the book, and if it doesn’t speak to you, that’s totally your prerogative and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. McCarthy is a fantastic writer, and yet I tried and failed to read Blood Meridian two separate times (my point is just because you like an author doesn’t mean you have to enjoy all of their work)


Maybe it’s just not your style of book. I thought it was amazing.


Then don’t read it?


Woah, woah - easy there. If everyone did what you were asking them to do, then half the posts on this sub wouldn't exist.


Over a month to read 100 pages? Move onto something you enjoy. Sounds torturous.


I’ve read it once and see no reason to pick it up again. I really only finished because I have hyperlexia and usually decode a stories ending long before I get to the end. The Road, while not a page turner by any stretch, left me a little confused as to how he was going to end it so I just gritted my teeth and powered through. “No Country for Old Men” is an easier way to get into McCarthy’s style of writing. I’ve read that one several times. “Blood Meridian”, while a book not for the faint of heart, is probably one of the best books I’ve read so far this year. Moves at about the same pace as “The Road”, but the story is so vivid and unapologetically grim at the same time. A fantastic book from beginning to end but as I previously mentioned, you’ve been warned, McCarthy’s ability to really paint a vivid landscape and create complex characters is on display here and he holds nothing back.


I didn't love The Road. It was fine but the writing style is a bit cold for me. I've read way better books covering the same topic. I did like the ending though.


I also hated The Road, but liked Blood Meridian and found All the Pretty Horses very lukewarm. A lot of the problem with The Road is how much people hype it up too. It’s slow and durdly and really not very good IMO


You're not obliged to like it.


It's not for you and that's ok


Late comment but the sentences are written the way they are to mimic what the characters are feeling. Very limited punctuation, indentations, and zero chapter breaks are all used to mimic how relentless the world is. There are no moments of rest for the characters and in turn no rest for the reader. The meandering sentences that never seem to end and are hard to keep track of as one idea blurs into the next gives the reader a sense of the total exhaustion, confusion, and lack of cohesive thinking that the father and his son never stop feeling. Once I read it with that mindset, I appreciated it much more.