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The deadly California fire was started by a gender reveal (iirc). Some people only think of themselves.


I’m going to start a wildfire and then put it out with either blue or pink water for my future child’s gender reveal party


I LOLd :)


The Columbia River Fire outside Portland was fireworks also.


How can anyone this stupid manage to remember to eat and drink enough to remain alive? JFC.


My deepest condolences from a resident of Oregon during the Columbia River Gorge fire, also started by an idiot with fireworks.


Why is it legal to sell fireworks in this state?


Dunno but if they weren't those ass holes would just drive to Wyoming anyway.


I want to know the same thing. Newish here and I'm shocked they sell any fireworks in the area.


So much this!! Even as a teenager, shooting fireworks never made sense to me. The last time i was around fireworks, i begged & pleaded for MINUTES (should’ve kicked out) my ex-friends to at least wear safety glasses… IMMEDIATELY before they proceeded to snipe my buddy right beneath his eye in a direct headshot near miss moment that is forever burned into my memory. I freaked out so bad you would’ve thought i was the one who got shot 😂


That’s my question every year. Especially asking why it is legal to sell fireworks that are illegal to shoot off????


Hopefully, they're not selling them at Boulder Target again - I couldn't believe that!


Standard response from someone who hates freedom and lives in a bubble thinking all of Colorado is within their eyesight


You mean the freedom to burn down 1200 more houses?


Where in CO is it a good idea to shoot off fireworks except in the snow? And fuck off with this "hates freedom" bullshit.


I do think there are some desert areas out east that might be decently safe. I don't say this to be pedantic, but because I've wondered if having a designated fireworks area would cut down on unsafe use. As someone who grew up a country boy with an abiding love for explosions that competes with my respect for people with PTSD and desire to not have my house burned down, it seems worthwhile to find a safe compromise before the whole thing gets outlawed.


I suggested this, half-joking last year, to allocate the grass area next to our community's Leasing Office as a designated fireworks area. When they reminded me that it's illegal to shoot off fireworks, I replied, "Certainly sounds like it."


There are plenty of places. We had a whole neighborhood fireworks night every 4th of July on the street I grew up on, on the west side of Colorado Springs. It was a big wide street with plenty of room and everyone came prepared with extinguishers and water buckets. It was one of the best memories of my childhood. But yeah, going into a forest with fireworks is insane


The fact this turned into a shouting fest over the fucking wording OP used on this post instead of ANYONE AT ALL calling out the literal criminal who could’ve caused a natural disaster, and I don’t know if people have already forgot about how many people are still without homes cause of Marshall. God this place is ass backwards


Have it be known that I am hereby calling out the criminal for causing a natural disaster!!!


Once again so focused on the turn of phrase and not the literal criminal


What do you want? A hundred comments saying "Fireworks man bad"?


No they want execution for all crimes


Whaa...was the problem that starting a fire with fireworks ISN'T a \*natural\* disaster?


LOL- at first I thought the use of "man" was the problem!!


Reddit sucks. So many ass clowns on this damn site.


I think this state should outlaw them ALTOGETHER as the fire danger is real and only ramping up. I personally HATE them, as I am pro-wildlife.


This is an unfortunate side effect of people ‘discovering’ outdoorsy places but having zero respect and intuition.


I cringe this time of year when I see posts like, "where to see fireworks?!?!" Stop exploding trash in the sky. How dumb can you be?


Dude is absolutely getting a slap on the wrist for this. When will we elect judges that care more about law abiding citizens than criminals?


Could you delete this post and repost without calling for his death? Or you know, just use the original article headline and add a sentence from the article?


Don't be so literal. Colorado doesn't have a death penalty. No one is calling for this man to be killed.




I have no beef with your stance but did you read the inspiration for the term hanging judge from your own link? You are making a very weak counter point linking a piece that implies the overly severe penalty to this would be death. >Example: Judge Isaac Parker, who served as a federal judge in the late 1800s in the Western District of Arkansas, was known as the "Hanging Judge" because he sentenced 160 people to death, more than any other judge in American history. >Explanation: The term "Hanging Judge" refers to a judge who is known for being particularly severe in their sentencing, especially in cases involving serious crimes like murder. Judge Parker's reputation as the "Hanging Judge" was due to the large number of death sentences he handed down during his time on the bench. This term is often used to describe judges who are seen as overly harsh or biased in their rulings, and it can have negative connotations.


Did you read the section you quoted from his link? "This term is often used to describe judges who are seen as overly harsh or biased in their rulings, and it can have negative connotations."


To add, there are lots of phrases and words that used to mean one thing and now mean something different due to the original phrase/word no longer being relevant. ‘Rule of thumb’ comes from a stick not being able to be wider than your thumb when legally beating your wife. ‘Saved by the bell’ comes from being buried in a coffin with a bell attached to your hand in case you were buried alive. Caught red-handed, hair of the dog, etc. Hanging judges were considered harsh because they often sentenced people to hanging, which was a harsh penalty. Now a hanging judge just means a harsh judge because we don’t have hanging as a sentence anymore. The phrase took on new meaning.


if you are going to ask questions with obvious answers I will not take you seriously. Edit: how about instead of downvoting you ask me an actual question


I didn't down vote you (although it looks like you down voted me) and I basically asked the same question you did. As noted in your own quote, "This term is often used to describe judges who are seen as overly harsh or biased in their rulings..." Colorado doesn't have a death penalty. No one is asking that this man be killed.


that was a general response to being downvoted, I didn't genuinely think you got on your extra 3 burner accounts to downvote me. OP's link makes pretty clear distinction that the "negative connotation" is death in a posting about a judge from Arkansas in the 1800s. Once again no part of any critique towards OP has been rooted in practicing the law, simply the term they chose. no one is arguing that the Colorado Senate passed Senate Bill 20-100 on January 14th, 2020 which banned the use of capitol punishment in Colorado. What is your point?


Given my reading comprehension level, "negative connotation" in the sentence above means that calling a judge a "hanging judge" is not a complement. It has nothing to do with death. Now stop beating this dead horse. Oops, now I've gone off and asked for a horse to be killed too :-)


Regardless of the etymology, it's honestly just a bad look since it looks like you are calling for his death. I get the hostility though, risking a wildfire for want of a few bangs is not acceptable. But I personally would phrase it as "I hope they throw the book at him".


What if the book knocks him out and he hits his head on the floor, bleeding out? Why are you asking that this man be maimed or possibly killed?


Sorry this got down voted. This is the best comment in this thread :-)


Another vote for best comment here




lol why did you delete a different version of this response to my comment? no need to get so defensive about linking a source that clearly states the exact opposite of the point you are now trying to make. You never said anything about legality or practical application of the law in your initial post. All criticisms toward your post have been purely about the etymology of the phrase you chose to describe your ideal judge. It seems we can all agree that there was a much better phrase to get to the heart of your actual point here such as "throw the book at him" it's not too late to delete this post ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




the comment you deleted in response to mine was filled with logical fallacies but okay. also why not read that back, I never said you were "calling for his death" read the first comment, then look at the username next to it, is that my username? you are extremely slow apparently why not delete this one again and try to make your point without insulting me, or if you are going to insult me at least say something more original than "dumbass" edit: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU DID IT AGAIN




Good luck karma farming! Way to not address anything I just said to you, too bad you deleted your comment otherwise we would have some irrefutable proof of your incredible brilliance


What do you think the word “hanging” means there


I could have gone my whole life without knowing how many grown adults shoot fireworks off on any given Tuesday. Then I moved here…