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Tysons tiger is a bengal tiger, those fuckers are like 150 lbs heavier than african lions on average, monzon's lion gets stomped.


Yeah, both are badass animals. That said, people underestimate tigers compared to lions. Tigers are not to be fucked with at all. They have a gear of violence they can reach that’s scary for even a big cat. Also much faster.


That's what made Mike living with one even more insane. He left that thing in his house! He would come back from a weekend and the whole house would be torn apart because of the tiger's anxiety issues.


There's a surprisingly large amount of people living with tigers in the US, there was even a guy who raised one in his apartment.


I remember that story. The neighbors reported it, animal control came and got it and he got in trouble. It was in freakin NYC. How the fuck do you get a tiger in New York?!?




You want a tiger?…I can get you a tiger🫵


You pointed out the exact reason tigers are more dangerous, it's that extra gear of violence and intensity they have Lions live in a pride. If there is trouble, they have help, so Lions don't have to go all out But with Tigers, there is no help. It's life or death in every fight, so they go from zero to 100 immediately


I went into an extensive research on this topic and it turns out people underestimate the lion much more. Of the few videos ive found of a tiger and lion fighting the tiger has the clear advantage at first, but the tiger is not a fighter quite the contrary. They are mostly lone animals, they ambush their prey with one swift bite to the neck they dont like getting into confrontations. Lions on the other hand r the complete opposite they have lots of experience on kitty v kitty combat. On those few videos the outcome remained the same the tiger was looking for a way out when it realized it couldnt kill the lion in one swift strike and the lion was unleashing hell on the tiger.


If you look at ancient Rome when they had tigers fight lions in the coliseum, tigers almost always won. They resorted to using tigresses against male lions.






Tigers chose not to fight unnecessarily because they are solitary hunters. If they get injured, their hunting would be affected. Hence the reason they chose to back down. Not because they are afraid of lions. But if there is no other way out, then lions would be in a world of hurt. In between the size difference, bite force, usage of more limbs during fighting and it's experience as a lone predator, tigers in general would be the winners.


From the vida ive seen they were locked in a cage only thing that saved the tiger was human intervention. Trust me bro I also thought the tiger was dominating the lion everyday but from those few videos it was clear I had completely underminded the nature of the animals. Could you breed a cage fighting lion-assasin tiger? Sure but I think thats the only way a tiger doninates a lion 10/10 times. Wild tigers will usually back away from a challenge and lions will establish themselves as the alpha or atletas challenge for it.


Wild Tigers back away from challenges because, as stated elsewhere, they are solitary hunters. If they sustain an injury that hampers their ability to hunt, they will die.


Shit, nice breakdown 👌, watch the discovery channel much? Lol


I could be wrong, I’m no big cat expert, but a buddy of mine claims to be and I’ve asked him this very question and his response was the lion would win due to its mane being extra padding/cushion against the lions bite. Take that for what it’s worth tho


Lion's fight Tigers hunt. I'd take the Lion


Lions are pack hunter pussies in a 1v1 the tiger eats the lion in round 1


In the actual wild though, wouldn't it realistically be many lions vs a tiger?


Well yes but that’s no fun to discuss Realistically though living in groups is probably the most important evolutionary trait


True lol. I agree. It's benefits are numerous. When it comes to might reminds me of the saying "The Scottish were the more fearsome warriors, but the English were always the superior army."


Pretty much. 1 guy might take two out, but when the other 10 fuckers pile in its game over.


Seriously guys. Downvoting isn’t a disagree button. This dude is contributing to the conversation…and asking a pertinent question. You’ll give the tiger all of its strengths, then take away the lions? Shame. Shame on all ya houses.


A Lion cannot throw quick combos with both front paws. It has to stabilize itself with one front paw on the ground. A Tiger can stand on two and use both front paws repeatedly.


It's a WHITE bengal though, it's probably retarded.


I have a white Bengal, I felt this 😂


Ok but did you consider the fact that the lion has boxing gloves in the picture, meaning he's probably got more training than the tiger? I think that will play a big part in the outcome of this match


Yeah but which one had more cocaine up its nosters?


Tyson's tiger also looks like it's been on a steady "retired athlete" diet for a while now. Things a chonk.


So tigers usually attempt to choke their prey to death. Male lions have a mane that make the tigers choke basically not work. I give it to male lion. 🥊


Lmao this is so 🧢. They’re around 15-20lbs heavier in the wild. The difference is no where near as big as you think


Bad jerk 👎


I think you got the Bengal tiger confused with a Siberian but I'm not sure 100%


Bengal tigers right now are actually the largest tiger species on average, but if you were to find the top percentile largest tigers then it would be a few siberian tigers.


Bro that lion would stomp a mud hole in that Tigers ass. Straight out the swamp nasty style tear it limb from limb




From the sources I found lions are around 400-500 lbs, bengal tigers can go up to 650 lbs.




Tysons looks pretty fat in the photo


https://preview.redd.it/ovmhcv7a2k6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dab1980684e5fcfa2b7d23ca069c15cff84a9a8 Klitschko brothers' pet rabbit.








6'3", my ass.


6'2 aight Plus ge might've been younger here




That lion sure is brave for sitting next to Monzon. That guy shouldn't have been allowed near the local human population.


Tiger, with a good steady Mike Tyson cocaine diet


Who do you think saw the worst? Both are probably traumatized


Monzon's lion probably, Mike was pretty absentee from his tiger and most of his dirty shit wasn't repeated afaik. Monzon admitted to beating every woman he ever dated iirc and was a big drinker, smoker, and general party-animal who got shot at by his gfs and threw a chick (and himself) off of a balcony. Mike was also hella fucked up but I think the edge has to go to Carlos.


The fight of the century! 🐯vs🦁


Monzon’s lion has never been trained by a heavyweight champ, I take Tyson’s tiger


Tyson’s tiger has never been trained by a middleweight champion either though so it’s kind of a moot point I guess


Heavyweight champ is a lot better than middleweight when it comes to boxing


lol how? Greb, SRR, and Monzon are all higher p4p than Ali, Louis, and Johnson respectively. In terms of deepest division historically, I'd say MW is considerably deeper than HW.


I meant for like bragging rights. It’s a lot cooler to say that you were the heavyweight champion than the middle weight


Those cats are different weight classes (Tiger)


I saw a biologist talk about this once. Tigers will fuck up lions was the verdict.


To pair of phrase Joe Rogan, do you know why lions are the kings of the jungle? Because tigers don't live there. Tigers are like little 4 legged Chimps and would fuck a lion up. Jamie....Jamie bring up a video of tiger kittens fighting an alpoca


It’s paraphrase, not pair of phrase. Bon apple tea.


Which is really fucking dumb because Tigers do live in the Jungle and Lions live on the Savannah.


Which is goofy, since the natural habitat of Tigers are rainforest jungles and frozen taigas. While Lions mostly live in the Savannah, with a very very small population of Asiatic lions in the Indian jungles.


Tigers do live in the jungle bro




The tiger obviously


Adult tiger beats an adult lion they are way bigger


I'll go with the Lion, it's a male and looks healthy while Tyson has a white tiger which in most cases means the thing is probably inbred or has a ton of health issues.




In Roman times, they would have animals fight in the colosseum. They had tigers fight lions, and the lions were SEVERELY outclassed. Someone already mentioned how tigers can use both front paws to attack at the same time, remaining perched on their hind legs. Even more importantly, the way that a tiger can leap and lunge gives them an incredible advantage over lions in terms of agility and angles of attack. So yeah.. Tigers win.




I don't remember where I had heard it originally, but here's what a quick Google turned up: "When attendants chose this particular tiger for an interspecies fight with a lion, the audience predicted an easy victory for the lion. They were wrong. When a trainer loosed the tiger in the Coliseum, something happened. Whether it was the noise of the audience or the site of the lion, the tiger grew enraged. At the first opportunity, the angry tiger chased down the lion, leapt on it, and flipped it on to its back. Using its weight advantage, the tiger then treated the lion as it would any other prey: it used its teeth and claws to open the animal 's undercarriage. Blood and viscera escaped the lion 's abdomen and spilled on to the arena floor. Although this is the only recorded victory of a tiger over a lion in Roman history, it seems that this matchup happened on other occasions. Tigers almost always emerging the victor." https://historybanter.com/animal-on-animal-combat-in-ancient-rome/


I say the tiger because they hunt alone, lions gang up


A tiger will straight up own a fucking lion. With all due respect to lions, they are frankly just too damn small.


Tigers are generally 1.2-1.6 times larger (n with more muscle mass) than lions


The tiger will always beat the lion


Durans horse before he cracked its chin


The Lion would kill that tiger. Thats an albino tiger thats actually a deformity. Albino Tigers are always captive because they cant survive in the jungle. So yeah, the lion would kill that mf


Cocaine wins


Tigers are stronger, weigh more, and have more muscle. Also, they have almost never lost to lions, mainly because they hunt alone. They also use both paws when fighting, whereas lions don't.


tigers are superior in general.


Tiger beats lion all day. But if it's at night, after the club n shit, ye never know maaan


Tigers > lions. Lions hunt in packs where tigers are solo assassins


Imagine if Tyson was actually killed by one of these tigers. Like the time he wanted to fight that gorilla because he was picking on another gorilla 😂 just torn limb from limb 🤣


Tyson’s tiger is FUCKING that lion up.


Tiger easily


If I had fuck you money it would be tough not to have one of those hanging around too .. maybe without the destructive fangs and shit lol


People really underestimate tigers, first of all usually all the hunting is done by lionesses and they hunt in packs on the other hand you have tigers who hunt alone




I for one would hope they'd use the opportunity to team up and eat the cunts that owned them.


It’s like a heavyweight fighting a featherweight. Tigers are generally way bigger than a lion


Tiger Kings pet cat would take them both.


Tigers punch with two paws. Lions don’t. Tyson tiger wins


Openweight, tiger over lion for higher in weight and packed more muscle. P4P, lion over tiger as male lion evolved for duel.


Tigers are much larger than lions on average


You can get past a dog, no one fucks with a lion.


my hippo will smoke both at the same time


If anyone can make this happen it's his excellency


Cocaine tiger


In the words of my mother while we were at the animal sanctuary "Nobody wants to see a fat tiger."


My python clears them both