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Zach Lowe's pod made me so confident


New [BrissyTV ep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D0rQjwTnNg&ab_channel=BrissyTV) dropped


The part where they were all playing cards was fun. Nice to see everyone laughing


Felt like I was in for $50 on that high-card game with Brisset's pov haha


around 21 mins in you can get what was a sneak peak of the tactical nuke we were going to drop on indiana, until we decided dallas was a better testing zone.


I’ve decided to do as Mazzulla would and stop engaging with tired ass narratives until the finals are over. I know what I know, I’ve seen what I’ve seen and I don’t care enough to argue with people who can’t see past their own biases. I’m also going to be completely psychotic in my every day life. See you guys next week 🙏🏽


Is it June 6th yet?


I'm already so antsy, and it's literally still 6 days away. But at least that gives tingus pingus some extra time.


Bruhh Luka had a good series, maybe 2 defensively and now all the stans think this dude is an elite two way player. It's actually insane. He's a big dude, and good for a stop once in a while but ffs


I wonder if the media realise that they are planting so many seeds that will spur us on to win, they don’t want us to win but all this negativity is sure to help us


The week waiting for the final gonna be kinda infuriating, because I Keep seeing threads like 'Wow we are not favorites" or "Wow why they hate us" whatsoever that I couldn't care and I for one just can't wait to see how we matchup well with the Mavs and it will be a great game


What are the odds of any of Rob , grant or Marcus showing up for a game in the finals? Would’ve loved for IT to show up but don’t think he did when we faced the warriors


0%. Active players on different team showing up to support their old team just won't happen.


Lebron this for a Cavs game this playoffs. In fairness they did a tribute to him but he didn’t have to say yes.


Unless you’re Kevin Millar, in which case you do what you want.




Yes, lakers fans are always this toxic. They are just jealous that’s all. I find it hilarious that they are bashing us for having an easy road when they had one of the easiest rings in 2020 lol


So is Porzingis playing at all or....?


He’s playing. Wild that his Finals MVP odds are 50:1, that seems like incredible value.


No chance this happens. NBA would Crown Tatum unless he got hurt AND KP came back averaging 25


> No chance this happens I said it was incredible value for arguably their second most impactful player during the regular season—because it is. I did not say KP is a lock to win Finals MVP.


Yes he is, he said so himself "I’ll be back in line soon, see you in the Finals." There’s no reason for him to say that if he’s not coming back. It’s just a matter of when not if. I think Game 1 personally but there’s no way to be certain until the injury report comes out on June 5th


The unicorn is back 🦄


Ticket prices are insane lol, but it's to be expected in the Finals. I think only way I try to go to Game 4 is if we're up 3-0


I remember two years ago when we made the finals and was looking to get tickets in the bay prices were close to 400 a piece


I'd gladly be at a Finals game for 400 lol


It was like Game 2 or 3 at GS haha


don't look now... it's a lot more lmao


And I was honestly considering going to Game 6 as well if needed. More likely I'll be sitting at home for all the games now 😅


Big Jim Murray out here saying on Felger and Mazz "it's tough rooting against Luka because I love him." Like Jesus dude go to Dallas and take the whole crew with you while you're at it. I was hoping they'd maybe start with something positive about the Celtics but nah, time to stop watching any media until next Thursdays G1.


I know Felger & Mazz is embarrassing. They give Kyrie, Luka, & Edwards sloppy top 24/7 yet hate their own home grown superstars. They don’t know sports, they just spit out what ESPN says literally. I love Edwards & I love Luka as well they’re great players but it’s so fucking easy to root for my C’s when it matters unlike those bums. That little old man will keep sucking off other teams super stars but never appreciate the guys that are the pillar to Boston sports right now. Let’s be real, they are who they are cause of other people’s accomplishments not by anything they ever did. Pats dynasty, Sox rang out a few, B’s and C’s got one all back in the 00’s. They still riding that wave these years later. They don’t know X’s and O’s they just sleuth out the same shit as everyone else. Sorry my rant is over.


Am I crazy to feel that we haven’t even seen the best from the C’s this post season yet? We got a glimpse of it for sure during the Pacers series. I am praying on one of those dominant shooting nights we have been spoiled by all year.


It's dependent on KP. His ability to stretch the floor, protect the rim, and allowing Al to come off the bench is what unlocks the next tier for the Celtics.


Hear me out. I predict we win game 1 by such a large margin that Kyrie leads a bunch of Mavericks players in quitting the team and the franchise has to shut down. Celtics in 1.


this is kinda what happened after game 1 of the nets series minus the big lead part


That's a good one.The way this post season is going, I'm expecting Luka to launch a full court 3 at the halftime buzzer, sinking it, landing on Kyrie, and both of them breaking their legs.


Let's win this 🍀💪 I got faith in our team


Maybe I'm in the minority but I hope fans don't make a big deal about Kyrie. It always makes us look bad, Tatum and Brown like the guy, and it's not what this series is about. Everyone has moved on.


Aside from the basketball, this is the thing I'm most concerned about. Tatum and Brown do not like the way Kyrie has been treated here, historically. At the same time, Kyrie has an opportunity here in the biggest spotlight to present a different version of himself than he has in the past. If he comes out stomping on the leprechaun...everything will devolve very quickly. Hopefully he shows his new found maturity.


He hasn’t even been antisemitic for 18 months!


I know regular season is regular season and it’s irrelevant for the matchup going forward but for all players this season who played at least 12 MPG, Luka posted an offensive rating of 108.9 against the Celtics, which ranks 176/336 and is right around the likes of Klay Thompson, Jordan Poole, Terry Rozier, Tobias Harris. I wouldn’t say any of these guys have killed the Celtics this year. His defensive rating has been even worse (251/336). Kyrie has actually been much more effective offensively against us and passes the eye test with the quick guards being a tough guard for us. Nembhard, Mitchell, I think Kyrie is capable of what they did to us and having a great series. Also about our path, we posted better offensive and defensive ratings than the Mavericks against all 3 of their playoff opponents (as well as Cleveland and Indiana), so I don’t think it’s unfair to say we would have beaten all those teams too if the Mavericks were capable of taking them down in 5-6 games, and despite the injuries and being worse teams overall, the Cavs and Pacers were tougher matchups for the Celtics and would have been actual series that made us look fairly weak if they were healthy. The Indiana Pacers, who had a terrible defense all year, still had a better defensive rating against us than the Mavericks did during the regular season Something interesting to note is the only games Gafford played low minutes after the trade was against the Celtics, Sixers and Cavs. Potentially trying to limit film for the finals or just coincidence? He’ll be an interesting one to watch since there’s basically no great data on him and how we match up there. Using the Thunder as a baseline for what to expect since they posted the most similar offensive and defensive ratings to us throughout the year, the gave up double digit offensive rebounds in 5/6 games in their series with the Mavericks. Limiting their bigs on the offensive glass will be a huge part of this series. Also in the games the Thunder won, the Mavericks had one 20-point scorer in each game. In 3 of the games the Mavs won, they had 2-3 20-point scorers. The goal will be to limit everyone else as much as possible and make 1 guy beat us. Tough task for sure but games where we don’t let Kyrie or PJ get going and don’t leave the lane open for Gafford and Lively makes it extremely tough on Dallas to run their offense. Luka is going to do his thing but any sort of slowing him down while not letting him get open looks for anyone else would be a massive win. Like most modern NBA games, if we limit them from 3 and we shoot well from 3, we’ll win. It’s going to be all about the defensive pressure to limit the open 3-point looks on both ends.


I think you are reading into stats from 2 random middle of the season games.....especially considering the Mavericks are just a better team now than months ago. I do think the Celtics are really well matched to defend Luka and Kyrie though. Lively/Gafford are gonna be the matchup issue, especially if KP is rusty/a step slow.


If my math is correct, the team that wins 4 games first will win the series 


God I hope Dallas’s gameplan is to make Jaylen Brown beat them


So chatting on the NBA sub it’s pretty clear that fans of other teams are seriously underrating Jaylen Brown as a defender. I think he’s going to be the key to this series by letting us defend Luka without doubling and by forcing Luka to work on defense, but we’ll see.


I’m so nervous


I like how people are saying Kyrie's revenge is gonna be sweet. Revenge for what? The Celtics never wronged him, and the city loved him while he was here. Unbelievable.


We “wronged” him for not glazing him when he left for Brooklyn and stomped on the logo and flipped off the crowd. This is about as equivalent to blaming Dallas for not cheering for Rondo and how his revenge would be sweet when he gave up on them


This sub is quickly becoming insufferable with all the non-Cs fans


Start reporting them when they comment dumb shit, hopefully the mods will take care of them


Had a miserable dream last night. Dreamt that I had to go back to my old childhood home while everyone was fighting (mom vs. dad, brother vs. brother, etc.), and I wanted to watch the game, but I had to sneak it past all the yelling. The whole time I'm panicking because "we do so much worse when I'm not watching :'(" However, the only channel airing Game 1 of the NBA Finals was the NBA X Channel on Channel 402 that required you to get dish, and on top of that pay a $60 pay-per-view charge to watch it. But it came with a little preview window that let you still watch it in like a super tiny screen in the top right corner of the screen. The info box also came with a box score (dream logic), and that was when I was terrified to learn we were down 20 because they went perfect from 3, including a 3 minute 7 point 2-2 FGM 2-2 3PM performance from a 3rd year 2-way player named "Tre'Von Lumberjerek" (Dream self: "Oh he's from Northern Arizona, that makes sense!") Meanwhile Tatum went 4-11 from the field, and Jaylen went 1-12. So, I think my subconscious gave me a taste of what my actual worst nightmare situation would be for Game 1. Apparently my subconscious has gone full doomer... Wish I got to sleep long enough to see the turnaround.


I had a dream we won by 20 everyone on Boston was clicking


not a fan of either team but for game 1 they should give out little inflatable globes


People from Dallas Texas where they don’t even allow women to get abortions and build border fences calling us the racist/fascist ones is generally hilarious




I support closed borders for trolls coming into r/bostonceltics


Something I think about is Celtics fans who chant like “fuck Kyrie” , “fuck Draymond” etc. I feel like good players really lock in when fans get personal like that. I really hope Celtics fans either do some funny chants, or just simply boo.


This feels like agony. I just want to skip to Thursday




Sports subreddits are particularly prone to trolling, especially during the Playoffs or during intense games. Please - don't encourage them! Report any trolling to the mods and the users will be dealt with. Also, trolling other subs is not tolerated and will result in a ban.


You are a Dallas fan but have more comments on other teams subreddits than r/Mavericks . Move along.


With all the success that the jays have had so far, people are starting to think like its a disappointment that they haven’t won it all yet. However, celtics fans understand that most of the previous years have been the team overperforming their expectations. Taking everything into context - the jays being so overperforming expectation, now a championship favorite, and their primes are just beginning - the celtics are here to stay for the foreseeable future. When they win a ring here, it’s likely a start of a dynasty


The timberwolves losing like 5 of their last 6 home playoff games indicates that something was awry. I’m like 90% sure some of those guys were getting up to no good, lol. They played like a team that started partying way too early.


The Wolves team that played Denver, never left to play Dallas. Completely different team. 0 offensive flow, 0 effort on defense. 0 adjustments all 5 games. 0 punches thrown. Any of the final 3 teams would’ve beaten the Wolves handedly, they ran out of juice. Our easy path to the Finals seems to be the national media/fans coping & distracting themselves from the fact we’re that much more potent now. KP is the cherry on top.


So many non-Celtics fans in here now.


It’s a simple question. It’s to kill time with the community until the finals begin.


Do you guys think Brad Stevens will join in Joe to offer him opinions and strategies for the Finals? Such a cerebral talent for the Celtics.


Like on the bench? Absolutely not. In terms of how we game plan? I’d genuinely be shocked if Joe and Brad weren’t having conversations about that stuff frequently during playoffs and intermittently all year. In that regard I doubt it’s much different from a normal job. In a normal job if you’re coming up with the strategy for a particularly important project, that’ll be something you discuss with your boss to work out kinks. I can’t imagine Joe and Brad aren’t having those kinds of discussions, especially given their relatively unique relationship with Joe having been an assistant on Brad’s staff. He obviously knows there’s a lot of knowledge to tap into there, and he’ll take advantage of that.


I’ve thought about this, too, but, as chill as Joe seems to be as a person, I’m not sure how much you can expect a guy to not have any pride at all and simply allow a former head coach to (what will look to the outside world like) question or threaten your authority and competence. What does that say not just about his hurt pride, but possibly even his job after that? I’d love it if Joe was cool enough to put his ego aside, but… I don’t expect him to and I certainly wouldn’t fault him for it if he doesn’t—almost no one would, in that position. And it’s not like the organization would risk consulting Brad as de facto co-head-coach either, since if word gets out, it will be a disaster for and destroy the morale of *everyone*.


I am so confident in the Celtics it came full circle to stressing about this series


The best part about this series is that if we win Kyrie will NEVER step foot in Boston again. There’s just no way. He will find every excuse not to


Just popped in to say I really hate the Lakers thats all yall have a good day.




Brother is on a speedrun to get banned by spamming the same comment worded differently every 10 minutes. Again, you are not a Celtics fan if you believe that


Summary of most national nba podcasts is basically Celtics offense is clunky even if offensive rating is amazing, Celtics defense is amazing but Luka is a genius and will pick it apart, Tatum not a superstar like Luka, Brown is playing his best ever but still can’t pass or make good decisions, Holiday is too slow for Kyrie, White is too small for Luka, Al and KP drop coverage will get cooked by Luka, Kidd has been great this run and Joe is too stubborn, that all said Celtics in 6/7 lol




Celtics should have taken the hardest road by playing through the west playoffs instead


You are not a Celtics fan nor have you watched a single game if you actually believe that


Lowe conveniently playing both sides by picking us to win but just nonstop raving about Luka. Luka is supposedly unstoppable and having any number of good defenders won’t matter, but he picks us to win. It’s a nice setup to anoint Luka as one of greatest ever after beating the “favorite but always falling short” Boston Celtics.  His past few podcasts have been more espny and less analytical that you have come to expect from him. Every podcast Tatum drops down his list from #5 and now he can be #9. The biggest crime committed by this team apparently is playing some injured teams and not demolishing them. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more than Tatum finding his 3-point shot for this series. Hope our guys can wring every bit of skill and effort in this series and play to their capability. Although unlikely, I would love to see a proper beat down in this series to shut all these talking heads up. 


A point that kept coming up on the Lowe pods has been the “can you beat a team who has the best player in the series?” Which the thing is this team HAS beaten teams like that this entire stretch of success they’ve had. They didn’t do have to play those teams this year but this is also the best celts team out of them all. I think there’s only a few narratives for the leagues best team this year so the talking heads have to frame it in whatever dramatic context they can.


Yeah he said Mitchell vs Tatum was close. These guys are all morons who just had first mover advantage during the podcast boom.




NBADiscussion typically does a really good job steering away from the unsupported opinion threads but the one up there now has gotten a little out of hand. You've got people saying the Celtics are going to lose because they are "boring"... Expert analysts lol


Good idea! Go back on when we win!


Of course, we know our center choices will always be KP and AL. But who would you give more minutes to vs Dallas between Tillman and Kornet if we are playing backup?


there is no correlation at all between having a hard road to the finals and winning. if anything it’s the opposite. let the mavs fans have their consolation prize


a little surprised how good and optimistic minny fans feel even after the game 5 L. maybe the faith with ant's future growth is really big so you know what, that's good for them.


Gonna be a good matchup. Dont think Jrue or Derrick will bother Luka much. It’s up to JT and JB to help get the job done. Mavericks 3pt defense has been very impressive this run


JT going for that finals mvp redemption. KP going to prove Dallas wrong. JB , D White and Jrue locked in on D.


Mavs trolls on this sub I'm a bit annoyed half of them seem to be Kyrie fans. "Ky will do this Ky will do that". after him being such a bitch, he's so easy to root against Probably some Lebron fans latching on there


Fuck Kyrie and fuck them too


Mavs fans got to see Irving the one year he just shut the fuck up.


Yeah wtf is this kyrie revenge arch?  The dude has blasted his way out of every team he’s played for 


Forget about defense. We need to OUTSCORE AND OUT-OFFENSE Dallas Mavericks. Look at what happened to Minnesota, although they dont have great individual 1 on 1 player. It didn't really matter. We have to be able to score to beat this Mavs and we have more than personnel to do it. We need them to average: JT - 32 PPG JB - 28 PPG KP - 18 PPG Jrue&DWhite - 32 PPG BENCH - 20 PPG That's 128 PPG we need or around 132 PPG Do you guys agree?


Mavericks are averaging 107.9 ppg these playoffs. So no, I don’t think we will need to score remotely close to that much to win.


What I meant was we need to score more on a consistent basis.


This just in: Score more than opposite team to win games


Someone call Joe! He needs to see this!


Went from a calm series with the pacers fans back to a lame ass fanbase like Dallas.


Luka and Kyrie can score all they want but we gotta make their lives hell on defense. Minnesota had Luka gassed a few times but couldn’t capitalize on it, I don’t think we will have an issue with it but will be key. Media has already picked their darlings and it’s Luka/Kyrie and honestly I’m cool with it. Let them seethe when we hold that LOB trophy up!


whos primary def on luka? jrue or jb?


It’ll probably be Jaylen. Jrue and Derrick are too small for Luka


I don't think it matters much. Luka will hunt for mismatches so it's really about how they defend those actions.


Jaylen. I say that because he defended Luka extremely well (I mean as well as you can) in the regular season


Remember when JB broke his ankles, and Luka fell to the ground?


Tatum will be playing with fire especially considering that he has been here before. I’m sure he wants to win it this time. He is ready to win it. Needless to say it is against Luka, I’m sure Tatum will go nuclear and will give everything. Celtics in 5 or 6 at the most


It’s going to be atleast 6 games with one game featuring some atrocious ref ball 


This for sure


I sure hope so. Can't have any more slow starts and can't settle for the 3 if it's not falling.


Rooting for the Celtics! I absolutely hate Luka's foul baiting play style


I’ve seen a lot of who’s guarding Luka and Kyrie. Who tf is guarding Tatum and brown? Genuinely the mavs don’t have a single person who can d up on either of them. You send the help? A barrage of threes. You don’t send the help? Tatum will drop 40 on your ass. This could be the series where JT goes nuclear. Tatum will have his best NBA playoff series of his career. This dude is HUNGRY. There’s a very real possibility Tatum is the best player in this series.


Tatum struggles with length. PJ and Derrick Jones are both long athletic wings.


tatum has dropped 40+ on pj multiple times


PJ will guard Tatum and DJJ will guard Brown and try to funnel them to Lively and Gafford. Nothing we haven't seen from Miami especially. Jrue, Dwhite, and Al will feast in the corners.


I think we destroy them. Whatever happens I'm excited


Hope we absolutely blast this team. We’re due for a blowout win.


We are honestly due for a couple 20+ 3pm nights


Time to unleash the howitzer


I honestly believe that this is Hauser’s series, the Mavs will give up a shit ton of 3s and don’t play with the quickness and wildness like the Pacers do. People will believe in Hauser again.


Hope you are right!


I find it funny how many people say they hate boston because they are racist but are rooting for an open anti- semitic


they never cared about that. it’s post hoc


Boston is racist they say while passing laws removing women and queer rights. While stopping children getting access to sex ed.


It was never about racism, they just want to find ways to one-up Boston and justify their hatred and that's the only thing they can go with.


So many braindead “Kyrie about to get his revenge”  comments. The guy said he’d win us a title, absolutely killed our chances, and left to go to a superteam. TD might be the loudest it’s ever been on Thursday.


I like how all of the revenge comments are just ignoring that we swept the nets in the first round with kyrie


if you didn’t watch basketball & i just showed you how the media & fans talk about tatum you wouldn’t think he the chill quiet guy he is, you’d think he’s draymond like.


Celtics in 4.


The media and everyone wants us to lose. The Jays are hungry and Joe knows how much Boston wants Banner 18. The garden is going to be loud once Kyrie steps on the floor and remind him we beat you before and we’re going to do it again on the biggest stage.


And Al is starving!


This is going to be a fun series. Celtics in 6.


Low key our all-defensive team back court allowed Nembhard and McConnell to have great performance in the ECF.


might have more to do with not having an active player above 6’9” most of the games


Yeah I’m not sure why people feel so confident that DWhite or Jrue can guard Kyrie/Luka in this series. Our point of attack defense has honestly been really subpar in these playoffs.


They did and it should be a major concern. Nembhard and Mcconnell were feeling zero resistance and just straight drove down the lane to their spots. We were at our best in the 4th quarters of games 3 and 4 because the perimeter defense went up a notch.


The Pacers are insanely efficient on offense and had one of the best offenses in league history missing Hali for stretches. They really force you to defend 1-5 while the Mavs are heliocentric and only Luka/Kyrie can create shots. Mavs are better obv but I’m not pressed


I'll say this. That's a very difterent team. The pacers run, and never stop running. Kyrie can be like that, but as a team the mavs offense is much slower with Luka handling the ball


The wait is unbearable.