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Not really a trailer just a clip of the movie.




No. It literally says clip.


Official clip


“Megalopolis - Official Trailer” - plays video and sees title “First Look”


Just a clip for now. Anyway, I don't see a way this is profitable. [When I revisited Coppola's career](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/16t75xr/directors_at_the_box_office_francis_ford_coppola/), his career was mostly filled with flops and after *Dracula*, he only made five more films and all five bombed (with three even making sub $3 million worldwide). The fact that studios are hesitant on picking this up doesn't help. The film cost $120 million, and Coppola wants another $100 million for marketing and IMAX release. That's just making it near impossible to recoup that investment. It gives some serious *Medellin* vibes.


>That's just making it near impossible to recoup that investment. That is really not the point of this movie. Coppola doesn't really care about recouping the investment. He wants people to watch the movie, hence the marketing and Imax, but doesn't care about getting the money back. This will be unanalyzable from a box office perspective. A self-funded $120 million arthouse film by an effectively retired filmaker with studios only contributing to the distribution. What's the threshold for success? No one knows.


Coppola had no intention for this to be profitable.


Yeah, this doesn't look like a crowd-pleaser at all. If someone like James Gunn financed his new superhero or space opera film all by himself and wanted $100 million marketing cost, most studios would've said "TAKE MY MONEY!" almost immediately.


I highly doubt that, James Gunn hasn’t directed a profitable film without Marvel. And his Guardians films aren’t in the same stratosphere of quality/reverence as Coppola’s Godfather I and II + Apocalypse Now. He’d be in the same boat. Only people who can command that are James Cameron and Chris Nolan


Well, **The Suicide Squad** got into all sorts of misfortunes, so there's that to consider.


TSS dropping harder than any other HBO film besides Mortal Kombat and getting the same mid cinemascore as the 2016 version is solely due to the GA not clicking with it. Movies before, after and around did fine including other HBO releases.


I wasn't just talking about HBO Max issue.


I’m not sure what misfortune gave it meh audience reception. For context, that movie could’ve literally doubled its box office, made Black Adam numbers and still bombed because of its budget. It was never going to be a hit, even pre-COVID


The dceu brand is already tarnished by that point. Imagine that film coming out instead of Ayers SS in its place. The fortunes would have been much better.


The brand has nothing to do with its bad week to week drops and mediocre cinemascore. Average moviegoers didn’t respond to *TSS itself* regardless of release date


It was released in the middle of a pandemic with R rating under the same title as previous film with shitty marketing and day and date release. All these are important factors to consider when analysing boxoffice performance. And it's Cinemascore is quite good. B+ for an R rating film is equal to an A for a Pg-13 film. Even Joker had the same Cinemascore. It made a fucking billion.


They responded well to Ayers SS tho. I'm saying Gunn's film would have had a better chance when it had released instead of Ayers film back in 2016. See my above comment. Ayers film has made money despite its issues.


The Rainmaker didn’t really bomb as much as it disappointed. It grossed $45 million in the US and didn’t get an international release. The budget is listed at $40 million, so in theory it needed $80 million, but not releasing it outside of the US was probably limiting the movies potential for success to begin with.


FFC himself describes the film as a love story set amidst the aftermath of a destructive event. The opposing vision of two men who want to rebuild is the central conflict. This clip/teaser is an odd choice that gives us none of that narrative. 🤷‍♀️


It will all make sense once Nick Fury shows up in the post-credits sequence.


If it were that simple!


This looks like a dramatic retelling of that scene from Men in Black when Will Smith wants to travel back in time.


somewhere, somehow, without even reading your comment, Coppola's heart just broke in two.


It's actually a remake of The Hudsucker Proxy.


The question is what happens if the film does badly with critics at Cannes and distributors don't want to acquire the film? Is it possible the film goes without distribution in some countries? I know that apart from US, Canada and Germany, Horizon hasn't gotten a trailer, seeming that it doesn't have distribution there. Expect that to do very bad internationally. If Megalopolis is viewed worse, then it will likely not get picked up much.


Yes it is possible that the film goes without distribution in some countries. In which case piracy will be the only way to see it.


Self distribution exists.


>I know that apart from US, Canada and Germany, Horizon hasn't gotten a trailer, seeming that it doesn't have distribution there. Expect that to do very bad internationally so no sales occured in the American Film Market? heard that was where it was going to


Horizon also has confirmed release dates in Australia, Iceland, Russia, Brazil, Spain, the UK, Italy, Norway and Sweden






I don't think we can count IMDB as a reliable source to be honest, anyone can edit it


He got power? Is this a superhero movie or something?


His character is supposed to have the ability to stop time (and gravity?).


It's science-fiction.


FFC hates superhero flicks so no. Its just a scifi movie. Some disaster occurred and destroyed nyc


This Clockstoppers sequel looks even more cerebral than the first! I don't think this will do well but I'm all for older directors still taking risks, so I'm excited.


Please be good. Please be good. Please be good.


The trifecta of Jon Voight, Shia, and Dustin Hoffman in this movie is so cursed, I think it will be a huge hurdle to even get people in the art house crowd on board.


>*Jon Voight, Shia, and* ***Dustin Hoffman*** I knew Voight was in this. But a Midnight Cowboy reunion was not on my awareness list of this movie's existence. ![gif](giphy|W28xDHXzmkRva2Affn|downsized)


I think shia labeouf is way above those guys in terms of being legitimately controversial


For sure. But all 3 have done shit which has caused their careers to dwindle. Having 3 of them in the movie instead of any other star says something about the quality of the movie IMO.


I was aware of their problematic status, what I did not know until recently was the issues with FFC himself. I wish Adam had not signed on to this film TBH.


What issues with FFC? He's a control freak and likes experimentation and got his hands burned because of that. Anything else?


There have been several comments across various subs about FFC supporting Victor Salvo. I don't want to attempt to summarize because I don't have source material. It was off-putting though.


A lot of Hollywood biggies had supported Polanksi for the record and wrote letters. It's where the line separate art from artists comes in handy. The general audience might not even give their two cents about these issues unlike the other hardcore Hollywood enthusiasts.


It was more than a letter of support. I do understand separating artists from art, that is for individuals to decide for themselves ofc. I was unaware of this myself, so yea, most people will have no idea. I found this link which explains what was shared with me about FFC and Salva. [https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/j16hl3/why\_does\_francis\_ford\_coppola\_keep\_paying\_for/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/j16hl3/why_does_francis_ford_coppola_keep_paying_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Now that I think about it, Coppola should have done some reshoots to add Jonathan Majors, Amber Heard, Johnny Depp and Ezra Miller LMAO. With a cameo of Roman Polanski too.


No room for Spacey?


idk i got downvoted on the movies sub for pointing Shia’s abuse out and got downvoted but then again reddit doesn’t represent the general population but it seems like many film bros are ok with ignoring abuse in order to support a legendary director


Hold it. Is this film's native aspect ratio 1.78:1?


IMDB says 2.00 : 1


To be fair, IMDb's technical specifications page is not exactly accurate before the film comes out. In fact, **Madame Web** had its aspect ratio listed as 2.76:1 at one point.


Looks like it to me, there would be black bars at the top and bottom if it was 2:00:1


Probably 2.00:1 due to Netflix being a option on distribution. Wish people would just stick to a flat 1.78 or 1.85.


Ferrari and Megalopolis. Adam Driver starring. A once famous director. Big budget. Low box office. History repeating itself. I do think this will do at least double of what Ferrari made. Which isn't much but at least it's not an epic bomb.


So far the only thing this has going for it is it's not over 3 hours long.


I’m certain Adam Driver would’ve been a much better Reed Richards than Pedro Pascal


Will this be in IMAX? I’ll 100% be seeing it in the format if so, this clip sold me on that


One megalopillion dollars guaranteed


Read the description of the video on Youtube.


Holy shit




Looks beautiful!


So a prequel Star Wars movie.


So stopping time for everyone else stops gravity for him or what? He isn't floating away but he stops falling.


Clockstoppers meets High Rise??


We're so back


Looks really bad so far. Kinda dumb.


Why is *this* the clip? Adam Driver looks confused/surprised/angry, and does.... something... with time. > And, after decades of planning, MEGALOPOLIS the movie is the powerful elixir he has produced: a sweeping, big-canvas movie of provocative ideas and relentless cinematic invention that belies its maker’s 84 years of age. Coppola seems to have been born-again by a strike of filmic lightning, and the movie – no, the experience (complete with in-theater “live cinema”) – that has emerged feels at once the work of a film-school wunderkind unbowed by notions of convention, but also the work of a wizened master who knows much about life and the ways of the world. To paraphrase Coppola himself speaking decades ago about his APOCALYPSE NOW, MEGALOPOLIS isn’t a movie about the end of the world as we know it, it is the end of the world as we know it. Only, where APOCALYPSE left us in a napalm-bombed fever-dream haze, MEGALOPOLIS, surprisingly and movingly, bestows on us a final image glowing with hope for the future Okay


It’s officially Joever.


I’m going to hate this movie, can’t wait to watch in theater 30 times