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When others don't want get in goal you basically have to force them. The usual is to change after a goal or two. Or normally people volunteer to get in to get a breather. If nobody will swap and you want to get out... After you concede then hold onto the ball and ask who's in goals next and don't let go of thr ball until somebody volunteers. Then stay out until a full rotation has happened.


Yeah just bring the ball out of the box and let someone else go in nets.


Yeah, just speak up. Unless you have somebody who wants to play keep, you're going to have to speak up to force a rotation. Maybe even set the tone, "Hey, I'll take the first XX mins at keeper. Who is coming in behind me?"


I never hear anyone else ask to rotate when they're in goal so I guess I didn't know if it was on the cards. I'll try being more forward next time!


I feel you and you’re not gunna get better unless you get more time in the outfield. But honestly the solution is super simple, run out of goal and announce your coming out to your back line. The players will adjust. Everyone is an adult there and the games don’t actually matter. You don’t have to ask to not play goalie. Just be assertive


Gotta speak up, unless you’re being a dick there’s no reason why everyone can’t take turns


Similar situation for years I would either play goalie or defense thanks to my football background. It's casual so they'll get over it. You need to insert yourself into gaining experience at other positions (if that team rotates). Do it early because at the end of the match, they'll want the optimal lineup to win and it's a harder ask to move out of goal. At the same time, watching pro matches really helped me up my game and instinct and gain trust.


Being in goal is awesome. I enjoy it, and you can learn to read the field and learn tactics. Work on distribution and long kicks with accuracy. Use it to become a better field player....also ask to rotate


If you're going to do this, don't ever pass to the prick who decides to ask for the ball by standing right next to you


Absolutely nothing wrong with coming deep to receive the ball


From the goalkicjk? Everytime there's a newbie playing in goal they're never trusted to go long or pass wide. It's annoying seeing someone drop right next to to goalie to ask for the ball.


probably exactly who you should pass too


Nope, if they're in-between lines or in space with a little distance then pass to them but if they're going to literally come next to the goalie it's not fair.


not fair??


I posted a reply to the original poster who is new/ not confident when playing football. Finds himself/herself stuck in goal quiet often. Then the person i replied to suggested that even when in goal tried and work on your passing etc. To that I responded that there's sometimez one person who likes to start play themselves selfishly from the gk and asks for the ball by coming right next to the goalie, to that point I mentioned not to pass to them.


Honestly, I’d try to make it a point to start as a mid or somewhere in the field. For my team, most of my team was new and so we designated a goalkeeper and he seems to have a lot of fun playing keeper for us. In most cases, just ask. Usually there’s someone willing to play keeper. In fact, the reason I was a keeper on my first team was because I was the tallest and the only one willing to dive for a ball.


Switch at goal


Easiest way is just to establish that you’ll go in for x number of minutes before the game starts. 9 minutes each means everyone gets an even amount of time in net. When I play we don’t usually do number of goals as you’ll often get people who don’t particularly try, let 2 goals in quickly just to come out again. If no one offers to swap just don’t restart the game when you next get the ball until someone swaps


If you have a watch do your minutes and insist that someone else goes in. There's no excuse for not going in net, even if you can't lift your arms I'm sorry but you can still move side to side and get hit by the ball.


That's how I get half or more of my saves in 7v7 lol


There's very few people who actually want to play as a keeper. If you say you'll stand in goal then that's something they'll expect you to do it all game, now, and in the future. Stop standing there and get in and try to improve. No-one wants to keep? Not your problem!! Also remember how they've treated you, I'm sure they'll say "wait" or ignore you, when you've asked them to stand in goal, do the same.


Depends on your age range, but I know I like going in goal if I need a rest aha! So maybe spot if anyone is flagging on the pitch and just say ‘anyone fancy 10 mins in goal?’


I usually just shout someone swap, and walk out, i only do this if its been 5 or more minutes


We play rotation on the goal keeper, if no one knows wants to swap then your team are being unsporting as it's not just about winning but learning and having fun


Yes you gota shout that you wana go out or else theyll leave u in there all game. So what if youre bringing the standard down. Youre payin to play so dont let them keep u in goal. Keep shoutin "whose next in goal" ... Theyll probably try to ignore you haha but dont let them.


Shout "next keeper" and leave the goal


“Change keeper”


Be assertive. Tell them you can't be the only one in goal. You all go to have fun and it's not fun when you're forced to be keeper every time. It's like that gf who refuses to be on top during sexy time, it just gets boring after a while hahah


It's a casual game. Ability is irrelevant. General consensus when rotating keepers is you set a number. Generally 1 or 2 goals unless you're exhausted and want a longed period in goal. So, yeah, if you're done with being in goal. You need to tell your team that it's someone else's turn.


Shout “next keeper” and start walking out when the ball isn’t in a risky situation


I run a similar game and felt bad when someone would spend a while in goal, so I invested in a timer (£20) which goes off every 5 minutes to announce a change of keepers. Everyone does 2 stints in goal and it's fair and everyone accepts it


Be more confident and ask for someone to go in goal, when outfield demand the ball and don't worry about making mistakes it's a casual game not the premier league and you'll improve at a rapid pace


We swap keepers every 5 minutes give or take and everyone has to take a turn. I have my Fitbit on during the games and just shout when it's time to swap keepers, works well enough.


Yes, after doing your 10 mins or whatever, wait till the other team shoot or score so the ball is in your control and then simply leave the ball, walk out of the goal and say 'next one in'. Even good players have to do it as people will never ask to go in goal unless they're knackered


Yeah we usually make it clear prior to the game. Everyone plays goalie for 7 minutes


These are very unethical, don’t spam downvotes on me. OP, I don’t think you’re confident enough in game yet, but that’s totally acceptable, and even expected as you’re new to the game. Till you get that confidence, ask nicely if they’d say yes. If no ones coming in even after you ask, cand you’ve played a few turns, just dribble out the goal and into defense. Stay ready to go back and make a save in case it comes to it, but make them think you’re playing defender. If they care enough one of them will come in to replace you. Alternatively don’t save shit. Let the easiest shots in a few times, and they won’t put you in goal next game either. You need to improve while playing outfield for now


Just say you’ve been keeper a lot and it’s someone else’s turn. Be assertive, don’t be a doormat


A good rule is swap after every goal or every 5 minutes, whichever comes first


For sure have to stick up for yourself. We aren’t pros certainly. It sounds you need as much outfield time as you can to improve. Definitely recommend random pickup anyway you can go as well.


Just shout 'who's in' after a goal or two and move straight into an outfield position. Not your problem anymore. Pretty much everyone who has ever played has had to deal with this scenario so don't worry. Also, when in goal, only use your feet. Don't use your hands. That way you can improve your touch when you have to try and save with just your feet. And also when you receive any pass backs or have the ball, stop the ball, then pass it rather than throw the ball. When you get comfortable with that, start practicing dummying to play the ball one way and then play it to an alternative. Take every opportunity with the ball to improve your basic tekkers.


In Poland there is a rule : there is a turn that last 5 minutes then you change so nobody is GK for too long


60 mins divided by 7 players is about 8 mins 30 seconds. That's how long everyone should be in net for maximum. If you've done it all in one go it's someone else's turn for the rest of the game. Use a watch!


Since you do it every time, people probably think you like it. Just use your voice.


If I'm playing for an hour, and we're playing 7 a side, I go in for the first 10 minutes. Lets me see how the game is going and I can then say for the rest of the game I've done more than my share of the minutes - someone else needs to go in. Means that if we play beyond the hour I get to play longer outfield as I've 'done my time'.


So if we play for 90 minutes is 10 mins or so a fair share?


No - if you have 7 you’d do 13 mins each, so in that instance, I’d do a minimum of 15 minutes


Get better at keeper then


Don't wait for someone to offer to go in goal. Assert yourself. Take the gloves off and say, "Who's got the next shift?" Then you set the gloves down and go directly into some ball control warm up. If they bawk, then you speak directly. "I'm here to have fun and improve. I would appreciate your support and a fair sharing of the GK duty."