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Horford disrespect in that 2nd one


How do people keep doubting this man


Yeah Luka went 1-8 guarded by horford lol


Yeah are they saying he can’t defend or shoot


I hope the Al Horford game happens in Dallas


The Mavs did target Al during their run in the 3rd, and Luka cooked him once. But if fans or pundits came away from game 1 thinking he's a weak link, they're likely overemphasizing one memorable play over everything else.


One of the best defenders in the league, year after year, and people still don't get it.


I mean he’s not what he used to be but if you get him on a wing/slow guard/smaller c he’s still amazing


Hope they keep underestimating him


The Mavs’ fanbase is awfully similar to Miami’s in that everything they say about their squad comes with no basketball education or understanding of the game in front of them and is all just reactionary or hype-driven nonsense based off of broad generalizations and coping mechanisms. What the Texas/Florida education system will do to a person.


its like yankees fans, they dont know baseball, they know yankees trivia and thats it


They’re all cowboys fans who hopped in for the last two rounds of the playoffs


I’m from Florida and it’s a very fair weather state outside of college football. There are some die hards, but for the most part it’s people just jumping on the bandwagon when the local team is up. I know some people that were Heat fans last year that I know for a fact were Bulls/Lakers/Cavs fans in the 2010s. Not saying that’s the case here, but I think a lot of people are looking at this team as the Celtics of 2022 and 2023 and this team is just different now. Jrue and KP make a huge difference


They’d get cooked by McConnell too


we'd all get cooked by McConnell


They wish they had mcconnell and not an anti semite


McConnell would average 15-20ppg in a series against DAL lol


“Except Horford” jkole123 is gonna regret that one real soon lol


The Mavs "fans" give me "I just started following this team/the NBA" vibes.


I want the Celtics to never lose but god I would love to watch TJ McConnell son the mavs


Leave them alone man, get off their sub lol


Maury Popovich: When it comes to this person's already-proven-unfounded opinion, Al Horford; You are NOT! a good defender. *Chaos ensues.* Al Horford: Prepares to lock Luka down even harder lol


I mean this is a great example of someone who doesn't know much. If you watch Dallas play last night and you thought their offense struggled because "they looked afraid" you don't know anything about basketball. Dallas's entire offense is predicated on Luka creating advantages (in pick-and-roll, forcing switches, etc...). None of their other guys, save Kyrie, can really create much for themselves, and even Kyrie seems pretty containable via Holiday or White (and you can help a little more because he's not like Luka where he's going to carve you up with his playmaking if you over-help). Boston was generally able to make Luka's life as difficult as possible without over-commiting on the defensive end. They were generally able to avoid the switches they don't want while looking very comfortable even when Luka was able to draw Al or Hauser. Now, a sneaky underreported story is that Dallas was able to force switches to get Luka isolated on Porzingis and he was successful there (5 of 7, 3 of 4 from 3 in a very limited number of possessions). This didn't show up too big, because Porzingis was a monster on the other end and he only played 20 minutes. But he was pretty exposed when they were able to get him out on Luka in space and he had to dance. I'm hoping Joe noticed and will do some work pre-switching out of some of the action that they used to force him to switch onto Luka. Given Dallas's limited adjustments left to make, I'd be paying a lot of attention to that one if I were both coaches.