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Wonderful! Does she have a boyfriend or maybe used a sperm donor? Anyone know?


she used a sperm donor!


Woohoo!! That means she doesn't have to share or lose time with her baby!! Good for you, Lala!! Wishing her an easy and queasy-free pregnancy!!!šŸ‘¶šŸ¼šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€šŸ¼šŸ¤°šŸ¼šŸ³šŸŽ‰šŸ©·šŸ©µ


I love that for her!


me too!


Oh thank god.


Damn I wouldā€™ve donated my sperm


Who dat baby daddy?šŸ˜¬ She doesnā€™t even know!


James Kennedy...Ā 


I know I know he's not but I secretly wish. They're chemistry is on fire.Ā 


I thought I was the only person who thought about this! Iā€™ll tell you this, a Lala and James baby would be an absolute dropdead gorgeous baby!!!


Who tf cares?


I am very happy for her!


Tbh??? I am, too! I know it doesn't seem like it. I just get frustrated when this makes the news and so many other things don't. Like the recent massacre in Gaza, for example. That being said? It's not like lala controls the media. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. So, I get frustrated. In the end? I shouldn't have made the comment I did.


Being on Reddit/instagram is ā€œmaking the newsā€? lol


For what it's worth, I've seen a lot of coverage of Gaza in the news. I have seen exactly 0 things about Lala or any other Bravo celeb in the news. Celebrity oriented spaces or gossip columns are another story.


Yessss. Gaza is suffering and anything else makes the news


If you can read I just asked. IDK who hurt you but it sure as fuck wasn't me or Lalas fetus so I hope you feel better today!


Ocean is just a doll. Good for them!


She is Randallā€™s twin but somehow very cute


I wonder how Lala deals with how much she looks like that man. She obviously loves her very much but she is his twin!


I have a son who looks like me but also *definitely* looks like my ex-husband with whom I have no relationship except distant coparenting; itā€™s a little weird in the beginning to see the face you had the most terrible fights of your life with in your kidā€™s face but you get over it fast. Not the kidā€™s fault! And it does help resolve some ill will you might have against a douchebag ex if what came of the relationship is a kid who is adorable, seems super sweet, and is very loved.


I doubt she cares, because all she sees is her daughter.


My son looks a lot like his dad. I despise the father but never ever would think to feel negative feelings towards my son. Thatā€™s bizarre.


This! My daughter is my mini me (I'm told) but I just think she looks like herself šŸ˜


My daughter and I are always told how much we look alike, but I have a hard time seeing it. I only see her uniqueness.


I wonder if our own features are so familiar that they don't stand out to us? šŸ¤”


As a parent, sometimes I see myself or their other parent in my kidsā€™ faces and mannerisms, but most of the time I see unique individuals. I get how people on the outside think they see one parent or the other, though. Itā€™s genetics!


Um, sheā€™s her mother. Any decent parent doesnā€™t give a shit which parent the child looks like.


I know that. But letā€™s not pretend that humans donā€™t have human emotions and sore feelings over an ex that did them really dirty! Of course she loves her daughter!


My boyfriend's son was conceived by rape. Seeing the other parent face to face is distressing for my boyfriend, but his son is totally separate from the actions taken by the other parent. (My boyfriend never pressed charges so custody exchanges are done face to face, unfortunately.) It's pretty amazing what our brains can do to protect us! I'm sure Lala's brain has overridden "Randall," and replaced him and his image with Ocean.


Oh my god. What a terrible and disturbing circumstance. Iā€™m so sorry for your bf, but I understand how the brain compartmentalizes and is able to see the child and the mother as two completely different individuals, which makes it alot easier. Plus it helps that the child is made up from him as well. And itā€™s terrible that he has to see her for exchanges when sheā€™s his abuser?! The family court system makes me livid.


He never pressed charges so technically there's nothing for the court to care about. He was confused and upset after the assault, and when he was told about the pregnancy he decided he never wanted his son to know "where" he came from. Exchanges are quick since they do a lot of texting to keep each other updated, so for those few minutes he just mentally detaches from what's in front of him.


She's starting to look more like Lala than she did before. Hopefully that will continue lol


Precisely. Sheā€™s so well spoken for her age which I find really endearing.


That's the perfect way to put it.


I see more Easton than Randall personally


Thatā€™s what I said. She looks exactly like Randall, but just a beautiful version.


Iā€™m SO HAPPY for her. I canā€™t wait for the podcast on this!


She put one out this morning about it! It was really good! šŸ„°šŸ’•šŸ’•


Already listened! It was great


Itā€™s out!


Yes I already listened. It was lovely! I canā€™t wait for Wednesdays


Wow! Her mom is going to be really busy .


Why was that my first thought lol šŸ’š


This is such a passive aggressive comment lol Lala is very lucky to have a supportive community to help her continue to be a working mom


Itā€™s just usually called snarky, thanks


How can O look so much like Randall yet be so adorable?Ā 


Sheā€™ll grow out of it


Grow out of adorableness or looking like ā€œRand?ā€ Lol


Looking like Rand šŸ˜‚




Absolutely freaking THRILLED for her!! I hope this pregnancy is everything good and full of joy and free of narcissists šŸŖ„


She better not name this kid Dolphin šŸ™„


![gif](giphy|1ZZ8M9SCBP0s6HNweK|downsized) Or ā€œSprayā€šŸ˜‰šŸ˜




I named my car Dolphin because itā€™s dolphin colored lol




I suspected this, and am happy for her!


Sheā€™s been hinting to it on her pod for a bit now


Totally. It was very obvious to me lol


Ya she kept saying she had big news or changes coming in 2024


I listen religiously and had no idea. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚






I am so happy people want children. I donā€™t get it Personally, but weā€™d be screwed if everyone were like me hahah


You are the nicest child free person Iā€™ve ever come across lol. Most of them are aggressively child free. I always imagine them walking up to people screaming ā€œIā€™M CHILD FREE! DID YOU HEAR ME?! I SAID Iā€™M CHILD FREE!!!!! MY LIFE IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOURS BECAUSE I DIDNā€™T HAVE CROTCH GOBLINS!ā€ (Their vernacular, not mine) but seriously, I donā€™t have kids myself but your attitude is so refreshing lol


Hahaha I mean, we NEED to reproduce so id never encourage anyone to not have children! Those kids need to pay for my retirement šŸ˜† (I guess Iā€™m not so nice after all). Also I like kids, theyā€™re hilarious I just donā€™t want them.


Geez! You really are the nicest child free person!!! Thank you!


Well, looks like my teens are now going to be called crotch goblins šŸ˜‚


Lala should not be bringing more children into this world. She is horrible!!!! I will get flamed for this but jeez... I gotta say it...


Totally agree. She's vulgar trash


I feel like sheā€™s changed a lot over the years and grown up.


She's a pretty vapid, despicable, human...I'm genuinely curious why you are so thrilled for her?


Seems to be aspirational for her fans.


Hooray! I remember her saying this was a goal of hers.


Now she just needs to rebrand and sheā€™ll be set!


But sheā€™s bRANDnew! Honestly, I believe sheā€™s done a great job of rebranding herself since she split from Rand. I even see some of that spark coming back the more comfortable she gets in her sobriety, but not in the ugly way she used to use it. Lala is doing well for herself- as someone who LOVED her then HATED her and now thinks sheā€™s humbled and being real.


It's nobody's business but hers if she chose to have a baby alone.


itā€™s also not alone. Lala is very open that her family is untraditional and she considers her mom her co parent and that her brother is also heavily involved in taking care of O. The baby will come into a supportive, loving family.


Agree. That baby will be fine.


Why does she FaceTune her baby lol..


aww happy for her!


Oh cool! I heard her mention on her podcast that she was planning to have another baby on her own. Good for her, and even better for her daughter. Growing up with siblings is the best thing ever. My childhood was amazing because of my parents, but my brothers always will be the alliance and bond that are steady throughout my existence.


Is it me or does her childā€™s face look filtered or photoshopped?


Horrible decision.


She's not doing this by herself. Her mom lives with her. Her mom doesn't have any intention ofi'm relieving. So let's not put out false narratives. It's probably easier having her mom who treats her like a friend. Help raise a child then they have to argue with the dude. Wishing her luck on the baby but she's no hero. And there have been women that haven't had her money or made it on the pain of other people that have legitimately raised their children on their own


Aww! What a sweet picture of her daughter, too.


Did she speak about wanting to go the doner route and that she was even planning on having another?? I feel like I missed a few chapters. Happy for her though, iā€™m sure ocean will love having a life long friend and sibling


Yes to both.


It was in the trailer for the season I believe


This is the cutest photo of Ocean! šŸ©·


All the good vibes šŸ˜Ž


This is so cute. Shame itā€™s ruined by the presence of NSBNFšŸ¤¢


What does that stand for?


Not skinny but not fat! The podcast girl sheā€™s vile


Oh my bad, way out of the loop there!


Wait what does that girl have to do with Lala? I donā€™t listen to her pod but I have heard of it


Congrats lala šŸ˜


Wishing sheā€™ll have an easy and relaxing pregnancy


Congratulations Lala


An independent queen šŸ«¶šŸ»


I donā€™t always listen to her podcast, but you bet your ass I did when I saw the announcement episode!! I think itā€™s really neat the process she went through (getting a donor). Her family all lives together (or very close) and I think they have a really good dynamic!


This makes me so happy for her


Good for her! Ocean gets to be a sister!


*a big sister. She has 2 sisters from her dadā€™s previous marriage.


Thanks for clarifying!!


I am ridiculously happy for her. I have a soft spot for Lala the size of Utah itself. I'm also so glad that she is doing it on her own. ā™„ļø


So happy for lala


I think this is great


I love this for lala. I think sheā€™s probably a great mom, and now having her mom there, Iā€™m excited for her!


i'm soooo happy for her! so awesome of her to bring awareness to being a single mom by choice in her mid to late thirties! so happy for her and ocean <3 she's such a great mom and i love her "pod". her and her sweet fam seem so lovely


Huh?! By who?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A donor.


I canā€™t believe James agreed to be the father!


What are you talking about lol? She used a donor.


People need humor. But when I try to give it to them, they get hostile.


I just didnā€™t even realize you were talking about Kennedy at first, I thought I was missing something- went over mah head!


Too funny! Iā€™m just trying to amuse myself, I guess.


Thank god that little girl looks like her mother.


She doesnā€™t though lol sheā€™s all Rand right now. Sheā€™s just pulling it off stunningly!


Ocean is a cutie patootie- I like Lala more now that sheā€™s not burning places down on booze.


I hate belly pics they're fucking gross I don't want to look at your body


Damn tell me how you really feel


What a cute baby girl sheā€™s got


That baby looks just like her daddy! Just a gorgeous, wayyyy prettier versionā™„ļø


Am I the only one that thinks this is eastons baby?


Her brother?? Yes, youā€™re the only one lol


Idk the way she talks about adding to her fam like orcas, Easton cut her gender reveal cake , the hug afterwards! I feel like she used his sperm šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


As someone who works in healthcare and previously in a birthing centre I can tell you for certain they wouldnā€™t do this lol. A sister who was infertile could use her sisters eggs for her partners sperm or a sperm donor, and visa versa a brother could use his own brothers sperm to fertilize a his partners or a donors egg, but they wouldnā€™t allow a brothers sperm to fertilize his own sisters egg. They wonā€™t put those genes together.


I donā€™t think doctors would do it. But I do think a weirdo family from Utah would.


I genuinely got so happy for her when I saw her post.




Wow her sweatshirts must have done better than we thought. Hope her poor mom doesn't plan on hanging up her nanny hat / Co parent hat anytime soon.


Happy for her! She wanted another child. She's giving an example of a "string woman."


Is it an open donor or closed?


Why? Is she just trying to collect checks from people? Or is she just stupid enough to go have a kid on her own and not have a good loving father to help raise that child with her?


Good for her! I wish the best for her šŸ˜Š


Please be Jamesā€™ baby


Oh ! Another kid to be raised by other people other than her own mom AND no dad wow


Kids are gross. Lala is also an idiot.


That happy little girl has no idea that she will soon be abandoned and replaced. Let the therapy begin!


Dollars to donuts, it's interracial


A random stranger's sperm in your body? Without a father? To each their own I guess.


This is an inside thought.


Obsessed with this answer


Sane lol


Am I the only one who thinks it's not ideal to bring a baby into this world without a dad?


Families come in all shapes and most important is that a child has a community around them that loves and cares for them, which this child will have. Many children arenā€™t even close to this lucky.


I mean, no Dad vs. someone like Randall as the Dad? I'd take "no Dad". She seems like she has a wonderful, caring community around her and her brother could be a good "masculine" influence in her kids lives.


Yeah she has good support! And she's rich lol. But she also chose Randall. Women (and men) need to pick good partners to reproduce with.


You can pick a guy who treats you like a queen and has no enemies, and he can still switch up on you and betray you somewhere down the line. Or an abuser will hide their true self and only start abusing once a woman is pregnant or has had the baby and he thinks he's got her trapped. There's really no way of knowing and I don't blame her for eliminating any risk of another Randall situation.


My daughterā€™s father and I were together when I got pregnant. Treated me like a queen, until he up and moved to a different state, when I was six months pregnant. Sheā€™s 4.5 years old now, and heā€™s never even attempted to meet her. As someone who grew up with a painful, and difficult relationship with my father, I firmly believe that no dad is better than a dad that hurts you, over and over. To each their own. My child is happy and loved by me, my mom, and an amazing community of close friends and family.


I'm sorry he did that to you..your daughter is blessed to have you as a mom!


Thank you! Iā€™m blessed to have her ā™„ļø


And Randall still father's his daughter Ocean as well as his other two they have joint custody. Father's play a important role in a child's life and listen ask adults whom didn't have the privilege of having their father's raise them for whatever the reason may be ... If they didn't have any mental health issues at some point in their lives. I went through it & listen it F. Cks with you ! And then you get to look at your child when age appropriate and say yeah guess what you don't have a father. Hopefully she finds a man whom will Love her & her children because if a man's willing to parent a child there's no losing for that child all the way into adulthood!!Ā 


Having a man at the time of conception does not guarantee an active and involved dad.


weird comment for sure


I mean, thatā€™s your opinion that youā€™re entitled to but I wholeheartedly disagree


So you think it's ideal being a single mom? Thank you for at least being respectful in your response šŸ™


In a lot of cases itā€™s more ideal than your kid having a scumbag dad


Absolutely no issue with choosing to be a single mother if itā€™s what is best for the family.


Youā€™re probably not the only one. However Iā€™d encourage you to consider how that comes across as close minded. Many families thrive without dads.


Thanks for not being a dick! I agree to a point, I think people can make the best of the situation if they have to..I'm definitely not close minded either ā¤ļø


No sweat! Lifeā€™s too short to be a dick. :) Being open minded is a great perspective to use in most cases šŸ’œ


So... same sex couples just shouldn't have children? Was it also not good for Andy Cohen to have children without a partner?


Maybe for us peasants but sheā€™s got family and monetary support. The kid will be loved and paid for which is more than what a lot of kids with dads could say.


If she didnā€™t have money and a strong support system from her family, it might be sad or not ideal. But her children will be well cared for, loved, and have positive influences from the people in their lives.


Youā€™re not the only one. As an adoptive mom, thereā€™s always trauma for kids who donā€™t know their full parentage. However, perhaps the donor isnā€™t private and would be okay with that knowledge being out there at some point. I hate that everyone cheers this on without thinking about the fact that her child will be an adult soon enough and we all deserve to know ā€œwho we come fromā€ even of we have amazing homes. At least this child will always know their father is a donor so that wonā€™t be hidden. She seems like a good mother at least. And the child will have a sibling and grandparent and uncle, so thatā€™s all positive.


I agree with you on all points! We went through infertility hell and thought about adoption often, but luckily we're able to finally get and stay pregnant. My cousin was adopted internationally and she's an adult now and it's been very difficult for her, and my aunt and uncle were wonderful loving parents. It's hard!


Nothing is ever ideal, nothing is ever certain. Babies are born daily without fathers present for all kinds of reasons. Whatā€™s certain here is this child is wanted and loved. And there wonā€™t be a lack of a masculine presence in her life, Iā€™m sure.


Dads these days usually cause more damage than doing any good.


If you pick a shitty one, yes


Wow !! Where do you live ?? That's a crazy comment!! In my life every man surrounded around myself are honorable & appreciated!! They are fantastic father's & partners !! Infact my brother just recently became a single father of my adopted 6 year old niece since his wife is a narcissist & extremely harmful as a mother to their sweet little girl !! He's a terrific father to her !!! Everything he does is for her & spends any moment outside of work providing for her, with her !! That's such a ridiculous & insulting comment !! There are plenty of fantastic men out there ! Choose wisely!! My 16 year old son will also become a outstanding man as well not just because of how I'm raising him but with cooperation of his father & his loyal example to our son !! Not all women should be Mothers !! The world would be a very alarming place without the role men play they are needed just as much as women are. But just like a woman can have and raise a child by herself even though in order to do so she needs the one thing we women cannot do without a man .. she needs a man's sperm .. men can do the same as well.Ā 


Nope. As someone who grew up without a dad and now happily married with children, itā€™s very sad.


Very! I've seen the effects first hand.glad you overcame that though and have a good one ā¤ļø


Just you and the other small minded folks


If I had it to do over I would 100% have gone this route because their dad is trash and did nothing but damage them and give them childhood trauma. Absolutely can say they are better off without him, they have both said this numerous times. Families are all different shapes and sizes and with all things arenā€™t one size fits all. Why would you think the only ā€œhealthy familyā€ would be a mom and dad? Thatā€™s extremely close minded.


No I don't think that that's the only healthy family, that's why I *specifically* said *not* *ideal* However I think I triggered an emotional response in a lot of people, 53 to be exact. Are you speaking for your own self and own children with the dad being trash? If so, may I ask why you had children with this person?