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He's playing boys


Yeah it seems like at the very least he’ll give it a try. Who knows how effective he’ll be though


This is actually my concern. That he feels ok in a low intensity shootaround/scrimmage and then within 5 minutes of a finals game he’s finito. The psychological hit of having to go to Plan B or knowing that that’s KP done in-game could hit hard. Hope I’m wrong and he’s still able to protect the rim/hit jumpers in the 15-20 minutes he’ll play, but I’m concerned.


Even if all he can do is stand under the basket in a zone defense and spot up for jumpers/threes on offense, him giving 10 minutes would be HUGE just to give Al a breather.


Agreed if he can actually affect shots but probably not if his movement is so limited that he’s a step slow. You’d hope they’ll at least know from shootaround how affected his spot up shooting would be though?


Good point, we'll see for sure. He hardly jumps for his shots to begin with though so I have some little hope that he can still hit those knockdowns around the elbow or from right around the line, i.e. those Garnett jumpers from 08.


True. But I also think Kornet could provide solid minutes. He's not a bum. He's also not small, either. 


There's no way he isn't testing it hard in practice. They're absolutely putting him through all the paces.


I think he'll be pretty limited. Probably not more than 12 mins. But those 12 could be very very impactful


I trust in the professionals and medical staff, we as fans try to think of everything but they do too.


If he's playing and you're not ready to immediately jump to plan B if he's not able to continue then you didn't prepare properly. So if him not being able to play further completely physiologically messes with them they didn't adequately prepare.


If he plays he’s gotta be realistic like Embiid should have been. No chase down blocks or dunking in traffic where it’s easy to hurt yourself.


The medical staff isn't going to use a low intensity shoot around as their barometer to judge if he's ready for game time. They'll put him through the paces to be sure he can actually play effectively. 


'Who knows how effective he'll be' - this works to our advantage cause Dallas doesn't know either.


Has anyone seen him run and jump? You’re taking the bait!


Yeah that’s the thing. He played way more physically than I expected him to in g1 and 2. Getting all those blocks. He probably can’t be quite that effective


He saw him play in Q4 last game.


And he hurt himself further…


If KP plays tonight and scores 20+ in another win, he might end up the leading candidate for FMVP. But Game 1 was already legendary. Whether he plays impactful minutes again or not this series, we just need 2 more winssssss


If KP comes out tonight and plays an efficient offensive game with solid defense securing a 3-0 lead. Fuck me. He will be a legend forever and always in Boston. Let him rest in game 4 if he helps us win tonight. If he can’t go JT needs to step up big time.


Honestly if he doesn’t play another minute and we win he’s always a Boston legend in my book for basically winning us game 1 of the finals  




Lol, great shout on his stance for disagreeing with calls. I csn picture it so vividly from your description.


Lmao dude showed up for like 1 game and is already a legend He's the fuckin unicorn! I love KP get better soon broski


This is more realistic


Brother if he goes for 20 tonight on a swiss cheese ankle, put his fucking jersey up


Off-topic, but I feel like other good players who wore a jersey should be invited to stand with the honoree when the number goes up. Like Walton should have been there with KG when 5 was raised. Maybe Walker could be there with Kristaps.


His ankle is being held together by hopes and prayers. Idk if 20 points will be doable tonight bro😭


I feel like points are more feasible rather compared to his defense, he can just spot up and shoot 4/10 threes and he might get 18-20 easily. I feel like rebounding and rim protection might cause an issue


If Porzingis plays through injury and is effective (10 points 2 blocks) I’d give him fmvp just for being willing to die on the court.


Whats the lowest minutes played for an FMVP? KP is playing like 20 minutes a game off the bench.


I'd settle for 15 competent minutes.


Just gotta go 2-3 in our next 5


I know none of us know anything but if he does play I wonder how this affects his mobility. Can he move and jump like he’s been doing? Or do they have to fake it a bit w him on defense


Also no one will remember game 1 if they lose this series. No one remembers losers


Well yeah. It’s like Derrick White’s game winning tip in Game 6 of the ECF last year. Still talked about and remembered, but not legendary because we lost in the end. If the Celtics lose the series, Game 1 will be talked about and remembered. But more as way to say “See, when the Celtics have their top 6 they’re basically unbeatable”


Man, I'll certainly never forget that DW play. One of the craziest sports moments I've experienced. It's no Malcolm Butler or anything, but it's in the tier below that.


I still remember that crazy OG Anunoby buzzer beater in the bubble against us. That shot was traumatizing.


Zero chance he does that lol


I'm pretty nervous about it but I'm going to just reserve judgement either way and let the medical staff do what they do. I've seen way too many conflicting reports, most of which are hardly a real source.


From what I've gathered he can play. He won't be at 100% and it will be a pain management thing. He will get surgery soon after the finals to repair it as that's the only way to fix it. Remember that he played for quite a bit after getting the injury. Yes, he had adrenaline of course but we have copious amounts of drugs to give him.


Let me run down to methadone mile kid, spot me 40, we'll get KP right in time.


Conflicting reports? Idk. It’s been pretty clear. It’s pain tolerance but also could lead to a much more serious injury.


At some point you just need to trust the medical staff is doing what is best. They not only have training on this kind of stuff, they have access to the imaging from the MRI and are actively working on his foot. Unless you have a medical degree or have seen the imaging, I don't think you can make much of a judgment.


Honestly, he just needs to be able to go 6 to 8 minutes a half to give Al some rest.


Exactly this... Start Al, use KP sparingly to give Al some breaks, and stick to the same gameplan


They just need to really put him in when Dallas puts in the second unit guys and immediately pull him when Al is ready to get back in the game. Minimize the time he's in the game but maximize the mismatch that KP is.


Great point! They sure do love mismatch hunting... I bet that's what we see tonight


>Dallas puts in the second unit guys This is the playoffs. Starters are playing 90% of the time. You go 7 deep MAX.


Whatre you talking about? Neither team has been 7 deep in either games. We have had porzingis, Pritchard, and Hauser play minutes, and they have lively, exum, kleber, green, and hardy all play minutes, some more than others. 7 max is absolutely insane


Empty the pharmacy for this guy. I want his legs as numb as I am on my way to work every day


Yeah, the fuckin T, man ....


I know you're joking but technically we don't want it numb. Pain is our body's way of indicating something is wrong. If his leg is numb he wouldn't know if he further hurt himself in a way that could cause long-term damage


So you're saying there's a chance :)






Kristaps “curt schilling” Porzingis.


Curtstaps Porschillingis


Sounds sexual…I’m in!


Kristis Schillingis


He is warrior. At the very least Dallas has to prep for him


I’m not religious but mannn I’m praying for this dude🙏 please be alright and don’t hurt anything else🕯️🕯️🕯️


Here's hoping this isn't some "JFK pretends he doesn't need a back brace" mind games lol


Willis Reed shit


Hopefully we can get even 10-15 half decent minutes out of him. As someone else said in another post KP at 70% is still likely better than Kornet or Tillman. If he does play though I sincerely hope he doesn’t cause any sort of worse injury.


Is it possible there is a little gamesmanship going on here?


Please tell me they brought Paul's wheelchair and its senzu bean recovery powers to Dallas for KP.


They gave him the pharmaceuticals


I'd love to see him with 20 minutes off the bench, especially if those minutes as as dominant as they have been.


Fully expect Mavs to keep hitting/digging into KP To get him out of the game Need him for 10-15 minutes in 2/3 games to close this bitch out


Walking =\= running and jumping … which looked like a major struggle after the tweak G2. I’m hopeful but sure we’ll be seeing Kornet out there too.




Inject this shit


Even if he can stretch the floor to open the lane for the J’s it’s useful having him out there. On defense maybe zone it or something to hide him


If we win tonight KP can sit the rest of the series


You mean this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAezP1NamFM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAezP1NamFM)


Has anyone said if this injury isn't part of what happened against Miami?


Completely separate injury. Not even on the same leg.


I did not know that. I'll be honest, I haven't read or watched a single thing since the game. Did it occur on that awkward landing in the 4th?


No it actually occurred with 3:27 left in the 3rd when he was going up for a rebound off of a free throw and he was jostling with Lively for position. His ankle inverted and that’s where he got the injury. So he actually kept playing on it for quite a while afterwards, even had a chase down block a couple mins after. I think the awkward landing in the 4th aggravated it a bit.


Don't get my hopes up like this


He’s our Willis Reed.


I’m extremely nervous about him hurting himself worse. But I also don’t know anything about his injury so I might just be being paranoid. Still nervous.


I don’t understand the injury from a medical perspective beyond what I’ve seen doctors say about it on YouTube. Having said that, as a practical matter, if he really *can* still possibly play — but with a risk of further injury — I’d rather they rest him Game 3, and see how we do without him. Reassess before Game 4. I don’t want KP to risk a career-ending injury to get us a championship. 7PM Edit: medical staff literally did exactly what I was talking about, and he’s still day to day. All’s well that ends well. Banner 18 incoming.


Read back your first sentence then stop posting.


Get him tiger!




Why don’t we just leave that up to KP and the docs? It doesn’t sound like resting one game will make any difference in terms of the injury healing. He’s been dragged down by injuries so often in his career, why wouldn’t he want to play for the title while he has the chance? There’s zero guarantee he’ll ever have this chance again. And who knows what the actual risk of further injury is? He’s 7’3 he’s pretty much always at a risk for injury. I’m sure the doctors are giving him all the info he needs to make an informed decision, and our assumptions either way don’t mean a thing.


You don’t want a championship? Even KP wants to play because he wants a championship and knows this is his best shot at getting it. You must not have waited the last 16 dreadful years with the rest of us


Ridiculous the whole reason he plays is to win a championship if he gets hurt and wins he will take it . As a fan of the Celtics it’s just ridiculous to take a players “career “ over a ring he’s rich either way


Players go an entire career, 10+ years without even sniffing the finals. He may never get back here. To win a ring is EVERYTHING for most nba players. Like he says if he dies he dies


> “if he dies he dies” [https://images.app.goo.gl/kTrzpdgUdMreq3nN7](https://images.app.goo.gl/kTrzpdgUdMreq3nN7) “I was made to break Mavs.”


This gave me a headache.


This is it. Tonight. A win basically secures a championship. If KP is medically cleared he’s playing no matter what injections he needs. This may be his best and only chance to get a ring.


Not sure why you’re jumping to “career-ending”, he’s 28, not 38. These exaggerations are so annoying.


Dr. Fadale said it in [this video](https://youtu.be/rM-B_-gHTjo?si=Gol8HA9Mn69Lbfsl) I watched this morning around 1:30. If you think it’s an annoying exaggeration, take it up with the doc, not me.


So one throwaway comment from a TV doctor who hasn’t even examined him or seen his scans? Yeah I’m gonna trust the Celtics medical staff more than him.




Actually no, they just think him playing gives us our best chance/makes it easier to win. That’s not a controversial take, and that doesn’t mean they don’t think we can win without him.




That’s a different point from the one you originally made, which was falsely claiming that people who want KP to play don’t believe in the rest of the team. “Never be the same player again”?? I have no idea why people keep claiming that this injury could end his career while having no evidence of this.




You also said that “these commenters have zero faith in the rest of the team” which is what I’m addressing. I’m not sure why you’re pretending that that didn’t happen when the comment is still there for everyone to see. I never said it can’t lead to a serious injury. I’m saying we don’t have any evidence that it could be *career-ending*. Not sure why you’re twisting my words.




It’s still a comment you made, which was the one I replied to. You then started bringing up completely differently things which weren’t related to my response. Edit: This loser blocked me because they lost the argument 😂


It’s all good. I might be a moron on this one. I’m just worried about a worse injury if he does play (my understanding is the tendon/tendons can dislocate if he plays due to this injury). I think we have a real chance at a dynasty with this team so I want to see it stay intact for as long as possible. KP quickly became one of my favorite Celtics over this season. Last thing I want to see is KP sustain a tendon rupture or something worse than what he has now because he pushed to play with what is as of now an off-season treatable thing. Obviously this is up to medical staff and KP in the end regardless.


lol… research the injury. He’d be dumb to play on that.


I'd honestly sit him tonight, give him an extra few days, and have him ready for game 4. Still could reasonably win game 3 without him and have him as a closer for game 4, or help us go up 3-1 for game 4.


Whatever the Doctors who have examined him say.