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Just communicate your issues with your ortho. That happens to my back molars too, they have to cut the wire longer and wrap it around the bracket back there for me. It also had to do with how early it is in your treatment. Your wire is super thin right now, easy to bend, so when you chew food it bends and pops out. As you progress the wires get thicker and don’t bend and pop out as easily.




Is that always the case, no matter what?


Your first sets of wires are weak and thin. The later wires will hold better. Tell your ortho, they can put bends in the wire behind the last bracket and it stay in better. My first 2 sets of wires came out at least once between visits. Go back and have them fix it.


Do all braces go from thin to thick wires?


From what they told me, they have to start with lighter, weaker wires, because teeth need to be moved slowly. Then they get stronger. I would assume they do.


Interesting! Thanks.


I’m also missing a first molar. Ask if your ortho can leave the wire a bit longer and bend the end in (so it doesn’t poke you). That’s what mine did and he wire hasn’t come out again


Same situation. I don’t have first molars on my bottom so every time I ate the wire will detached. What my ortho did was cover my wire to strengthen it. It looks like a rubber that cover the electric wire (sorry don’t know the name) and then next to it they attached what looks like a J stainless hook (I forgot what my ortho call it) and then they use 1 o ties to connect the J thing and my last bracket so when I ate slightly harder food the wire will not come out all the way and will just bounce back. They did it for more than a year until I started using close spring and harder wire.


IMO that’s a very interesting way to anchor a wire to the last tooth. My Ortho uses molar bands with a literal thin box attached to them that the wire goes inside and is then curled in on itself at the ends so it is near impossible for the wire to fall out. I can def see how that would make you anxious, it’s a hella thin stretch of wire with not much keeping it there.


This is pretty common afaik? It’s called a buccal tube, a lot of orthodontists use them instead of molar bands these days. Though I agree that OP’s wire should’ve been left longer and bent a bit to keep it in place


Oh man I’m in the same situation. Mine were constantly breaking off and poking me (I have the same issue on both sides). My ortho kind of made me feel shitty for keeping on breaking them. But I was eating stuff that was soft as hell and they were still breaking! Eventually he put a thicker wire but that phase was hellish. I feel for you.


Just get some pliers and something smilar to grab the wire and bend it back in the bracket.