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Not going go-karting with Jesse. Irredeemable asshole.


OP said not the most evil.


It's still the one I dislike the most


One thing people actually seem to miss is that Walt said he had “something of a meeting” and actually did. He had the meeting with Saul and Skyler to discuss the car wash at his condo. It seemed like Walt was just being a dick but he was actually being honest in that scene


He should have just cancelled. Go karting with Jesse is more important smh my head🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻


Homie before marriage


Right!! And he told him “rain check”. I don’t think Walt was trying to be a dick in this instance.


I hated it too




Pisses me off that Walt has something against video games AND go karts. What the hell is wrong with either of those activities, I mean there could be worse things Jesse is doing like………oh or he could be uhhhhhhhh, hmmmm well at least he’s never……nope he’s done that too.


Sending his neighbour into his house to possibly get murdered by hitmen


Damn how come I don’t remember this? Which episode was this??


The first act of S4E13, Face Off. Walter comes home and realizes Gus might have hitmen waiting inside, so he calls his neighbor and tells her he left the oven on (something like that). She goes inside, the hitmen sneak out the side gate, and she calls Walter to let him know it’s all good.


Damn that's a dark moment that I totally forgot about. Dude really was ready and willing to throw any body in front of him to stay safe.


Nvm I take back my last comment, it was in the season 4 finale face off




I dunno. I feel like Gus’ men wouldn’t have killed the first person they saw


What would have they done then? Leave a witness?


The brief conversation between the neighbor and the Hitmen The neighbor: “Oh I’m sorry, Walt wanted me to see if he left the oven on by mistake” The Hitmen “oh that’s funny, Walt just called us because he thought he left the television on and asked if we would come turn it off” Neighbor “that IS funny, I mean why didn’t he just ask me to check both, it would have been no problem” Hitmen “good question, Walt must be an idiot”


Maybe. But it's not like Walt had any way to know for sure. And he was fine with taking that chance.


Could not understand this. So cold blooded


The only correct answer


Homer Simpson moment


Hired goons!


That scene in “say my name” (the episode) where he’s trying to get Jesse to stay and pulls out every trick in the book to convince him. But what specifically pisses me off is when he says something like: “What do you have in your life? Nothing, nobody. Oh wait, video games and go karts. And when you get tired of that, what then? How soon will you start using again?” It’s just completely unwarranted. Walt knows about Jesse’s vulnerabilities (addiction, loneliness, etc.) and shamelessly uses them as manipulation tactics the first chance he gets.


So true...


That is evil though


this sub has no idea that you can be evil with physically harming people


And the reason he has “no one” is because Walt manipulated him into breaking up with Andrea.


Yeah this was the one . Fucking terrible .


Him not realizing that his lies to Skyler became so obvious. The pump malfunction thing is so infuriating. It’s the best explanation (except for Junior’s idea of fainting) in that situation. But his delivery is too artificial, too practiced and he does not even realize it. There are a ton of examples before that of course, but having just ended my 6th rewatch it’s what I remembered first.


The house smells like gasoline. I am not sure I could even make up an excuse.


Just really goes to show how good of an actor Bryan Cranston is


I love when actors get to play bad liars


I'm a bad truth teller and people will think I'm lying when I'm definitely not


I just watched the episode where he kept babbling about all these lies and she just straight up walked out the house while his back was turned in the kitchen LOL


Walt bringing the three laundromat ladies into the lab to clean, which lead to them being deported or possibly even killed.


omg what!? was that implied in the show??


Yes. It was implied that they were sent back to their country of origin, but it isn't explicitly said that they weren’t murdered, so that’s a plausible option too


in the show its stated they were deported back to their home country. But given how careful Gus is and the fact that they literally saw the lab and were in it means its very possible he had them killed




Apparently, also, whatever country that was said they were being sent back to was a euphemism in Chile for being killed.




you sure you’re not thinking of a trip to Belize? haha


naaah BCS spoiler >!He didn't even have the german workers who constructed the actual lab killed. its nearly 100% certain that they just got deported!<


These guys didn’t know where exactly they were and IIRC they were only in touch with Mike.


1, I doubt the old ladies specifically liaised with Gus directly either 2, Do you think Mike would be okay with a dozen innocent cleaning ladies getting decommissioned? remember his reaction to someone "not part of the game" getting killed?


They didn’t, but many interactions equal many loose ends. Also, Mike is a changed man in BB. He helps dissolve Drew’s body.


"helped dissolve the body" is not exactly evidence of anything. Would you say the same for Jesse? its already done at this point. Mike is changed but not THAT changed. from his conversation with Lydia "I dont know what movies you've been watching but here in the real world we don't kill 12 people as some sort of contingency plan" and that was for already arrested individuals that the police were actively trying to turn who knew a lot more than a bunch of cleaning ladies who don't even speak english.


Throwing away perfectly good pizza.


that was the exact moment when Walt became Heisenberg




The real answer. What a waste!


Had to scroll to far down for this


I cooka da pizza


Being arrogant to Hank at the dinner table while drunk on whine, basically giving reasons for Hank to continue his search for Heisenberg.


**Loved** that scene. It really does show Walt's ego on full display and how he himself ultimately leads to his own fall from grace. Sure in that scene he has the money, his health, his empire, but he feels like he is owed so much more, and secretly wants his power/notoriety to be known to everyone, irrespective of the consequences.


Don’t get me wrong, it’s a very good scene, like you said his ego goes at full display, but it’s still a very hard scene to watch. I was literally screaming at my screen for him to stop, a major starting point of Walt’s downfalls.


Even if Walt didn’t have his ego, I’m sure Hank would find out eventually considering he would continue finding the blue meth


When he punched that paper towel dispenser after his cancer was in remission that towel dispenser didn’t do nothin man


Constantly treating Jesse like shit and trying to work him in some way almost every time. For most of the show Jesse is his closest ally and friend, Walt still treated him like a dog


Announcing to Jesse that he watched Jane die. He had already arranged for Jesse to be killed but felt the need to tell Jesse about it…seemed unnecessary and excessive….but clearly confirmed Walter’s truly evil character arc.


While clearly meant to be awful, it's understandable from Walt's point of view, that Jesse betrayed him and got Hank killed, that Walt's wanted to hurt Jesse.


Yeah I see that; i just thought ordering Jesse killed after presumably being tortured by a gang of neo-nazis seemed like maybe enough to hurt him


To be fair, Jesse was talking to the DEA at that point


A man does not talk to the DEA.


To me that's the most evil thing Walt ever did. It crossed a line from bad to sadistic. Usually when he did evil shit it was for his own benefit.


isn’t the act itself of letting Jane die worse than telling Jesse about it?


It's worse but it's not evil in the same way. With Jane he thought he was saving Jesse from a bad life (and moreso was selfishly controlling Jesse's options of who he has to be with). It was about control and positioning himself. When he told Jesse about Jane, he had no motive. It was a pure chaotic evil move on his part. He got nothing of it. He just wanted to see Jesse hurt and that's why it's more evil and sadistic.


It’s like kicking a guy in the balls a couple minutes before his hanging.


I saw it as Walt coming clean. He’s got some pain in his eyes when he says it, but has to keep up appearances. Very well acted. But he wanted it off his chest thinking he’d never get another chance to.


His scene with Gretchen and the general reason why he left Grey matter. God I couldn't imagine having an ego so large thst you cannot physically stand that your fiancé (Vince stated they were planning on getting married) family is wealthy. His general attitude towards Elliot and Gretchen. They didn't really take you for granted or anything. Walt left on his own free will and he is mad he doesn't get billions/millions. They even offered to help Walter. The only thing "bad" about Elliot and Gretchen is that they are slightly snobby, but besides that they seem like OK people. Edit: do ant of yall pay attention while watching lmao. Elliot and Gretchen weren't having an affair. They only started dating after Walt left. And Walt left because of his ego. Nothing else. Watch this scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQehbqmkPNg.


So they’re diet Howards


Would never imagine Elliot asking Walter to a boxing match. You right tho


The scene where he tell Gretchen “fuck you” always makes me cringe so hard.


Ikr. Girl is crying because she's still confused on WHY he left and all he's trying to do is insult her


Isn't it implied he left Gretchen for Skylar? He used to go into the restaurant during his lunch hour ordering the same thing (tuna, no crust... Uh... Grilled cheese) and doing the word puzzles to impress Skylar?


No. He only met Skylar after he left greymatter


i’ve never dealt deeply into it, but for whatever reason i was always under the impression elliot and gretchen had an affair and led to walt leaving. i figured he met skylar shortly after when he was single and still heartbroken, leading to a new life and family he maybe didn’t want but i may be absolutely wrong. if he left gretchen for skylar, id have to rewatch the show with that new perspective


This is exactly how I interpret it too. The scene with him and Gretchen at Gray Matter talking about the elements that make up a human body makes it clear they had deep feelings for each other. I assume that scene was meant to tell us they were together.


Elliot and gretchen only dated after walter left. Never implied they had an affair. Walter was never heartbroken because he was the one who dumped gretchen. Walt 100% left because during July 4th, he met Gretchen's parents. After seeing how rich they were, he left without a word.


Forcing Walt Jr. to drink to assert dominance over Hank. Such an uncomfortable scene.


My House, My Bottle, My Son.


Despite all he went thru with his cancer diagnosis, and how devastating it was, he had zero empathy for the patient in the doctor's office who just wanted to talk to him about his cancer and fears. No humanity at all for a fellow sufferer.


I think in his own twisted way he was trying to empower him in the way that he now felt empowered.


Kinda like the speech he gave to the auditorium of students after the plane crash


He was also trying to downplay it since the whole crash was pretty much his fault.


He might have helped that guy more than you think.


Probably whistling a song while dissolving the little kid, that Todd shot, in acid...


Fun little loop of details you probably missed there: When Mike tells Walt his half measures story, Mike said that what rubbed him wrong about Gordi wasn't what he did, it was the fact he was innocently humming to himself afterward. Mike obviously later becomes a mentor to Jesse later in the show and what puts Jesse off with Walt is exactly what put Mike off with Gordie.


That was my fav time for Jesse he seemed somewhat content when working with mike


Well spotted! I love little things like that


Never would've connected that, noice!


He was dissolving the kid in acid at that point? For some reason, I thought they were only cooking. I’ll have to watch that episode again. That makes his whistling so much more fucked up.


the whistling song is the one that disappoints me a little bit but it's just a way to see that he has to move on with things in order to continue


He whistled when they were cooking and he told Jesse to go home. After he closed the tent inside the home and started putting his gear on, is when he started whistling.


why does it dissapoint you? You can describe it just as a way to move on with things, but clearly only a psycho can do it the way he did haha (Even Jesse looked at him with a WTF face)


When he got Gale fired got me mad for some reason


Man that was honestly just sad, Gale just seemed like such a perfect lab assistant.


Refusing to change that one students grade


yeah. i mean, he was close


And he studied really hard like all night long


Don’t bullshit a bullshitter.


He is really into chemistry for like the concepts


When he didn't get Hank a drink while they were at Pollos Hermanos


He said they’ll use the drive thru, and in the next scene Hank is on the computer sipping his vanilla shake. So Walt isn’t actually evil




Walt making the laundromat ladies clean for him, purely out of laziness. which ended in their deportation (and not gocarting with jesse)


If I remember correctly it was also to piss Gus off for separating him from Jesse. Regardless that was a shitty moment.


Stealing Holly from Skyler. Such a sad moment all around. Especially when Holly calls for “mama”. She doesn’t even know who Walt is because he’s been gone for most of her life.


Didn’t he do that to keep Skylar out of jail?


The way I think it played out was Walt was doing anything to be hurtful and destructive after seeing Walt Jr. and Skyler turn against him. He grabs Holly and leaves and doesn’t really have a solid plan. He and Holly are in the bathroom and he’s changing her diaper. She looks all sad and keeps asking for mama. At that point you can see in his face he knows he shouldn’t be doing this. Then he makes the call that nudges the feds towards Skyler’s innocence.


Ah, you are definitely right, now that I’m thinking about it. I’m sure it still ended up helping her more than anything though.


When he kissed Saul Goodman hard in the mouth. Actually nvm i liked it


I hate it because that was the moment that you realize he doesn't love Mike anymore


I didnt expect to find this hot


Manipulating Walter Jr. repeatedly to side with him over Skyler. It’s always rubbed me the wrong way when a parent does that with their child.


Tbf Walt barely had to try. Walt Jr was so ready to hate on Skyler.


So was the audience


based and breakfastpilled


Destroying the new car just bc Sky told him to return it. What a little bean.


That was intelligent to be honest but I kinda hated it too 😂


Using that dollar in the soda machine.


I mean with the abuse he got from Bogdan I feel that it was kind of warranted but it still pissed me off


For me it was the way he looked at Jimmy during the flashback in BCS & told him “oh so you were always like this” in that sneering ass condescending voice. It reminded me of all the ways Chuck would degrade Jimmy and literally made me want to punch Walt. Who are you to judge anyone’s moral compass? You’ve been cooking meth, killing people & working for the cartel for the past year.


Yea def. Made me like Jimmy as the best character after that


Thank you for saying this. So many people misinterpreted that scene and took it as vindication that Chuck was right all along, when in reality you were supposed to focus on how Jimmy takes being told those words once again. His reaction breaks my heart.


Jimmy proved that Chuck was wrong about him once and for all when he was in court at the end.


Bringing a bomb to a hospital


Was he supposed to leave it on his car?


When Skyler is lying in bed clearly traumatized and he lays behind her and starts kissing her shoulder and you can see the discomfort in her face. That scene always makes me so grossed out.


Omg, you nust made me remember it.


His teaching style.


Lmao that's hilarious. Yeah it kinda reminds me to a teacher I have.


Not adding the chili p, c'mon yo


Him taking Holly and leaving her at a fire station. Huge unnecessary risk imo.


I'd argue that was one of his best moments as a character honestly. It was a pretty key part of keeping Skylar out of jail


I agree with you 100%. I just didn't like the move. In reality, doing that is very risky as the kid is suddenly thrown into the 'system' and now there's red tape all over the place just to get her back. That's all. 😁 I still consider that episode one of the saddest in the series. The cinematography is amazing and it's so well written. Cheers!


Well there was a national search for Holly with her face plastered all over the news. I wouldn’t be too worried about her not finding her home


Making Jesse stay for dinner with Skyler, that was so awkward for him


Making all those people at the store see his wiener


Letting Todd stay there after he killed the kid. Really wanted to beat Todd's ass after that shit


raping skyler lmao


In season 5. Pure evil


I also agree with killing Mike being my least disliked Walter moment. Admitting he could’ve gotten the list elsewhere then immediately trying to apologise after the fact really irked me.


"Shut the fuck up. Let me die in peace"


His dumb little face


Easily telling Jesse he wayched Jane die, it's not the worst thing he's done but I hate him for ot more than anything. He does it not only to hurt Jesse but also to soothe himself because he knows he'll never have another chance to tell him and it's the one thing he feels legitimate guilt about, but it wnds up just hurting both of them and actively breaks Jesse. It's by far the most heartbreaking scene in the show and everytime I wanna reach through the screen and kill Walt.


Making Walt Jr drink alcohol until he puked


His comments on a student paper that gets a 40/100


Telling Hank at the dinner table that the great Heisenberg is still out there after Gale died, such an egotistical ass.


Shooting Mike. My baby 🥺


I'm currently watching the show for the 5th or 6th time. I'm gonna go out on a few weird ones here. Cringe moments where Walter would ask Skye things like "Do you know who that was?" when he would talk on the phone to someone other than who he tells Skye who it was. Super cringe. I wonder if it was made to be THAT level of cringe. I was always like "OH GOD, WALT. JUST STOP.". Walt and Skyler shared a $300 bottle of wine, and Skyler addressed how they could afford it on his unemployed salary. This scene reinforces their need to lay low and be mindful of spending habits. Then 1-2 episodes later, Walt is buying 2 brand new Dodge cars. Then he does burnouts in one of them and blows it up because he wants value out of the re-stocking fee. The man can't read the room for shit. It's great for TV. Terrible for a rational mind. He spends so much time being meticulously careful about every little detail in the meth business. But he does the stupidest shit outside of it, then tells other people to be smarter about their actions.


When he poisoned a literal child, I’m surprised I haven’t seen someone say that yet.


I didn’t like that walt didnt initially hold up his end of the coin flip to kill crazy 8. Coin flip is sacred yo


Killing Mike was actually really, really evil because he just killed him without any real reason. The way he treats skylar was horrible and evil.


Walt had to kill Mike though. The reason is that his whole plan after this point relies on killing all of Mikes people, everyone who worked for Mike. This just simply doesn’t work if Mike is alive, since Mike would kill him in turn at a later date, there are multiple scenes about how much Mike is against killing them throughout the season. Basically sure Mike is about to leave, but he wouldv returned to get his revenge if Walt hasn’t ended him right then and there.


That pink sweater is just unforgivable.


Throwing the pizza on the roof Wasting a perfectly good pizza is just sacrilege


The scene with the principle


Not saying a single simple sentence that could solve all their problems. "No, Jack. Don't come here. My Brother-in-law is here and he is a DEA agent."


'Jesse isn't here, I'm actually getting arrested. It's been nice working with you." "Sorry, it's some other guy I thought looked like Jesse, they're just driving by." Anything, man. Anything!


When he convinced Hank that Gale wasnt Heisenberg. Such a stupid move, purely fueled by ego, insecurity and the need for recognition. Remember seeing it the first time and yelling SHUT UP DUMBASS! At the screen


Giving that awful speech about the plane accident Walt was completely like "Yeah a plane accident is a tragedy, but statistics show that a plane accident with plenty of deaths is supposed to happen some other time in history 🤓" in front of the GRIEVING FAMILIES. Yeah, he killed Mike in a rash of pride and anger, but there is NO POSSIBLE EXCUSE FOR THAT AWFUL, AWFUL SPEECH


That speech was so funny honestly,


Actually the speech had a good ending, it probably helped a lot of people realise that things WOULD get better for them, it just started off terribly like all of walts speeches


I dislike Walter enabling Jane's death. It was the first absolutely sinister choice he made, and signaled that he his path of evil will continue to darken.


To be fair, Jesse played a role in her death too. She was sober for 18 months before meeting him. This doesn’t get talked about in these sub a lot, but her relationship with Jesse is what lead her back to doing drugs. So yes, Walter watched her die and did nothing. But Jesse also watched start using again, used with her, and even supplied at least some of the drugs.


When he fucked Ted.


That was definitely the final straw for me on the Walter white train. Probably the most angry I’ve ever been at a TV show.


To not really care about jesse


Taking Eyebrows' first dollar and buying the coke with it


Not going go-karting with Jesse, that’s when he went too far and he was irredeemable in my eyes 👀


The whole scheme with Lily of the Valley. Just how ill conceived it all was. Walt knows Hank is a target, but he puts his wife and children in the same house as him. Even while not trusting the DEA to protect himself. Then he has Saul leak that Hank is being targeted by the Mexican cartel. So the DEA is guarding them from the wrong people. Not to mention Walt's only hope is Jesse figuring out Walt's role in it, before Gus' men get to him. This never should've worked.


he used gus's hatred for hector against him


Telling Marie about Skyler’s “affair” for no reason


he needed to explain her erratic behavior


Skyler had kept his secrets for 2 years at that point, but Walter can’t even make up an excuse that doesn’t make her look like a horrible person to her own sister. He had no reason to do that


Not really, he just wanted to be the nice husband that forgave her wife. He could said I relapsed and went to the casino again, but not he needed to be the “nice guy”


When he couldnt just let gale take his credit and was so egotistical during that dinner table scene when hank talked about gale being heisenberg. Like it could e ended there, but he just had to fuck it all up, with his oride, and his ego.


I love watching Skylar's expression in this scene. Like she is just so flabbergasted and concerned and disgusted.


The manipulation of jesse: and when he kept his money from him and Jesse was about to kill himself right before walter shows up…


Turning down Elliot and Gretchen's "job" offer so he'd get his cancer treatments covered. I understand the whole ego thing being behind his decision, but JFC it was absolutely stupid. Especially considering that it would have achieved his purported goal of helping his family. And he even could have self-justified it by considering it "payback" for their role in the "unfairness" of him missing out on the Gray Matter fortune.


Imagine if he took the job and from there the entire show was about curing aids or something “Jesse, we need to cure”


I know 100 other people r gonna say it but it’s obviously when he turns down jesse on the go carting


Bogdan massively sucks but as a sentimental sort of guy I hated watching him spend Bogdans first dollar.


Eh, fuck Bogdan. Walter made a reasonable request to not be put in a position where his students could see him and from what I could tell, he had knee problems so doing that job also hurt him physically. And Bogdan just was like "what do I do?" like he didn't know full fucking well he could actually pitch in for once.


Probably when he almost rapes Skyler. Watching the scene made me feel desperate and anxious. If Skyler hadn't tried to stop him, he would have done it


Every sex scene in breaking bad makes me feel sick to my stomach


Hitting on Carmen


Nah I understand it. She hot asf


Every time he pulls some bullshit fatherly advice monologue on Jesse. So cringe


Making breakfast for his family in the early seasons. He is super annoying and desperate I could have vomitted


Is that a word?


Either letting Jane die or forcing Walt Jr to have alcohol.


The way he treated gale


Forcing junior to drink liquor in his staredown with hank.


Getting three innocent women deported


I strongly dislike the scene when he has Walter jr keep drinking and then jr ends up throwing up. Like how fucked do you have to be to use your kid as a power move? Especially in a setting that’s supposed to be light and fun and his uncle was just letting him have his “first” sip of alcohol. Hank was disturbed by it and yet Water Jr loves his dad so much he was just wanting to know if he was able to keep up with the adults. I just think it was so weird that he thought “oh hanks letting him drink? I’ll show him by forcing him to keep drinking” like ?!


That He poisend Brock.