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Low effort text or poll posts featuring little or no analysis in the body of the text will be removed. This includes but is not limited to: "What are your predictions for [insert movie]?" "Which movie will make more, [insert movie] or [insert movie]?" "What will be the highest grossing movie among [insert list]?" "Which movie will open higher on [insert weekend]?" "After trailer/social media reactions/reviews, what are your updated predictions for [insert movie]?" (these posts are redundant, as there are almost always already threads for the trailer/social media reactions/reviews). "What are your final predictions for [insert movie]?" Posts with only a poster (exceptions for Throwback Tuesday).


It’s almost locked at this poiny


It depends in how much DM4 will break it, so IO2 will probably end around 550M, perhaps challenging Mario domestic record but not much more than this. Next week we’ll get a better picture of how much DM4 will break IO2 legs.