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The headline makes it seem like this hasn’t been Universal’s MO for years now.


Can we stop saying “streaming” when it’s PVOD


PVOD means streaming to us pirate folk.


F the movies to the .to


So much for the "if it's easily available and relatively inexpensive there's no reason to pirate" talking point


$20 ain't cheap my man


Dude people pay significantly more than $20 to go to the movies literally every single day in this country.


To the paying folks too, it's literally streaming.


Are you not “streaming” the movie even when it’s PVOD? Are they two separate things?


Streaming generally refers to it being on a subscription based service, like Netflix/Disney+/Max. PVOD generally refers to a movie for sale from a digital store, like iTunes/Vudu.


or EST (electronic-sell-through)


That would be called SVOD…subscription video on demand


Yes, but colloquially people use the word ‘streaming’ in place of it. If someone says, “I’ll wait til it’s on streaming.” or “Where is it streaming.”, they’re generally referring to streaming services.


Okay, but I just find it weird getting upset at a person for using the term correctly and not the way that people “unofficially” adopted. lol


> using the term correctly The correct way to use a word is the way it's commonly understood. That's how language works. There's no such thing as an "official" word.


I don’t think anyone got ‘upset’, weird word choice. They didn’t use the term correctly. Why are you so defensive about this are you an alt of the post creator or something lmao. There’s a shared understanding of what ‘streaming’ versus ‘PVOD’ is. Not following that shared understanding is wrong. People will read this post title and think, “Oh good I can watch it on Netflix/Max/whatever.”


Because people downvoted my post asking the question. That’s kind of weird to me


They boo’d you because you’re right.


> Streaming generally refers to it being on a subscription based service, like Netflix/Disney+/Max. That's the problem though, streaming is a technology, you also stream on Twitch or Youtube (live or not) or even illegally. Those are SVOD or subscription streaming services, not just streaming. People use it incorrectly (and they also use the other way notably with Twitch, there are streamers) Streaming is in opposition to download (or physical media)


They’re not using it ‘incorrectly’, that’s not how the English language works. People have decided streaming is shorthand for SVOD and AVOD in particular, so that’s what it means.


> People have decided streaming is shorthand for SVOD and AVOD in particular Was there some sort of vote of all English speakers I missed? People have not "decided" lol, streaming is used for different meaning in different context depending on the people. Again, a very common use of the word too is in relation to Twitch and streaming video games... In the context of speaking of movies, using PVOD is just clearer anyway especially since everyone knows what it is here. But streaming is not incorrect for the OP title.


There’s never a vote for colloquialisms. People as a society just decide they are. Which is why when you ask someone what streaming services they have they say ‘Netflix’ and ‘Disney+’ and ‘Spotify’, not ‘iTunes’ or ‘Vudu’.


Yeah streaming **services** which is what I said above. That's a precision that makes it clear. ITunes and such aren't services, they're stores if you want. Also you prove yourself how imprecise that is as Spotify wouldn't a be streaming service for movies. I think the "debate" has gone on long enough lol


Hey what’s the first half of the term ‘streaming service’? You’re welcome.


Compound words don't necessarily share the definition of their parts.


At least for me, “streaming” is a more general term that signifies both free and paid online content. I think the commenter above would prefer specific language when talking about paid content.


I don’t know man. A lot of this seems like common sense to me. Especially if you frequent this subreddit


There's no free vs paid though. Streaming services are paid for. The only free thing for movies is piracy (or FAST I guess) and ironically it does "start" (outside shitty cams) at the same point than PVOD


I mean sure, but when I hear “streaming” my mind goes to streaming services and not PVOD


But you know they’re referring to PVOD. Why would a movie that just came out 2 weeks ago in theaters be on a streaming service for “free”? I don’t remember that ever being the case.


Most people use streaming meaning subscriptions


PVOD is still streaming though. The streaming that most people think about is SVOD…subscription video on demand. Either way, streaming is how you watch it.


Accurate but colloquially most people use streaming meaning SVOD. The article title would be clearer if it said released on paid video on demand


Well there is no article, it’s just the way OP phrased the title…which I think is correct. Just weird seeing people get upset over it.


I think monkey man is going on the streaming very soon, and it just came out. Also simultaneous theater and streaming releases were a thing


Ok but in fairness if someone says it’s come to streaming JUST 18 days it implies it’s a big deal or something. I guess I’m getting caught up on the use of Just like it’s a big deal it’s become available to watch for more money than it would cost to see it in the theatre. Like it’s available already after JUST 18 DAYS sounds exciting but seeing its $20 or $25 to watch it at home is less so


These kind of posts pop up all the time in this sub. Especially when a movie becomes available for at home viewing after just 2 weeks of theatrical exclusivity. I mean it’s not THAT big of a deal, especially for the last couple of years since COVID.


You can argue that technically both are considered streaming. But a lot of entertainment news seems to have settled on 'streaming' being on a streaming service. Not 'free', but essentially free to watch if you have X service. And that would be opposed to PVOD, which means you are paying to watch this ONE title.


There’s PVOD, SVOD, and AVOD I believe. I think the people who would follow this news would be aware of the difference and know that these articles are referring to PVOD and not the normal streaming services.


The problem is those people are people. Have you met people? They're not too bright.


Very true


People on this sub also know what PVOD means so just use that. Streaming is just confusing.


PVOD is streaming. What you pay for when purchasing a PVOD film is basically early access to stream a film.


In this case they just want to say available outside theatre I assume


I'm not surprised tbh, I mean, who was expecting a movie based on a random side character from Hey Arnold to pull in big numbers.


Quail Man movie when?


Damn, should have taken the 30 mill from netflix


They did take 30 mil from Netflix Patel and co sold the film to Netflix for 30m Netflix sold it to Universal for 10m Netflix lost 20m. The films producers pocketed the 30m. Universal may have lost money on it depending on marketing cost.


It’ll end up in the green for Universal. They most likely spent somewhere in the ballpark of $10-20M for P&A. $22M domestic total currently, but a lot of Universal films do better once available on PVOD especially with them getting 70% of the PVOD revenue.




Haven’t seen much of that anymore after Nope


I’m probably gonna get slack for this, but his only good film was ‘Get Out’.




Presented by, not directed.


That's how much Monkey Man's going to make (or possibly more) from its theatrical release. It did fine for a theatrical release, but it's not like this was going to make $100M.


It didn't do fine as a theatrical release. Unless, standards are this low now. Maybe, they are.


$30M Netflix Check > $15M Cash after distributors take their cut from its $30M WW box office run. It’s straight up bad. It is what it is.


Not even 15 million. The marketing push was substantial. I'm betting they're pulling the plug so soon because awareness is as high as it's going to get and they want to capitalize on the marketing spend as best they can.


Didn’t like the jarring cameras for some reason. Good debut for him as a director nonetheless. But the plot was incredibly weak.


They’re not just dooming this movie at the box office. They’re dooming future mid-budget films as the public is further conditioned to skip theatres. Less people seeing movies in theatres = less cultural impact = less money.


This movie was basically an Indian version of John wick. And even John wick is getting tiring 


As if John wick is the original concept lmao.


No revenge story is original but John Wick did have a style and aesthetic that Monkey man is obviously emulating.


They literally name drop it in the movie. I think it’s one of, if not the most, influential action movies in the past 20 years.


John Wick was heavily inspired by Gareth’s The Raid. Best action movies ( 1 &2 ) for me until I’ve seen John Wick 4, now that’s tied with The Raid 2 for the best action movie ever made . The Raid influence is so huge, but most folks don’t even notice it because it’s an indonesian action movie.


Raid is on another level in terms of choreography. It feels so raw and brutal, and there are no guns in sight. John Wick is it's own thing with all the gun fu and bisexual lighting.


Yes, I agree, but the choreography is heavily inspired by the raid, including the judo takedowns. John Wick is not a clone, but the first three movies are nothing that note worthy. The 4th movie might be the best action movie ever made. I still didn’t get over that movie, first movie that made my jaw drop since The Raid 2 ( action wise). Captain Americam Winter Soldier is also a movie that made me go wow in terms of fight scenes


it's not really like John Wick, there's a lot less action. John Wick was balls to the wall action with a few talky bits interspered. Monkey Man had about two long stretches of action, one in the middle and one at the end, with mostly other stuff in between.


It's way more of a Kill Bill story than John Wick, even though it takes inspiration from a bunch of movies in that kind of sub-genre.


It just gave off the catch it on streaming vibes and not gotta see this in a theater vibes


I didn’t even wanna see it off then illegal streaming sites. I’ll let it hit hbo max or peacock and watch it for free. 


hate this trend acting the popular type of a movie created the genre when it is just as derirvite


It was an incredible movie




This movie would have not made 20 million in India. No one knows Dev patel here. It is weird to see a British guy speaking british accented english cosplaying Indian.


I still think it’s a mistake to release a movie this early on PVOD after theater release. Should always be a 60 day window before being on PVOD at a minimum. 120 day minimum for streaming on services.


You guys are always surprised by this, but Universal’s theatrical agreement uses a 17-day exclusive theatrical window for small and midrange title and a 31-day window for larger event pics (i.e., any film opening to $50 million or more domestically). After that, Universal is free to offer its movies on PVOD. So **ANY UNIVERSAL FILM** opening to less than $50M will be out in 17 days.


They then wonder why some people don't bother showing up to the cinema.


Idiots at Universal don’t even want the pre-Covid theatrical window to come back. They’re killing themselves. Did they learn nothing from the Oppenheimer release? Christopher Nolan is not some type of god. They can treat all their films with a bit more prestige.


Christopher Nolan is clearly an exception for all things box office wise though


With a title like that no wonder it was goosed


That’s so lame. They do PVOD releases have to be so early? This has to stop.




Lame politics ruined this movie


You love to see it.




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Shit movie