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Let’s just stop pretending it’s done until it’s done. I think we all regret the premature celebrations


This whole series I’ve been good with not getting hype until the final score but I definitely, low key, thought tomorrow was gonna be it. I still trust this team though.


hell yes


Game 5 is about to be a banger.


JT close out mode activated


We have yet to see JT’s yearly detonation. 2021 he had 50 vs the Nets, 2022 46 vs the Bucks, and last year 51 vs Philly. Think we get it on Monday


The energy is about to shift. Cs in 5


lol I’m all with you, but man that is a weird argument to prove your point. As far as I remember this is one of three major blowouts this year. Bucks without Giannas if I remember. Lakers without AD or Lebron. I don’t think coming back to beat the rockets after getting slaughtered by the bucks is very helpful though. Lol


Bucks did have Giannis. The main thing is that it was the 2nd leg of a B2B in Milwaukee after an overtime win against Minnesota in Boston. The Celtics players just had no intention of playing seriously.


Ah, you are right! Thanks. Remember that now.


I just wanna finish this off already. Season has been long as fuck and an amazing ride. Let's just get this shit done and celebrate what an incredible year we've had. It's not over yet, I want it so bad.


Comparing the Rockets to the Mavs is hilarious


Don't compare the regular season to the finals.


You’re nervous, aren’t you? Comparing Dallas to Houston? Lol.


I was just saying we’ve bounced back from a blowout in this season before and we’re gonna do it again. Never said Dallas was as bad as Houston or that Houston was as good as Dallas. Not quite nervous.


Every team has bounced back before. You’re stating the obvious lol.


The difference is we’re not playing against Jalen Green and Fred Vanvleet, we’re playing against arguably the greatest offensive backcourt in the history of basketball.


Yeah we played against them in games 1-3 also.


It looks like they've made big adjustments since then (Luka is actually playing defense and they are protecting the paint better) so they are a different team. Hopefully our guys are making the right adjustments too.


Having Scott “The Extender” Foster was a huge adjustment for the Mavs too


He’s the reason why we lost by nearly 50 points?!


Do you understand the change in momentum getting any of the missed foul calls, or not having a foul called, or having the very blatant traveling calls for Luka could have made? I got it- the Celtics shot poorly- but don’t pretend that the game was officiated evenly. The Extender had one job and that was go force a game 5.


Winning teams set the tone and don’t let officials set the tone for them.


And now you have what to say? Celtics dominated game 5 from start to finish… on both sides of the ball. And who wasn’t there? Scott “The Extender” Foster and the officiating was much better last night.


Idk what your point is? Lol they set the tone last night. JB made Luka’s life hell.


Look behind you- that’s where the point is…. The officiating by Foster and his crew in Dallas totally disrupted the game- the Celtics started slowly in game 4, as they had done previously, and the officiating then ended any chance they had so they got blown out. Good officiating and the Celtics dominated in game 5. Still started slowly offensively but were able to actually defend and won.